WOW Cataclysm Classic: The Most Effective Way For Pre-Questing In The New Expansion
Posted: May 14, 2024 Views: 1934
If you're a seasoned player, then preparing for the quests in WoW Cataclysm Classic before release on May, 20th should be an important thing. Pre-questing in Cataclysm differs from previous expansions because of a variety of factors that need to be taken into account beyond simply rushing to reach the maximum level as fast as possible.
In this guide, we'll explore the best approach for pre-questing to tackle the launch this time around, depending on your goals, giving you a head start in the leveling process. Let's dive in!
This strategy comes down to you having a Quest Log filled with 25 quests that are efficient to turn in, so you can get a quick boost before heading to the Mount Hyjal to do the quests.
Ideally, this route should not take more than 3 to 4 minutes to complete and thus will require a few items to make work. So don't forget to prepare for enough WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold in advance. Let me go over the route that I think will be the most efficient experience in WoW Cataclysm Classic:
Start In Dalaran
We begin the expansion journey in Dalaran, the Sons of Hodir daily quest zone. In this location, we complete 6 quests along with an Everfrost Chip that should not be accepted until turning in another quest during the launch. Remember to click it during the turn-in process.
After turning in all 7 quests, we utilize our Wormhole Generator to reach Storm Peaks, putting us in the old Ulduar zone. Here, we can turn in 3 quests in Halls of Lightning and 2 quests in Halls of Stone. In WoW Cataclysm, the quest givers were conveniently moved to the dungeon entrances, so entering and exiting swiftly completes the task.
Argent Tournament
Next, we use the Argent Crusader's Tabard to teleport to the Argent Tournament. Ideally, there should be 9 dailies available here for completion. If lacking the tabard or unlocked daily quests, prioritizing the Wormhole Generator usage and then proceeding to the faction-specific questing hub is recommended to fill up the Quest Log.
Mount Hyjal
After completing quests at the Argent Tournament, numerous quests will still be in the Quest Log, awaiting completion at Level 81. Utilizing the Hearthstone set to Everlook in Winterspring, flying into Mount Hyjal, and beginning questing from Level 81 onwards is the next step.
Once reaching Level 81 with enough quests to level up to 82, using the Dalaran Ring or Jaina's Locket to return to Dalaran to turn in the 2 daily Heroic quests and the fishing daily is advised.
Complete Deepholm
If possessing a reply code Alpha from killing Algalon, it should be turned in now, although completing this part may be challenging because of the inability to turn in the quest during active Roleplaying (RP). Ensuring a way to return to Dalaran later is crucial for accessing the portal to Caverns of Time and starting quests in Uldum.
Upon completing Deepholm, returning to Orgrimmar via portal to turn in the cooking and fishing daily, clicking the head of Nefarian in the bag, turning in, and completing a personal summons and the follow-up for an almost instant 30k experience is recommended. It's advisable to have a Weakaura that tracks quest completion experience to simplify tracking progress.
Following this strategy should bring you close to revered with Guardians of Hyjal and reach Level 82 in about 1 and 1/2 hours, providing a significant head start in Deepholm with minimal competition.
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WOW Cataclysm Classic Phase 4 Heroic Dungeons, Dragon Soul Raid And PvP: What To Expect For Players?
With the launch of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic Phase 4, Hour of Twilight, today, the epic battle against Deathwing finally reaches its climax. This phase not only includes three new Heroic Dungeons, Dragon Soul Raid, but also a new Rogues’ legendary weapon quest line. Players, prepare your best armor and weapons to deal with the raging attacks of Deathwing!
Phase 4, Hour of Twilight, is the culmination of Cataclysm story. Players will travel through the rifts of time, rewrite history, and face the madness of the corrupted black dragon king. Here are the key contents and schedule.
Three Heroic Dungeons
The three Heroic Dungeons can bring players WOW Cataclysm Classic Gold, equipment and other rich rewards. It can be foreseen that this will be one of the main game contents for players in WOW Cataclysm for some time to come:
End Time
Players explore the end of the world after the victory of Deathwing, when the leaders of Azeroth were corrupted and lived in destroyed dragon shrines. This and the dungeon will drop level 378 equipment items, so the difficulty is extremely high, and the player’s equipment level is best above 353.
