WOW Classic SOD: 10 Things You Need To Do Before Phase 2 Starts
Posted: Feb 07, 2024 Views: 1259
WOW Classic SOD is currently only available in Phase 1, and the player level limit is only 25. However, with Phase 2 coming soon, here are 10 things we need to do in advance to prepare for the new phase!
These preparations include a series of activities that will make it easier to level up to level 40, as well as ways to pass the time while waiting for Phase 2.
Reach Level 25
Level 25 is the level cap for Phase 1. So, naturally, reaching level 25 should be on your list of things to do to prepare for the next phase. That way, you can jump right to the next area and work your way up to level 40.
Reaching level 25 won’t take long if you have the time, and it’s the most important thing to do in preparation for Phase 2.
Collect Your Class Runes
Runes are one of the biggest differences between regular WOW Classic and Season of Discovery.
Currently, each class has 12 Runes. However, you can only use three at a time, since you apply them to your Legs, Hands, and Chest like enchantments. The benefit is that you can replace them, so the full selection helps you tailor your Runes to the different situations you encounter when upgrading.
Upgrade Your Alts
Currently, the level cap is only 25. This means this is a great opportunity to level up more characters of different classes to find the one that suits you before moving on to the next phase.
Also, when entering a raid, you can use alts to fill future raid slots. For example, have your Healer, DPS, and Tank characters all ready so you have a position for any situation.
You can then learn other professions so you can create anything you might eventually need, such as potions or larger inventory bags. This will save you a lot of WOW Classic SOD Gold in the long run.
Upgrade Professions
As mentioned before, professions are very useful in WOW Classic! Not only are they a substantial source of WoW SoD gold income, but they also provide a lot of utility. Even the secondary classes have a lot of uses, as the many food buffs are great for leveling or running dungeons.
Gather Rare Recipes
Not all crafting recipes are learned from trainers. Conversely, you can also get something from enemies, usually dungeon bosses, like Shredder Autosalvage Unit Recipe.
So before Phase 2 officially arrives, it’s beneficial to collect rare recipes that can be used to craft. And you can use these recipes yourself or sell your products for gold.
Get More Gear
It’s a little difficult to upgrade gear at level 25 during Phase 1, but getting as much gear as possible will make it easier to upgrade when the level cap is raised.
I know sometimes it feels like the gear doesn’t make a difference, but when you equip better gear, you do more damage. For spellcasters, this also means faster mana regeneration when you’re not casting.
Farming Gold
Farming for gold is especially useful before Phase 2. Because with the level cap going up to level 40, you can finally buy Mounts. This also means you need more gold to buy mounts, riding lessons and 15 levels of class training.
Battlegrounds PVP
If you want to level up to level 25 quickly, why not go to battlegrounds? This is an effective way to level up quickly. Also, you can build a reputation with battleground factions to use items with Quartermaster later.
At level 25, you know no one will be at a higher level than you, so it’s the perfect time to get into battlegrounds PVP and get a little competitive.
Join A Guild
Many guilds are preparing for future phases, such as running dungeons, battlegrounds, and helping each other out when needed. Either way, having a guild that can help you with various tasks in Season of Discovery is definitely a positive thing.
Play With Friends
Unfortunately, there is no Looking for the Group feature in WOW Classic SOD. This means you’ll either need a guild, friends, or strangers found chat to fill out your party to complete dungeons and difficult quests. So if you have friends who play the game but haven’t yet, invite them to join you!
These are 10 things to prepare for WOW Classic SOD Phase 2. The level cap of 25 may feel restrictive, but there’s still a lot to do before the next phase to make your experience easier!
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