WOW Cataclysm Classic: How To Easily Complete Bastion Of Twilight Raid? - A Step-By-Step Guide
Posted: May 31, 2024 Views: 1476
WoW Cataclysm Classic has been out for about 2 weeks now, so it's time to provide you some tips on how to go through dungeons. Today I'm going to be giving you a complete guide on how to raid Bastion of Twilight. Follow my step and let's dive in!
Halfus Wyrmbreaker
There are 5 dragons in the back of the room, but only 3 will be active. Each active dragon gives Halfus a buff. When you free a dragon, it'll debuff the boss, but then they will turn aggressive. You want to have one tank on Halfus and the other tank on the drakes you released.
If you have Slate Dragon active, you want to taunt swap Halfus on 3 stacks. The priority order is Storm Rider, Nether Scion, Time Warden, Whelps, and Slate Dragon. It is advisable to free 2 drakes straight away so you can beat enrage timer.
When you kill a drake, Halfus will take 100% more damage and this will stack. You may want to only kill 2 drakes. However, if Whelp Cage is active, you can have a tank pick these up and passively AoE them down as they don't deal too much damage.
At 50%, Halfus will now cast Furious Roar. This is 3 raid-wide stuns in quick succession. Make sure you have HotS rolling and a cooldown on the tank. If Storm Rider is one of the dragons available, Halfus will cast Shadow Nova immediately afterward. You'll have to use an ability to get out of stun to be able to interrupt this: Blink, Counterspell, PvP Trinket, Every Man for Himself and so on.
On Heroic, all dragons are active. Release Nether Scion, Storm Rider, and the whelps at the start. Try to nuke them all together. Of course, you can also use WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold to help you complete. Once they are dead, you can either choose to release Slate Dragon so you don't have to worry about tank stacks or just nuke the boss.
Valiona & Theralion
Spread out around the boss. Blackout will go on a random player. Stack up and dispel it to split this AoE damage. When the boss starts casting Devouring Flames, get behind her. This is a 180° Flame Breath, not a cone. It does, however, deal less damage the further away you are from her, so if you can't get behind, get far away. Move out of swirlies on the ground.
Dragon swap time: When the dragons swap places, have your range stack up. The boss will turn to face a ranged player and put a big Void Zone on the target. When you see the boss turn, this is your cue to move. Try and stack Void Zones close to one another so you don't run out of room.
Engulfing Magic will be put on by a player. This is just a pulsating AOE based on your damage, so run out of your group. If you get the meteor debuff, run to the melee group and stack up. This is a split AOE. Towards the end of this phase, Valiona will do 3 mechanics on one-third of the room. You need to move out of this. When this is finished, it will swap back to phase one.
On Heroic, a Twilight Sentry will spawn in the Twilight realm every few seconds. They will deal damage to your raid. Both dragons apply a DoT called Twilight Shift every 20 seconds to the tank. At five stacks, it will send you and anyone close to you to the shadow realm.
While the tank can run to the portal immediately, you should send down some DPS and a healer to clear up all the sentries. You'll get a stacking debuff while down there, so leave before your stacks hit around 20.
Ascendant Council
The encounter comprises several phases, each with distinct mechanics to manage effectively. In Phase 1, 2 bosses, Feludius and Ignacious, spawn. Melee players focus on Ignacious, while ranged players target Feludius. Tanks should keep Feludius away from the group to mitigate damage from its close-range AoE attacks.
During this encounter, players will need to manage their Corrupted Blood level, which increases as the boss uses abilities and deals with damage. For every 25 percent of Corrupted Blood, players will gain a new debuff:
Phase 1 of this encounter requires careful positioning and coordination. The boss has a massive aggro radius, so it's advisable to have a Hunter reset the boss for optimal positioning and DPS uptime. The raid should spread out along the edge of the platform, staying within 15 yards of each other.
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