WOTLK Classic Phase 3: How To Get Reins Of The Onyxian Drake?
Posted: Jun 05, 2023 Views: 1193
Recently, Phase 3 had a brand new raid, and basically no one was talking about it. So stay tuned as we head out to Dream Dust in the Swamp to slay dragons and get Reins of the Onyxian Drake.
Onyxia’s Backstory
There was a big celebration on the game’s fifth anniversary, and part of the celebration was a new Nixie array for level 80 characters.
Blizzard offers both 10-player and 25-player modes, and of course there’s a lot of nostalgia-inducing item drops. They even added a 2% item drop in Reins of the Onyxian Drake. We’ll be able to go back to Great Wall of Mars and fight Nixie.
How To Get To Onyxia?
The fastest way to get to Onyxia is to fly over to Mudsprocket, or you can just fly down on Orgrimmar. You’ll notice brand new NPCs due to Horde privilege outside the entrance the next day. This NPC gives you a buff that allows you to reach level 60.
Is Onyxia Difficult?
The raid comes 49 days after Trial of the Crusader. This is why you will see a lot of loot that is the same or better than TOC loot. Although in 2023, in my testing, this raid is closer in difficulty to Vault of Archavon than Trial of the Crusader on PTR.
But we could randomly place Aldor and new guild players together for this raid, which makes Onyxia perfect for class check runs. I can honestly see less than 20 players farming Onyxia to maximize loot and mounts.
Onyxia Raid Comp
We have to cover Raid Comp. It is important that the 10-player and 25-player have at least two tanks and two healers. If you also want to mix physical and area DPS, it’s better to jump into the fight with a longer range than melee.
Also Read: WOTLK Classic Phase 3: Everything You Need To Know About The Upcoming Argent Tournament!
Onyxia Phase 2
Once Onyxia reaches 65% health, she takes to the air to begin Phase 2. A key thing to watch out for in Phase 2 is avoiding damage from Flame Breath. Basically, every shot Flame Breath path is based on the direction Nixie is facing.
You should move together as a group, but remain slightly dispersed. That’s because Nixie also casts a fireball with a radius of 10 yards around the affected target every two seconds.
Onyxia Phase 3
Once you get to Nixie at 40, Phase 3 will start and Onyxia will land. The main tank should immediately catch Nixie and the locator near the back wall, just like Phase 1 Nixia would cast Roar, which is a three-second field. I would definitely recommend Fear Ward against the tank to avoid facing the red Nixie after the first Roar. This is the perfect time to cast Bloodlust and unleash a big cooldown.
Reins Of The Onyxian Drake
The piece of loot everyone wants is Reins of the Onyxian Drake, but it only has a 2% drop chance. You’ll see it throughout WOTLK Classic. At the same time, it can increase your speed by 310%. If you miss your Reins of the Violet Proto-Drake, this is your best replacement mount.
Onyxia Loot
Let’s check out the rest of the gear. There is a 232 item level and 245 item level cloak available to the caster. This raid has a lot of options and weapons. You’ll also get a bag of chests containing one to three Epic Gems and some drops of WOTLK Classic Gold. You get some very useful 245 item level jewels, which can go a long way toward leveling up and restoring your Druid.
All in all, if you are also interested, you might as well try this raid activity, which may bring you excellent results.
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WOTLK Classic Phase 5: A Quick Guide To The Ruby Sanctum 25-Man Normal + Heroic
Welcome to a guide for the Ruby Sanctum in WOTLK Classic Phase 5. For anyone still playing and didn’t quit after getting Shadowmounre, Ruby Sanctum has 3 mini-bosses and the main boss, Halion.
Please remember to use your WOTLK Classic Gold to equip yourself well before fighting. This way, combined with this guide, you will defeat these bosses more easily!
3 Mini-Bosses
For Baltharus, don’t stand in the Blade Storm. Move out with Innovating Brand so you don’t make him a gigachad. When he spawns his clones with a raid-wide knockback and a stun, pick them up but keep focusing on the main one.
For Zarithrian, tank swap before you lose all your armor. Trem to him, his raid-wide fear, and interrupt the ads while they pulse AOE damage.
For Saviana, face her frontal breath away, try to shot the Enrage, so she doesn’t deal raid-wide damage. When she flies up, move out of the raid if you get Conflagration.
Now for the real boss, Halion, who has 3 health-based phases. In every phase, he is a dragon, so stand to the side to avoid getting hit by the tail or the frontal. And tanks, all you have to do is to survive the frontal breath and a bit of movement.
