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  • Akama Horde

  • Alexstrasza Alliance

  • Alexstrasza Horde

  • Alleria Alliance

  • Alleria Horde

  • Altar Of Storms Alliance

  • Altar Of Storms Horde

  • Alterac Mountains Alliance

  • Alterac Mountains Horde

  • Aman'Thul Alliance

  • Aman'Thul Horde

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  • Andorhal Horde

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  • Anetheron Horde

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  • Antonidas Horde

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  • Anub'arak Horde

  • Anvilmar Alliance

  • Anvilmar Horde

  • Arathor Alliance

  • Arathor Horde

  • Archimonde Alliance

  • Archimonde Horde

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  • Area 52 Horde

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  • Argent Dawn Horde

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  • Arthas Horde

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  • Arygos Horde

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  • Auchindoun Horde

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  • Azgalor Horde

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  • Azjol Nerub Horde

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  • Azralon Horde

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  • Azshara Horde

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  • Azuremyst Horde

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  • Baelgun Horde

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  • Balnazzar Horde

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  • Barthilas Horde

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  • Black Dragonflight Horde

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  • Blackhand Horde

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  • Blackrock Horde

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  • Blackwater Raiders Horde

  • Blackwing Lair Alliance

  • Blackwing Lair Horde

  • Blade's Edge Alliance

  • Blade's Edge Horde

  • Bladefist Alliance

  • Bladefist Horde

  • Bleeding Hollow Alliance

  • Bleeding Hollow Horde

  • Blood Furnace Alliance

  • Blood Furnace Horde

  • Bloodhoof Alliance

  • Bloodhoof Horde

  • Bloodscalp Alliance

  • Bloodscalp Horde

  • Bonechewer Alliance

  • Bonechewer Horde

  • Borean Tundra Alliance

  • Borean Tundra Horde

  • Boulderfist Alliance

  • Boulderfist Horde

  • Bronzebeard Alliance

  • Bronzebeard Horde

  • Burning Blade Alliance

  • Burning Blade Horde

  • Burning PC Harvest Alliance

  • Burning PC Harvest Horde

  • Caelestrasz Alliance

  • Caelestrasz Horde

  • Cairne Alliance

  • Cairne Horde

  • Cenarion Circle Alliance

  • Cenarion Circle Horde

  • Cenarius Alliance

  • Cenarius Horde

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  • Cho'gall Horde

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  • Chromaggus Horde

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  • Coilfang Horde

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  • Crushridge Horde

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  • Daggerspine Horde

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  • Dalaran Horde

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  • Dalvengyr Horde

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  • Dark Iron Horde

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  • Darkspear Horde

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  • Dawnbringer Horde

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  • Deathwing Horde

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  • Demon Soul Horde

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  • Dentarg Horde

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  • Destromath Horde

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  • Dethecus Horde

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  • Detheroc Horde

  • Doomhammer Alliance

  • Doomhammer Horde

  • Draenor Alliance

  • Draenor Horde

  • DragonPSFour Harvest Alliance

  • DragonPSFour Harvest Horde

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  • Dragonmaw Horde

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  • Drak'thul Horde

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  • Drenden Horde

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  • Dunemaul Horde

  • Durotan Alliance

  • Durotan Horde

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  • Duskwood Horde

  • Earthen Ring Alliance

  • Earthen Ring Horde

  • Echo Isles Alliance

  • Echo Isles Horde

  • Eitrigg Alliance

  • Eitrigg Horde

  • Eldre'Thalas Alliance

  • Eldre'Thalas Horde

  • Elune Alliance

  • Elune Horde

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  • Emerald Dream Horde

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  • Eonar Horde

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  • Eredar Horde

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  • Executus Horde

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  • Exodar Horde

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  • Farstriders Horde

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  • Feathermoon Horde

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  • Fenris Horde

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  • Firetree Horde

  • Fizzcrank Alliance

  • Fizzcrank Horde

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  • Frostmane Horde

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  • Frostmourne Horde

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  • Frostwolf Horde

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  • Galakrond Horde

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  • Gallywix Horde

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  • Garithos Horde

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  • Garona Horde

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  • Garrosh Horde

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  • Ghostlands Horde

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  • Gilneas Horde

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  • Gnomeregan Horde

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  • Goldrinn Horde

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  • Gorefiend Horde

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  • Gorgonnash Horde