Well Of Eternity
Players will travel to the capital of the night elves 10,000 years ago to help Illidan resist Burning Legion. Azshara, the queen of the night elves, tries to invite Burning Legion to come. Players will temporarily transform into night elves in the dungeon to organize Azshara’s actions.
Hour Of Twilight
Players need to escort Thrall to Wyrmrest Temple with Dragon Soul, and eventually join the blue, bronze, green and red dragon armies. During this period, players need to resist the attack of Twilight’s Hammer. Thrall will fight alongside you and provide you with buffs.
The new Heroic Raid has high level and gear requirements, so don’t try it lightly until you are ready. You need to use WOW Cataclysm Classic Gold to upgrade your armor and weapons to level 353 or above, and prepare supplies before challenging.
Dragon Soul Raid
Dragon Soul Raid event will be unlocked on February 20. Players need to protect Thrall and other guardians, lead them through Wyrmrest Temple, and prevent Deathwing from destroying everything. Dragon Soul Raid has three difficulty levels and two scales. The recommended player equipment item level is:
- LFR Difficulty: 384-390.
- Normal Difficulty: 397-403.
- Heroic Difficulty: 410-416.
- Experiment 12-B drops from Ultraxion in Normal and Heroic difficulty.
- Madness of Deathwing will definitely drop Life-Binder’s Handmaiden.
- Reins of the Blazing Drake is a rare drop from Madness of Deathwing and only drops in Normal Difficulty and Heroic Difficulty.
Players can obtain Legendary Fangs of the Father daggers in Normal Difficulty and Heroic Difficulty.
This equipment is only available to Rogues. Fangs of the Father is the only pair of legendary equipment that is limited to a class so far. Rogue players must not miss it. To obtain these two daggers, you must complete Fangs of the Father quest.
Fangs of the Father You don’t have to be a Rogue to participate in this quest. This is an epic quest line. It is well worth doing. Players need to work with Wrathion to clean up the corrupt remnants of Black Dragonflight.
Boss Battle
The boss battle of Dragon Soul Raid can bring huge benefits to all members, but it is also the most difficult challenge! Players must follow the team’s command to resist the boss, otherwise your mistakes may lead to the destruction of the entire team! After successfully defeating the boss, you can participate in the distribution of the boss’s equipment and gold.
Players will encounter the following bosses in Dragon Soul Raid:
- Morchok: Morchok is an elemental creature controlled by Deathwing. It was once a guardian, and now it believes that only when Azeroth is completely destroyed can it gain a moment of peace.
- Warlord Zon’ozz: Long, long ago, Warlord Zon’ozz led his army to war against C’Thun and Yogg-Saron. Thousands of years later, he is still loyal to Old God N’Zoth. Deathwing released Warlord Zon’ozz.
- Yor’sahj the Unsleeping: Yor’sahj the Unsleeping provides Deathwing with a way to release more faceless ones from the underground prison, making the faceless ones endless.
- Hagara the Stormbinder: One of the first Forsaken students to learn arcane magic, Hagara showed incredible promise until she was ensnared and twisted by Al’Akir the Wind Lord. Now devoted to Twilight’s Hammer, Hagara revels in torturing others.
- Ultraxion: More of an abomination of dark energy than a dragon, Ultraxion is the only twilight dragon recognized by Deathwing, and due to his hubris, Ultraxion vowed to destroy Wyrmrest Temple in order to serve his master.
- Warmaster Blackhorn: Riding on the few dozen twilight dragons left are the last remnants of Twilight’s Hammer’s army: Deathwing’s personal guard of elite dragonriders. Led by Warmaster Blackhorn, they fight for their master and are determined to protect him.
- Spine of Deathwing: When Deathwing first harnessed the power of Dragon Soul against the other legions, the overwhelming force nearly destroyed him. But he did not give up this weapon, but fused adamantium plates with his scales to connect his body. Later, because these plates were strengthened by the elements, this became the only weakness of Deathwing’s fatal existence.
- Madness of Deathwing: This horrible creature is a twisted hatred with unfathomable power. No one can stop it. His mind and soul have been corrupted and devoured by Old God masters.
