New World: Aeternum Boosting
Select Category

Dark matter & Gear
Guaranteed Completion
Free Streaming service

685+ GS Legendary drops
Any mutation level is available

Any artifact upgrade
Any artifact quest completion
No player resources will be used

New Lightning attacks bow
45% more damage after dodge
Stuns targets with full HP

Increases mobility
Reduces cooldowns
Reduces CC duration

Good for PvP
Gives short damage immunity
Reduces CC duration

Top DPS across all weapons
Greatly boosts bleed builds
Increased crit chance

First-ever 20-man raid
Chance to get 700 GS drop
Over 1000 Dark Matter weekly

Unlock PvP gear
Fast PvP track progression
Obtain unique PvP gear

Dungeon full Run
Dark Matter, Gear, Coins
Fast and safe Expedition run

Dark matter & Gear
Guaranteed Completion
Free Streaming service

Mutated dungeon full Run
Dark matter, Gear, Coins
Get top-tier gear without grinding

Chance to get 685 GS Gear
Legendary weapons & gear
Loot and experience

Chance to get 685 GS Gear
Legendary weapons & gear
Loot and experience

Chance to get 685 GS Gear
Legendary weapons & gear
Loot and experience

High-Tier Gear rewards;
Coins, Loot, and Experience;
Fast and safe Expedition run.

Chance to get 685 GS Gear
Coins, Loot, and Experience
Fast and safe Expedition run

Chance to get 685 GS Gear
Desired number of runs
Fast and safe Expedition run

Chance to get 685 GS Gear
~1020 Weapon Mastery points
Fast and safe Expedition run

Tier IV Gear (465 GS)
Coins, Loot, and Experience
Fast and safe Expedition run

Chance to get 685 GS Gear
Coins, Loot, and Experience
Fast and safe Expedition run

Chance to get 685 GS Gear
Coins, Loot, and Experience
Fast and safe Expedition run

Brand new S4 Mutated Runs
Dark Matter and great Gear
Fast and safe Expedition run

Dark matter & Gear
Guaranteed Completion
Free Streaming service

Chance to get 685 GS Gear
Coins, Loot, and Experience
Fast and safe Expedition run

Chance to get 685 GS Gear
Coins, Loot, and Experience
Fast and safe Expedition run

2 chests with rewards per week
Chance to get Tempest Fury
Earn Winter Rune Forge Spoils

New Expansion Heartrune
Transform your abilities
All rewards from the expedition

Increased damage up close
Empowers STR fire bruiser build#Great for AOE damage

Buffs on potion consumption
More healing from potions
Top V Tier Earring Jewelry

25% increased critical chance
Deal 15% more damage
Reduce max cooldowns by 4%

Boosts your next attack by 3%
+2.4% to maximum health
Eternal Pools Trial random drop

Gain 3% movement speed for 3s
Spin up to 12 times
Reduce weapon CD by 2.5%

Alters Healing Playstyle
Increases damage for healing
Buffs allies and reduces CD

Perfect for adventurers like you
Reduces ranged attack DMG
Reduces physical damage overall

Great tank shield
Inflict bleed effects on enemies
Reduce enemy buffs

Increases incoming heals
Increases incoming heals
Improves various healing effects

15% CDR on Universal Armor
10% cooldown reduction
Great for healers and PvP

Unique weightless armor
Allows more protection
Reduces physical damage

Pulls targets towards you
Sunders enemy's armor by 40%
Unique spear artifact

Enables a true trapper build
1.30 Critical Damage Multiplier
Tier V Artifact Weapon

Non CC debubs expire faster
Damaging debuffs reduced
Tier V Armor piece

50 to main attribute
Provides additional stats
Reduces max cooldowns

Doubles your mana pool
Reduces physical damage
Perfect for mage builds

High damage Ice Gauntlet
Increased Ice damage
Allows additional roots effect

Drain foe with ongoing bleeds
Drain foe with ongoing bleeds
Amazing DoT damage

New DLC content unlocked
Animal signs unlocked
Unlock mounts and explore

Any faction rep farm
Up to max rank Rep Boost
Easy way to faction rewards

Unlock the end-game content
Unlock high-level crafting
Complete the main questline