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  • Greymane Horde

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  • Grizzly Hills Horde

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  • Gul'dan Horde

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  • Gundrak Horde

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  • Gurubashi Horde

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  • Hakkar Horde

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  • Haomarush Horde

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  • Hellscream Horde

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  • Hydraxis Horde

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  • Hyjal Horde

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  • Icecrown Horde

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  • Illidan Horde

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  • Jaedenar Horde

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  • Jubei'Thos Horde

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  • Kael'thas Horde

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  • Kalecgos Horde

  • Kargath Alliance

  • Kargath Horde

  • Kel'Thuzad Alliance

  • Kel'Thuzad Horde

  • Khadgar Alliance

  • Khadgar Horde

  • Khaz Modan Alliance

  • Khaz Modan Horde

  • Khaz'goroth Alliance

  • Khaz'goroth Horde

  • Kil'Jaeden Alliance

  • Kil'Jaeden Horde

  • Kilrogg Alliance

  • Kilrogg Horde

  • Kirin Tor Alliance

  • Kirin Tor Horde

  • Korgath Alliance

  • Korgath Horde

  • Korialstrasz Alliance

  • Korialstrasz Horde

  • Kul Tiras Alliance

  • Kul Tiras Horde

  • Laughing Skull Alliance

  • Laughing Skull Horde

  • Lethon Alliance

  • Lethon Horde

  • Lightbringer Alliance

  • Lightbringer Horde

  • Lightning's Blade Alliance

  • Lightning's Blade Horde

  • Lightninghoof Alliance

  • Lightninghoof Horde

  • Llane Alliance

  • Llane Horde

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  • Lothar Horde

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  • Madoran Horde

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  • Maelstrom Horde

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  • Magtheridon Horde

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  • Maiev Horde

  • Mal'Ganis Alliance

  • Mal'Ganis Horde

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  • Malfurion Horde

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  • Malorne Horde

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  • Malygos Horde

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  • Mannoroth Horde

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  • Medivh Horde

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  • Misha Horde

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  • Mok'Nathal Horde

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  • Moon Guard Horde

  • Moonrunner Alliance

  • Moonrunner Horde

  • Mug'thol Alliance

  • Mug'thol Horde

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  • Muradin Horde

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  • Nagrand Horde

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  • Nathrezim Horde

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  • Nazgrel Horde

  • Nazjatar Alliance

  • Nazjatar Horde

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  • Nemesis Horde

  • Ner'Zhul Alliance

  • Ner'Zhul Horde

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  • Nesingwary Horde

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  • Nordrassil Horde

  • Norgannon Alliance

  • Norgannon Horde

  • Onyxia Alliance

  • Onyxia Horde

  • Perenolde Alliance

  • Perenolde Horde

  • Proudmoore Alliance

  • Proudmoore Horde

  • Quel'dorei Alliance

  • Quel'dorei Horde

  • Quel'Thalas Alliance

  • Quel'Thalas Horde

  • Ragnaros Alliance

  • Ragnaros Horde

  • Ravencrest Alliance

  • Ravencrest Horde

  • Ravenholdt Alliance

  • Ravenholdt Horde

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  • Rexxar Horde

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  • Rivendare Horde

  • Runetotem Alliance

  • Runetotem Horde

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  • Sargeras Horde

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  • Saurfang Horde

  • Scarlet Crusade Alliance

  • Scarlet Crusade Horde

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  • Scilla Horde

  • Sen'Jin Alliance

  • Sen'Jin Horde

  • Sentinels Alliance

  • Sentinels Horde

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  • Shadow Council Horde

  • Shadow Moon Alliance

  • Shadow Moon Horde

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  • Shadowsong Horde

  • Shandris Alliance

  • Shandris Horde

  • Shattered Halls Alliance

  • Shattered Halls Horde

  • Shattered Hand Alliance

  • Shattered Hand Horde

  • Shu'halo Alliance

  • Shu'halo Horde

  • Silver Hand Alliance

  • Silver Hand Horde

  • Silvermoon Alliance

  • Silvermoon Horde

  • Sisters Of Elune Alliance

  • Sisters Of Elune Horde

  • Skullcrusher Alliance

  • Skullcrusher Horde

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  • Skywall Horde

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  • Smolderthorn Horde

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  • Spinebreaker Horde

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  • Spirestone Horde

  • Staghelm Alliance

  • Staghelm Horde

  • Steamwheedle Cartel Alliance

  • Steamwheedle Cartel Horde

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  • Stonemaul Horde

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  • Stormrage Horde

  • Stormreaver Alliance

  • Stormreaver Horde

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  • Stormscale Horde

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  • Suramar Horde

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  • Tanaris Horde

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  • Terenas Horde

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  • Terokkar Horde

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  • Thaurissan Horde

  • The Forgotten Coast Alliance

  • The Forgotten Coast Horde

  • The Scryers Alliance

  • The Scryers Horde

  • The Underbog Alliance

  • The Underbog Horde

  • The Venture Co Alliance

  • The Venture Co Horde

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  • Thorium Brotherhood Horde