Season 11 PVP
Season 11 PVP will be launched on February 25th. Tol Barad will add a new world boss Alizabal, and support 10/25 player mode.
Firelands Nerf: All bosses have their health and damage reduced by 30%. Players can turn off this effect by talking to General Taldris Moonfall.
The above is the content that will be opened in WOW Cataclysm Classic Phase 4. WOW Cataclysm Classic Phase 4 has a lot of content and will be open for a long time. Players can enjoy the various dungeons and activities that are open in the next period.
WOW Cataclysm Classic Phase 3: What New Changes Will The Upcoming Rage Of The Firelands Bring?
Hello warriors, recently WOW Cataclysm Classic released an exciting news: Phase 3, originally scheduled for October 2024, will be released ahead of schedule on September 17, 2024! To be honest, we rarely encounter Classic Phases that are released earlier than expected, so it is hard not to wonder what impact this change will have on the 2024 Classic roadmap and whether it will affect the subsequent launch of WOW Cataclysm.
However, instead of thinking about future content, it is better to focus on what new changes Phase 3 will bring to WOW Cataclysm Classic. This is also what we will focus on in this guide to help you get a better gaming experience in the upcoming new phase.
Mount Hyjal Zone
First of all, there will be a new event in Mount Hyjal Zone, but in order to participate in it, you must complete many different tasks in this area. So if you haven’t done them yet, do so before you start Phase 3.
To get the first quest of this event, you need to go to the major city and look for the quest board. There will be a quest telling you to go to Mount Hyjal. But is it really that important to complete this quest chain? Of course! Because there are some pretty amazing rewards at the end that are definitely worth the effort!
As you progress through the new story, you will also start to unlock daily quests, which are also very important. Because you will get a new currency. You will use this currency later to unlock some important NPCs who will sell a range of Epic Items, Transmog Items and Unique Toys.
You won’t get these Epic Items right away of course, because you still need to complete a lot of daily quests before then, but it will reward you with Level 365 Epic Items. So you can also do this in all characters so that they are equipped when Cataclysm Phase 3 starts.
Firelands Raid
Firelands is a level 85 Raid that can be completed in Normal and Heroic 10-man and 25-man difficulties. Killing Molten Lord in this raid is one of the ways to start the questline, which ultimately rewards you with the legendary staff, Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest.
Firelands Raid is located on Mount Hyjal. Once you enter the Raid, you will be able to gain Reputation for the new faction and, of course, new loot. In Normal mode, each boss will reward you with equipment of at least Item Level 378. In fact, you can also find a lot of Bind on Equip items and WoW Cataclysm Gold when you kill different trash mobs, so this will be a nice way to earn money.
As we said before, at the start of Firelands Raid, you will gain Reputation for a new Avengers of Hyjal Faction. There will also be a Quartermaster here, where you can get yourself some nice Epic Items based on your Reputation.
Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest
But the new staff, Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest, is more exciting than anything else. You can get this staff on the second-to-last boss in the raid. You can then right-click it and transform yourself into a new form, or your Cat Form will change appearance. It’s absolutely cool!
Getting this legendary staff is difficult, though. It will be a long quest chain that will probably take you 5-10 weeks to complete because you need to get a lot of different materials in Firelands. In the end, you will get a magical staff and a new Flying Mount, or, in PVP terms, a new way to transform yourself into a new Flying Mount.
New Questlines
In addition to this, Phase 3 also provides players with two more level 85 quest lines, which are available to both Alliance and Horde players.
Firelands Invasion
The first questline is Firelands Invasion, which will eventually unlock the level 85 Molten Front sub-region within Mount Hyjal. Here, players can complete daily quests to gain reputation and rewards with Mount Hyjal faction. Players who have completed Mount Hyjal region can begin Fireland Invasions via the breadcrumb quest, Guardians of Hyjal: Firelands Invasion.
If you haven’t completed the prerequisite quests yet, you will be given another breadcrumb quest, Guardians of Hyjal: Call of the Ancients to get you started.