During Phase 1, he gives someone Mark of Combustion, which makes you explode and drop a pool when dispelled or decursed. The longer you have it, the bigger the explosion in the pool. So, move out as soon as possible, call for a dispel, or you’ll probably all die .
On Heroic, the pools give stacking dots, so don’t touch them unless you need to pad your healing. He also casts Meteor Strike, which looks like Hellfire on the ground, dealing big damage to anyone hit and spawning an X of fire. On Heroic, this also spawns a bunch of ads, so pick them up and nuke them down.
Stack the raid on one side of the boss, then when it appears, move through the boss to the other side, but watch out for the fire. At 75%, the boss phases into the shadow realm, so click the portal to follow him, but have a tank and healers stay behind for Phase 3.
He now casts Mark of Consumption (Soul Consumption), which is the same as Phase 1, so move out and dispel as soon as possible, but the pool now sucks you in, so don’t touch it. On Heroic, the pool also slows you, so throw a freedom on whoever has it to get them back quicker.
Two orbs rotate around the edge of the room, occasionally firing a laser between them that’ll hit you. When the laser starts, rotate the boss and everyone along with it, but don’t go too fast or too slow, or you might be hit by the laser, the tail, or the frontal.
Every cast of will throw a fit until this phase ends. On Heroic, there are now 4 orbs and 2 lasers to split the room into four, so there’s even less space to move, and there’s ticking damage in the shadow realm to keep healers pressing their buttons.
At 50%, the boss splits into both realms. Split the raid with ranged in the main realm, melee in the shadow realm, and healers and tanks split evenly. Each realm is the same as the previous phases, but he now has a buff called Corporeality. This stacks are based on the damage in each realm, reducing his damage taken and increasing his damage done. So, split the raid as evenly as you can to keep it at 50% in both realms.
But if you put everyone in 1 realm, he eventually takes no damage and heals while you sit around. On Heroic, assign more damage in the main realm for the ads. But if you have some AOE blasters, you should be fine.
The other main Heroic change is the pools are visible in every realm, and they never disappear. So, drop them as close to each other as you can to save room space. Then, kill the boss before you run out of space.
WOTLK Classic: How To Earn Massive Gold By Running GDKP In Phase 4? - Gold Farming Guide
Think back to if you’ve ever looked with envy at someone riding Invincible’s Reins or wielding a Shadowmourne and wondered how on earth they could afford it? Or maybe you’re gearing up to take down Lich King in your weekly Heroic Dungeons, but you find yourself a little short on gold.
Today, we don’t just reveal any secrets. I’ll also share something that most gold farming guides don’t talk about, which is the untapped wealth in Northrend. Once you understand it, you will make huge profits for yourself.
GDKP History
If you're a veteran of WoW, you've probably heard of GDKP raids. GDKP stands for “Gold Dragon Kill Points”, a loot distribution system popular in WoW raids. During a GDKP run, players can bid for items dropped during a raid. Then at the end of the run, the raid leader will distribute the earned WOTLK Classic Gold to raid members.
Unlike the traditional DKP system, players earn points by participating in raids and can spend these points on loot. This means that players with more gold have a better chance of winning items, but everyone has a chance to bid on and win items.
To take part in a GDKP run, you’d better bring enough gold to bid on items relevant to your class and needed for your character.
During a raid, bidding will take place in the raid chat and the highest bidder will win the item. If two or more players bid the same amount, the winner is determined by rolling. The winning gold is then collected by the raid leader and distributed to raid members at the end of the match.
It’s worth noting that running GDKP isn’t for everyone. If you are new to raiding or do not have a large amount of WOTLK Classic Gold, you may find it difficult to take part in GDKP events. But don’t worry, you can also use code “Lich” to get 3% off.
Overall, GDKP runs are a unique and exciting way to distribute loot in WoW raids. They require some preparation and gold, but they can be a fun and rewarding experience for participants.
GDKP Pros & Cons
GDKP runs are becoming increasingly popular in WoW raids, and for good reason. The advantages are significant, and here are a few reasons why you might want to consider running with GDKP:
First, in a GDKP run, players bid on items using their own gold. This means that the players who want an item the most are usually willing to bid the highest amount of WOTLK Classic Gold to buy it. This ensures that we distributed fairly the loot and everyone has a chance to get the items they want.
When players have to bid for items with their own gold, they have more incentive to perform well in raids. This means you’re less likely to encounter warriors who aren’t pulling their weight or players who aren’t performing at their best. When players are motivated to perform well, you can expect to see an increase in DPS. This means we will faster kill bosses, making raids go more smoothly.
While GDKP is running, players can bid on items even if they didn’t contribute much to the raid. This means players who progress through raids can still get loot, which can be a great way to motivate them to keep playing.