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  • Thrall Horde

  • Thunderhorn Alliance

  • Thunderhorn Horde

  • Thunderlord Alliance

  • Thunderlord Horde

  • Tichondrius Alliance

  • Tichondrius Horde

  • Tol Barad Alliance

  • Tol Barad Horde

  • Tortheldrin Alliance

  • Tortheldrin Horde

  • Trollbane Alliance

  • Trollbane Horde

  • Turalyon Alliance

  • Turalyon Horde

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  • Twisting Nether Horde

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  • Uldaman Horde

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  • Uldum Horde

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  • Undermine Horde

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  • Ursin Horde

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  • Uther Horde

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  • Vashj Horde

  • Vek'nilash Alliance

  • Vek'nilash Horde

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  • Velen Horde

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  • Warsong Horde

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  • Whisperwind Horde

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  • Wildhammer Horde

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  • Windrunner Horde

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  • Winterhoof Horde

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  • Wyrmrest Accord Horde

  • Ysera Alliance

  • Ysera Horde

  • Ysondre Alliance

  • Ysondre Horde

  • Zangarmarsh Alliance

  • Zangarmarsh Horde

  • Zul'jin Alliance

  • Zul'jin Horde

  • Zuluhed Alliance

  • Zuluhed Horde

All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
  • Aegwynn Alliance

  • Aegwynn Horde

  • Aerie Peak Alliance

  • Aerie Peak Horde

  • Agamaggan Alliance

  • Agamaggan Horde

  • Aggra Alliance

  • Aggra Horde

  • Aggramar Alliance

  • Aggramar Horde

  • Ahn'Qiraj Alliance

  • Ahn'Qiraj Horde

  • Al'Akir Alliance

  • Al'Akir Horde

  • Alexstrasza Alliance

  • Alexstrasza Horde

  • Alleria Alliance

  • Alleria Horde

  • Alonsus Alliance

  • Alonsus Horde

  • Aman'Thul Alliance

  • Aman'Thul Horde

  • Ambossar Alliance

  • Ambossar Horde

  • Anachronos Alliance

  • Anachronos Horde

  • Anetheron Alliance

  • Anetheron Horde

  • Antonidas Alliance

  • Antonidas Horde

  • Anub'arak Alliance

  • Anub'arak Horde

  • Anvilmar Alliance

  • Anvilmar Horde

  • Arak-Arahm Alliance

  • Arak-Arahm Horde

  • Arathi Alliance

  • Arathi Horde

  • Arathor Alliance

  • Arathor Horde

  • Archimonde Alliance

  • Archimonde Horde

  • Area 52 Alliance

  • Area 52 Horde

  • Argent Dawn Alliance

  • Argent Dawn Horde

  • Arthas Alliance

  • Arthas Horde

  • Arygos Alliance

  • Arygos Horde

  • Aszune Alliance

