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News Tag: WOW Classic SOD Gold

  • WOW Classic SOD Phase 8 Release Date And New Content: You’ll Get To Experience More!

    Posted: Mar 26, 2025

    If you think World of Warcraft Classic is an outdated MMORPG because it’s been out for a long time, you’re wrong - it just proves that you probably don’t know the game at all! The reason why it still holds an important position in the hearts of MMORPG players 20 years after its launch is that it keeps up with the times.

    Obviously, since WOW Classic was established earlier, it may be technically difficult to keep adding new content to it, so the game has launched several related standalone servers, such as Era and 20th Anniversary, as well as WOW Classic SOD.

    Season of Discovery is the second seasonal launch of the original game, released in November 2023, and Phase 1 was released on the same date, and then new phases will be released every 2-3 months. Although Phase 7 is currently underway, it is almost over and Phase 8 will soon arrive, so we decided to give you some preview information before then.

    When Will Phase 8 Be Released?

    According to the latest official news, Season of Discovery Phase 8 will officially start on April 8, 2025, and more playable content will be gradually opened on April 10, two days later. It is worth noting that if you have played SOD or other WOW Classic servers, you will know that almost all the playable content in the past phases has appeared in the original game, but the new content of SOD Phase 8 is completely original!

    In fact, you may have had a hunch when experiencing Phase 7, because the new content of Phase 7 is Naxxramas and Karazhan Crypts, and the former is actually the last raid in the original game. So if WoW SoD continues to run, the subsequent content you will meet should be basically original content.

    What New Content Will It Bring?

    As you know, Phase 8 will open new content in batches on April 8 and 10. The updates on the 8th mainly include new outdoor content, professional content in New Avalon, and quests related to Scarlet Enclave. The updates on the 10th are Scarlet Enclave raid and Legendary weapon questline. It is expected that you will be able to obtain a lot of WOW Classic SOD Gold and even some extremely precious gear by completing these quests or events.

    New Avalon

    As the main launch position for various new events in Phase 8, you must know the specific location of New Avalon, otherwise it will be difficult to carry out subsequent activities. The area is located east of Tyr’s Hand in Eastern Plaguelands. There are some hostile Scarlet Crusade mobs around, but you can avoid them as long as you equip Scarlet Uniform.

    After entering Tyr’s Hand, follow the path and turn left when you reach the cathedral. Next, you will see a gate, and then you can find the entrance to New Avalon at /way 81.6, 57.8 in Eastern Plaguelands.

    Scarlet Enclave Raid

    Evil forces have taken over Scarlet headquarters in Tyr’s Hand, and you must destroy them before they can expand their influence! To do this, you will need to join a team of 20 to 40 players and take on eight bosses in this raid.

    Although this raid is original to SOD, some sources expect you to encounter some familiar faces in it, such as a living version of Forsaken leader Lilian Voss. In fact, all raid bosses, including her, are dangerous, such as Dreadlord Balnazzar and Scarlet Inqusitor Caldoran, so if you want to earn WoW SoD Gold through the raid, you must prepare everything with your teammates.

    Scarlet Enclave raid is expected to start with Unrest at Tyr’s Hand quest, which can be claimed by Leonid Bartholomew in Revered at Light’s Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands as long as you complete Scarlet Activities quest. Continue to a small cave in Eastern Plaguelands and gather your party at the meeting stone outside the cave entrance to begin exploring.

    Although we can’t tell you exactly how to complete this raid yet, we can confirm that this cave is located in the mountains outside Scarlet Base Camp at the coordinates (67, 85). Also note that although the NPCs in Scarlet Base Camp are not hostile, they are not completely friendly after talking to them, so you need to be careful.

    Legendary Weapon Questline

    This questline is expected to be available to Warriors, Hunters, and Paladins. As for what the specific “weapon” is, although it has not been officially announced, it is likely to be the iconic Ashbringer two-handed sword. According to WoW SoD PTR, you may need to go to Mount Hyjal to purify the weapon after obtaining it through this questline.

    Mount Hyjal in the game is also the location of World Tree, Nordrassil, and the second Well of Eternity. In the past, the demon lord Archimonde in WarCraft 3 was killed here. Later, this place was added as a raid in Burning Crusade and as a zone in Cataclysm. In this SOD Phase 8, Druid NPC Thisalee Crow will appear on Mount Hyjal for the first time.