Elemental Bonds
Elemental Bonds is another questline that players can experience in Phase 3, which can be started by picking up the quest Call of the World-Shaman on Mount Hyjal. This questline is more narrative-focused, revolving around the ongoing restoration of Thrall’s story after his encounter with Fandral Staghelm. Phase 3 will also bring a new HD Textures quality of life update, providing enhanced visuals throughout the game.
Possible Dungeon Changes
Finally, one question that remains in Phase 3, and in WoW Cataclysm as a whole, is dungeon changes similar to Titan Rune Dungeons, which would add another set of difficulty modifiers and 10-man Normal raid gear from Phase 2 raid dungeons to the dungeon loot pool. However, there hasn’t been any new information about the future development of this system since BlizzCon 2023, so we don’t know if it’s still a possibility.
In short, as you progress through Rage of the Firelands, you’ll gradually unlock more and more stories and quests. So, get ready and let’s look forward to the arrival of Cataclysm Classic Phase 3!
WoW Cataclysm Classic: A Complete Guide To Newly Released Rise Of The Zandalari In Phase 2 - Strategies & Rewards
Phase 2 of Cataclysm Classic has been launched on NA servers on July 30th and on EU servers on July 31st. Just when you thought you’d heeded the advice to stay away from da voodoo, a new challenge emerges. This challenge invites you to brave the lands of Zul’Gurub and Zul’Aman, uncover and thwart the plots of Zandalari and their brethren, and be handsomely rewarded for your efforts.
A Threat Fought In Secret
Vol’jin is playing it safe, sending Darkspear delegates to the capitals of Stormwind and Orgrimmar, calling on all adventurers who can physically investigate a threat that has recently emerged in Stranglethorn jungle.
However, Gurubashi tribe appears to have regained its strength and is wreaking havoc in Stranglethorn. You can now embark on a new level 85 single-player quest in Stranglethorn, restored by a new alliance with Zandalari, players will assist a sassy, headstrong Darkspear spirit-talker named Bwemba as they track down Hemet Nesingwary, and then encounter a host of new Zul’Gurub bosses in Stranglethorn’s steaming jungles.
As a reward for solving Stranglethorn’s problems, you’ll be rewarded with an adorable panther pet that will require your loving care. Players should seek out Vol’jin’s representatives in Orgrimmar or Stormwind Harbor to initiate this adventure.
Return To Zul’Gurub
With the support of Zandalari, Gurubashi people have once again rallied around this ancient city, determined to strike back against those they perceive as invading their ancestral lands. Now, this level 85, 5-player Heroic dungeon brings a whole new challenge. Having enough WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold will be key for players who wish to delve into these new challenges, as it will help you prepare the equipment and resources needed to ensure you can take on these challenges and reap the rich rewards they bring.
If you choose to ally with Darkspears, you will be well aware that invasions come at a cost. High Priest Venoxis, Broodlord Mandokir, High Priestess Kilnara, Zanzil, and Jin’do the Godbreaker - these enemies will not let you go easily.
Cut off their heads and you will be rewarded with a treasure map that may lead you to valuable loot. One of the most eye-catching is an account-bound ring that is inlaid with a huge gemstone, making it instantly visible when worn!
For players with advanced Archaeology skills, Zul’Gurub offers an additional challenge - unlocking a special boss. This boss will be a random one of Gri’lek, Renataki, Hazza’rah, and Wushoolay, who are chosen to punish adventurers who pursue treasure too much without considering the consequences. If your party survives this challenge, you will be rewarded with generous rewards from all four bosses, as well as valuable loot unique to each boss.
Amani Regrouped
With the support of Zandalari, the remnants of Amani have regrouped under the steadfast leadership of Daakara. Zul’Aman has been transformed into a challenging level 85, 5-player Heroic dungeon. Akil’zon, Nalorakk, Jan’alai, Halazzi, Hex Lord Malacrass, and Daakara hope to bring their tribes out of secrecy and become a force to be reckoned with. Challengers should proceed with caution.
To access Zul’Aman and Zul’Gurub, players must reach item level 346 or higher. These two heroic dungeons will appear in Dungeon Finder as separate heroic difficulties that exceed the current Cataclysm Heroic dungeons. As a reward, they will provide players with epic-quality loot at item level 353.
