WOW Cataclysm Classic Phase 3: What New Changes Will The Upcoming Rage Of The Firelands Bring?
Posted: Sep 15, 2024 Views: 1800
Hello warriors, recently WOW Cataclysm Classic released an exciting news: Phase 3, originally scheduled for October 2024, will be released ahead of schedule on September 17, 2024! To be honest, we rarely encounter Classic Phases that are released earlier than expected, so it is hard not to wonder what impact this change will have on the 2024 Classic roadmap and whether it will affect the subsequent launch of WOW Cataclysm.
However, instead of thinking about future content, it is better to focus on what new changes Phase 3 will bring to WOW Cataclysm Classic. This is also what we will focus on in this guide to help you get a better gaming experience in the upcoming new phase.
Mount Hyjal Zone
First of all, there will be a new event in Mount Hyjal Zone, but in order to participate in it, you must complete many different tasks in this area. So if you haven’t done them yet, do so before you start Phase 3.
To get the first quest of this event, you need to go to the major city and look for the quest board. There will be a quest telling you to go to Mount Hyjal. But is it really that important to complete this quest chain? Of course! Because there are some pretty amazing rewards at the end that are definitely worth the effort!
As you progress through the new story, you will also start to unlock daily quests, which are also very important. Because you will get a new currency. You will use this currency later to unlock some important NPCs who will sell a range of Epic Items, Transmog Items and Unique Toys.
You won’t get these Epic Items right away of course, because you still need to complete a lot of daily quests before then, but it will reward you with Level 365 Epic Items. So you can also do this in all characters so that they are equipped when Cataclysm Phase 3 starts.
Firelands Raid
Firelands is a level 85 Raid that can be completed in Normal and Heroic 10-man and 25-man difficulties. Killing Molten Lord in this raid is one of the ways to start the questline, which ultimately rewards you with the legendary staff, Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest.
Firelands Raid is located on Mount Hyjal. Once you enter the Raid, you will be able to gain Reputation for the new faction and, of course, new loot. In Normal mode, each boss will reward you with equipment of at least Item Level 378. In fact, you can also find a lot of Bind on Equip items and WoW Cataclysm Gold when you kill different trash mobs, so this will be a nice way to earn money.
As we said before, at the start of Firelands Raid, you will gain Reputation for a new Avengers of Hyjal Faction. There will also be a Quartermaster here, where you can get yourself some nice Epic Items based on your Reputation.
Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest
But the new staff, Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest, is more exciting than anything else. You can get this staff on the second-to-last boss in the raid. You can then right-click it and transform yourself into a new form, or your Cat Form will change appearance. It’s absolutely cool!
Getting this legendary staff is difficult, though. It will be a long quest chain that will probably take you 5-10 weeks to complete because you need to get a lot of different materials in Firelands. In the end, you will get a magical staff and a new Flying Mount, or, in PVP terms, a new way to transform yourself into a new Flying Mount.
New Questlines
In addition to this, Phase 3 also provides players with two more level 85 quest lines, which are available to both Alliance and Horde players.
Firelands Invasion
The first questline is Firelands Invasion, which will eventually unlock the level 85 Molten Front sub-region within Mount Hyjal. Here, players can complete daily quests to gain reputation and rewards with Mount Hyjal faction. Players who have completed Mount Hyjal region can begin Fireland Invasions via the breadcrumb quest, Guardians of Hyjal: Firelands Invasion.
If you haven’t completed the prerequisite quests yet, you will be given another breadcrumb quest, Guardians of Hyjal: Call of the Ancients to get you started.
Elemental Bonds
Elemental Bonds is another questline that players can experience in Phase 3, which can be started by picking up the quest Call of the World-Shaman on Mount Hyjal. This questline is more narrative-focused, revolving around the ongoing restoration of Thrall’s story after his encounter with Fandral Staghelm. Phase 3 will also bring a new HD Textures quality of life update, providing enhanced visuals throughout the game.
Possible Dungeon Changes
Finally, one question that remains in Phase 3, and in WoW Cataclysm as a whole, is dungeon changes similar to Titan Rune Dungeons, which would add another set of difficulty modifiers and 10-man Normal raid gear from Phase 2 raid dungeons to the dungeon loot pool. However, there hasn’t been any new information about the future development of this system since BlizzCon 2023, so we don’t know if it’s still a possibility.
In short, as you progress through Rage of the Firelands, you’ll gradually unlock more and more stories and quests. So, get ready and let’s look forward to the arrival of Cataclysm Classic Phase 3!
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