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WOW Classic SOD Phase 7 Overview: What You’ll Get In The New Phase?

Posted: Jan 24, 2025 Views: 1337

Posted: Jan 24, 2025

Source:  IGGM

Views: 1337

World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery Phase 7 is scheduled to arrive on January 28th, bringing a lot of new game content to players, including new equipment and items that players are already accustomed to. The most anticipated ones may be Scourge Invasion, reworked Naxxramas Raid, and the new Karazhan Crypts dungeon, which will give players a better gaming experience.

In order to facilitate your exploration in Phase 7 when it is released in a few days, this guide will give some overviews of the entire Phase 7 and give specific introductions to the game content that you can look forward to. However, it is worth noting that this guide is based on the previous PTR summary and does not represent the final result. Everything is subject to the latest information.

WOW Classic SOD Phase 7 Overview: What You’ll Get In The New Phase?

Phase 7 Overview

First of all, WoW Classic Season of Discovery has a dual focus in Phase 7, and they have a very interesting connection: First, Scourge Invasion enters the game, where you need to destroy the floating necropolis Naxxramas. Then there are problems in Karazhan Crypts, and Legendary staff Atiesh, Greatstaff of Guardian Atiesh, Greatstaff of Guardian is asking you to help them recover.

You will find that you will be very busy in this phase of WoW Classic SOD, because you have to deal with various things, such as campaigns and raids. But what will not change is that it is absolutely necessary to make sure you have a sufficient stock of SOD Gold, which you can farm in many activities.

Main Key Features

In World of Warcraft Classic SOD, no matter which phase you are in, you should first understand the main key features of this phase, so that you can clearly understand what specific changes and improvements are made in this phase compared to the previous phase. Here are some of the key features in Phase 7, but this is not complete and may be expanded as more content is announced.

  • Naxxramas Raid: Underwent a huge overhaul, including updated Tier Sets and gear.
  • Dungeon: Added a new dungeon called Karazhan Crypts.
  • Scourge Invasion: Infected by excitement.
  • Reputation Rewards: Players can get new rewards from Argent Dawn faction.

Release Date

As we just mentioned, WoW Classic SOD Phase 7 is expected to launch on January 28, when Scourge Invasions and Karazhan Crypts Dungeon are both introduced to the game; and Naxxramas Raid will enter the game a week later, on February 6 at 1 pm PST.

Scourge Invasion

Scourge Invasion has always been considered a historical event in WoW, whether in the original, Wrath, or WoW Classic. However, the invasion in SOD Phase 7 is a bit different. You will fight back Scourge in many zones and major cities, and some dungeons will be infected. Below are the names of the dungeons affected in specific zones, and you can explore them in a targeted manner according to your needs.

  • Eastern Plaguelands - Dire Maul
  • Azshara - Razorfen Downs
  • Blasted Lands - Scarlet Monastery
  • Burning Steppes - Scholomance
  • Tanaris - Shadowfang Keep
  • Winterspring - Stratholme

To fight Scourge in these locations, first you need to reach level 60, then go to Argent Recruiter in the main city and accept Light’s Hope Chapel quest from him. In this quest, you will be sent to investigate the presence of Scourge and fight against rare undead enemies in the zones and dungeons above.

You will get many useful items and Necrotic Runes during your exploration, which you can use to obtain rewards from Commander Thomas Helleran in Light’s Hope Chapel. Among the rewards he offers here, the most noteworthy ones are Blessed Wizard Oil, Consecrated Sharpening Stone, and various potions that can be used for healing and increasing mana, all of which will make you more powerful in the fight against Scourge.

After you clear each zone of Scourge, you’ll gain a Soul Revival buff that lasts 30 minutes, increasing your damage of all types by 10% during that time. You can use the portal to start fighting Scourge immediately in the next zone, so you don’t waste the buff.

After you win 150 battles, you can return to Light’s Hope Chapel or Argent Dawn reps in your city to claim Lesser Mark of the Dawn, Mark of the Dawn, or Greater Mark of the Dawn, depending on your level. They both increase your Stamina by 30 and last for 1 hour, but can only be stacked up to three times each.

Naxxramas Raid

In Naxxramas Raid remake of WOW Classic SOD Phase 7, a scaling difficult system will be used. You can choose to empower different wings of the raid to increase the difficulty. Generally, the health and damage of the bosses in the raid will be greatly increased. But at the same time, your rewards in the raid will also increase. It should be noted that the increase is the number of rewards, not the quality.

In addition, completing the empowered raid will also get Redesigned Tier 3 Raid Sets, some cosmetic rewards, some new gear, and some updated gear. The loot worth paying attention to here is Sanctified gear, which will give you some power when you upgrade the new Aspirant’s Seal of the Dawn. The specific rewards awarded by the raid may be displayed in the game after the new phase is opened, so you can look forward to it.

Not only that, the battle of Naxxramas Raid has also been adjusted to allow 20 players to enter the exploration, but a maximum of 40 players are allowed to enter. This may reduce the combat pressure on individual players, and the cooperation and combat capabilities between players will need to be strengthened.

Karazhan Crypts Dungeon

Since Karazhan Crypts Dungeon was announced at Blizzcon 2023, this Season of Discovery exclusive dungeon has been highly anticipated by many players. In Phase 7, this dungeon will provide you with new loot, new quests, and more.

As far as we know, this five-player dungeon is expected to be released at the same time as Phase 7, and it also requires your character level to be 60 or above to enter. You can start Karazhan Crypts Attunement Chain by claiming it at Lights Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands.

After you unlock this dungeon, Alliance players can fly to Darkshire and then walk east until they find Deadwind Pass. Horde players need to fly to Stonard first, then walk west until they reach Deadwind Pass. There is no specific information on where the entrance to the dungeon is in Deadwind Pass, and we will continue to pay attention.

Karazhan Crypts Dungeon is designed to challenge those well-equipped players, and introduces a darkness mechanic that requires players to stay in the light as a team. Overall, this is a dungeon that is worth exploring.

The above is the new game content you will experience in WOW Classic SOD Phase 7. You may need to explore it in person after January 28 and February 6. I hope this new phase can bring you a different game atmosphere and feeling. By the way, if you are experiencing slow progress in the game due to a shortage of gold during your exploration of the new stage, you can try participating in Giveaway channel in IGGM Discord, which will provide you with some gold giveaways. I wish you a happy exploration!


Previous: WOW Classic SOD: Are You Ready For The Challenges In The Upcoming Phase 6?
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