  • Aszune Horde

  • Auchindoun Alliance

  • Auchindoun Horde

  • Azjol-Nerub Alliance

  • Azjol-Nerub Horde

  • Azshara Alliance

  • Azshara Horde

  • Azuremyst Alliance

  • Azuremyst Horde

  • Baelgun Alliance

  • Baelgun Horde

  • Balnazzar Alliance

  • Balnazzar Horde

  • Blackhand Alliance

  • Blackhand Horde

  • Blackmoore Alliance

  • Blackmoore Horde

  • Blackrock Alliance

  • Blackrock Horde

  • Blade's Edge Alliance

  • Blade's Edge Horde

  • Bladefist Alliance

  • Bladefist Horde

  • Bloodfeather Alliance

  • Bloodfeather Horde

  • Bloodhoof Alliance

  • Bloodhoof Horde

  • Bloodscalp Alliance

  • Bloodscalp Horde

  • Blutkessel Alliance

  • Blutkessel Horde

  • Boulderfist Alliance

  • Boulderfist Horde

  • Bronze Dragonflight Alliance

  • Bronze Dragonflight Horde

  • Bronzebeard Alliance

  • Bronzebeard Horde

  • Burning Blade Alliance

  • Burning Blade Horde

  • Burning PC Harvest Alliance

  • Burning PC Harvest Horde

  • Burning Steppes Alliance

  • Burning Steppes Horde

  • C'Thun Alliance

  • C'Thun Horde

  • Chamber Of Aspects Alliance

  • Chamber Of Aspects Horde

  • Chants Eternels Alliance

  • Chants Eternels Horde

  • Cho'gall Alliance

  • Cho'gall Horde

  • Chromaggus Alliance

  • Chromaggus Horde

  • Colinas Pardas Alliance

  • Colinas Pardas Horde

  • Confrerie Du Thorium Alliance

  • Confrerie Du Thorium Horde

  • Conseil Des Ombres Alliance

  • Conseil Des Ombres Horde

  • Crushridge Alliance

  • Crushridge Horde

  • Culte De La Rive Noire Alliance

  • Culte De La Rive Noire Horde

  • Daggerspine Alliance

  • Daggerspine Horde

  • Dalaran Alliance

  • Dalaran Horde

  • Dalvengyr Alliance

  • Dalvengyr Horde

  • Darkmoon Faire Alliance

  • Darkmoon Faire Horde

  • Darksorrow Alliance

  • Darksorrow Horde

  • Darkspear Alliance

  • Darkspear Horde

  • Das Konsortium Alliance

  • Das Konsortium Horde

  • Das Syndikat Alliance

  • Das Syndikat Horde

  • Deathwing Alliance

  • Deathwing Horde

  • Defias Brotherhood Alliance

  • Defias Brotherhood Horde

  • Dentarg Alliance

  • Dentarg Horde

  • Der Abyssische Rat Alliance

  • Der Abyssische Rat Horde

  • Der Mithrilorden Alliance

  • Der Mithrilorden Horde

  • Der Rat Von Dalaran Alliance

  • Der Rat Von Dalaran Horde

  • Destromath Alliance

  • Destromath Horde

  • Dethecus Alliance

  • Dethecus Horde

  • Die Aldor Alliance

  • Die Aldor Horde

  • Die Arguswacht Alliance

  • Die Arguswacht Horde

  • Die Ewige Wacht Alliance

  • Die Ewige Wacht Horde

  • Die Nachtwache Alliance

  • Die Nachtwache Horde

  • Die Silberne Hand Alliance

  • Die Silberne Hand Horde

  • Die Todeskrallen Alliance

  • Die Todeskrallen Horde

  • Doomhammer Alliance

  • Doomhammer Horde

  • Draenor Alliance

  • Draenor Horde

  • DragonPSFour Harvest Alliance

