WoW Classic 20th Anniversary: You Can Get Detective Title Even If You Missed The Event!
Posted: Mar 01, 2025 Views: 354
World of Warcraft Classic 20th Anniversary event, which provided you with a ton of new activities, rewards, and buffs, has ended, Caverns of Time have returned to normal, and most of NPCs and decorations that appeared at the celebration site have disappeared.
But if you pay close attention, you will find that one NPC has not left you. That is Alyx, a NPC you helped in Guest Relations mystery questlines. He has now moved to the hot springs northwest of Delver headquarters building in Dornogal, which can be seen on the path to Foundation Hall.
Alyx not only brings you the titles of Volunteer Event Coordinator, Among Other Things, but also a notepad with the locations of Celebration Crates containing tons of WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Gold hidden around the world.
Once you have completed all the hidden item collections, you will be awarded a number of titles, the most important of which is Detective, which will help you unlock the ability to open the mystery and find Indecipherable Felcycle mount Incognitro that has been elusive to all WoW players.
To reduce the time you spend searching for Alyx and the 11 missing Celebration Crates, this guide will show you their specific locations and strategies you can use during your exploration so that you can complete this collection quest faster and get the final title.
First you need to find Lightforged Draenei NPC in Dornogal, Alyx and the clue board it has, which can be found in Foundation Hall and on the stairs leading to Delver’s Headquarters.
Then follow all the clues on this notepad to find all 11 missing Celebration Crates in World of Warcraft. Please note that although you can start Celebration Crate quests after your character reaches level 10, Dornogal requires you to reach level 68 to unlock it. Here are specific locations of 3 special Celebration Crates.
The first thing you should find is Celebration Crate in Ternaries. Just go to the coastline patrolled by Doomwalkers and dive into the deep sea to find it. But remember to use Water Breathing Potion first, so that you can support yourself to the right building in the southeast. Once you find this building, swim to the second floor, and you will find Crate under a bed in a room.
Celebration Crate in Thousand Needles is a bit more difficult to find, as it requires you to travel through different zones. You need to go to Fizzle and Pozzik’s Speedbarge, then fly or swim southwest to Sunken Digsite, and then swim to Silithid hive. In the huge hive, turn right and go straight into a dead end with a pipe.
There is an interactive note next to the pipe, which you need to take to the eastern edge of Azsuna in Broken Isles, where there is a very long path, and a merchant named Vashti. You need to pay 500 WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Gold to get the treasure chest offered here.
In this Forgotten Crypt behind Karazhan in Deadwind Pass, you need to go through the well and then go down Pauper’s Walk. You will then see that the road splits in two directions, and you should go left and then go down, which will lead you to a large room. On the far right of this room, you will see a partially submerged tomb, which you can search for some useful loot rewards.
But your focus should be on the far left corner of the room, where you will see a crate. When you interact with it, it will give you a quest to talk to Alyx, and after you complete the quest, you will get this Celebration Crate.
The above is the three most worthy of your attention among the 11 Celebration Crates. Turning in six Celebration Crates earns your Crate Insurance Agent title, while turning in 11 Celebration Crates earns you No Crate Left Behind, Azeroth’s Greatest Detective, and Detective title.
The developers took into account that many players only participated in Incognitro secret quests during the anniversary event, but did not obtain Greatest Detective achievement in Azeroth by obtaining Dalaran Survivor in Donorgal to uncover the final mystery, so Alyx was moved to Donorgal and players were allowed to have the right to turn in Celebration Crates indefinitely, which would give all players a certain chance to obtain Felcycle mount.
However, it is worth reminding you that the other Guest Relations quests in the current WoW 20th Anniversary Event are no longer available, because most of the tasks are heavily dependent on the venue of the event, which means that achievements such as Assistant to Assistant Guest Relations Manager and I Saved the Party and All I Got Were These Lousy Hats can no longer be completed, but it does not mean that World of Warcraft will not bring them back in the future by increasing the rewards!
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