Modern GDKP Runs
Because WOTLK Classic has most of the features of Master Loot system, Modern GDKP varies in terms of skill level and gold amount. But on average, in today’s game, you can make more money using this method than other methods in WOTLK Classic.
So let’s talk about Modern GDKP scenario and how you can benefit from it. The first thing you need to know about GDKP scenario is that there are four important metrics.
The first is your gear score, which is something we can easily fix. GDKP has different gear score requirements, currently getting at least 5,000 should be the minimum requirement.
The second metric that raid leaders care about is the amount of gold you’re willing to spend. This number will vary from run to run, but in my experience, 5,000 is the minimum. You can reach this amount in just 5 hours by running Gamma Dungeons to farm Primordial Saronite.
Then there are the actual classes you’re playing with. For example, it’s easier to get into a running state as Holy Paladins than as Frost Mages.
The fourth important metric is Logs, but it only really matters for the most severe GDKP situations.
How To Get Into A Serious GDKP Run?
To complete a qualified GDKP run process, you need to pay attention to the following aspects.
First, AFK while GDKP is running may cause players to lose the opportunity to bid on items or even be kicked out of the team. Therefore, it’s important to stay active and engaged during the run to ensure a fair distribution of the loot.
They usually organize GDKP runs as PUGs, which means players from different guilds can join the run. This allows for a wider player base and more gear opportunities. Meanwhile, this also ensures that all players have access to the same content and an equal opportunity to bid for loot.
It is important to note that BOE items are valuable in GDKP runs, as we can sell them on the auction house for large amounts of WOTLK Classic Gold. We often bid separately these items from other loot and can fetch high prices.
Overall, GDKP runs are a great way to get rare gear quickly, especially for players who are new to raids or have limited access to gear. By using gold to bid on items, players can get gear they wouldn’t otherwise be able to get.
So GDKP can be an excellent system for earning gold and getting free gear, and that’s the beauty of it. This is a kind of snowballs because the more runs you make, the more WOTLK Classic Gold you earn and the more gear you can acquire.
By the end of Phase 4, you can even take home tens of thousands of gold coins every week in pure profit. You just need some excellent planning to maximize your gold for the remainder of Phase 4. Then you can get rare items like Invincible’s Reins or Shadowmourne!
WOTLK Classic Phase 4: Hallow’s End Holiday Event Complete Guide! - Headless Horseman, Events & Loot
Hallow’s End is coming to WOTLK Classic Phase 4. Hallow’s End includes tons of creepy rewards, activities to take part in, and mini-events for Horde and Alliance to enjoy across Azeroth.
This guide outlines everything you need to know about WOTLK Classic’s 2023 Hallow’s End Holiday Event. Includes the location of Headless Horseman boss, how to defeat it, and more items players can earn during the event.
Activity Time
Hallow’s End Holiday Event 2023 has a start date of October 18, 2023 and is expected to end on November 1, 2023.
So the residents of Azeroth have about two weeks to accomplish everything they want from Hallow’s End. Including completing achievements, enjoying the celebrations, and killing Headless Horseman repeatedly to get some loot.
How To Find Headless Horseman Using RDF?
According to developers, Headless Horseman at Hallow’s End in 2023 may add more story backgrounds and tasks, and may add a hard mode.
As the boss of WOTLK Classic Hallow’s End, Headless Horseman is located in Scarlet Monastery. Players must queue for encounters via RDF, otherwise Headless Horseman will not appear.
The reward for completing this activity for the first time each day is a Loot-Filled Pumpkin. However, only players at level 45 or higher can get Loot-Filled Pumpkin drops.
Therefore, it is very necessary to invest more WOTLK Classic Gold to help you upgrade quickly. Note that you can also take advantage of the code “Lich” to get 3% off. Potential rewards from this Loot-Filled Pumpkin include:
- Horseman’s Sinister Slicer
- Horseman’s Horrific Hood
- Horseman’s Reins Mount
- Magic Broom
- Sinister Squashling
- Hallowed Helm
You can only get a bag full of loot and 2 Emblems from Random Dungeon Finder Tool’s queue once per day. After that, you can continuously farm Headless Horseman to get more chances of dropping rings. However, you are still limited by the 5 dungeons per hour rule. Headless Horseman loot you can earn includes:
- Horseman’s Signet Ring
- Seal of Ghoulish Glee
- Band of the Petrified Pumpkin
- Wicked Witch’s Signet
Hallow’s End Items
There are a lot of items to get during Hallow’s End Holiday Event 2023. These include Creepy Crate, which provides players with Battle Pets, as well as Sinister Squashling and Naxxy.