  • DragonPSFour Harvest Horde

  • Dragonmaw Alliance

  • Dragonmaw Horde

  • Drak'thul Alliance

  • Drak'thul Horde

  • Drek'Thar Alliance

  • Drek'Thar Horde

  • Dun Modr Alliance

  • Dun Modr Horde

  • Dun Morogh Alliance

  • Dun Morogh Horde

  • Dunemaul Alliance

  • Dunemaul Horde

  • Durotan Alliance

  • Durotan Horde

  • Earthen Ring Alliance

  • Earthen Ring Horde

  • Echsenkessel Alliance

  • Echsenkessel Horde

  • Eitrigg Alliance

  • Eitrigg Horde

  • Eldre'Thalas Alliance

  • Eldre'Thalas Horde

  • Elune Alliance

  • Elune Horde

  • Emerald Dream Alliance

  • Emerald Dream Horde

  • Emeriss Alliance

  • Emeriss Horde

  • Eonar Alliance

  • Eonar Horde

  • Eredar Alliance

  • Eredar Horde

  • Executus Alliance

  • Executus Horde

  • Exodar Alliance

  • Exodar Horde

  • Festung Der Stürme Alliance

  • Festung Der Stürme Horde

  • Forscherliga Alliance

  • Forscherliga Horde

  • Frostmane Alliance

  • Frostmane Horde

  • Frostmourne Alliance

  • Frostmourne Horde

  • Frostwhisper Alliance

  • Frostwhisper Horde

  • Frostwolf Alliance

  • Frostwolf Horde

  • Garona Alliance

  • Garona Horde

  • Garrosh Alliance

  • Garrosh Horde

  • Genjuros Alliance

  • Genjuros Horde

  • Ghostlands Alliance

  • Ghostlands Horde

  • Gilneas Alliance

  • Gilneas Horde

  • Gorgonnash Alliance

  • Gorgonnash Horde

  • Grim Batol Alliance

  • Grim Batol Horde

  • Gul'dan Alliance

  • Gul'dan Horde

  • Hakkar Alliance

  • Hakkar Horde

  • Haomarush Alliance

  • Haomarush Horde

  • Hellfire Alliance

  • Hellfire Horde

  • Hellscream Alliance

  • Hellscream Horde

  • Hyjal Alliance

  • Hyjal Horde

  • Illidan Alliance

  • Illidan Horde

  • Jaedenar Alliance

  • Jaedenar Horde

  • Kael'Thas Alliance

  • Kael'Thas Horde

  • Karazhan Alliance

  • Karazhan Horde

  • Kargath Alliance

  • Kargath Horde

  • Kazzak Alliance

  • Kazzak Horde

  • Kel'Thuzad Alliance

  • Kel'Thuzad Horde

  • Khadgar Alliance

  • Khadgar Horde

  • Khaz Modan Alliance

  • Khaz Modan Horde

  • Khaz'goroth Alliance

  • Khaz'goroth Horde

  • Kil'Jaeden Alliance

  • Kil'Jaeden Horde

  • Kilrogg Alliance

  • Kilrogg Horde

  • Kirin Tor Alliance

  • Kirin Tor Horde

  • Kor'gall Alliance

  • Kor'gall Horde

  • Krag'jin Alliance

  • Krag'jin Horde

  • Krasus Alliance

  • Krasus Horde

  • Kul Tiras Alliance

  • Kul Tiras Horde

  • Kult Der Verdammten Alliance

  • Kult Der Verdammten Horde

  • La Croisade Écarlate Alliance

  • La Croisade Écarlate Horde

  • Laughing Skull Alliance

  • Laughing Skull Horde

  • Les Clairvoyants Alliance

  • Les Clairvoyants Horde

  • Les Sentinelles Alliance

  • Les Sentinelles Horde

  • Lightbringer Alliance

  • Lightbringer Horde

  • Lightning's Blade Alliance

  • Lightning's Blade Horde

