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News Tag: POE Magic Find?id=Fuzzy

  • Path Of Exile 3.23: What Is The Secret To Magic Find And Wildwood Farming?

    Posted: Jan 18, 2024

    Did you know that the major cause of these full stack Divine and Winged Scarab explosions are a result of unique items getting converted? But did you also know how much of a massive role Reliquary Scarabs have to do with this?

    This guide should help you learn more about the secrets of Viridian Wildwood and why Tornado Shot builds are gathering more Wisps than any other Magic Find builds.

    Before starting the guide, I want to share some very interesting things that I found from data miners and developers.

    For starters, there are a bunch of contradictory facts going around regarding the effect of rarity in loot drops. One of which is that the amount of rarity from gear and party has no effect on getting stacks of Divine Orbs and Winged Scarabs.

    To test these rumours, I ran several maps with Meticulous Appraiser.

    Super High Rarity / Low Quantity

    The results were stunningly bad that I can confidently report that there was no stack of Divines nor any Winged Scarabs without the quantity.

    However, most of the few dropped items were either Rare or Uniques, which could have been converted into a few Divines and Winged Scarabs.

    Negative Rarity / High Quantity

    So what about negative rarity and high quantity?

    According to data miners, rare monsters in POE have various modifiers with lines such as “dropped items are converted to basic currency items based on rarity”.

    If you notice the tag, Rarity, this is referring to Normal, Magic, Rare and Unique.

    Well theoretically, when you kill a rare monster, say the first Archnemesis modifier is, “dropped items contain a fractured mod”. The quantity factor obviously scaled the number of these drops.

    With high rarity, most of these are converted into rare items, and some into unique items. With no or negative rarity, all or most of these will be scoured items that your loot filter will ignore. They won’t even have the effect of Archnemesis conversion.

    Rarity vs Reliquary Scarabs

    When you use Reliquary Scarabs, you get a separate set of Uniques, separate from the whole rarity factor.

    This was made clear to me when I ran several maps with and without gilded reliquary scarabs. So whether you have no rarity in your gear, if you were to use Reliquary Scarabs, you will still drop tons of Uniques based on the quantity factor.

    So, the question you will be asking now is, does rarity on your gear and maps improve the quality of loot that you get?

    How Loot Conversion Works?

    Now coming back to the dead monster. So imagine if you have a mix of magic, rare and unique items in your drops. If the monster has a second modifier, say “dropped items are converted to scarabs based on rarity”, Scoured items will turn to Rusted Scarabs, Magic into Polished, Rare into Gilded and Uniques into Winged Scarabs.

    This is exactly how it works for basic currency drops, except its Augmentations, Alterations, Chaos and Divines.

    Now here is the unfortunate situation you never knew. If the monster has a third Archnemesis modifier, such as “Dropped items are converted to full-stacked Orbs of Fusing”. This means that all your beautiful Scarabs or Divines drops are forced to be converted into a single item based on the loot quantity.

    Did you know that these kinds of forced conversion modifiers are quite common? This is why you see tons and tons of full stacks of Scrolls of Wisdom, Jeweller’s Orb and Fusings.

    So ideally, the loot conversion should end at the one we want. But if you look at the shear reality of the game, everything is indeed a gamble. Unless you are farming Valdo’s Puzzle Boxes with a proper build.

    If you run these Magic Find strategies on multiple maps with a high level of investment and follow solid guidance, you are sure to reap high POE Currency profits.

    Offscreen Wisp Gathering Technique

    Gathering high amounts of Wisps is the key element for everyone, unless you are just farming Ultimatum.

    Of all Magic Find builds, why does Tornado build get more profit from Wisp farming?

    The interesting thing about Tornado Shot build is that there are so many of these projectiles and they travel far. Now, if you’ve played Deadeye with Tailwind, you’ll know that maintaining 10 stacks of Gale Force requires a pretty high attack speed.

    He attacks with Manaforged Arrows, taunting monsters with every step. In a short time, he had already obtained more than three thousand Blue Wisps!

    This is why, if you have Magic Find, I highly recommend a build with high projectile velocity. If you’re unlucky enough to spend Mirror of Kalandra on a Fulcrum or Caustic Arrow build, don’t worry. You can farm Wisp in Viridian Wildwood using a separate character. Once done, switch to your favorite character.

    Abusing Wildwood Even More

    This brings me to another interesting thing that players on Reddit noticed. If you open a portal in Wildwood, you can actually return to Wildwood even if your character dies in the forest.

