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News Tag: WOTLK Classic Icecrown Citadel?id=SOY

  • WOTLK Classic Phase 4: A Complete Guide To All Bosses In Icecrown Citadel! - Normal & Heroic Mode

    Posted: Oct 14, 2023

    Warriors of Azeroth, welcome to our detailed guide to WOTLK Classic Phase 4 Icecrown Citadel. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the different strategies for Normal and Heroic Mode to help you overcome the challenges in this iconic raid.

    Icecrown Citadel is a powerful fortress with various bosses. We’ll delve into each encounter and share strategies and advice to ensure your success.

    1. Lord Marrowgar

    Lord Marrowgar is the first boss you encounter in Icecrown Citadel. To defeat him, you must arrange your team with tanks on one side and ranged DPS on the other while the boss is in the center of the room. This setup helps handle his abilities efficiently.

    Lord Marrowgar has Tank Buster's ability, which can hit the main tank and the two closest players. To mitigate damage, use three tanks and stack them on top of each other.

    Also, you’ll want to watch out for a line of frost from the boss, Coldflame. It will randomly target players and you just need to avoid it to avoid taking damage.

    Lord Marrowgar can also use Bone Spike to pierce and incapacitate players, causing massive damage. You need to make sure it healed players in a timely manner and focus on killing the spikes as quickly as possible.

    Therefore, it is very necessary to use WOTLK Classic Gold to get enough Healing Potion in advance. Note that you can also use the code "Lich" to get 3% off.

    In Heroic Mode, Lord Marrowgar can target three players with his Bone Spike, requiring quick action to save them. Also, he casts Bone Storm every 30 seconds, dealing group-wide damage. He will randomly charge at players, leaving Coldflame behind, so be alert.

    2. Lady Deathwhisper

    Lady Deathwhisper presents a two-stage encounter. In the first phase, you need to manage the mob and break her mana shield to transition to the second phase.

    Lady Deathwhisper will spawn multiple mobs in Phase 1. So you need to assign tanks to each side and decide whether to spread out the melee or keep them in the death ball to deal with the adds effectively.

    There are two types of these mobs, Fanatics and Adherents. Fanatics provide healing absorption and damage buffs that can be stolen or cleared. Adherents inflict diseases and curses, which increase spell cooldowns. Both mob types will gain additional abilities after being empowered.

    At this point you need to assign tanks to each side and do AOE damage to eliminate the adds. Also, keep an eye out for changes in Phase 2 to avoid additional adds.

    Lady Deathwhisper’s abilities change in Phase 2. She continues to cast spells and abilities, but her threat generation is reduced.

    In Heroic Mode, Lady Deathwhisper can use Mind Control to control some players. So you have to Crowd Control or clear their buffs.

    In Phase 2, she needs to tank and apply threat-reducing debuffs, so swap tanks accordingly.

    3. Gunship Battle

    The goal of Gunship Battle is simple: destroy enemy ships with cannons. Therefore, you assign four players to operate the cannon and fire on the enemy ships. Use Cannon Blast to generate heat and Explosive Shot to damage enemies.

    Players not in the cannon should focus on killing Rifleman and Axe Throwers on the opposite deck.

    In Heroic Mode, surrounding enemies will deal higher damage. Healers should focus on keeping the tank alive. Coordination and speed are critical to success.

    4. Deathbringer Saurfang

    Deathbringer Saurfang only has one phase, but his damage increases as the battle progresses.

    Every attack from Saurfang or a mob will cause stacked damage. At 100 energy, he leaves a permanent debuff on the player, causing them to take melee damage. Therapists need to monitor these players carefully.

    In addition, Saurfang will summon five mobs, and players must destroy them quickly. These mobs will cause damage to anyone they come in contact with. Use stun, push, or slow to stop them.

    In Heroic Mode, mobs deal triple damage and slow down nearby players. You need to kill them quickly, especially when the boss only has 30% health left, as his damage and attack speed increase.