Get all the available in game weapons
Test all skills and weapons
Try all the combos

Fast 1-20 Flail and Shield Lvling
Test all Skills & Weapons
Try new Combos

Get acess to elite chests
Unlock all Brimstone Glyphs
Fast travel in Brimstone Sands

Any quantity of Games/Wins
A lot of Coins and Azoth
GS & Watermark Boost

Open all Fast Travel Shrines
Teleport to any part of map
Azoth Farming as option

Tokens + Reputation Boost
520 GS, Holding Runes, Chisels
Experience, Coins, and Loot

All Gathering Skills up to 200
Tons of resources
Discount for progress

Armoring Trade Skill Boost
Craft the best Armor (600 GS)
Craft High Capacity Bags

Jewelcrafting Trade Skill Boost
Craft High GS Jewelry
Craft Cut Gems for Slots

Furnishing Trade Skill Boost
Craft furniture for your House
Trophies for different buffs

Any level of the skill
Hatchet, Spear, Bow & Musket
Tools for gathering professions

Arcana Trade Skill boost
Craft Potions and Materials
Craft magic Legendary Weapons

Weaponsmithing Trade Skill boost
The best Melee Weapons and Shields
Swords, Rapiers, War Hammers, Great Axes

Cooking Trade Skill boost
Tasty meals and beautiful Dyes
Craft Meals for powerful buffs

Mining Trade Skill boost
Gather rare Ore all over the world
Starmetal and Lodestone

Fishing Trade Skill boost
Catch up chests with expensive treasures
Catch the rarest legendary fishes

Harvesting Trade Skill boost
Harvest rare plants and get resources
Herbs, fungi, elements, and more

Tracking & Skinning Trade Skill boost
Hunt animals to skin them
Craft useful materials for Cooking

Woodworking Trade Skill boost
Woodworking Trade Skill boost
Make more rare planks

Smelting Trade Skill boost
Turn ores into ingots
Create Weapons, Armor, and Ammunition

Weaving Trade Skill boost
Weaving Trade Skill boost
Turn raw fibers and plants

Stonecutting Trade Skill boost
Raw gemstones into Cut gemstones
Craft any Tune Orbs for Expeditions

Leatherworking Trade Skill boost
Workable refined leather
Sell rare materials and earn Coins