    The above is the most noteworthy part of WoW Classic Season Of Discovery Phase 8. I hope our introduction can help you start the Phase 8 journey smoothly after April 8! Wish you good luck!

  • WOW Classic SOD: Level 25 Warlock Guide Of Season Of Discovery

    Posted: Dec 08, 2023

    Welcome to the level 25 Warlock Guide. I’m going to show you how I got 100 parts on every boss in BFD and became an unstoppable killing machine in PVP. If you have enough WoW Classic SOD Gold, the following tips will be very suitable for you.


    I’ve tried almost every spec, but Affliction is by far the best. Put five in Corruption, three in Suppression, two in Life Tap, five in Improved Life Drain and one into Nightfall.


    Master Channeler on the chest and Incinerate on the legs, then you can go Haunt or Chaos Bolt on the gloves. This will be depending on your play style. They’re both very good, viable and raid as well as PVP. Haunt is better when you’re consistently moving, and Chaos Bolt is OK if you’re able to cast freely. I prefer the Haunt build because it allows you to move freely without ever having to stop to cast. It gives you more self-healing, and it deals about the same amount of overall damage.


    Your primary stat you want is Spell Power. This is because it scales with Life Tap and of course your dots. You can also stack Shadow Power in order to do this, but overall damage is better because flat Spell Power will also increase the damage from your fire spells. Stamina and Intellect are a third and fourth stat, but they don’t matter anywhere near as much as having just flat Spell Power.


    The first rotation will go over is the Haunt build. Immediately apply Haunt and Health Drain and then get up Corruption and Curse of Agony. From here you want to Incinerate and then Emulate and then Life Tap as much as possible. Always remember to Shadow Bolt whenever you get a Nightfall proc and then repeat for the Chaos Bolt you want to. Open with Incinerate and Chaos Bolt, Life during Corruption and Curse of Agony, then Emulate and then Life Tap as much as possible, always Shadow bolting on Nightfall procs.


    For macros and wekoras, you can go ahead and macro pet attack into all of your abilities. If you don’t want to micromanage your pet for weak wars, I recommend you tracking your debuffs on the target and try to maintain 100% up time on your dots, specifically Corruption, Curse of Agony, Incinerate and Emulate. The most important weak order you need is an alert for when you get a Nightfall proc. Classic does not do a good job at letting you know when you have a Nightfall proc, so this is is something you need to manually do with a weak war.


    I highly recommend using the succubus pet for DPS, especially in raid. But use the amp against bosses that have high armor like Gomorrah. Always use the Void Walker so you can sacrifice in PVP. It’s especially necessary when you get melee on you so that you can freely cast a Fear on them for PVP. You can run either of these builds as well as they’re both viable. I like to swap back and forth between Haunt and Chaos Bolt. Haunt is better when you’re moving a lot, and Chaos Bolt is awesome when you’re able to just freely cast whenever you get a Nightfall proc. It’s extremely fun to run the chaos build because you’re casting a Chaos Bolt into an instant Shadow bolt behind it and you can one-shot people. It is extremely fun so that’s going to be it for this quick warlock guide.

  • WOW Classic SOD: How To Get The Epic Crafting Items?

    Posted: Dec 07, 2023

    These are the Epic gloves, boots and chest that are absolutely best in slot for everyone. They also come with some amazing stats like improving your spell damage giving you percentage to hit with all of your spells which is absolutely vital at this level. Some of them even have things like haste increases. So you now have a raid cool down for DPS or for healing if you use it that way. So with that being said let’s dive right in.

    The first thing you need to do is level up your profession of choice. If you doing tailoring Leatherworking or Blacksmithing whichever one has your specific item, you need to get that all the way up to level 100. That is not even the max is 150, all you need right now is level 100. Then you need to grab the most expensive thing that you’re going to need. Which is the Elixir of Coalesced Regret. You can get this from the auction house or from an alchemist but it does cost quite a bit of WoW Classic SoD Gold right now. But once you have this head on to Ashenvale outside of the BFD instance right here at this location and you will find a dead Toren on the ground. Use the Elixir to be able to speak to this Toren and then he will basically just run through some RP sending you into the BFD raid.

    Once you’re inside of the raid and cleared up to the second boss, you’ll find the corpse of Old Serra’ Kis here on the ground and you’ll notice that it is now intractable. So just go through the r here and you will be rewarded with a handful of Shifting scales. run back to the auction house because you’re going to need the following materials. Forty strange dust, five greater magic Essence and two small glimmering Shard you’re going to get these from the ah or from being an alchemist and then take them over into ratchet.

