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News Tag: WOTLK Classic Trial of the Crusader?id=SOY

  • WOTLK Classic Phase 3: How To Complete Trial Of The Crusader Raid With 50 Remaining Attempts? - 5 Tips & Tricks

    Posted: Jul 08, 2023

    Are your Guilds struggling with the remaining 50 attempts in their Trial of the Crusader Raid? I’ll give you the tricks top Guilds are using and the tools to analyze your team’s performance and get you through levels.

    You have 50 attempts to kill the boss, and the more you try, the more bonus gear you’ll have left. As a general rule, most Guilds want at least 45 attempts remaining to maximize all possible loot. Of course, this is just a consolation prize. The best way is still to get 272 item level Cloaks with zero Wipe and 50 remaining attempts.

    There are some really quick and easy things you can do to make sure your team is more consistent with 50 attempts on Max gear. Let’s take a look at five ways to guarantee success with Argent Crusade Tribute Chest and Trial of the Crusader.

    Do 10-Man Raids

    The first is that you do more 10-Man Raids. Everyone in WOTLK Classic should do 10-Man Hard Mode Raids, because that’s the fastest way we can get more Reputations.

    I also got a way from original characters to accumulate Reputations during the most dangerous part of the raid, which is Anub’arak Simulator.

    Also, 10-Man Raids teach me more tricks than those hectic 25-Man Raids. This is another reason TOC is the best phase to practice alts. The more I experiment with TOC, the better it works.

    Bring An Extra Healer

    The second hint is that you need to bring an additional healer. Because of TOC, almost every fight you should use at least five healers, maybe even a maximum of six. So you now want to focus on DPS of the healer, whether it is extra Paladin, Druid, or Shaman.

    In my first week, my Paladin gear was terrible. Because once we added the extra Resto Druids, I had a hard time putting out enough damage on Twin Valkyr Raid to finish the fight.

    So you have to bring an extra healer or spend more WOTLK Classic Gold to upgrade Paladin equipment. Only in this way can you guarantee a stable damage output. Luckily, you can also use the coupon code “Lich” to get you 3% off.

    As difficult as this fight is, the rewards that Barak Kodobane brings to you are always worth it.

    Don’t Ignore Any Fight

    My third piece of advice is not to ignore any battle that requires your all-out effort. If you lose your tank or all DPS in Hard Mode Raids. You should take every battle more seriously. Because it’s a prerequisite for clear communication, buffs for your team, Healing Assignments, Positioning Assignments, and everything else.

    Although I know a lot of DPS have swapped their glyphs in a lot of different fights. But there’s no reason the healer shouldn’t do the same for my Resto Druids. Because replacing Glyph of Wild Growth with Glyph of Rejuvenation is a big difference for players not in Uber.

    Also Read: WOTLK Classic: How To Get The Most Out Of Phase 3 Call Of The Crusade? - 5 Must-Know Tips

    Use Your Tools

    My fourth best advice for TOC is to use every tool available. Mainly because the add-on will make it easier for you to get Argent Crusade Tribute Chest. I’ve compiled some of the best tools I’ve found to keep you looking your best.

    The first add-on I recommend is Plater. If someone on your team doesn’t have Nameplates plugin, then you should fix that ASAP. Plater has been a significant change for me. And it helps me win in Faction Champions Raid. More importantly, it makes casting Bloodlust a lot easier.

    My second additional recommendation is Method Raid Tools. I really feel like people keep forgetting how powerful Method Raid Tools are at tracking cooldowns. Lots of raid leaders use it, but normal raiders should use it too. Because it maximizes your healing mana instead of frantically demanding players get Faction Champions.

    I’ve also noticed that most bugs have little to do with Divine Sacrifice or Mastery, like they do in Ulduar. So I highly recommend you to use some external tool to set rotation for each battle and minimize team damage. You can also analyze every death in a fight and see exactly what player cooldowns are on, which is very useful.

    Maximize Your Enchant Chest

    One ultimate trick is maxing out your Enchant Chest. This trick is also the best way to fix your healer. Unfortunately, your team will eliminate healers in TLC. This is the ultimate healer raid, and one mistake will cost you 272 item level Cloaks.

    I also recommend that you go through phase three of the new Brack and really plan out the rotations each healer will make on their Penetrating Cold targets. Once we started doing this, we never lost Penetrating Cold targets again.

    All in all, the above five tips should all help you successfully complete Trial of the Crusader Raid in the remaining 50 attempts. You even get an outstanding item level 272 Cloaks from it. So, hurry up and try it out.