You can also purchase Creepy Crawlers in Garrison to spawn wild pets, including Spectral Spinner, Ghastly Rat, and Ghost Maggot.
Of course, this isn’t the only Hallow’s End item. Players can get Candy through “Trick or Treat”, and after eating it, various attributes can be enhanced.
Speaking of Candy, players can purchase Hallow’s End Pumpkin Treat from Katrina Shimmerstar or Rachelle Gothena. It has unique effects depending on which one you get.
There are also a ton of Marks and Wands available for players to acquire during Hallow’s End, with our favorite being Little Wickerman. We can purchase these items through Tricky Treat, which brings us to the next section.
How To Get Tricky Treat?
There are many Tricky Treats you can farm during Hallow’s End. Here’s how you can get more Tricky Treats:
- Complete daily missions at maximum level to earn up to 17 Tricky Treats every day.
- Complete the onetime Hallow’s End mission to receive 10 Tricky Treats.
- You can find 4-6 Tricky Treats in Loot-Filled Pumpkin.
- Get up to 3 Tricky Treats from each Candy Bucket.
- Convert Spooky Supplies in Garrison into Tricky Treats.
As you can see, there are many ways to get Tricky Treats. But the fastest way is probably to open those Candy Buckets in Azeroth.
Candy Bucket
During Hallow’s End Holiday Event, Candy Buckets will be available at every hotel. These Candy Buckets are located near Innkeeper, and each Candy Bucket provides a onetime mission.
Players can complete these tasks to earn WOTLK Classic Gold and some Treats. These Treats contain 1-3 Tricky Treat items, and may also contain snacks, masks, and more.
However, note that to see Candy Bucket in certain areas, max-level players will first need to talk to NPC Zidormi in Silithus or Darkshore.
Wickerman Festival Buffs
During Hallow’s End event, players can earn Wickerman Festival buffs every four hours.
For Alliance, this buff is called Unburdened, while for Horde, it’s called Grim Visage. Both buffs are the same, providing players with 10% experience and reputation for two hours.
That’s everything we know about WOTLK Classic’s 2023 Hallow’s End event. Includes all the details about Headless Horseman and other spooky activities players can take part in to celebrate Hallow’s End.
WOTLK Classic Phase 4: A Complete Guide To All Bosses In Icecrown Citadel! - Normal & Heroic Mode
Warriors of Azeroth, welcome to our detailed guide to WOTLK Classic Phase 4 Icecrown Citadel. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the different strategies for Normal and Heroic Mode to help you overcome the challenges in this iconic raid.
Icecrown Citadel is a powerful fortress with various bosses. We’ll delve into each encounter and share strategies and advice to ensure your success.
1. Lord Marrowgar
Lord Marrowgar is the first boss you encounter in Icecrown Citadel. To defeat him, you must arrange your team with tanks on one side and ranged DPS on the other while the boss is in the center of the room. This setup helps handle his abilities efficiently.
Lord Marrowgar has Tank Buster's ability, which can hit the main tank and the two closest players. To mitigate damage, use three tanks and stack them on top of each other.
Also, you’ll want to watch out for a line of frost from the boss, Coldflame. It will randomly target players and you just need to avoid it to avoid taking damage.
Lord Marrowgar can also use Bone Spike to pierce and incapacitate players, causing massive damage. You need to make sure it healed players in a timely manner and focus on killing the spikes as quickly as possible.
Therefore, it is very necessary to use WOTLK Classic Gold to get enough Healing Potion in advance. Note that you can also use the code "Lich" to get 3% off.
In Heroic Mode, Lord Marrowgar can target three players with his Bone Spike, requiring quick action to save them. Also, he casts Bone Storm every 30 seconds, dealing group-wide damage. He will randomly charge at players, leaving Coldflame behind, so be alert.
2. Lady Deathwhisper
Lady Deathwhisper presents a two-stage encounter. In the first phase, you need to manage the mob and break her mana shield to transition to the second phase.
Lady Deathwhisper will spawn multiple mobs in Phase 1. So you need to assign tanks to each side and decide whether to spread out the melee or keep them in the death ball to deal with the adds effectively.
There are two types of these mobs, Fanatics and Adherents. Fanatics provide healing absorption and damage buffs that can be stolen or cleared. Adherents inflict diseases and curses, which increase spell cooldowns. Both mob types will gain additional abilities after being empowered.
At this point you need to assign tanks to each side and do AOE damage to eliminate the adds. Also, keep an eye out for changes in Phase 2 to avoid additional adds.
Lady Deathwhisper’s abilities change in Phase 2. She continues to cast spells and abilities, but her threat generation is reduced.
