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WOTLK Classic: Top 5 Ways To Get Epic Gems In Phase 3

Posted: Apr 13, 2023 Views: 1242

Posted: Apr 13, 2023

Source:  IGGM

Views: 1242

In this article, we’re talking everything about Epic Gems.

Why Epic Gems Are Important?

Epic Gems are coming in Phase 3 as well as huge money-making opportunities you don’t want to miss out on. Every single gem slide will have to be replaced for both PVEs and PVPs.

But did you know you already have a ton of different currencies you can use to purchase Epic Gems just sitting on your character? I’ll explain how you can unlock all your Epic Gems as well as the five ways to get Epic Gems from worst to best.

Top 5 Ways to Get Epic Gems in Wotlk Phase 3

What’s New In WotLK Classic Phase 3?

Starting out in Phase 3, we’re going to have six new gem types that match the current blue colors. To go with all these new gems, we’re also going to have new gem cuts.

In fact, there are going to be 73 new recipes from the jewelcrafting vendor. Each of the new recipes will cost four Dalaran Jewelcrafter’s Tokens each for a total of 292 required.

Though I wouldn’t recommend going out and getting every single recipe, I’m actually just researching business and I’m just going to purchase the relevant gems for each class.

If you’ve been doing the jewelcrafting daily religiously every day, you’re only getting one Token a day. Of course, you can supplement that with Damaged Necklaces for an extra Token per necklace.

But the main way to unlock these recipes in Phase 3 will be with Titanium Powder. In my testing, every single or I prospected had about a 15% chance to give me a Titanium Powder and then after you get 10 Titanium Powder, you can turn them in for one Dalaran Jewelcrafter’s Token.

WOTLK Classic Dalaran Jewelcrafter's Tokens

5. Fishing

With recipes out of the way, let’s get into the five best ways to get Epic Gems.

If you’ve read my guides before, you’ve probably noticed that I love fishing in Phase 2. That’s because the daily quest from fishing can give you Epic Gems in the form of Stormjewels. Right now Stormjewels are worth over 500 WOTLK Classic Gold each and they’re a really good profit driver.

But there’s a problem with Stormjewels. They’re unique equipped. But in Phase 3, the unique equipped requirement is removed, so you can wear as many as you want. That means prices are going to tank down and people might not realize that you could actually fill out your character with just Stormjewels.

WOTLK Classic Stormjewels

Depending on your class, you could just stockpile a bunch of Stormjewels and not have to worry much about Epic Gems at all.

4. Transmute

Moving into number four, we have transmute.

Alchemy transmutes are going to be a great way to get Epic Gems. You can transmute any color of Epic Gems on a 20 hour cooldown. Every transmute requires an Eternal (Eternal Fire) and a blue gem (Scarlet Ruby) of a specific type. This actually means that blue gems should hold a pretty good value because you can use them for transmutes.

There is a weird corporate transmuting, though to unlock Cardinal Rubies, you’ll have to complete a quest. That quest is super easy. It just requires you to do five Epic Gem transmutes. Also, it may not be like this on the live servers.

But when I was testing, just transmuting one gem would put all of them on cooldown for 20 hours. Unfortunately, that makes this a pretty inefficient way to get Epic Gems though speaking of things that don’t have a 20 hour cooldown.

3. PvP

Moving on to number three, we have PVP.

PVP is actually a really great way to make WOTLK Classic Gold and Epic Gems in Phase 3. Every gem from the PVP vendors is 10,000 Honor, which means you can snipe the most expensive gems you want. Since every gem is 10,000 Honor, you could theoretically already have seven gems free-farmed.

I’d highly recommend doing Wintergrasp on all your characters on cooldown for that 20,000 Honor per hour. It’s also worth noting that you can pre-farm Wintergrasp Commendations for 2,000 extra Honor each or if you prefer Arenas, you could also get Commendations of Bravery for 2,000 honor for 100 Arena Points each.

WOTLK Classic Commendations of Bravery

And loosely related to PVP, I also wanted to mention the Nightmare Tear. This is a brand new unique equipped 10 stats gem added to ToC. The recipe is unlocked just like the other jewelcrafting recipes, but it requires a Dragon’s Eye and 5 Infinite Dust.

With the enormous 10 stats, I can definitely see a lot of PvPers wanted to run this gem.

2. Emblems Of Heroism

Next up, at number two, we have Emblems of Heroism.

You’ll be able to purchase Emblems of Heroism primary color Epic Gems for 20 emblems each. Meanwhile, the mixed colors will actually be cheaper at 10 emblems each.

What’s really awesome about being able to buy gems for emblems is that you could technically pre-fawn them right now. Though you might be thinking you can only get Emblems of Conquest in Emblems of Valor right now, so how do you get those heroism emblems?

WOTLK Classic Emblems of Heroism

You could actually downgrade your emblems at a one-to-one ratio at the Goblin NPC in the Dalaran Sewers. That means that the best way to farm emblems actually isn’t in dungeons, but in raids. Especially once the nerf 10 and 25-man Ulduars come out, they’ll just be so amazing for emblems.

There’s also speculation that there could be a new Titan Rune Mode update that would boost the popularity of dungeons or if that doesn’t happen, they could always add Random Dungeon Finder in which would really boost emblem generation.

Related: WotLK Classic: Easiest Ways To Catch Up Before Phase 3

1. Titanium Prospecting

Let’s get to number one, the best way to get epic gems, Titanium Prospecting.

If you’ve read my guides, you can tell I put my money where my mouth is. I’ve actually invested in over 8,000 Titanium Ore. So, to see if my investment would actually pay off for me, I decided to do a test run on vanilla wrath. I obtained a thousand ore, which at current prices would be about 2,000 gold.

After doing all my prospecting and checking the results, I was pretty surprised by a thousand Titanium Ore. I was able to get 30 total Epic Gems. That means that three percent of my ores contained an Epic Gem. Assuming that prices are at least 100 gold per gem on the first day, that’s some pretty big profit.

On top of the Epic Gems, I also got 75 blue gems. Hopefully, those blue gems can hold value, especially with transmutes. There were also tons of common gems generated, so crafting and disenchanting should be profitable.

It’s also very relevant to note that I got 149 Titanium Powder from all these prospects. Since that powder is the best way to get Epic Gem recipes, it should have some pretty good value.

Note: You can use coupon code "Lich" to get 3% off now.


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