  • WOTLK Classic Phase 3: Five Best Ways To Make Gold In Trial Of The Crusader

    Posted: May 22, 2023

    If you want to take advantage of the best ketchup face in Wrath, you’re going to need a lot of gold. And if you want legendaries, there is like Shadowmourne Val’anyr, you’re going to need even more gold. But luckily, there are several brand new gold making methods in Phase 3 that can get you easy gold with low effort. Here are my five favorite new gold makers in Phase 3. 

    5. Honor

    At number five, we have farming Honor for Epic Gems

    One of the easiest and most passive gold makers in Phase 3 is battlegrounds. Epic Gems will be available from the PVP vendor for between 10 and 20,000 Honor each. I know I’ll be hitting up the new Isle Of Conquest a lot on Phase 3 for, so it’ll be great to be getting paid at the same time. Wintergrasp is always a great option too since you can get around twenty thousand dollar per hour.

    One really nice benefit of farming Epic Gems for PVP is that there's zero requirement. Plus, don’t forget: you need to be doing Wintergrasp anyway to get your Wintergrasp’s PVP Trinkets for the Trial of the Crusader. I also plan to combine my farming with the weekly PVP quests and Call To Arms for extra passive gold.

    4. Jeeves

    Moving into number four, we have Jeeves crafting.

    Jeeves Engineer is about to kick into full swing. It’s a freaking robot butler that can access your bank and solve every inventory problem you’ve ever had. The Jeeves recipe can be farmed from the Library Guardians in Storm Peaks.

    The problem is that the actual robot can’t be crafted without King’s Amber, which comes in Phase 3. Everybody’s going to be in such a big rush to purchase the mats on patch day from the Scrapbots to the Field Repair Bots

    You could definitely invest in Scrapbots like me, but the smartest gold makers went back to BRD to farm the Field Repair Bot 74A recipe and there're thousands of profit to be made from the Field Repair Bot 110G. That recipe drops from the Simon Units in Blade’s Edge.

    On top of generous profit margins from the Bots themselves, items like Fused Wiring will be turning a good profit on Phase 3.

    3. Daily Quests

    The number three best new gold maker in Phase 3 is the new daily quests. 

    If you love easy daily quests generating gold with minimal farming, you’ll love the new dailies at the Argent Tournament. Most of these quests are done to the North, and the newly renovated Hrothgar’s Landing.

    The best part is that you can do pretty much all these quests at the same time in just a few minutes. Assuming you’re a champion of your faction, the FBC High Crusader Adelard will offer one of four named NPC assassination quests each day. This new quest only takes two or three minutes each and gives you 21 WOTLK Classic Gold on top of a Champion Seal.

    Meanwhile, Crusader Silverdawn also offers one of two possible quests each day for another 21 gold in just a few minutes. My favorite is Get Kraken!, which is insanely easy with the targeting macro. There are also seven new quests for the Sunreavers or the Silver Covenant. Those are the newly added factions you can champion with gorgeous new mounts.

    In total, you can do five new daily quests each day for around 100 gold and five Champion Seals per day. Those seals can be turned into pets and sold on the Auction House. Of course, you can also combine these quests into an efficient daily route, which will net you over 700 gold per hour.

    2. World Tours

    Moving into the second best new gold maker, we have world tours.

    If you love world tours at the launch of Wrath, you’re really going to love Phase 3. The new Titan Rune adventures are extremely profitable and they’re required for both mains and ultralight. 

    You’ll be getting a max 10 Epic and an older 10 Epic from every boss. That means that these crystals are for everybody. Or it could mean Greater Cosmic Essence if you want to shatter the crystals and sand, using the new Abyssal Shatter feature.

    There’s also Emblems of Triumph from the new daily heroic quest. You’ll be getting a total of five from the daily quest in the backdrop. Every single other boss drops everyone’s a conquest, which can be converted to BOEs or Epic Gems, depending on what’s more profitable. That’s not even mentioning Sidereal Essence from the last boss in every dungeon, which can be converted directly into Crusader Orbs at a three to one ratio.

    I honestly might just live in heroic dungeons of Phase 3 and pay for all my builds that way.

    Also Read: WOTLK Classic Phase 3: Start Trading Your Investments Items Now!

    1. Titanium Prospecting

    The number one best new gold maker in Phase 3 is Titanium Prospecting.

    I prospected 1500 ores on the PTR last night and the results were very promising. I got 69 Epic Gems for my prospects, plus nine stacks of Adamantite Powder. If the gems sell for at least 150 gold leash on patch day, that’s at least 4,000 gold profit and just 15 minutes of prospecting. 

    One underrated boost to Epic gem prices is that Trials of Crusader will have heroic mode available day one. That means the biggest spike in gem prices will be on the first day and then prices will plummet afterwards.