In Heroic Mode, Lady Deathwhisper can use Mind Control to control some players. So you have to Crowd Control or clear their buffs.
In Phase 2, she needs to tank and apply threat-reducing debuffs, so swap tanks accordingly.
3. Gunship Battle
The goal of Gunship Battle is simple: destroy enemy ships with cannons. Therefore, you assign four players to operate the cannon and fire on the enemy ships. Use Cannon Blast to generate heat and Explosive Shot to damage enemies.
Players not in the cannon should focus on killing Rifleman and Axe Throwers on the opposite deck.
In Heroic Mode, surrounding enemies will deal higher damage. Healers should focus on keeping the tank alive. Coordination and speed are critical to success.
4. Deathbringer Saurfang
Deathbringer Saurfang only has one phase, but his damage increases as the battle progresses.
Every attack from Saurfang or a mob will cause stacked damage. At 100 energy, he leaves a permanent debuff on the player, causing them to take melee damage. Therapists need to monitor these players carefully.
In addition, Saurfang will summon five mobs, and players must destroy them quickly. These mobs will cause damage to anyone they come in contact with. Use stun, push, or slow to stop them.
In Heroic Mode, mobs deal triple damage and slow down nearby players. You need to kill them quickly, especially when the boss only has 30% health left, as his damage and attack speed increase.
5. Festergut
The fight against Festergut is a DPS match with a strict 5-minute Enrage timer. During this time he will cause splash damage to players and disorient some players. Please avoid getting hit and stay away from affected players.
In addition, his Gas Spore will target three players and explode, applying continuous damage. We should spread spores throughout the team, including the melee, to allow players to stack points without getting hit.
Festergut can also reduce DOT damage group-wide through Inhale, but it will increase his damage and attack speed by 30%. You can only survive during this phase by using your personal cooldown.
In Heroic Mode, Festergut’s damage is higher, making this encounter more challenging. Healers need to be especially careful, and players should watch their stacks and timers to prevent spawn points.
6. Rotface
Rotface is the second boss you encounter in Plagueworks, and this encounter requires precise tanking and positioning.
Watch out for Rotface’s random frontal attack, Slime Spray. In addition, Rotface will also cast a DOT, Mutated Infection, which reduces the player’s health. Infected players will spawn an uncontrollable mob.
When two players have Mutated Infection, one player should move between the mob and the edge of the room before dispelling it.
In Heroic Mode, remote players will explode due to Rotface’s Vile Gas. You need to stay 10 yards away from melee combatants to avoid getting disoriented. Meanwhile, his Mutated Infection’s healing reduction is stronger and you have to move to dispel it immediately.
7. Professor Putricide
Professor Putricide’s abilities are mainly related to positioning and awareness. Professor Putricide will throw Malleable Goo at random players. Players must stay out of its path to avoid damage.
Meanwhile, like Rotface, he also has a DoT that reduces health, Mutated Infection. We should dispel players when affected. However, when dispelled, they spawn a mob that cannot be taunted but can be Crowd Controlled.
In Heroic Mode, Malleable Goo’s enhanced damage is higher, and players should be more vigilant to avoid using it. In addition, the reduction in healing effect caused by Mutated Infection is more effective and requires players to eliminate it.
8. Blood Prince Council
Blood Prince Council consists of three bosses with the same health and unique abilities. It empowered a boss every 45 seconds. The three bosses take turns gaining empowerment and changing their abilities. You need to adjust your focus accordingly.
- Prince Valanar: He will cast Shock Vortex, causing splash damage to players hit.
- Prince Taldaram: Uses Glittering Sparks, which applies heavy DoT to players hit. He will also cast Conjure Flame on ranged players. Deals less damage over time, but explodes, dealing splash damage to nearby players.
- Prince Keleseth: Uses Shadow Lance, a high-damage skill. He also spawns Dark Nucleus, which applies Shadow resistance debuff to the target.
In Heroic Mode, Shadow Lance’s attack power is stronger and requires multiple layers of debuffs to survive. Players must treat the increased damage with caution.
Shadow Prison, which deals a lot of damage while moving but does nothing while stationary, also affected the entire team. Therefore, correct positioning is crucial.
9. Blood-Queen Lana’thel
Blood-Queen Lana’thel presents a two-stage encounter. In the first phase, you need to deal with her abilities and gradually transition to the second phase.
First, she will drop purple fire under a random player. Make sure they place it against a wall to prevent damage to the team.
Her Twilight Bloodbolt will target ranged players, causing them to deal splash damage. Therefore, make sure ranged players spread out to minimize damage.