    As you walk directly into the in in Ratchet, you’ll find this NPC right here that you will talk to that will lead you to a quest. The quest will require you to turn all of these things in as well as five gold. This is pretty expensive but once you turn in the quest you will be rewarded with the shifting scale Talisman. This is a trinket that will also allow you to move into specific locations in the world. right now the only one is in BFD to acquire something new. So head back into BFD and before the second to last boss, in the room where Old Serra’ Kis used to be in the original version of the dungeon.

    There is a section that requires you to have the trinket equipped. Down in here you can also lose the clams to try to get a pearl to sell for some extra gold back, but you will loot this item or this chest right here just called the Box. and the Box will ask you to try to destroy it. But we need some sort of powerful light force and to do this we’re going to head on to Hills Brad foot hills.

    Head over to Southshore or Toren Mill and then we are going to head to the Ravenholdt section. This is almost done guys but as you pass in and go right towards Ravenholdt Manor just turn to the right and you’re going to hook all the way around this mountain until you walk up on this gigantic glowing crystal. Once you’re here just click on the box and it will destroy the Box summoning a shadowy figure. Turn around and talk to him and you will go through some RP. Be very cautious here the RP at the very end.

    Also Read: Follow This Best Route To Find All The New Warlock Runes In WOW Season Of Discovery Phase 3!

    On the last section is make sure that you do request you learn the knowledge. Once you do this you will learn the recipes for every single one of the Void Touched Items even the ones for the professions you don’t currently have. This means you can probably re-roll and get the other gloves or anything like that.

  • WOW Classic SOD: How To Build Best Mage AOE Farming?

    Posted: Dec 06, 2023

    Now it's not the same old Blizzard AOE farming like we have used to being a Frost Mage. This is going to be with the new runes from Season of Discovery and we're going to be setting this up for the level 25 cap. It's actually pretty crazy what this build can do. You do need the right runes and build the talent build to actually pull this off and do it efficiently. So we're actually going to be Arcane Majors. Now the main reason that we're going for this is because we're going to be using Arcane Explosion and we also want to have clear cast, cause this is going to help us have enough mana to actually be able to do this.

    For the runes, I recommend on the gloves having living bomb. It's basically a dot that after 12 seconds, it explodes and does AOE damage and then for the legs having living flame. This is another AOE ability. It basically has a trail of fire behind the target and then also the new healing rune which is regeneration. When you use this it's going to put Temporal Beacon on you and every time that you do Arcane damage, It's going to heal you back 50%, which is a lot. Now it's 80% on other people but on yourself it is 50%.

    So what you want to start off doing is doing a regeneration. So you can proc your Temporal Beacon. So this means every single time you use an Arcane ability. It's going to heal you back once that is up you want to apply living bomb to the mobs at least three preferably all of them and then you want to use living flame. What is going to do is put big AOE damage on all the mobs and then with the rest of the time you wanted to spam Arcane explosion to finish off the mobs. As you can see it does a lot of damage and you can pretty much do massive pulls. Because while you're spamming your Arcane exp explosion, it's going to be healing you back.

    Your living flame is also going to be healing you back because they both use Arcane damage. That is how you're going to be able to basically face tank any single AOE mob that you're going to be pulling and you basically out heal the damage that they're going to do on you. So it's a really good way to do this. It's a lot quicker than the old Blizzard AOE build method because your basically doing a lot more damage the living bomb when it explodes does really good.

    AOE damage and also your living flame does a lot of damage also and obviously the Arcane Explosion. It's all going to add up burning down big amounts of mobs very quickly. Now I expect this to be the best way to AOE Farm in Season of Discovery. So when you're level 25, you definitely want to be using this back to farm-the max amount of WoW Classic SOD Gold per hour that you can at level 25.

    If you're considering making gold in Season of Discovery, I would highly recommend leveling up a mage and using this AOE build. Because it's extremely good and you're going to be able to farm the most amount of mobs out of any other class in the game. Maybe paladins have a little technique that they can do also with the new runes. But overall this is definitely going to be the best way to do this and as you can see I only have two points into clear casting and it actually procs a decent amount of time once you have that fully maxed out with five points in it. You're going to be getting a lot of clear cast and basically what that does is whenever you use your next spell. It's going to be free so it doesn't cost any mana what so ever.

