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WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Phase 3: Developers Announce Release Date And Content

Posted: Mar 11, 2025 Views: 113

The date of the highly popular WoW 20th Anniversary phase 3 has been announced, and players can return to Azeroth at 3 pm Pacific Time on March 20 to start your epic chapter.

Blackwing Lair Raid

Deathwing’s eldest son, Nefarian, is conducting forbidden experiments at the top of Blackrock Mountain. It manipulates powerful creatures and tries to combine eggs from different dragons. If it succeeds, the entire continent will fall into darkness.

You need to gather allies, enter the depths of Blackrock Mountain, thwart Nefarian’s conspiracy, and harvest the treasures within.

WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Phase 3: Developers Announce Release Date And Content

  • Number of bosses: 8
  • Level: 60
  • Location: Top of Blackrock Spire

As a team raid, Blackwing Lair Raid is very rewarding. But some bosses have special mechanisms, so don’t act blindly, and it’s best to follow the team’s instructions. Only if you and your teammates work closely together which can you pass this raid.

In the process of defeating Nefarian, you and your team will encounter the following bosses:

  • Razorgore the Untamed
  • Vaelastrasz the Corrupt
  • Broodlord Lashlayer
  • Firemaw
  • Ebonroc
  • Flamegore
  • Chromaggus
  • Nefarian

It is recommended to prepare Onyxia Scale Cloak in advance before starting Blackwing Lair Raid. This item can resist Shadow Flame. After defeating all the bosses, players can not only get a lot of WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Gold but also get equipment for each class.

Tier 2 sets that players can obtain in the Blackwing Lair are as follows:

  • Druid: Stormrage Raiment
  • Hunter: Dragonstalker Armor
  • Mage: Netherwind Regalia
  • Paladin: Judgement Armor
  • Priest: Vestments of Transcendence
  • Rogue: Bloodfang Armor
  • Shaman: The Ten Storms
  • Warlock: Nemesis Raiment
  • Warrior: Battlegear of Wrath

In addition to the sets, there are some very powerful weapons, such as Claw of the Black Drake, Dragonbreath Hand Cannon and Chromatically Tempered Sword.

Reputation Rewards

Phase 3 opens the reputation rewards of each faction. The following are the rewards of each faction:

Argent Dawn

  • Formulas: Enchant Bracer - Mana Regeneration, Power Anti-Venom
  • Patterns: Argent Shoulders, Argent Boots, Dawn Treaders, Golden Mantle of the Dawn
  • Plans: Girdle of the Dawn, Gloves of the Dawn

Silverwing Sentinels (Alliance)

  • Armor: Caretaker’s Cape, Berserker Bracers, Dryad’s Wrist Bindings, Forest Stalker’s Bracers
  • Trinkets, Rings, Neck Pieces: Lorekeeper’s Ring, Protector’s Band

Thorium Brotherhood

  • Formulas: Enchant Weapon - Strength
  • Plans: Blackguard

Timbermaw Hold

  • Formulas: Enchant Weapon - Agility
  • Patterns: Wisdom of the Timbermaw, Mantle of the Timbermaw, Might of the Timbermaw, Timbermaw Brawlers
  • Plans: Heavy Timbermaw Belt, Heavy Timbermaw Boots

Warsong Outriders (Horde)

  • Armor: Berserker Bracers, Battle Healer’s Cloak, Forest Stalker’s Bracers, Dryad’s Wrist Bindings
  • Trinkets, Rings, and Neck Pieces: Legionnaire’s Band, Advisor’s Ring, Scout’s Medallion
  • Weapons: Legionnaire’s Sword, Outrider’s Bow, Scout’s Blade, Advisor’s Gnarled Staff

Level 50 Class Quests

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When you reach level 50 and above, you can go to the major cities to find your class trainer to go on adventures. Completing the quests can get WoW 20th Gold and class-related weapons or equipment.


  • Quest Location: Go to Un’Goro Crater to find Towa Pathfinder to get the follow-up quest.
  • Quest Reward: Choose from Forest’s Embrace, Grizzled Pelt, and Moonshadow Stave.


  • Quest Location: Go to the east coast of Azshara to find Ogtinc to get the follow-up quest.
  • Quest Reward: Choose between Devilsaur Eye, Hunting Spear, and Devilsaur Tooth.


  • Quest Location: Find Azshara through Magecraft quest and be teleported to Archmage Xylem by him to obtain the follow-up quest.
  • Quest Reward: Choose between Arcane Crystal Pendant, Glacial Spike, and Fire Ruby.


  • Quest Location: Start from Chillwind Camp quest and find Commander Ashlam Valorfist in Western Plaguelands to obtain the follow-up quest.
  • Quest Reward: Choose between Sanctified Orb, Lightforged Blade, and Chivalrous Signet.


  • Quest Location: After receiving Cenarion Aid, go to the east coast of Azshara to find Ogtinc and obtain the follow-up quest.
  • Quest Reward: Choose between Woestave, Blessed Prayer Beads, Circle of Hope.


  • Quest Location: After you receive A Simple Request, go to Lord Jorach Ravenholdt in Alterac Valley to get the follow-up quest.
  • Quest Reward: Choose between Whisperwalk Boots, Ebon Mask, and Duskbat Drape.


  • Quest Location: Find Bath’rah the Windwatcher in Chillwind Point to get the follow-up quest.
  • Quest Reward: Choose between Wildstaff, Azurite Fists, and Enamored Water Spirit.


  • Quest Location: After you receive An Imp’s Request, go to Felwood to find Impsy to get the follow-up quest.
  • Quest Reward: Choose between Abyss Shard, Soul Harvester, and Robes of Servitude.


  • Quest Location: You need to take A Troubled Spirit, then talk to Fallen Hero of the Horde in Swamp of Sorrows, then you will meet Fallen Hero of the Horde again in Blasted Lands to get the follow-up quest.
  • Quest Reward: Choose from Diamond Flask, Fury Visor, and Razorsteel Shoulders.


Around April 3, PVP will enter a new phase. PVP Honor Rank 11 cap will be removed, and players who reach Rank 14 will be able to claim the reward.

A 15 vs. 15 resource match will begin at 3:00 PM Pacific Time on April 3, located in Arathi Basin. 15 players need to defend 5 resource points on the map and accumulate resources. The first party to collect 2000 resources will win.

  • Players: 15 vs. 15
  • Level Range: 20+
  • Capture Points: Farm, Blacksmith, Mine, Lumber Mill, and Stables
  • Resources Needed: 2000

The reward for the winning party is not gold or equipment, but Honor points. Players can use Honor points to redeem Honor rewards.

The above is the general content of WoW 20th Anniversary Phase 3. Players can arrange when to return to Azeroth according to your own schedule.


Previous: WoW Classic 20th Anniversary 6 Starting Zones: How Do They Rank?
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