Boost your PvP progression
Get unique PvP items
Lots of Azoth Salt
About New World Boosting
What is New World?
New World is an MMORPG to be released at the end of August 2021, and the developer is Amazon Game Studios. It is worth noting that the game was originally scheduled to be released in May 2020, but it has been delayed until now due to development schedule issues. The story in the game takes place in the mid-17th century, and the player's role needs to be colonized on a fictional continent. Unlike common MMORPGs such as World of Warcraft, players do not need to pay a monthly subscription fee for the game, because the game will be using a buy-to-play business model.
According to the developer's introduction, New World uses a fast-paced action-focused combat system, which is inspired by the well-known Dark Souls series. Player characters, weapons, and everything has collisions in the game world and requires actual contact to do damage. There are still cooldowns and abilities to trigger, but it's within that simulated physical space rather than simply targeting a character.
Why you should buy New World Boosting at IGGM?
In the game, the player can control the actions of the character from the first-person or third-person perspective. At the beginning of the game, the player's character will arrive at a beach. The initial level of the character is level 1. You need to obtain XP in various ways to increase the level. The character's maximum obtainable experience level is 60.
Like most MMORPGs currently on the market, an increase in level can provide a lot of help for your adventure. Each character has 5 attribute skills - Constitution, Focus, Intelligence, Strength, and Dexterity. In addition, the player's character also levels up weapon and trade skills. The trade skills are divided into the three categories of Crafting, Refining, and Gathering.
In order to allow players to reach level 60 in a shorter time, our professional team provides fast and safe boosting service. All operations in this process are done manually by top players and will not be recognized as cheating or bot, which can ensure your account security.
IGGM is a professional third-party game service provider that quickly attracted a large number of loyal users with its rich experience and satisfactory service quality. Buying New World Boosting at IGGM has the following advantages:
Cheap: Low price is its biggest advantage, and it is also the reason why many customers buy back in IGGM. The price of New World Boosting on IGGM is lower than the market price.
Fast: The fast delivery speed of the website is also commendable. The staff on the site take turns working online all day to ensure that all orders are completed within 15 minutes!
Security: All New World Boosting on IGGM are 100% safe, and IGGM has the safest online payment system, so you don't have to worry about information leakage.
New World: Aeternum Boosting Nieuws
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IGGM: Verklaring tegen namaak (bijgewerkt in januari 2023)
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- Laatste resultaten van onderzoek naar namaak (januari 2023)
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IGGM 2024 Kerstpromoties, gratis weggeefacties en Lucky Wheel-trekking
Het is weer Kerstmis en de sfeer is vol vreugde, zowel in het echte leven als in de gamewereld! Om deze belangrijke feestdag te vieren, heeft IGGM relevante kerstacties gelanceerd om iets terug te doen voor onze klanten die ons altijd hebben gesteund. Als je grote dingen wilt doen met weinig geld, doe dan zo snel mogelijk mee tijdens het evenement om te profiteren van de meeste winkelkortingen!
Deze IGGM 2024 Christmas Lucky Wheel Draw begint op 23 december 2024 (UTC-08:00) en duurt tot 1 januari 2025 (UTC-08:00).
Deel A: Extra bonus op valuta van hoofdspellen (tot 10% korting)
Tijdens dit evenement kun je, zolang je speciale populaire gameproducten koopt op IGGM, genieten van maximaal 10% extra valutabonus. Dit betekent dat je meer gameproducten kunt krijgen met alleen het originele geld, dus waarom niet?
Deel B: 2024 Christmas Lucky Wheel Draw
Maar de verrassingen van deze promotie stoppen daar niet. IGGM biedt ook Lucky Wheel-trekkingen voor alle geregistreerde gebruikers, tik gewoon op het wiel en je kunt de bijbehorende beloning krijgen nadat het stopt. Deze Lucky Draw bevat de volgende 10 prijsopties. Het hangt van je geluk af welke je kunt trekken!
- 3% Code
- 5% Code
- 8% Code
- 10% Code
- 20% Code
- $5 Coupon
- $10 Coupon
- $20 Coupon
- $50 Coupon
- $100 Coupon
Doe mee aan deze Lucky Wheel Draw-evenementpagina:
Evenementbeschrijving: Lees alle evenementregels in detail voordat je met je trekking begint!
1. Deze Lucky Wheel-trekking begint op 23 december 2024 (UTC-08:00) en eindigt op 1 januari 2025 (UTC-08:00).
2. Alleen geregistreerde IGGM-gebruikers kunnen deelnemen. 100% winstpercentage, geen limiet op het aantal deelnames.
3. Hoe meer bestellingen u tijdens de evenementperiode plaatst die meer dan $ 10 bedragen en soepel worden voltooid, hoe vaker u kunt trekken. Bestellingen die niet normaal worden voltooid, zoals geschillen, terugbetalingen, terugbetalingen, enz., zijn ongeldig.
4. Prijzen omvatten 3% / 5% / 8% / 10% / 20% kortingscodes en $ 5 / $ 10 / $ 20 / $ 50 / $ 100 kortingsbonnen. Na het winnen wordt de prijs automatisch naar uw geregistreerde account verzonden, controleer dit op tijd.
5. Alle prijzen zijn eenmalig te gebruiken, geldig voor 7 dagen en kunnen niet opnieuw worden gebruikt.
6. Als de nominale waarde van de kortingsbon die u hebt hoger is dan de werkelijke productprijs, hoeft u alleen de administratiekosten te betalen en IGGM zou deze niet dragen.
7. Deze loterij is echt en geldig. Als er problemen zijn, ligt het uiteindelijke recht van interpretatie bij IGGM.
Kortom, grijp de kans om mee te doen. Je kunt niet alleen de meest gunstige gameproducten krijgen via de 2024 IGGM Christmas-promotie, maar ook een meer ontspannen game-ervaring krijgen, die je proces van het domineren van de gamewereld zal versnellen! We kijken uit naar je bezoek hier!