    5. Festergut

    The fight against Festergut is a DPS match with a strict 5-minute Enrage timer. During this time he will cause splash damage to players and disorient some players. Please avoid getting hit and stay away from affected players.

    In addition, his Gas Spore will target three players and explode, applying continuous damage. We should spread spores throughout the team, including the melee, to allow players to stack points without getting hit.

    Festergut can also reduce DOT damage group-wide through Inhale, but it will increase his damage and attack speed by 30%. You can only survive during this phase by using your personal cooldown.

    In Heroic Mode, Festergut’s damage is higher, making this encounter more challenging. Healers need to be especially careful, and players should watch their stacks and timers to prevent spawn points.

    6. Rotface

    Rotface is the second boss you encounter in Plagueworks, and this encounter requires precise tanking and positioning.

    Watch out for Rotface’s random frontal attack, Slime Spray. In addition, Rotface will also cast a DOT, Mutated Infection, which reduces the player’s health. Infected players will spawn an uncontrollable mob.

    When two players have Mutated Infection, one player should move between the mob and the edge of the room before dispelling it.

    In Heroic Mode, remote players will explode due to Rotface’s Vile Gas. You need to stay 10 yards away from melee combatants to avoid getting disoriented. Meanwhile, his Mutated Infection’s healing reduction is stronger and you have to move to dispel it immediately.

    7. Professor Putricide

    Professor Putricide’s abilities are mainly related to positioning and awareness. Professor Putricide will throw Malleable Goo at random players. Players must stay out of its path to avoid damage.

    Meanwhile, like Rotface, he also has a DoT that reduces health, Mutated Infection. We should dispel players when affected. However, when dispelled, they spawn a mob that cannot be taunted but can be Crowd Controlled.

    In Heroic Mode, Malleable Goo’s enhanced damage is higher, and players should be more vigilant to avoid using it. In addition, the reduction in healing effect caused by Mutated Infection is more effective and requires players to eliminate it.

    8. Blood Prince Council

    Blood Prince Council consists of three bosses with the same health and unique abilities. It empowered a boss every 45 seconds. The three bosses take turns gaining empowerment and changing their abilities. You need to adjust your focus accordingly.

    • Prince Valanar: He will cast Shock Vortex, causing splash damage to players hit.
    • Prince Taldaram: Uses Glittering Sparks, which applies heavy DoT to players hit. He will also cast Conjure Flame on ranged players. Deals less damage over time, but explodes, dealing splash damage to nearby players.
    • Prince Keleseth: Uses Shadow Lance, a high-damage skill. He also spawns Dark Nucleus, which applies Shadow resistance debuff to the target.

    In Heroic Mode, Shadow Lance’s attack power is stronger and requires multiple layers of debuffs to survive. Players must treat the increased damage with caution.

    Shadow Prison, which deals a lot of damage while moving but does nothing while stationary, also affected the entire team. Therefore, correct positioning is crucial.

    9. Blood-Queen Lana’thel

    Blood-Queen Lana’thel presents a two-stage encounter. In the first phase, you need to deal with her abilities and gradually transition to the second phase.

    First, she will drop purple fire under a random player. Make sure they place it against a wall to prevent damage to the team.

    Her Twilight Bloodbolt will target ranged players, causing them to deal splash damage. Therefore, make sure ranged players spread out to minimize damage.

    Blood-Queen Lana’thel also transforms DPS players into Vampires, increasing their damage by 100%. These players must bite the newcomer within 1 minute or risk being mind controlled.

    Lana’thel will fly into the sky at specific intervals, terrorizing everyone. After the scare passes, players must spread out to avoid taking damage from Bloodbolt.

    In Heroic Mode, group-wide damage replaces the fear in the air phase. Players must manage incoming damage and ensure the bite goes smoothly.

    10. Valithria Dreamwalker

    Valithria Dreamwalker is a unique encounter where your primary goal is to heal the boss to win.