    Does this apply to the main boss fight? That’s right! You can indeed return to King in the Mists. But when you return, whether with another character or the same character, you’ll continue the fight in his third phase.

    This means you can actually enter the final stage of the battle with a new character to unlock your fourth Wildwood Ascendancy Points!

    However, that doesn’t mean you get much longer to explore the darkness. This is very useful when you find King in the Mists in T16 map.


    Besides Harbinger’s loot and Expedition Currency, Yellow Wisps will increase your quantity factor in every aspect.

    Purple Wisps only affect player and map rarity. This does nothing to get special items such as Fracturing Shard. Monsters contacted by Blue Wisps will drop basic, exotic and even map currency items.

    So that’s why you should focus on collecting as many Yellow and Blue Wisps as possible instead of Purple Wisps.

    Another interesting thing is that Wisps’ type quantity also enhances the effect of empowerment. So if you collect 10k Blue Wisps, it will result in a lot of currency items dropping.

    But this part may spark debate. Because of the representation, the combination of blue and purple guarantees that all enemies will drop coins and increase the rarity of those currency drops. But I can’t confirm that this buff has any direct impact on obtaining Valdo’s Puzzle Boxes and Voidborn Reliquary Key.

    I completely agree that yellow and blue are the best combination. By multiplying Blue Wisps currency drops with Yellow, this will definitely yield the highest raw currency amount.

    I also agree that yellow and purple combo gives you more chances to get rare items. This combo also has the strongest interaction with the Archnemesis item conversion modifier, which converts all loot into currency, scarabs, and other items.

    This is exactly what I discuss in the loot conversion section of this guide. Even combinations can be hard to come by, but having all three colors is great for farming loot. I’d like to call it an Uber map!

    The quantity, rarity and pack size of the map are indeed related to the league mechanism. But rarity has no effect on Wildwood vendors or Wisps that gather in Wildwood.

  • Path Of Exile 3.22: The Most Convenient Build For Magic Find - Blade Vortex Occultist

    Posted: Sep 21, 2023

    Here is a new build for POE 3.22 Magic Find, Blade Vortex Occultist.

    At first, I wanted to make Ethereal Knives from the previous league, but unfortunately, without the Crucible Tree, it seemed to me that the damage was a little lacking. So, I settled on Blade Vortex Occultist.

    Because of this build, I gained excellent damage and survivability, high mobility, huge explosions as well as one of the best Caster Mastery (25% chance to open nearby chests when you cast a spell, which will allow us not to click on every chest).


    Let’s move on to the POE Items first.

    Our weapon is, of course, the bow. The best option would be to take a synthesis base with ‘chance to explode’, but such a bow will cost from 150 Divine Orbs. I thought it was expensive, so I chose a base with ‘+1 to Level of Socketed Support Gems’.

    A good choice would also be ‘Spells Have A #% Chance To Deal Double Damage’ or ‘#% Increased Spell Damage’. If you want to save POE Currency, you can take an Assassin Bow, which has a good implicit.

    Before you start crafting, check if there is a better option on the trade. Maybe it will be cheaper. I like to craft most items myself, so I don’t look at trade prices. We will use Deafening Essence of Woe for crafting. We need to catch T1 Global Critical Strike multiplier. This will require about 36 essences.

    After which, we need to remove all other nodes so that only spell damage and crit multiplier remain.

    Next, we craft ‘Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers’ and ‘Cannot roll Attack Modifiers’. After which, we use Exalted Orb. Since we only have free prefixes and only one prefix does not have the attack tag, we are guaranteed to get ‘+1 to Level of Socketed Gems’.

    Then, we craft again ‘Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers’ and add '+2 to Level of Socketed Support Gems’ and ‘Chance to deal Double Damage’. And our bow is ready now.

    There may also be difficulties with the colors of the sockets since we need three blue and two red, which is quite difficult to get on a bow. I made three blue sockets and then used for a site. I was lucky to get all the sockets white. Additionally, you can change the quality to increased area of effect or increased elemental damage.

    Next, let’s move on to the quiver.

    The best base would be the Vile Arrow Quiver. We are interested in two mods: ‘Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage’ and ‘Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage’. Making such a quiver is quite simple. It is enough to combine extra damage with convert using Awakener’s Orb.