  • Lordaeron Alliance

  • Lordaeron Horde

  • Los Errantes Alliance

  • Los Errantes Horde

  • Lothar Alliance

  • Lothar Horde

  • Madmortem Alliance

  • Madmortem Horde

  • Magtheridon Alliance

  • Magtheridon Horde

  • Mal'Ganis Alliance

  • Mal'Ganis Horde

  • Malfurion Alliance

  • Malfurion Horde

  • Malorne Alliance

  • Malorne Horde

  • Malygos Alliance

  • Malygos Horde

  • Mannoroth Alliance

  • Mannoroth Horde

  • Marecage De Zangar Alliance

  • Marecage De Zangar Horde

  • Mazrigos Alliance

  • Mazrigos Horde

  • Medivh Alliance

  • Medivh Horde

  • Minahonda Alliance

  • Minahonda Horde

  • Molten Core Alliance

  • Molten Core Horde

  • Moonglade Alliance

  • Moonglade Horde

  • Mug'thol Alliance

  • Mug'thol Horde

  • Nagrand Alliance

  • Nagrand Horde

  • Nathrezim Alliance

  • Nathrezim Horde

  • Naxxramas Alliance

  • Naxxramas Horde

  • Nazjatar Alliance

  • Nazjatar Horde

  • Nefarian Alliance

  • Nefarian Horde

  • Nemesis Alliance

  • Nemesis Horde

  • Neptulon Alliance

  • Neptulon Horde

  • Ner'zhul Alliance

  • Ner'zhul Horde

  • Nera'thor Alliance

  • Nera'thor Horde

  • Nethersturm Alliance

  • Nethersturm Horde

  • Nordrassil Alliance

  • Nordrassil Horde

  • Norgannon Alliance

  • Norgannon Horde

  • Nozdormu Alliance

  • Nozdormu Horde

  • Onyxia Alliance

  • Onyxia Horde

  • Outland Alliance

  • Outland Horde

  • Perenolde Alliance

  • Perenolde Horde

  • Pierre Farines Alliance

  • Pierre Farines Horde

  • Pozzo Dell'Eternita Alliance

  • Pozzo Dell'Eternita Horde

  • Proudmoore Alliance

  • Proudmoore Horde

  • Quel'Thalas Alliance

  • Quel'Thalas Horde

  • Ragnaros Alliance

  • Ragnaros Horde

  • Rajaxx Alliance

  • Rajaxx Horde

  • Rashgarroth Alliance

  • Rashgarroth Horde

  • Ravencrest Alliance

  • Ravencrest Horde

  • Ravenholdt Alliance

  • Ravenholdt Horde

  • Rexxar Alliance

  • Rexxar Horde

  • Runetotem Alliance

  • Runetotem Horde

  • Sanguino Alliance

  • Sanguino Horde

  • Sargeras Alliance

  • Sargeras Horde

  • Saurfang Alliance

  • Saurfang Horde

  • Scarshield PC Harvest Alliance

  • Scarshield PC Harvest Horde

  • Sen'jin Alliance

  • Sen'jin Horde

  • Shadow Moon Alliance

  • Shadow Moon Horde

  • Shadowsong Alliance

  • Shadowsong Horde

  • Shattered Halls Alliance

  • Shattered Halls Horde

  • Shattered Hand Alliance

  • Shattered Hand Horde

  • Shattrath Alliance

  • Shattrath Horde

  • Shen'dralar Alliance

  • Shen'dralar Horde

  • Silvermoon Alliance

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About WOW The War Within

WOW The War Within is the big update of 2024 and the major update for The War Within. This update can bring us new raids, new quest areas, changes to the Mythic+ dungeon pool, and a new PVP season and corresponding rewards.