Blood-Queen Lana’thel also transforms DPS players into Vampires, increasing their damage by 100%. These players must bite the newcomer within 1 minute or risk being mind controlled.
Lana’thel will fly into the sky at specific intervals, terrorizing everyone. After the scare passes, players must spread out to avoid taking damage from Bloodbolt.
In Heroic Mode, group-wide damage replaces the fear in the air phase. Players must manage incoming damage and ensure the bite goes smoothly.
10. Valithria Dreamwalker
Valithria Dreamwalker is a unique encounter where your primary goal is to heal the boss to win.
Valithria Dreamwalker relies on healing to win battles. Therefore, you need to bring as many healers as possible, including single-target healers. Focus on keeping the boss alive and keeping your healing output high.
During phases 1 and 2, Valithria generates Nightmare Cloud, which provides healing and damage buffs. You’ll want to make sure these buffs did not n’t affect your DPS players, as they can be used to increase your damage. Healers should enter portals to maintain these buffs.
Next, you need to split your DPS and tanks into two groups on either side of the room. This setup allows you to deal with mobs effectively.
Heroic Mode replaces a single portal with a full raid portal. Stack and move slowly to avoid falling debris and stay healed.
11. Sindragosa
Sindragosa has one health-based phase and two intermissions.
In the first phase, you’ll deal with abilities such as Vile Gas, Gas Spores, and Inhale. In addition, Sindragosa will also send Frost Sphere to the team. If it touches the player, Frost Sphere will explode. Ranged DPS should eliminate these Frost Sphere promptly.
At 70% health, Sindragosa enters the intermission phase, and players should move to the edges to avoid AOE damage from the center.
Phase 3 is similar to Phase 1, but Sindragosa now freezes random players in an area of ice, adding to the challenge. Be careful of Shadow Trap and avoid standing in it to prevent damage.
Heroic Mode involves additional challenges, such as group-wide damage during Frost Sphere and increased authorized damage, making the encounter more difficult. In the third phase, Shadow Prison will affect the entire team, dealing massive damage while moving.
12. Lich King
Lich King is the ultimate boss of Icecrown Citadel and is divided into three stages and two intermission periods.
In the first stage, you need to deal with skills such as Infest, Vile Spirits, and Harvest Soul. Players must manage Infest debuff and pass it on to mobs.
The encounter enters its first intermission when Lich King reaches 70% health. Players should move to the edges to avoid AOE damage in the center.
Phase 2 introduces new abilities, including Defile, Soul Reaper, and Val’kyr. Arrange your team correctly to manage Defile, and remember to swap tanks to deal with Val’kyr.
A second pause occurs when health reaches 40%. Players must travel through Frost Sphere and avoid falling ice blocks to reach the center of the platform.
Phase 3 is similar to Phase 1, but Vile Spirits summoned by Lich King can now only be killed by the off-tank. Therefore, correct positioning is crucial.
In Heroic Mode, players face a unique Phase 3 that involves managing raid-wide damage and not refreshing their Shadow Prison stack. Encounters are significantly more difficult due to new mechanics and increased damage output.
This guide provides a comprehensive overview of each boss fight and their respective mechanics. Hope it helps you. Good luck with your future adventures!
WOTLK Classic: A Complete BIS Gear Guide For Combat Rogues In Phase 4
Welcome to BIS Gear Guide for Phase 4 of Combat Rogues in WOTLK Classic. The equipment in this guide is mainly obtained from Icecrown Citadel, Trial of the Crusader, Ulduar, Naxxramas, Obsidian Sanctum, and Eye of Eternity. This guide will list recommended gear for Combat Rogues.
Emblems Of Frost
Many players in mail users, plate users, and strength classes consider Agility and Leather items to be the best items in this phase of the slot.
Typically, these classes have mail, plate, or strength items as replacements in these slots. These alternatives don’t technically match them, but are very close to performance. So when there is no other choice, using WOTLK Classic Gold to get this equipment is the wisest choice!
Note: You can get 3% off right now with code “Lich”.
When determining the distribution of loot in a guild, you need to consider what other options each player has, especially for highly competitive items. Because it’s unlikely that everyone who wants it will get it.
Of these you should definitely prioritize equipping your level set with the Emblems of Frost helmet and shoulders. After that, none of the remaining items are BIS, so you can prioritize different things based on your weakest gear slot.
While it may not be BIS, I recommend you to start with Shadowblade Breastplate and Shadowblade Gauntlets. Until your gear is closer to BIS and you can match it all with well-crafted Bladeborn Leggings.
Phase 4 Combat Rogues BIS Gear
Next, we will talk in detail about which BIS equipment you should choose for your Combat Rogues in Phase 4.