    But I also wanted to get a ‘chance to gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Kill’. So after that, I used Aetheric Fossils and Frigid Fossils. I was unlucky and spent much more than I expected, so it’s better not to try to do this but to buy a ready-made one or leave two mods.

    The last rare item in the build is a helmet (Gale Peak Royal Burgonet), not counting the cluster jewel of course.

    First, I bought a Royal Burgonet with T1 fractured life and then gave it to the enchantment service to get 30% Blade Vortex duration. Then, use Deafening Essence of Loathing to get T1 ‘increased Rarity of Items found’ in the suffix and craft rarity of items from rare and unique enemies. After which, we look for rarity and prefix using Eldritch Currency. As for implicits, we need perfect Mana Reservation Efficiency and a choice of increased area of effect or increased damage per power charges.

    The rest of the items are standard for MF builds:

    • Sadimas’ Touch with elemental weakness on hit
    • Goldwyrm with plus one to level of socketed gems
    • Greed’s Embrace with good quantity and plus one to level of socketed gems
    • Good Ventor’s Gamble and Eyes of the Greatwolf with 20% quantity

    My amulet also has increased spell damage. Choose one with a useful second property.


    As for the flasks, we have:

    • Perfect-roll Divination Distillate without quality so that it works longer
    • Progenesis, which gives us a lot of chaos resistances as well as additional survivability
    • Perfect-roll Taste of Hate, which gives us additional damage and a little survivability (If desired, it can be replaced with a Silver or Granite Flask)
    • Gold Flask with increased effect and additional rarity of items found
    • Quicksilver Flask (Use it with ‘chance to gain flask charge’ when you deal critical strike and additional movement speed during effect)


    Let’s move on to the gems.

    Our main link is Blade Vortex in weapon:

    • Vaal Blade Vortex
    • Awakened Unleash
    • Increased Critical Damage
    • Inspiration
    • Empower
    • Power Charge On Critical

    If desired, critical damage can be replaced with item rarity.

    In body armor, we have auras:

    • Zealotry
    • Herald of Purity
    • Hatred
    • Petrified Blood
    • Enlighten
    • Determination

    If necessary, Zealotry can be replaced with Purity of Elements.

    Next up is our Lightning Warp movement ability:

    • Less Duration
    • Faster Casting
    • Lightning Warp
    • Inspiration
    • Blood Rage
    • Enlighten
    • Arrogance
    • Herald of Ash
    • Molten Shell
    • Cast when Damage Taken
    • Awakened Enhanced
    • Portal

    I use Herald of Ash with Arrogance. I also use Blood Rage to generate Frenzy Charges and keep life below 50%. Of course, I use Cast when Damage Taken with Molten Shell.

    Thus, we have an excellent Magic Find build where we just need to extend our Blade Vortex and all the enemies around will explode and chests will open.

  • Path Of Exile 3.22: How To League Start As Magic Find? - Lightning Arrow Deadeye

    Posted: Aug 17, 2023

    The new league Trail of Ancestors will start very soon and I unconsciously had a lot of doubts in my mind:

    Can I start the league on a Magic Find character? What is the best build for MF? When is it best to swap to MF gear? What will I start the league with? And will it be an MF character? I also have some questions about my starting Atlas.

    That's why I wrote this article. And I hope it will help all of you who are planning to begin a new league on a Magic Find character.

    League Starter - Lightning Arrow Deadeye

    I am going to start with my build for Trials of the Ancestors. It's going to be Lightning Arrow Deadeye. And yes, it will be a Magic Find character.

    Some of you may find my choice boring. But I think it's the perfect choice for MF, especially as a league starter. Even though we lost Vengeant Cascade, our damage is still quite high.

    Besides, if it turns out we don't have enough DPS for the content I plan to farm, I have a backup plan, namely Tornado Shot.

    So, when I have a lot of POE Currency, I can always buy expensive gear to make a swap to Tornado Shot and I will definitely have no problems with damage.

    If, for some reason, you don't like Lightning Arrow Deadeye, I can suggest Corrupting Fever Champion or Caustic Arrow Pathfinder as alternatives. These are also good Magic Find builds that I played in the last league and had no problems with them.

    When Should We Change Our Gear To MF?

    The build is sorted out. Now, let's try to figure out when we should change our gear to MF and if we should progress to T16 Maps as fast as possible.

    I advise you not to rush and the worst thing you can do is fast push to T16 Maps and buy MF gear.