    One other thing that I should mention is that you want to make sure that you use your buff and then you go straight into the killing phase because it only lasts for 30 seconds and if it drops you won't get any heals from Arcane Explosion.

  • WOW Classic SOD: Full Explanation Of World Buffs And Consumables

    Posted: Nov 30, 2023

    In this guide, we’ll take a look at a Season of Discovery’s world buffs, consumables and some new profession recipes.

    As a disclaimer, everything listed is subject to change. I will update the written guide as we learn more about new buffs, spells, and other content that may change over time.

    Ashenvale PVP Buffs

    Here’s what we know so far in Phase 1, which will see players capped at level 25. Through Season of Discovery, players will get new world buffs in Ashenvale.

    In new open-world PVP battles, players will gain buffs for being close to faction leaders. And it’s similar to Alterac Valley, with smaller camps and outposts set up around the area that attlefield lieutenants will guard. We know these lieutenants as Keepers of the Grove for Alliance: Centrius, Ceredwyn, Larodar. There are also Blademasters for Horde: Jubei, Moogul the Sly, Tojara.

    When players are within 40 yards of these lieutenants, they will gain Battlefield Inspiration, increasing their health by 50% and their damage buff by 20%. This gives the defending player a bit of motivation when trying to save their leader from being killed.

    When you are within 40 yards of the faction leader, players will gain an even more powerful buff: Battlefield Genius. Allies within 40 yards of Priestess of the Moon or Far Seer have 100% increased health and 50% increased damage.

    It increased these values for each living Keepers of the Grove for Alliance or Blademasters for Horde in Priestess’s or Far Seer’s army. Each one increases health by 100% and damage by 50%.

    By winning the event, you will receive some WOW Classic SOD Gold and items containing world buffs. These items can be saved and used later, for example, in raids. Here are the buffs it provides: Ashenvale Rallying Cry - Increases all damage and healing by 5% for 2 hours.

    Blackfathom Deeps Buffs

    Now, let’s talk about Blackfathom Deeps. BFD is a new hotspot raid for level 25 players. With new bosses and loot, players will also discover unique buffs tied to raids.

    While unconfirmed, this buff looks similar to Head of Rend, or Onyxia, Nefarian, Heart of Hakkar. When these heads are turned in, all players in the area receive a special buff that lasts for one to two hours.

    Blackfathom Deeps can increase spell, melee and ranged critical strike chance by 2%, gain 20 attack power, and increase movement speed by 20% for 120 minutes.

    Players may also be familiar with Blessing of Blackfathom: Intelligence increases by 5 points, Spirit increases by 5 points, and Frost damage increases by 15 points. Duration 1 hour. This buff can be obtained by clicking on the orb on top of the altar within the team.

    Anointed Shrines

    Here are some other buffs related to Shrines. Currently, it’s unclear whether these are open world buffs or full-blown world buffs. But through the names of these Anointed Shrines buffs, we may be able to make some new discoveries.

    For example, the first one is called Secrets of Elune, which allows you to meditate on Mysteries of Elune in Moonwell. Then there’s another buff related to Anointed Shrines, which says it enshrined Elune in nearby Shrines and can increase your Intelligence by 5%.

    So, if you scroll down this list, you’ll see that these little buffs increase certain stats by 5%.

    Again, we’re not entirely sure what these are yet, but it’s data-mined stuff.

    Known World Buffs

    Now let’s move on to the known world buffs you can still get at level 25.

    World buffs are an integral part of WOW Classic. Whether you use them to gain a raid advantage or to get a significant power boost when upgrading your alt. For world buffs, gathering in major cities on densely populated servers is an unforgettable experience.

    But strictly speaking, at level 25, no one will kill Onyxia, Nefarian, Rend, Hakkar for world buffs.

    Darkmoon Faire

    However, low-level players can still get Darkmoon Faire buff for 2 hours. Darkmoon Faire takes place in the first week of every month, alternating between Elwynn Forest and Mulgore.

    In Faire, Sayge is a fortune teller. Based on the player’s answers to a series of questions, Sayge will grant a buff that lasts for 2 hours, increasing specific attributes by 10%. I’ve included all Sayge buffs here.

    New Consumables & Recipes

    Finally, let’s talk about some consumables.

    In Season of Discovery, the developers have added new profession recipes, including new Mana Oil and Sharpening Stone for Blackfathom Deeps.