In both dungeons, players can expect to find items that cover almost all gear slots, although the rewards are mainly focused on providing some hard-to-fill slots or specializations, such as bracers, helms, shoulders, guns, and wands.
Rare Mounts And More
Retaining the original features of Zul’Gurub and Zul’Aman, players will obtain updated versions of rare mounts. In Zul’Gurub, players can obtain Swift Zulian Panther and Armored Razzashi Raptor as mounts, while in Amani, by defeating the first four bosses within the time limit, players can obtain Battle Bear.
With the opening of challenges in the two heroic dungeons of Zul’Gurub and Zul’Aman, players will embark on an adventure full of dangers and opportunities. Through these challenges, players will not only obtain powerful equipment and rare mounts, but more importantly, they will become the key force to resist the conspiracy of Zandalari and his allies.
WoW Cataclysm Classic: What We Know So Far About The Upcoming Changes In Phase 2? - New Raids, Mounts And More
Recently, the developers finally announced the release date of WoW Cataclysm Classic Phase 2 and some very interesting changes that will come with it.
Phase 2 will launch on July 30, 2024, and players will have the opportunity to tackle some familiar, troll-filled raids in a whole new way. Although the full details of Phase 2 update have not been announced so far, it is expected that players will not have to wait too long to challenge the powerful Troll hordes on Classic Era Server.
In this guide, we will talk about some of the new content that we know so far about what will be introduced in Phase 2. Without further ado, let’s get straight to it!
Troll Empires
Troll Empires are the oldest civilizations in Azeroth. They have long been divided, but Zandalari tribe has now decided to bring all Empires together.
In Rise of the Zandalari, we’ll learn more about the different Troll tribes and see what United Empires will eventually look like.
Reworked Troll-Themed Raids
As we learn more about the unity of Troll tribes, we’ve learned that they’ve reclaimed former Troll Strongholds: Zul’Gurub and Zul’aman.
As we all know, WoW Cataclysm Phase 1 introduced three familiar raids, and Phase 2 will bring similar content. Phase 2 will bring these two reworked Troll-themed raids to the open world in a way that players have never experienced before.
Now, they’ve received a new update, including improved bosses, loot, and mounts. If you want to have a better chance of winning all encounters and winning these loot, it’s crucial to invest more WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold in your character build to fully upgrade it.
In Phase 2 of WoW Cataclysm Classic, both Zul’Gurub and Zul’aman will become level 85 Heroic Dungeons that players can tackle. Arguably one of the most interesting 10-player raids in World of WarCraft history, Zul’aman was first introduced in Burning Crusade expansion and is the only way to unlock Amani War Bear Mount. Unfortunately, this feature is not available to players on Classic Era servers.
But in Cataclysm Phase 2, Zul’aman will be brought back to life with new mechanics and plenty of challenges, giving players the following bosses to fight:
- Akil’zon
- Nalorakk
- Jan’alai
- Halazzi
- Hex Lord Malacrass
- Daakara
Zul’Gurub was one of the earlier raids in World of WarCraft Vanilla, and it’s making a return in WoW Cataclysm Classic as a new addition to Phase 2. However, this Heroic Dungeon also won’t work the same way as players remember the original raid. In the new Heroic, players can fight the following bosses:
Required Bosses:
- High Priest Venoxis
- Broodlord Mandokir
- High Priestess Kilnara
- Zanzil
- Jin’do the Godbreaker
Optional Bosses:
- Gri’lek
- Renataki
- Hazza’rah
- Wushoolay
One of the optional bosses can be summoned by players with a high enough Archaeology, a skill that was added in WoW Cataclysm Classic expansion. Additionally, after defeating the supreme boss, you’ll unlock a treasure map that you can take and unlock the powerful Account Bound Ring, which has a gem so big you can see it when you wear it!
Rare Mounts
Players can also unlock rare mounts in WoW Cataclysm Phase 2. Of course, this isn’t the original either, but the mounts available in Cataclysm’s Heroic Dungeon.
Epic mounts in Zul’Gurub include Swift Zulian Panther and Armored Razzashi Raptor. Amani War Bear Mount unlocks if you defeat the first four bosses of Zul’aman before time runs out.