Sanctified Shadowblade Helmet is definitely your best helmet choice, followed by Non-Heroic Sanctified Shadowblade Helmet.
When you’re ready, you might find yourself with something nice, like Discarded Bag of Entrails. If you use this, make sure your Shadowblade set has at least 2 slots elsewhere to keep the super valuable 2 pieces of loot.
Similar to the helmet, your best choice for shoulders is the item level 277 Shadowblade set, Sanctified Shadowblade Pauldrons. This is also an excellent piece of equipment if you end up using Cultist’s Bloodsoaked Spaulders. Just make sure you still have Shadowblade’s 2 piece bonus in the other armor slots.
Because of Combat Rogues’ new strong preference for Armor Penetration in Phase 4, Vereesa’s Dexterity and Sylvanas’ Cunning in Phase 3 are still the best choices in the cloak slot.
The new Shadowvault Slayer’s Cloak’s raw stats may be a little higher, but Armor Penetration Cloak is still slightly better. A cloak like Shawl of Nerubian Silk is only good if it doesn’t let you exceed your Expertise cap.
Usually Combat Rogues can only equip one or two items with Expertise because your Expertise limit is too low.
Like most slots, if we can equip a high-level Armor Penetration item, we will. Toskk’s Maximized Wristguards fits this description perfectly, as it’s both the highest level of wrist we can get and has the exact stats we like as Combat Rogues.
Glove is a good slot for not using your class armor since there is no Armor Penetration for that class. But Aldriana’s Gloves of Secrecy have Armor Penetration as well.
Astrylian’s Sutured Cinch is a good wax option. Top item level, agility, and lots of slots to give this item more Armor Penetration. If you don’t have this waist after purchasing Level Armor with Emblems of Frost, you can choose Vengeful Noose as your second waist choice.
Gangrenous Leggings will be the best leg armor for Combat Rogues in Phase 4. Luckily, it comes from a relatively easy boss, Festergut, and there aren’t too many other classes that have it as the best slot. So getting it shouldn’t be too much trouble.
Until you get that, though, Refined Bladeborn Leggings are also a powerful alternative. I recommend that any serious Combat Rogues should consider it.
The above are most of BIS equipment that I think Combat Rogues should consider in WOTLK Classic Phase 4. Hopefully this guide will help you perfect your Combat Rogues’ gear and win the battle!
WOTLK Classic Phase 4: How To Dominate ICC With The Perfect Raid Comps?
The time has come and the Citadel gates are opening. Millions of players are sprinting through the gates, ready to do battle with the Lich King.
But most of these players are making a huge mistake. They haven’t planned the optimal raid comp to crush the heroic bosses. So, instead of slaying the Lich King and taking his Frostmaw’s Mane, they’ll be blaming each other for wipes and disbanding their guilds.
Luckily, I’ve got all the PTR data and 80 hours of personal ICC experience in heroic clears. Here, I will talk about the best raid comps for ICC 10 and 25 Man. Of course, if you have enough WOTLK Classic Gold, the classes you choose will be equipped with better equipment. This will make it easier for you to participate in raids.
First, let’s talk methodology.
To make this tier list, I’ve taken data from around 5,000 heroic ICC Logs. With help from my friend and data Wizard Forge, I’ve been able to piece together an optimal lineup for both 10-man and 25-man raids. I’m also factoring in my extensive ICC experience and clears of every heroic boss and Lich King normal.
But we don’t talk about that. There’s a problem: when you’re building the perfect raid comp for Icecrown Citadel, there’s something everybody tends to overlook. This is a retail style raid where every boss has drastically different mechanics and strategies. That means the optimal raid comp for Saurfang is very different from the optimal raid comp for Sindragosa.
Some fights are better with one tank, while some are better with three. Some fights are better with ranged DPS stacks while some are better with melee stacks. Some fights are better with three healers, while some fights are even better with seven or eight.
And since most players don’t want to be sitting on the bench for half the raid, we have to compromise. Instead of a perfect raid comp for individual fights, we need a flexible raid comp that can get the job done on every fight. There are two keys to make a perfect ICC raid comp.
Balanced Team
First, we need our team to be balanced to deal with a variety of fight styles in Icecrown Citadel.
That means far less class stacking than in previous raids like ToC. The side benefit is that we’ll be covering all the relevant class buffs at the same time.
Dual Spec Options
The second thing is that we need our team to have a lot of Dual Spec options.
Having your Feral will be able to swap to be a third tank in a fight like council is really big. Also, having your Holy Priest or your Restoration Shaman able to switch to damage on a fight like Saurfang is huge.