    My entire strategy of investing in thousands of Titanium Ores geared around making money the first day, so this is very good news. If you want a way to generate thousands of gold, so you can profit from things like Titanium Prospecting. 

  • WotLK Classic Phase 3 Prep Guide: How I’m Dominating Trial Of The Crusader?

    Posted: Mar 27, 2023

    While we wait for WotLK Classic Phase 3, I’ve been preparing as much as possible from making new alt to gold farming to doing the Argent Tournament...... Here are all the things I’m doing to get as prepared as I can.

    How To Catch Up?

    The first thing I’m doing is leveling my alt. To be specific, I’m actually leveling my classic Warrior. Everything I’ve seen points to Fury Worrior. You’re actually being pretty good at TOC. I figure if I level 71 by April 7th, I could just pump Alterac Valley the rest of the way.

    But I’m also not ashamed to admit I might just purchase some Dungeon Boosts. On my server, it costs well under 10,000 WOTLK Classic Gold to boost a character from 70 to 80. 

    TOC is the best time to catch up your alts, but you don’t just have to catch up. You can also improve what you’re already doing. For example, my Discipline Priest just wasn’t being played optimally anymore, so what I’ve been doing is using all the information on the class discourse to improve my gameplay or you can use the time to re-roll if you’re not really feeling Boomkin and you want to get a Shadowmourne.

    Why You Should Run GDKPs?

    The way I’m going to be working towards my Shadowmourne is GDKPs. I’m actually been up to two GDKPs a week ever since my guild disbanded. I’m so committed to the GDKP lifestyle that I’m actually waking up at 9am every week. I really do understand that a lot of people are put off by GDKPs, but the 9am run I’m attending consistently pays out cuts of over 20,000 WOTLK Classic Gold

    There’s really no other way for me to make anywhere close to that, especially since Shadowmourne is expected to cost at least 400,000 gold. If you want to get into some GDKPs, I recommend having a little of gold first. My server Faerline also has a discord called Stacks, where you can find groups really easily. But I’m not just a raid logging. 

    Dailies You Should Do

    Every single day I do the daily quests. I’m running the heroic dungeon every day because it’s just so insanely easy with all of our gear. I know the Runed Orbs have crashed down to 200 gold each, but it’s still worth it for me. I’m also doing the fishing daily every single day because I want to get those Stormjewels. 

    You might think that Stormjewels are worthless in WotLK Classic Phase 3, but they’re no longer uniquely equipped when Phase 3 hits. But I would recommend unloading those Stormjewels for 2,000 plus gold right now before the phase drops.

    Get Epic Gems

    Speaking of Stormjewels, I’m also working towards getting Epic Gems. Once Phase 3 drops, you’ll be able to take 15 Emblems of Heroism and turn them into an Epic Gem. You’ll also be able to get Epic Gems for 10,000 honor each, so I’m still PVP once in a while. 

    Wintergrasp is definitely your best honor for hours since you can also get the Wintergrasp Commendation. Those commendations are 2,000 honor and they stack infinitely.

    The second the patch drops, I hope I can get at least 50 Epic Gems across all my characters.

    Phase 3 Investments

    I’m also using my phase 3 prep time to invest as much as possible. As I predicted before, Abyss Crystals are just absolutely cratering. Ulduar was getting easier and easier for good guilds. So, they’re just disenchanting all the gear. 

    But hopefully, the second TOC drops, the prices will spike back up again. I’m also buying Titanium Ore whenever it’s below two gold. I’m going to be prospecting Titanium or a lot when the phase drops.

    The other main items I’m investing in for Phase 3 are Potions of Speed and Potions of Wild Magic. I expect Blizzard to buff TOC since they want the face to last a little longer.

    I’ve recently also fallen in love with flipping Infinite Dust and Northern Spices since these items don’t have a deposit fee. I can just repost them infinitely over and over again. 

    Related: WOTLK Classic: My Seven Biggest Investments For The Upcoming Phase 3

    Argent Tournament Quest

    On top of logging in every single day to check my investments, I also do the Argent Tournament quest. One of the most compelling reasons to do the Argent Tournament is the Argent Pony Bridle.

    That’s an item that costs 150 Champion’s Seals and you can use it to upgrade your Squire. Then your Squire can hit up the bank, the vendor, or the mailbox. I know it might seem weird that I’m spending dozens of hours a month just to upgrade my Squire, but I’ll be the one laughing when I can access the bank anytime I want.

    There’s another reason I’m doing all the Argent Tournament dailies. By becoming a champion of the Horde, I’ll be able to get an Argent Crusader’s Tabard that gives me a 30 minute teleport directly back to TOC.

    I need that teleport, so I can sleep in more before GDKPs. Hopefully now you have a better idea of what I’m doing to get prepared for Phase 3.

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