Epic Drop Rate Increases
If you want to try out the content in WoW Cataclysm Classic Phase 2, you’ll need items at item level 346. You’ll find these two new Heroic Dungeons in a separate Heroic difficulty tier in Dungeon Finder, meaning they’re harder than the current Cataclysm Heroic Dungeons. Of course, with that comes better rewards, too, with item level 353 Epic drops in nearly every gear slot.
The big takeaway, though, is that previously harder-to-find gear slots like Bracers, Helmets, Shoulders, Gun, and Wands are also seeing their Epic drop rates increased. That’s pretty exciting!
Dungeon Finder Update
In addition, Cataclysm Phase 2 brings an update to the existing LFD or Dungeon Finder Tool called Call to Arms.
This update allows players to obtain Satchel of Exotic Mysteries while queuing for underrepresented roles in Dungeon Finder. When the system finds that a character is underrepresented in the queue, it will highlight that character with a Call to Arms icon in Dungeon Finder UI. To obtain these rewards, you must solo queue and must complete the dungeon by killing the ultimate boss.
While we don’t have any officially confirmed rewards yet, based on our experience with Phase 1, we’re guessing that when Rise of the Zandalari first launches, Satchel of Exotic Mysteries may include the following:
- Gold
- Rare Gems
- Flasks/Potions
- Non-Combat Pets
- Mounts (Dungeon Drops Only)
Most of the time, Call to Arms will probably be for Tanks or Healers, but may occasionally supplement DPS players. This update is a great incentive for players willing to fill underrepresented roles and help shorten queue times for those who don’t.
That’s all we know about the new changes coming to Phase 2 of WoW Cataclysm. Get ready as soon as possible and let’s start a new adventure together!
WOW Cataclysm Classic: How To Get The Rarest Transmogs In The Upcoming Phase 2? - Location & Notes
Transmogs are a very popular feature in World of Warcraft, perfect for players who play on retail or Cataclysm-era servers. This feature allows each character to have more unique and creative customization options. In the minds of players, collecting different types of gear for transmog has become very important, even more than performing missions or raids in the game!
What I need to remind you here is that transmog was added in Cataclysm expansion, so you don’t have to start exploring from scratch. You can use some of the equipment or weapons you have already acquired to transmog when expansion is released.
Similarly, in WOW Cataclysm Classic Phase 2 Rise of the Zandalari, which will be released on July 30 as the second phase of the entire expansion, you can also use transmog. Any items you’ve previously acquired through quests, crafting, or even drops will appear in your transmog directory.
Transmog sets available to each character are determined by their classes. For example, casters can only use cloth transmogs, while Paladins or Warriors can use plate and mail gear. This guide will detail the best transmogs you can use in the game, so you can be ready before Phase 2 arrives!
Circle Of Flame
- Location: Dropped by Lord Incendium Ambassador Flamelash in Blackrock Depths
This is a mid-level item, but the drop rate for this item is only a measly 2%, which makes it one of the most sought-after items in the game. It’s not without a replacement though, you can get a Crown of Desolation from Ragnaros in Molten Core raid to replace it. However, both items are very difficult to obtain and require some effort on your part.
How To Find Ambassador Flamelash?
Before explaining how to find the boss that drops Circle of Flame, I need to remind you that there is a level scaling function in Retail WoW, so if you want to get this item, your dungeon must be scaled to match your character. The same level, and you also need to team up with others to complete this exploration.
The following steps are for Cataclysm because there is no level scaling, so you can complete them independently with a high-level character.
Go to Blackrock Depths. This is one of many instances in the infamous Blackrock Mountain, and is usually the first place players visit, as it is a level 40-45 dungeon. Turn left at the entrance, go through the gate, and enter the door on the right that leads directly to West Garrison.
Then find Grim Guzzler. This is the hottest tavern in Azeroth. Go through the back door, stay on the left, go up the first staircase, and turn right.
Defeat Flamelash. Ambassador is alone in a large room filled with lava, but during the battle, several small fire elementals will join the battle and help him. He probably won’t drop Circle of Flame on the first try, so be prepared to do this a few times.
