How To Earn Vitalstones And Stellarites?
Posted: Oct 29, 2024 Views: 1731
Once you have kicked off the journey, you may get a well-known Gigantrite, a colossal flying whale that soars over the land, which promises blessings to those below. Many players regard Gigantrite as the mascot of the game, and it has become the top target among mountains of players, which drive you flying across Solisium’s skies.
Of course, this Divine Beast is not just used as an entertainment project, Gigantrite also plays an important role in some tasks in the game.
With more players have hopped on the back of Gigantrite and expect for a flight, they have gradually noticed that a variety of spots around this animal’s back can not be accessed randomly. They are conditional and require players to equip Vitalstones in their possession as so to communicate with them.
Although the game clearly requires that only Vitalstones can be carried to interact with these parts on Gigantrite’s back, a considerable number of players may feel confused about what exactly Vitalstones are, not to mention the way to get them. A deeper understanding of the game’s lore will reveal that Vitalstones are crystals that carry a quiet amount of Gigantrite blood, and equip with a large amount of Mana.
And Stellarites are essential for increasing weapon damage. After obtaining Vitalstones, players will be rewarded with materials for making Stellarites.
If you are desperate for hopping on this flying whale and adventuring those places on their back, then keep reading to learn how to get Vitalstones and Stellarites in the game.
How To Acquire Vitalstones?
According to the game lore, Vitalstones, a special type of crystal, will periodically drop from Gigantrite, as Vitalstones themselves are created from Gigantrite, which also serve as the source and material of other items.
Every once in a while, Gigantrite will release some crystals, which will fall to the ground in the form of blue trails of light as it flies overhead. Seek to follow one stream of the light which will lead your way to a Divine Beast Crystal, where you are available to mine for Vitalstones.
This is the most efficient way to earn Vitalstones. To do this, gilding to mount Gigantrite from Starlight Observatory Ruins when you pass the tallest tower. After landing on Divine Beast, pay attention to the time of emitting blue crystals. Then follow the trail of blue crystals. Look out for another light on the ground, which signals the location of Vitalstone they search for at the bottom.
It is noticeable that you have to compete with other players to find Divine Beast Crystals. Only one player is eligible to earn Vitalstones from single Divine Beast Crystal. Once one player mines it, other players cannot see it. So you must act quickly to compete for the first place to reach the location that crystals fall.
What Are Vitalstones Used For?
Once you have successfully secured some Vitalstones, please travel back to Gigantrite. And you want to find and interact with those large boulders on Gigantrite this time, which is at the price of consuming a Vitalstone. But at the same time, you will also be rewarded with a certain amount of regular or Quality Stellarite Element. This is a material used to craft Stellarite.
How Does Stellarite Work?
Stellarite serves as a helpful consumable item which is targeted at enhancing your weapon damage. Whether it’s for exploring the fun of your journey or crafting the perfect build, Stellarite is an indispensable necessity.
The more Stellarites you have, the stronger your combat power will be. Whether it’s more effective in dealing with bosses that are hard to deal with, or better performance in many Dynamic Events to win and outperform other players, Stellarite is indispensable.
Transfer to crafting menu and select Miscellaneous to craft Stellarites. There are two options of Quality Stellarite Chest (100) and Stellarite Chest (100) are waiting for you to choose.
Every Chest promises you 100 Stellarites (or Quality Stellarites). After equipping Stellarites, your weapon damage will be increased by 10% and 15% respectively according to two types of regular and Quality until you run out.
Afterwards, you can repeat this process, returning to Gigantrite and beginning to farm Vitalstones and Stellarite Element again, giving you a full supply of Stellarites.
Once you have stockpiled mountains of Vitalstones and Stellarite, it will be much easier to hunt monsters and clear dungeons. Although there are many other ways to make your character more powerful, such as improving weapon performance by devoting Lucent. Any options offered for improving abilities should not be ignored.
No matter which quest you are on or which dungeon you are and which powerful bosses you are fighting with, the skill to earn Vitalstones and Stellarite will give you an upper hand in the game.
It is also vital to note that while you are on Gigantrite, remember to farm some Marind Ore, a useful existence that can be used to craft Skill Growth Books.
That’s it for two important items - Vitalstones and Stellarite. Thanks for reading.
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