    Let’s take a look at all the new known profession recipes:

    • Alchemy has a new Elixir of Coalesced Regret, whose purpose is currently unknown.
    • Blacksmithing has a new Blackfathom Sharpening Stone and the epic Shifting Silver Breastplate.
    • Enchanting has a new Blackfathom Mana Oil.
    • Engineering has a Shredder Autosalvage Unit.
    • Leatherworking has two new pairs of epic gloves.
    • Tailoring has a new epic Boots Pattern.

    That’s all I have for you in this guide. Have a nice day!

  • WoW Classic SOD: Everything You Should Know About The Upcoming Season Of Discovery

    Posted: Nov 24, 2023

    We’re excited to announce the arrival of WoW Classic season, the Season of Discovery, set to release on November 30th.

    In this guide, we’ll delve into the new content, explore fresh mechanics (e.g. Rune Engraving and class changes), introduce new level-up raids and upcoming world PVP events. 

    During BlizzCon 2023 Holly Longdale, the executive producer of World of Warcraft, revealed an exciting seasonal adventure for Wow Classic, known as the Season of Discovery.

    This new season brings a plethora of fresh content, encouraging players to engage with the game through creative exploration.

    Level Cap System

    One notable feature that immediately caught our attention is the introduction of the level cap system

    The newly introduced level cap system operates in stages, unlocking progressively. Commencing at level 25, the capped periods will incrementally rise, bringing with them new raids, PVP events, and loot opportunities.

    The Season of Discovery will be introduced in four-level caps system phases, each featuring level caps, akin to the release of raid tiers in the World of Warcraft Season of Discovery.

    As players embark on the new servers on November 30th, they will progress through levels as usual until reaching the initial level cap at 25.

    The specific duration between these level capped periods is not firmly established at the moment. The classic developers have provided a general time frame, suggesting it will span a few weeks, but no less than a month and no more than 3 months. 

    Level Phase 

    Phase 1, maximum level raised to 25. Phase 2, maximum level raised to 40. Phase 3, maximum level raised to 50. Phase 4, maximum level raised to 60.

    However, the progression may not necessarily conclude at Phase 4. It wouldn’t be unexpected if they announce additional phases, featuring not only increased levels, but potentially introducing new elements such as maps, additional content, or even a higher level cap.

    New League Content

    During Phase 1 of the Season of Discovery, where players are limited to level 25, the developer plans to enhance several dungeons, transforming them into new raids.

    These raids will initially cater to 10 player groups, featuring added boss mechanics and challenges along with the introduction of new gear. 

    However, describing these content editions as new might not be the most accurate term, as they essentially involve upgrades to existing content.

    New Raid

    The inaugural raid introduced in the Season of Discovery is a revitalized iteration of Blackfathorn Deeps, featuring updated mechanics, more formidable mobs, and an extensive array of new gear for players to enhance their characters. 

    If you want to perform well when participating in this raid, it is very necessary to use WoW Classic SoD Gold to upgrade your character and purchase equipment.

    Additionally, the classic team has announced the inclusion of a new world buff that players can obtain from the raid.

    New Rune Engraving System 

    Next up is the PVP event set in the vicinity of the well-known Ashenvale instance.

    Here, the Horde and Alliance will engage in intense clashes within the wooded glades of Ashenvale, striving to overcome each other’s battle master and secure triumph.

    Participants in this PVP event can anticipate acquiring new loot, including a zone exclusive mount that doesn’t require mount training or be it limited to use within Ashenvale.

    It’s important to note that the World of Warcraft Classic PVP ranking system will maintain its existing structure throughout the phases, meaning players won’t progress beyond the rank of Sergeant during the initial level 25 cap.

    A significant addition to the Season of Discovery is the Rune Engraving system, introducing new class runes for players. These runes can be unlocked through various means, such as completing discoveries quests, finding them in treasure chests, or uncovering secrets scattered throughout Azeroth.

    While the BlizzCon developer panel only provided a glimpse of 3 runes for each class, the actual number may well exceed 100 in total. These class runes are poised to have a substantial impact on every class role. 


    All this seasonal content is set to debut on November 30th and notably, there won’t be a public test realm. 

    This Innovative approach in the Season of Discovery brings forth enjoyable and novel ways to experience the game, prompting players to venture into uncharted territory and experiment with new gameplay elements. 

    The anticipation is high, and we eagerly await the opportunity to witness it in action soon.

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