When there’s a DPS check, you need to be able to cut Healers and when there’s a heal check, you need to be able to add Healers very easily.
Hybrids can definitely play a role as well. For example, off healing on Boomkin can be a good middle ground to meet DPS checks without losing too much healing.
Best 10-Man Raid Comp
Since we know the keys to a successful ICC raid comp, let’s get into the optimal 10-man raid comp.
The optimal 10 Man starts with the optimal two healers. Holy Paladin and a Disc Priest are the bread and butter of any heroic 10-man team. Resto Shaman is definitely a viable alternative as well.
Remember, you can get Runescrolls of Fortitude or Drums of Forgotten Kings if you’re missing a key buff.
Unfortunately, for Restoration though, this is where the imbalances of the 10-man really start to show you just don’t have the raw tank healing to get through fights, like Lich King.
Moving on to the tanks, we see an overwhelming majority of successful logs in 10 Man, featuring a Prot Paladin tank. A lot of fights do require two tanks and almost every second tank is a Blood Death Knight that dual specs to damage when not needed. This is definitely where some creativity comes in.
You can see a few logs here and there where Prot Warriors and Ferals are brought as well. It’s just not as set in stone as healers.
As for damage dealers, we can’t really get a perfect comp since we’ll always be missing some key buff and we can’t really class stack like in old raids. We can’t use data, however, to look at the most successful comps and tweak things based on our available roster of players.
From the PTR data, Demo Locks are a must have 10-man class with their buffs and their high damage. The data says that 80% of 10-man groups brought at least one to the PTR.
We definitely also want a Boomkin. Boomkin was even brought to the most 10 Man PTRs according to the logs. The main reason for that is that they can easily dual spec or just hybrid heal on more intensive fights like Sindragosa.
Of course, a 10-man raid without a battle resurrection is also pretty miserable.
Next, we have Survival Hunters and they’re just really hot in 10 mans. You really need replenishment anyway and you definitely want a hunter for Lich King. Plus, they just got buffed.
We also definitely have to bring a Shaman for Bloodlust, whether it’s Enhance or Elemental is up to you and what your comp’s focused on. Rounding out the comp, though, we have to decide between Ret Paladin or Mage with their intellect and mage food.
Ret Paladin was the most popular melee class by far for 10 man PTR and their utility is just too good to pass up in my opinion.
For the last slot, we can get more creative with a Combat Rogue or a Fury or an Unholy DK or even a Feral for more utility.
Just make sure to bring the correct tanks and heals and prioritize lust and replenishment before filling out any other slots.
Also Read: The Ultimate Gearing Guide For WOTLK Classic Phase 4 ICC Raid
Best 25-Man Raid Comp
Now, let’s get into the 25-man raid comp, which is a far more creative endeavor.
Once again, we start with the healer core and once again Paladin’s rule. Two Holy Paladins are an absolute must, and these are the backbone of your raid.
Next up, pretty much every successful heroic 25 kill featured one Disc Priest, and they’re just too good to pass up.
Then, we have Resto Shamans, which are also brought as part of the early progression healing core. Having a second Blooslust for pets is great and Mana Tide Totem helps a lot with the long slow progression fights.
For our fifth healer, we have to choose between Resto Druid and Holy Priest. The PTR logs show far more Resto Druids, but Holy Priests have been less popular, so that makes sense. I do consider these healers to be pretty much interchangeable, though I prefer battle res and Innervate during progression.
As for six and seven heel fights, you just dual spec your Elemental Shaman or your Boomkin as necessary.
Moving into tanks, it’s pretty much the exact same story as 10 Man. I would take a Prot Paladin all day alongside a Blood DK. Getting into damage as a wise man once said, “if it looks like a rainbow, you’re probably doing it right.”
You really want to bring every possible buff and then stack the best ranged DPS to make fights like Lich King a lot easier. This isn’t going to be a Trial of the Crusader with eight Unholy Death Knights, even though there were successful logs with 6 DKs.
Since we’re bringing a little of everything, the question becomes what to bring duplicates of. The most logical class to duplicate early on is the Affliction Warlock with their really high-ranged DPS.
Later on, in the phase, it’ll make more sense to duplicate Fire Mages instead, but they just aren’t there yet DPS wise.
We also have to decide between one or two Hunters. They just got buffed and they’re amazing on Lich King.
If you want to replicate that classic feeling and stack melee like Warriors, that’s still on the table as well. The melee stack of your dreams will just have to wait a few months until you get full BIS gear.
If you want to start working towards that BIS gear, though, you’ll actually have to be allowed in the ICC raid.