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News Tag: Poe 2 Unique Quarterstaves

  • Path Of Exile 2 Unique Quarterstaves: Which Ones Are Useful?

    Posted: Mar 20, 2025

    There are a lot of unique items in Path of Exile 2, especially Unique Armor and Unique Jewellery, which give players a lot of choices. But there are not so many choices for unique weapons that each class can use. For example, Unique Dagger only has one weapon called Winter’s Bite Glass Shank.

    Monk is currently one of the classes with the highest DPS in Path of Exile 2, and Unique Quarterstaves are two-handed weapons that monks can use. Monk players have 6 unique weapons to choose from. So are these Unique Quarterstaves suitable for Monk?

    1. The Blood Thorn Wrapped Quarterstaff

    Requires: None


    • Physical Damage: 7-12
    • Critical Chance: 10%
    • Attacks Per Second: 1.4
    • Weapon Range: 1.3


    • Adds (3-5) to (9-11) Physical Damage
    • Causes Bleeding on Hit
    • + (10-15) Strength (4-5) to (8-10) Physical Thorn Damage

    This quarterstaff can be obtained by killing normal monsters or by using Orb of Chance on a normal quarterstaff.

    This unique quarterstaff has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it doesn’t have level requirement, so you can use it in the first act. The disadvantage is that the physical damage of this weapon is relatively low, which means it cannot be used as a damage dealer in the endgame.

    Bleeding Monk’s build is not mainstream at the moment. Most of Bleeding nodes are located in the lower half of the passive skill tree. If you want to use this quarterstaff, you have to use a lot of resources to transform it. If you don’t have enough resources, you can enter POE 2 Currency Giveaways In IGGM Discord, where various currencies are often given away. If you become one of the winners, you can use these currencies to upgrade your weapons.

    2. Pillar Of The Caged God Long Quarterstaff

    Requires: Level 4, 10 Dex


    • Physical Damage: 9-18
    • Critical Chance: 10%
    • Attacks Per Second: 1.4
    • Weapon Range: 1.3


    • Increases weapon damage by 10% per 5 points of Strength
    • Increases attack speed by 2% per 5 points of Dexterity
    • Increases attack range by 2% per 5 points of Intelligence

    Pillar of the Caged God Long Quarterstaff can be obtained by defeating normal enemies or bosses, or by using Orb of Chance.

    As a unique weapon, this weapon can effectively improve your gaming experience. Although the base physical damage of this weapon is not high, the real power of this weapon lies in its modifiers.

    For a monk, Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence are all very useful attributes. As the monk’s attributes are improved, the damage of this weapon will become higher and higher. Although this weapon has a low cap, you can trade it from other players for just one Exalted Orb. At least in the early game, you don’t have to buy POE 2 Currency to get those more powerful quarterstaffs.

    3. The Sentry Gothic Quarterstaff

    Requires: Level 11, 22 Dex, 11 Int


    • Physical Damage: 16-26
    • Critical Hit Chance: 11.5%
    • Attacks per Second: 1.4
    • Weapon Range: 1.3


    • Adds (8–12) to (16–20) Fire Damage
    • +20% Fire Resistance
    • Increases Ignite Chance by 100%
    • Increases Light Radius by 30%

    The Sentry Gothic Quarterstaff’s strengths are probably its low requirements and 100% Ignite Chance. This weapon is in a similar situation to Pillar of the Caged God Long Quarterstaff. It is only usable at low levels and is almost useless at higher levels. The damage of Fire Monk build is not that great. If you stumble upon this weapon on a high-level map, you can trade it for currency.

    4. Matsya Crescent Quarterstaff

    Requires: Level 20, 37 Dex, 16 Int


    • Physical Damage: 19-39
    • Critical Hit Chance: 10%
    • Attacks per Second: 1.5
    • Weapon Range: 1.3


    • Increases Attack Speed ​​by (15-20)%
    • Increases Critical Chance by (3-5)%
    • Increases Mana Regeneration by (25-40)%
    • Skill reserve Spirit reduced by 50%

    This unique weapon looks good, but it’s not that great until you use it. While this weapon reduces your Spirit cost by 50%, its base damage is so low that it negates the benefit of the unique effect.

    When you use this weapon, you’ll really understand why unique weapons are a trap for new players in Path of Exile 2. Throw it on Currency Exchange.

    5. Nazir’s Judgement Steelpoint Quarterstaff

    Requires: Level 28, 51 Dex, 22 Int


    • Physical Damage: 28-51
    • Critical Hit Chance: 10%
    • Attacks per Second: 1.4
    • Weapon Range: 1.3


    • Increases (80-120)% Physical Damage
    • + (50-100) Accuracy Rating
    • Increases (10-20)% Stun Duration
    • Creates a Daze buildup with 100% Damage Dealt

    Nazir’s Judgement Steelpoint Quarterstaff is a great physical damage staff. If you’re looking to try out a physical damage monk build, this unique weapon is a great addition to your build. It also prolongs the stun duration of enemies, giving the monk plenty of room to deal damage, making it a great weapon.

    6. Collapsing Horizon Wyrm Quarterstaff

    Requires: Level 65, 116 Dex, 45 Int


    • Physical Damage: 57-94
    • Critical Hit Chance: 10%
    • Attacks per Second: 1.4
    • Weapon Range: 1.3


    • Adds 100% to elemental damage when attacking
    • + (5–10)% critical chance
    • + (2–4) to all elemental skill levels
    • Returns half of the energy spent on a skill when triggered

    This weapon has a chance to be obtained by farming bosses or challenging elite enemies. This is undoubtedly a very good weapon, and you can try to build around this quarterstaff. Until you find a better rare weapon, Collapsing Horizon Wyrm Quarterstaff may be a good staff for Ice Strike Invoker Monk. Mainly because you only need 4 to 5 Divine Orbs to exchange it from other players, while those quarterstaffs with top modifiers may need more than 100 Divine Orbs. Collapsing Horizon Wyrm Quarterstaff can fight for you for a long time.

    The above are all Unique Quarterstaves. It can be seen that although they are unique weapons, they are not even as good as a rare weapon in many cases. More often, they are just a transition. When you have a better weapon, you can exchange these unused unique weapons for currency.

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