So, what exactly does WOW The War Within bring?

  • New Zone: The Emerald Dream
  • New Raid: Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope
  • New Legendary Weapon: Fyr’alath, the Dream Render
  • New Public Events: Superbloom, Emerald Frenzy, Emerald Bounty
  • New Faction: Dream Wardens
  • New World Boss: Aurostor the Hibernating
  • New Class Tier Sets
  • Class Reworks: Rogue and Demon Hunter
  • Mythic+ & PvP Season 3
  • Dragonriding: New Mount, Glyphs, Races, Customizations
  • Character Customizations: Blood Elf, Druid Forms

Join us and enjoy the brand new The War Within content update!

What is WOW The War Within Gold?

World of Warcraft The War Within also has its own currency - WoW The War Within Gold. When you get in trouble with difficulties during the game, you may need the help of many WoW TWW Gold to tide over. World of Warcraft TWW Gold can solve your all problems, from controlling the process to mitigating injuries.

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WOW The War Within: Do You Know How To Get Siesbarg? - Locations And Steps

WOW The War Within: Do You Know How To Get Siesbarg? - Locations And Steps

Siesbarg is one of the coolest mounts in Azj-Kahet. This guide will show you how to get Siesbarg in World Of Warcraft The War Within, as well as the best places to gather the required materials.

Get A Vial Of Tka’kthat’s Blood

You first need to get Vial of Tka’kthat’s blood from Tka’kthat in Azj-Kahet. Tka’kthat will only spawn every four to six hours, so it’s best to check his spawn group in Group Finder tab. Vial of Tka’kthat’s blood has a drop rate of about 73%, and it may take several attempts to obtain it. And it is recommended to team up with other players to defeat this fairly powerful rare monster. Once you have the item, you need to go to City of Threads to find Shalba, who will guide you to the next quest.

The First Quest ‘Those Are Chitin Words’

The first quest you need to complete is ‘Those Are Chitin Words’, where you need to collect 1500 Nerubian Chitin from Nerubians in Khaz Algar. Most Nerubians will drop around three or four Chitin, with elite and stronger enemies having a higher drop rate.

Nerubians can respawn quickly in Opalcrag, south of Dorn. Additionally, Ara-Kara, City of Echoes dungeon can not only offer a more intensive collection opportunity, but is also a great place to earn WOW The War Within Gold. This is accomplished by queuing up for solo follower dungeons and clearing all enemies up to the second boss, then quitting and starting over. The large number of elites here usually provide a large amount of Chitin, and solo follower dungeons can be completed up to ten times a day.

Get Nerubian Venom

Shalba will then task you with returning and destroying Nerubians, but this time you will need to collect 1,000 Nerubian Venoms. Venoms have a very low drop rate, so focusing on defeating elites and rares enemies will be a more efficient strategy. However, since elites and rares enemies are large and difficult to deal with, it is recommended to take on this mission in a group.

Many high-level Nerubians can be encountered in Siegehold located north of Weavers Lair, including Siegehold Defenders, which have a 34% chance of dropping one to four Venoms. In addition, if you are short of any equipment or items during the battle, you can follow Giveaway channel in IGGM discord and be active in the discord group, which will post product giveaway information from time to time.

Complete ‘A Small Ocean’s Worth Of Blood’

Finally, Shalba’s ultimate quest, A Small Ocean’s Worth of Blood, requires players to collect 500 Nerubian Bloods. These Bloods can only be obtained from Ascended or bipedal, Nerubians, and Skyrazors.

Elite Nerubians in City of Threads, especially in the area around Transformatory, almost always drop Nerubian Bloods. Additionally, Sureki Raiders and Priestesses in the northernmost chasm of Azj-Kahet are also a wonderful source of Nerubian Blood. Alternatively, players can choose to challenge City of Echoes dungeon again and clear all enemies encountered, which will result in a good 50-120 blood-per-run.