If you have run this dungeon before and have the keys to get into West Garrison, you can complete the steps above. If you haven’t been to Blackrock Depths before, you can still go this route, but you’ll need a high-level character or a powerful class.
Black Embersilk Gown
- Location: Get the recipe from the sewing trainer
This item is one of the new decorative clothing added in Cataclysm, and you need to reach level 500 in the Tailoring skill to craft it. In addition, you need to use 8 bolts of Embersilk to craft it, so if you are currently using another class, you can use WOW Cataclysm Classic Gold to obtain it at Auction House or commission someone else to make it.
But in fact, making Black Embersilk Gown is not that easy. Although this item is just for decoration, it requires a lot of expensive and rare materials, including Volatile Fire dropped by specific high-level enemies in Mount Hyjal, and Chaos Orbs dropped by the final boss of heroic-level dungeons, which are very difficult to obtain.
It is also necessary to remind you that LFG function in Cataclysm will only show the option for Heroics when your total gear score is 329 or above, so you should always pay attention to your gear situation. Also, Chaos Orbs don’t drop in regular dungeons, you need to look for higher-level dungeons.
Robe Of The Malefic
- Location: In the hands of Keeper of Lost Artifacts Tydormu in Scale of Sands
Every caster in the current game wants this Robe Of The Malefic. Also known as Hood of The Malefic, it has a pair of long horns and a set of giant bat wings. The only way to get this set is to enter Mount Hyjal raid and compete with Archimonde when he drops Forgotten Conqueror’s Chestguard. Once you win the dice, you can trade it with Tydormu.
How To Find Tydormu?
The vendors who trade these items are usually well hidden, and so is Tydormu. Before trading, you need to prepare the tokens it needs in case the trade fails.
You can go to Caverns Of Time. Fly through the entrance to Sanctuary. It’s the second Sanctuary to the right from where the dragon dropped in Cataclysm expansion.
Join Mount Hyjal Raid. You must be level 65 or above to join the raid and have Classic WoW installed. And speak to Tydormu. Find him wandering the “foyer” of Mount Hyjal raid. This raid has multiple portals leading to different stages, making it one of the most complex and difficult 40-player raids in WoW.
These are the best transmogs you can choose from in WoW Cataclysm Classic. Hopefully, you can use them to your advantage in WoW Cataclysm Classic Phase 2 Rise of the Zandalari! Have fun exploring!
WOW Cataclysm Classic: 6 Best Fishing Rods For All Fishing Fanatics! - Locations & How To Get Them
Cooking is an essential skill in World of Warcraft when cooking for weekly raids or stocking up for low-level characters. Fishing is closely linked to the cooking skill, so no matter how many expansion or remasters Blizzard releases, fishing will always be an extremely important class skill in World of Warcraft. Related to cooking, raiding, and supply.
In Cataclysm Classic, many fishing rods were introduced. For most players, being able to own a stylish fishing rod will increase their love for fishing and enhance the game experience. For those players who are keen on participating in fishing competitions, it is undoubtedly a pleasure to have their own fishing rod to win the competition in a stylish way. So here is how to get the best fishing rod for you!
6. Nat’s Lucky Fishing Pole
- Item Level: 20
- Buffs: +25 Fishing Skill
- How to get: Need to reach level 225 fishing skill and complete the quest “Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme”
Although Nat’s Lucky Fishing Pole looks ordinary, it is of rare quality and has good buffs. It is very suitable for players who are still improving their skill level and are highly sought after by fishing enthusiasts.
You can get it through a series of fishing-related quest chains, go to some far-flung locations in Azeroth, and bring back four rare fish in exchange for Nat’s Lucky Fishing Pole and Nat’s eternal friendship. If you lose this fishing pole during the game. You can always come to Nat to get a new fishing pole.
5. Arcanite Fishing Pole
- Item Level: 20
- Buffs: +40 Fishing Skill
- How to Get: Requires 300 Fishing Skill, one prize for Stranglethorn Fishing Contest
Arcanite Fishing Pole is a premium fishing pole in World of Warcraft. Arcanite Fishing Pole is known for increasing the speed at which players catch fish. Statistically, it is the best fishing pole in the game.