    Valithria Dreamwalker relies on healing to win battles. Therefore, you need to bring as many healers as possible, including single-target healers. Focus on keeping the boss alive and keeping your healing output high.

    During phases 1 and 2, Valithria generates Nightmare Cloud, which provides healing and damage buffs. You’ll want to make sure these buffs did not n’t affect your DPS players, as they can be used to increase your damage. Healers should enter portals to maintain these buffs.

    Next, you need to split your DPS and tanks into two groups on either side of the room. This setup allows you to deal with mobs effectively.

    Heroic Mode replaces a single portal with a full raid portal. Stack and move slowly to avoid falling debris and stay healed.

    11. Sindragosa

    Sindragosa has one health-based phase and two intermissions.

    In the first phase, you’ll deal with abilities such as Vile Gas, Gas Spores, and Inhale. In addition, Sindragosa will also send Frost Sphere to the team. If it touches the player, Frost Sphere will explode. Ranged DPS should eliminate these Frost Sphere promptly.

    At 70% health, Sindragosa enters the intermission phase, and players should move to the edges to avoid AOE damage from the center.

    Phase 3 is similar to Phase 1, but Sindragosa now freezes random players in an area of ice, adding to the challenge. Be careful of Shadow Trap and avoid standing in it to prevent damage.

    Heroic Mode involves additional challenges, such as group-wide damage during Frost Sphere and increased authorized damage, making the encounter more difficult. In the third phase, Shadow Prison will affect the entire team, dealing massive damage while moving.

    12. Lich King

    Lich King is the ultimate boss of Icecrown Citadel and is divided into three stages and two intermission periods.

    In the first stage, you need to deal with skills such as Infest, Vile Spirits, and Harvest Soul. Players must manage Infest debuff and pass it on to mobs.

    The encounter enters its first intermission when Lich King reaches 70% health. Players should move to the edges to avoid AOE damage in the center.

    Phase 2 introduces new abilities, including Defile, Soul Reaper, and Val’kyr. Arrange your team correctly to manage Defile, and remember to swap tanks to deal with Val’kyr.

    A second pause occurs when health reaches 40%. Players must travel through Frost Sphere and avoid falling ice blocks to reach the center of the platform.

    Phase 3 is similar to Phase 1, but Vile Spirits summoned by Lich King can now only be killed by the off-tank. Therefore, correct positioning is crucial.

    In Heroic Mode, players face a unique Phase 3 that involves managing raid-wide damage and not refreshing their Shadow Prison stack. Encounters are significantly more difficult due to new mechanics and increased damage output.

    This guide provides a comprehensive overview of each boss fight and their respective mechanics. Hope it helps you. Good luck with your future adventures!

  • WOTLK Classic: How Hard Will Icecrown Citadel Raid Be in Phase 4?

    Posted: Aug 31, 2023

    If you’ve got your eyes set on the legendary Shadowmourne and the elusive Invincible’s Reins or that killer Tier 10 Armor Set, there’s one monumental obstacle standing in your way, Icecrown Citadel.

    How tough is this iconic raid? Is it a Flame Leviathan walk in the park or are we looking at a Lady Vashj level guildbreaker that’ll send you fleeing the Season of Mastery?

    Here, we’re going to dive deep into the Frozen Halls of Icecrown Citadel to answer the burning question how hard will the raid be.

    Original ICC 

    Although ICC technically came out with a 3.3 content patch on December 9th, 2009, we only got the first wing. Blizzard added each wing over the course of two months, so the full release of the raid was technically on February 2nd, which was over two months later.

    The other key here is that the Normal Mode was the only mode available until February 9th. That means there wasn’t any Heroic gear being farmed in the first two months. 

    When the Heroic Mode finally released, the first 11 bosses didn’t prove to be much of a problem. Guilds were able to clear up to the Lich King in only two days of raiding and they got to the Lich King on February 11th. The Lich King himself though stayed alive for a surprisingly long 46 days, that puts the Lich King as the 10th hardest boss ever in terms of days before being killed.