    With such a rush strategy, you will find yourself in a situation where your gear will be very weak and the progress of your Atlas will outpace the progress of your POE Items.

    In this scenario, you will simply die a lot on maps or your map clearing will be too slow and your MF will be ineffective. So, take your time. 

    Personally, after completing the X, I will not immediately change my gear to Magic Find. I will focus on items with the following modifiers:

    • Life 
    • Spell Suppression 
    • Resistance 
    • Damage 
    • Increased Item Rarity (IIR)

    But these will not be unique items that we are used to seeing in MF builds. They will be rare items.

    Also Read: Path Of Exile 1 And Path Of Exile 2 Are Two Different Games! - Differences Between POE 1 & POE 2

    Take Behemoth Idol Gold Amulet as an example. Frankly speaking, it's a very bad item. But I'm showing it as an example and 39 increased rarity of items found on one item at the beginning of the league is not bad, considering the fact that this amulet is not worth anything at all.

    Many of you have a question why increased rarity of items found and why this modifier is important. But everything is very simple. It allows us to find more unique items. 

    In most cases, unique items are almost worthless. But in the early days of the league, the situation was quite different. And even on the worst unique items, you can earn a lot of currency and this does not take into account the fact that you can always hit the Jackpot and find something really valuable.

    So, to start with, I will focus on a minimum of 100% increased rarity of items found total. This is a realistic number to start the league because this modifier is available on rings, amulets, helmets, gloves, and even boots.

    Unfortunately, it's not the most stable way to make money, and neither is Magic Find. But that's my plan and as it seems to me to start MF optimally with this strategy.

    Also, I want to warn you that the increased rarity of items found does not affect currency drop. So, you will not have the rain of Divine Orbs.  

    In general, this is quite a risky and not quite stable strategy because we do not know what unique items we will find. It could be meta items that we can easily sell or it could be some trash. But I believe in my luck. 

    Besides, this will not be my only source of income at the beginning of the league. But I'll tell you about that a little later as for which maps are the best to start MF on. As I said earlier, don't rush.

    If We Should Progress To T16 Maps As Fast As Possible?

    And in my experience the best option will be maps starting with T8 and ending with T11. And only after you have good gear that will give you damage and some survivability, you can move to T14 Maps or higher.

    At that point, you can also start slowly adding classic Magic Find items to your build. But don't do it all at once.

    Replace one part of your gear with Magic Find first, for example, rare boots for Goldwyrm. Then, complete a few maps and see how much less survivable your character is.

    If you don't feel any changes, you can continue to gradually replace your gear. If you start dying a lot, it might be better to stop and try to get currency for a good weapon. That will increase your damage because the more damage you have, the less chance monsters have of attacking you back.

    Also, a few extra levels can improve your build. So, get farming some experience. 

    My Atlas

    Now, let's talk about my Atlas.

    First, I plan to take these nodes (Adjacent Map Drop Chance & Kirac Mission Chance) with Kirac Missions because it will speed up my Atlas progress a bit:

    Next, I'm planning on Ritual (Ritual Chance & Sacred Lands). 

    And this may surprise many of you because Ritual is a bad mechanic. But personally, I like Ritual especially at the start of the new league. On the one hand, most of the rewards in it are very mediocre, but on the other hand, you can find very expensive items in it. It is a kind of mini jackpot, which will allow you to get a lot of currency and speed up your progress.

    In addition, Ritual combines well with my strategy of finding unique items. Because there are more monsters on the maps with Ritual. And the more monsters, the more chances to find valuable loot.

    Then, I will rush Wandering Path. I will do this not to get access to rid maps as quickly as possible, but to double the effective nodes that give increased quantity and rarity of items found. This will give me a total of 30% quantity and rarity of items found, which is a pretty nice starting point.

    Next, I will continue to take nodtes for Ritual and my initial Atlas will look like this.

    After that, I have two paths in mind and I haven't decided what I'm going to choose yet. It's either Expedition or Incursions. Expedition is a more stable mechanic, but Incursions combines well with Magic Find and will allow you to earn a lot of currency if you know how to do Temple correctly.

    Alternatively, there is Legion. But it will depend on my gear. Because for Legion, I'll need a lot of damage and at this moment I can't say how the start of the league will go for me and what kind of gear I can buy. 

    So, I have a pretty flexible Atlas where Ritual, quantity, and rarity of items found is the basis of my Atlas and the rest of the options I will determine as the league progresses.

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