After completing these challenging tasks, return to Shelba to claim your Siesbarg, which not only showcases the player’s achievements but also provides a unique riding experience on the battlefield of Azeroth.

WOW The War Within: 10 Mounts Of Disparate Kinds That Deserving To Be Embraced

WOW The War Within: 10 Mounts Of Disparate Kinds That Deserving To Be Embraced

Mount system in World of Warcraft has undergone many changes over the years, but the basic mechanics remain the same. Different types of mounts have different functions. For example, some can only run on the ground, while others can fly, and they are all very valuable.

Accompanied with the release of The War Within, many new mounts have been added to the game. These new mounts have different outlooks, catering to different aesthetic standards among players, such as some are cute, while others are a bit scary. Now let’s take a look at the 10 best mounts that are most suitable for players to own.

10. Wick

Wick looks silly and cute, full of fun. It can be embraced from Darkflame Cleft dungeon on Mythic mode. Players need to save it from wicked Ol’ Waxbeard.

9. Diamond Mechsuit

From the name, this mount may be very popular with girls. From the points of its features of solidity and gigantic outlook. this mount will be pretty helpful in the aspects of protecting players.

Diamond Mechsuit mount can be embraced by those players who have finished Keystone Master achievement in Season 1 of The War Within.

8. Alunira Alunira

Alunira Alunira is an attractive mount with adorable looks, but it is also the most difficult to unlock mount in the game, which requires ten Crackling Shards to get.

7. Beledar’s Spawn

One of the main theme of The War Within is the invasion of Void. Xal’atath serves as a wicked old god that is very hard to deal with. She is aimed at destroying the world by advantage of her venomous power of Void. Void represents a dangerous force that cannot be truly mastered. But you can change it into a mount if the strength that required is available.

Beledar’s Spawn is obtained by slaying NPC Beledar’s Spawn. He has the respawn skill, so be careful. It is a partially spooky mount and really In charge of the dark energy of Void.

6. Vicious Skyflayer

Like all mounts that equipped with the feature of evil, Vicious Skyflayer serves as a reward for going through World of Warcraft’s PVP battles. It’s pretty scary, but also very creative.

For mounts like these, which are relatively powerful, they all yearn for battle. Players can obtain it by participating in PVP battles, or by investing some WOW The War Within Gold to directly obtain it, so that they can enjoy its strength in advance.

5. Slatestone Ramolith

Slatestone Ramolith is a very cute mount, a bit like a ram. Players can unlock Earthen Allied Race to make it your mount.

4. Sureki Skyrazor

Sureki Skyrazor has creepy wings, golden armor, with spiderwebs all over its body.

It is also quite troublesome to obtain Sureki Skyrazor mount. Players need to raid Queen Anusurek, and then Sureki Skyrazor owns an opportunity to drop from the Queen. By the way, Queen Anusurek refers to a monarch of Nerub-ar Palace, and players need to do their best to defeat her.

3. Ascendant Skyrazor

Ascendant Skyrazor is a dangerous mount for Queen of Spiders with horrible strength. It is surrounded by dark red scales and spider webs, augmenting a mythic layer of gothic charm on Skyrazor mounts.

2. Ferocious Jawcrawler

Ferocious Jawcrawler is a very vengeful mount. It is also very scary and ferocious.

This mount can be unlocked in Azj-Kahet for 2815 Kej, which is a kind of local currency.

1. Shackled Shadow

Shackled Shadow is very similar to the previously mentioned Beledar’s Spawn, but the former is obviously a bit cooler and more malicious, which can be gotten in Hallowfall for 11,375 Resonance Crystals.

If you are interested in this game, please enter IGGM discord for related discussions. And in its Giveaway channel, gift giving activities will be held from time to time. Please don’t miss it.

The above are the 10 most worthwhile mounts in WOW The War Within. Hope you can get your favorite mount soon. Thanks for reading.

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