Arcanite Fishing Pole is only awarded to the first player to deliver 40 Tastyfish to Riggle Bassbait, a Goblin NPC in Booty Bay. As such, it is one of the hardest accessories to get in the game, and one of the rarest fishing poles.
The rarity of Arcanite Fishing Pole and how it is obtained do pose a challenge to many players. If you don’t have enough time or resources to complete such an arduous task during the game, you can spend WOW Cataclysm Classic Gold to obtain various items and resources in the in-game store to help you get Arcanite Fishing Pole more quickly and effortlessly.
4. Nat Pagle’s Extreme Angler FC-5000
- Item Level: 50
- Buffs: +20 Fishing Skill
- How to get: Requires 100 Fishing Skill and completes Hinterlands quest
With its distinctive red and white color scheme, Nat Pagle’s Extreme Angler FC-5000 stands out from other fishing rods with its unique design. Its impeccable appearance represents a symbol of the fishing ability of the person who uses it.
Alliance and Horde players need to complete different quests to obtain Nat Pagle’s Extreme Angler FC-5000. Alliance players are tasked with finding Dron Blastbrew and completing “Snapjaws, Lad!”, while Horde players need to talk to angler Katoom in Revantusk Village on the coast about “Snapjaws, Mon!”.
If you lose this fishing pole during the game, like Nat’s Lucky Fishing Pole, you can get a new one, but unlike it, if you lose this fishing pole somewhere between WotLK and Cataclysm, you must return to the quest giver and complete the same quest again.
3. Mastercraft Kalu’ak Fishing Pole
- Item Level: 200
- Buffs: +30 Fishing Skill, Underwater Breathing
- How to Get: Character Level 80, Fishing Skill 300, Exalted with Kalu’ak
The only Epic-level fishing pole in the game can be obtained from Kalu’ak Quartermaster after the character’s relationship with the faction reaches Exalted. Mastercraft Kalu’ak Fishing Pole is a high-level team of equipment with buffs effects. It is often used by players who engage in fishing for fun or as a profession.
This fishing pole is obtained differently from other fishing poles. As long as you get Exalted reputation among Kalu’ak people, it is very easy to obtain.
Mastercraft Kalu’ak Fishing Pole is named after Kalu’ak tribe, a murloc faction in the game. It shares the same style as the local Kalu’ak tribe, who also wear their own Kalu’ak Fishing Derby. This fishing pole has a Northrend aesthetic, so it’s a must-have for those who like this aesthetic.
2. Bone Fishing Pole
- Item Level: 15
- Buffs: +30 Fishing Skill
- How to get: Requires 300 Fishing Skill, a random reward for completing Northrend fishing quests
Bone Fishing Pole has a unique look, and its bone-like design sets it apart from other fishing poles in the game. The reel on this rare fishing pole is a skull with glowing eyes, which stares at the player cool or scary, depending on the type of game being played.
After completing any fishing quest, fans will receive a Bag of Shiny Things or a Bag of Fishing Treasures as a reward, and this fishing pole has a chance to be inside.
In Burning Crusade expansion pack, this fishing rod can only be obtained from Outland fishing quest offered by Shattrath, when Shattrath’s fishing skill is the highest. In Cataclysm, it can be obtained from any fishing quest as long as the character’s fishing skill reaches or exceeds 300.
1. Jeweled Fishing Pole
- Item Level: 15
- Buffs: +30 Fishing Skill
- How to get: Requires 300 Fishing Skill, which is a random reward for fishing quests
Like its name, it is really studded with gems and covered with pure gold. Jeweled Fishing Pole is relatively affordable and can be used by most players who are interested in fishing. Although he is not the rarest or highest level, he is also the most fashionable fishing rod in the game.
As long as the character level reaches the required level, it can be found in any pack. It is suitable for fishing and also very suitable for showing off.
Having an ideal fishing rod can not only make fishing more fun but also give you an advantage in fierce fishing competitions. Whether through in-game efforts and exploration, or by choosing to take advantage of WOW Cataclysm Gold, we hope that every player will find their best fishing rod and enjoy the endless joy of fishing in world of Cataclysm Classic.