WoW Classic 20th Anniversary: How To Choose A Class To Secure A Raid Spot In Molten Core?
Posted: Dec 18, 2024 Views: 1598
World of Warcraft is a very different place than it was two decades ago. The 20th Anniversary of WoW Classic brings quality-of-life changes to the game, such as a Looking for Group tool, removal of the game’s original buff/debuff limit, and Dual Spec options, which allow classes to switch specializations, such as the ability to switch from frost to fire.
This guide will help you choose the best class to secure a raid spot in Molten Core with these changes.
9. Druid
In WoW Classic, Druids have a variety of role abilities, including tanking, healing, and damage. However, in actual gameplay, other classes tend to excel in these areas. As a result, most raid teams usually only use one or two Druids. Despite this, Druids still have some important spells, such as Mark of the Wild, Innervate, Faerie Fire and Rebirth.
These spells are very useful in team fights, providing additional buffs and resurrection opportunities for teammates. Druids also perform well in PvP. They are considered one of the best flag bearers on Warsong Gulch because of their travel form and ability to escape crowd control.
8. Paladin
Paladins also can tank, heal, and deal damage. Again, they tend to perform worse than other classes in actual gameplay. As a result, it is difficult to find a tanking or damage-dealing Paladin in most teams. And leveling up a Paladin is considered one of the most monotonous processes. Many players choose to spend WoW 20th Anniversary Gold to speed up this process.
Despite this, Paladins bring very important buffs to the team, such as Blessing of Kings, Blessing of Might, and Blessing of Wisdom. And when you are in danger in PvE or PvP, Paladins can protect themselves and even Hearthstone from danger while being protected from enemy attacks.
7. Shaman
The actual strength of Shaman is healing. While Enhancement or Elemental Shamans excel in PvP, Restoration Shamans are more common and powerful in PvE content. Restoration Shamans provide massive healing via Chain Heal.
Their totems are even more critical. Windfury Totem boosts melee damage, while Mana Tide Totem helps teammates restore mana, so teams often have multiple Restoration Shamans.
6. Hunter
Hunters often forget to disband their pets and accidentally pull extra mobs, ruining their team. Despite the imperfect pet AI, Hunters still provide solid damage, usually in the middle of the damage scale, slightly behind melee classes.
Hunters also have unique utilities, such as Aspect of the Pack to increase team movement speed, and Explosive Trap and Freezing Trap to increase control. In addition, Feign Death can help Hunters escape battles in PvE and PvP. Hunters are reliable all-around damage dealers in WoW Classic. Just pay attention to pet management.
5. Warlock
Warlocks primarily deal damage with Shadowbolt in endgame content, but with the debuff restrictions removed, their other spells like Corruption and Drain Life will also see more use in Classic Anniversary.
Warlocks have increased flexibility, allowing them to play a bigger role in raids. Classic Warlocks are also known for their pets, summoning a variety of pets from an imp to a succubus. The spell Soul Link is very powerful in PvP, transferring damage to pets, while sacrificing Voidwalker to provide a temporary shield, and Fear spell is also effective in crowd control.
4. Mage
Mage is the strongest caster in Classic, with a simple rotation that usually only requires casting frostbolt, which may make some players feel too simple. But this simplicity makes Mage rank high in most damage statistics.
Mage also performs well in PvP, using Frost Nova and Polymorph to keep enemies at a distance. Mages also provide utility to the team, such as summoning food, water, portals, or teleporting to large cities on their own. In addition, Mage’s Arcane Intellect buff can increase the intellect of himself or his teammates.
3. Rogue
In World of Warcraft Classic, Rogue is the high-damage melee class second only to Warriors. Accumulate combo points through Sinister Strike and Backstab and then deal heavy damage with finishing moves such as Eviscerate and Rupture. Rogue can also increase attack speed with Slice and Dice.
Rogue can also apply various poisons, such as Instant Poison and Deadly Poison to weapons, providing additional damage. In PvP, Rogue uses Stealth and Ambush to surprise, and has control skills such as Gouge, Cheap Shot and Blind, as well as Vanish to escape from battle.
2. Priest
Priest is a top healer in both PvP and PvE. Priests have a variety of healing spells, such as Flash Heal, Greater Heal, and Renew. Holy Priests’ Power Word: Fortitude buff increases stamina, and Discipline Priests’ Power Infusion increases spell damage and healing.
Priests also have powerful utility skills, such as Fade, Psychic Scream, and Dispel Magic. In terms of damage, Shadow Priests increase the shadow damage taken by enemies through Shadow Weaving, and Vampiric Embrace can damage enemies and heal teammates at the same time.
1. Warrior
Warriors occupy most team positions. As the strongest tank and damage dealer, Warriors are also very powerful in PvP, especially when equipped with Mortal Strike and a wonderful healer. With key skills such as Sunder Armor and Battle Shout, Warriors are suitable for any serious content.
The only downside is their reliance on equipment and weapons, as well as their high maintenance costs, as they wear plate armor and are often in melee range, which requires a lot of WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Gold to repair after a raid.
By mastering the unique skills of each profession, you can earn a place in WoW Classic 20th Anniversary and contribute to your team. Finally, you can also enter the giveaway channel of IGGM Discord and pay attention to the game giveaway information to get some free props.
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