    For reference, Yogg 0 was the third hardest in 87 days. So, if people ask which raid had the hardest fight. Technically, the answer is Ulduar. 

    Why Was ICC Hard? 

    One of the reasons the Lich King took so long to die though is that there were Limited Attempts, which artificially gated progress.

    It’s also important to note that four months after the Heroic Icecrown was released, a buff was introduced called the Strength of Wrynn for Alliance or Hellscream’s Warsong for Horde. This buff increased health and healing by 30% and made the Heroic raid much more accessible. 

    We’ll likely be getting this buff in the mid to late stages of the phase since it undermines the original raid balancing. So, we know the Heroic version of the raid was cleared pretty quickly. But that’s because of the gear.

    ICC Gear

    The top guilds back in 2009 had two months of Normal Mode farming, which gave them a huge advantage. Without the two months of Normal Mode farming, top guilds will be entering the raid with mostly ToC gear. 

    From my research, the number one guild in the world progress has a 242 item level, on average, in their top speedrun. That number will go up a bit as well as split runs combined together. With their high understanding of mechanics and gameplay, 242 item levels should be enough to clear the raid.

    However, the recommended minimum requirements for full clearing ICC Heroic were around 251 in the original version of the game. Having full 264 gear would, of course, be much better, but the average player is months away from getting to that point.

    Catchup Mechanics

    Luckily, there are plenty of new catch-up systems, like the Frostwing Halls dungeons, to quickly boost characters to 232 item level.

    And then, we can also go back to ToC to farm free gear and get more 277 item level cloaks. We also have the 10-man version of ICC to farm for the 251 and 264 item level gear and progress on our Tier 10 armor sets.

    Speaking of Tier 10 gear, it’ll make a huge difference not only for item level but for gameplay as well. For example, the Tier 10 red Paladin set drastically increases your damage. Another example is my Restoration Druid, who will get at least a 10% healing increase since my rejuvenations will randomly jump to extra targets.

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    How to Get T10 Gear?

    Getting the tear gear is extremely easy as well since you can buy the initial 251 armor sets with Emblems of Frost.

    Then, you just upgrade those as you raid with the Vanquisher’s Marks of Sanctification.

    One note on tier progression is that there’s a new tour of on boss and Vault of Archavon for 264 legs and gloves. You can farm both the emblem 251 Tier 10 as well as the 264 Tier 10.5 from Toravon each week. That means hitting both the 10 and 25-man Vault of Archavon lockouts each week is now mandatory, unlike in fast phases, to save weeks of time.

    Free 264 Items

    On top of the new Tier gear, the game will also be throwing free 264 items at us in the form of trash drop throughout the raid like the Wodin’s Lucky Necklace.

    Trash farming will be doable on characters much lower than 251 item levels, so it’s highly recommended to boost your numbers. 

    Also, while you transform, you’ll be getting Ashen Verdict reputation for a 277 item level ring. You can’t forget the new BoE legs and boots as well the saving WOTLK Classic Gold for these items is highly recommended.

    How Long Is ICC?

    So, we know the history of the raid and how much gear you’ll need, but how long will the raid actually take?

    Historically, the raid took between two and four hours for guilds once it was on the farm. Progression will be way different. And during progression, the most challenging bosses will be Professor Putricide, Sindragosa and, of course, the Lich King.

    If you do actually want to kill the Lich King and watch that epic cut scene that concludes the rasstory line, you’ll really need to increase your rating hours per week. I’m already planning for two nights of raiding per week early on for at least four hours each.

    Since progression can get annoying though, one of the systems to keep progression from being too frustrating is the Icecrown Weekly Raid. That weekly raid quest will involve something small, for example, swapping one of the mobs on Lady Deathwhisper for a new NPC. Your reward will be gold, emblems, and a chance at a 264 BoE, like the Rowan’s Rifle of Silver Bullets

    Hopefully free BoEs will keep you motivated!

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