Wuthering Waves: Mastering These 8 Little-Known Practical Tips Will Bring More Fun To Your Life
Posted: May 28, 2024 Views: 2400
In this guide, I will share with you 8 practical tips that beginners don’t know. I believe that at least one of these tips will make your experience in Wuthering Waves much better. Let’s jump right in!
8. Mining Ores & Crafting Weapons
If you come across these ores in the open world, take the time to mine them quickly, especially for some Indigoite ore vein or Scarletthorn materials, both of which will be used to craft free 4-star weapons. To do this, you need to go to this place called Weapon Crafting.
As you can see, you can craft a 4-star weapon for each profession, so you can get 4-star Sword, Broadblade, Gauntlet, Pistols and Rectifier. Especially in the early game, if you are unlucky in Gacha system, they are almost the best thing you can get. Because compared to 3-star weapons, they really provide very good basic attack power, and even the passive effects of some of these weapons are quite good.
Remember, in order to actually craft these weapons, you’ll also need a Standard Weapon Mold. It will drop from the weekly bosses, and there are currently two: Bell-Borne Geochelone and Scar, so just pick one to farm its upgrade materials for your character. You can then do this up to 3 times per week.
Now one thing to remember: you can use map markers to remind yourself where you mined the ores, as I believe they refresh every day after the server resets. But to save your sanity and speed up the process of collecting these ores, you can use the interactive map on your browser, that way, you can easily see all the known locations of these ores to get that 4-star weapon as quickly as possible.
7. Collect All Available Items
Now this next tip is very important, collect everything. If you’re one of those hoarders who hoards every material, you can get your hands on, now is your time to shine. Because you’ll be rewarded with Astrites and other useful materials that can help you upgrade your characters and progress in your Wuthering Waves Account.
There are two places that don’t explicitly state rewards, but do offer rewards, and that’s Synthesizer and Cooking Station. You can raise Proficiency simply by crafting or cooking various things at these locations, and once you raise Proficiency you’ll get rewards, including some free Astrites and materials.
On top of that, if you visit this Relic Merchant, you can turn in Sonance Caskets that you find throughout the world.
These Caskets are basically the equivalent of Oculus for Genshin Impact, and are very important for those who play Rover as a main character, as some rewards will provide key materials. Such as Mysterious Codes for leveling up Rover, and even Wavebands that can be used to gain new powers through Resonance Chain system.
Lastly, you can also visit Pioneer Association at this location, where you can get a lot of rewards for every percentage of map you complete. So again, in the open world, just collect everything and complete all the puzzle chests you come across to get a lot of rewards.
6. Use Your Waveplates Effectively
Now, the next tip is probably the most important tip I want to talk about, which is to not waste your Waveplates on unnecessary activities. Waveplates are basically the stamina system for this game. Not only can you get a ton of Union level experience to help increase your account level, but you can also get some serious rewards by spending Waveplates.
But where do you spend them? As a good rule of thumb, it’s recommended to prioritize dumping Waveplates on World Bosses first and completing Weekly Challenges, which can be done up to 3 times per week.
You can do Simulation Challenges to get various upgrade materials, but since the game has just been released, you should be able to get a lot of these materials by completing activities and exploring the open world.
On the other hand, when you want to level up to level 50 or reach Union level 20, you need 3 boss materials per character. I had to spend 540 Waveplates or 180 Waveplates per character just to prepare to get my main 3-unit team to level 50.
Obviously, if you’re playing as a Rover, the cost will be lower, as they use special upgrade materials that you can get from Relic Merchant.
If you don’t need boss materials, I recommend only spending your Waveplates on Simulation Training.
From the looks of it, we’re also going to need a lot of Boss Materials. For example, if nothing had changed since CBT2, you’d need a total of 46 Boss Materials to fully upgrade a character. In other words, you’d need to spend a lot of Waveplates.
Later on, you’ll also unlock these Tacet Fields, which can offer Tuners and Echoes as rewards. The current recommendation is to wait until you reach Data Bank 15, and then you can farm the highest-level Echoes.
5. Upgrade Your Echoes Properly
Speaking of which, I have to mention not to invest too much in low-level Echoes. There are currently 4 rarity levels of Echoes, from Green all the way up to Golden or simply Rank 5.
You basically only need to upgrade Rank 5 Echoes, as they offer the best primary attribute boost and the number of secondary attributes you can unlock.
However, it’s unrealistic not to upgrade the lower rarity Echoes to make the game easier. If you have to, I recommend upgrading them to level 5 at most.
4. Prioritize Focusing On One Main DPS
Now, continuing with the trend of resource allocation, I highly recommend focusing on cultivating 1 main DPS character that you enjoy playing first. This means that assigning the best Echoes, giving 4-star or 5-star weapons and prioritizing Waveplates spent on them is basically a friendly approach. This allows for a damage dealer that can quickly deal with any monster in the open world, saving you time when farming or exploring.
And as I said before, you definitely want to use at least one 4-star weapon instead of a 3-star weapon because it provides better basic attack power that scales well with the damage of your main character.
Basically, we are in the early game now, and it is not different from most gacha games, and having at least 1 powerful unit in your team can help the game progress.
3. Please Avoid This Banner Trap
There is a feature in Wuthering Waves that I like, namely the 5-star character selector banner here, which you can unlock after completing the beginner’s banner.
However, this banner can be a bit misleading. You can use Lustrous Tides or spend Astrite to make a wish on this banner, and you can also exchange Astrite for Lustrous Tides. But the thing is, you should never bother spending Astrite to get Lustrous Tides, because this currency is only used for Standard banner and this selector banner.
More importantly, trust me, you will constantly get Lustrous Tides through events, in-game mail rewards, and world exploration, so don’t rush to spend Astrite on this selector banner. Save it and collect those Lustrous Tides and then use them here.
2. Visit Souvenir Shop
While exploring the world, you will come across many treasure chests and these things called Tidal Heritage. You will notice that they offer a resource called Wood Textured Shard.
You can actually use it in a special shop called Souvenir Shop. Talk to this NPC and tell them that you want Souvenirs. You can spend this Wood Textured Shard to get Lustrous Tides, or to get experience materials, Tuners, Ascension material, and even recipes to help you level up your Chef for more rewards.
1. Unlock Pseudo Mount
Now as an extra tip, this isn’t something I recommend everyone do, but if you want to speed up your exploration, you can get Pseudo mounts in the game. You’ll need to accept this quest from the notice board, called “We Promise, We Deliver”.
Completing this quest chain will unlock the ability to fight and collect Inferno Rider Echo. Now, for the cool part, if you hold down Echo button to summon Inferno Rider, you can actually ride it anywhere in the open world for a few seconds. However, you can also equip 3 copies of the same Echo for all active teammates to ride the motorcycle repeatedly.
Obviously, this Echo may not be the best match for every character, but if you happen to have to farm this boss and want to speed up your exploration or just want to look cool, you can do this.
That’s all for this guide. Hopefully, these tips will help you have a better gaming experience in Wuthering Waves! Good luck!