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News Tag: New World Rise of the Angry Earth?id=breakingamenews

  • New World: How To Level Your Mount Fast & Unlock Wolves/Lions In Rise Of The Angry Earth?

    Posted: Nov 03, 2023

    How can you max out your riding skill fast and unlock the wolf and lion mounts in New World Rise of the Angry Earth?

    With mounts being released with the Rise of the Angry Earth expansion, everyone is rushing to max out their riding skill so they can hit top speeds and unlock the new wolf and lion mounts.

    This new skill is very different from the previous skills we’ve had in New World, but it’s really easy and simple once you fully understand it.

    The nice thing about the riding skill is there’s a more casual way to level it that takes a bit longer to level but requires little to no effort or you can do the races to speed through the whole skill line.

    How To Get Mount?

    First off, if you don’t have a mount already, you need to be a minimum level of 25 and own the Rise of the Angry Earth expansion.

    Then, head over to complete the quest, ‘My Kingdom for a Horse’. You’ll see a golden horseshoe on the map where it can be started. It’s over and everfall.

    Once the quest is done, you unlock your mount. Simply equip it and it’s time to get started with the leveling.

    Method 1

    Let’s start off with the casual way of leveling the skill.

    For those of you who don’t enjoy the races, if you plan on racing, you should still do this method on the side to maximize efficiency.

    Basically, you just need to make sure you’re feeding your Mount Vittles every day. You can feed your mount three times a day and you’re going to want to be using the maximum tier your riding skill lets you use.

    1. From level one, you’ll skip Basic Mount Vittles and go straight to Mount Vittles since you’ll be getting 2,500 XP per instead of the 1,250 from the basic ones.
    2. Then, once you get up to level 75 riding, switch over to Hearty Mount Vittles, which will now be giving you 8,000 XP per.
    3. At riding 150 for the final push to 250, you will be using Luxury Mount Vittles.

    Because the riding skill currently has no aptitude levels and just ends at 250, these items will always be extremely cheap on the Trade Post. So, even though you can cook them easily or get them as mount quest rewards, if you ever don’t have enough to use three of the highest tier available to you for the day, just head over to the Trade Post and buy some using your New World Coins.

    While mounted, put these vittles on your hot bar and use them to start feeding your mount. Using three of these a day will slowly but surely max out your riding skill.

    Also Read: 5 Invaluable Tips That Help You To Be The Best In New World!

    Method 2

    But if you want to be ultra efficient with your leveling, you should do this and do the next method we’re going to be talking about as well - Time Trials.

    Doing one of the Time Trials is not only the fastest way to level up your mounts, but it’s what’s required for you to get your wolf and lion mounts.

    There’s basically two different versions of these Time Trials - tours & rallies.

    1. Tours are the more annoying of the bunch, having you go from point A to point B in a certain amount of time, which if you aren’t good at map navigation can be a bit of a pain.
    2. Rallies have you doing the same thing, but there are checkpoints along the way, making it so that you don’t have to open your map to complete these.

    After acquiring your mount, you’ll be given a quest with five of these races to go around the world and complete.

    Get Wolf

    The first batch is really easy and you can get done pretty quickly, which will leave you around level 90 riding.

    Then, they’ll send you on another five races a bit longer ones, which will bring you to around 120 riding and finally giving you the quest to get your wolf mount called ‘A Pack Of Knaves’.

    After you get your wolf, you’ll have to prove yourself to it on another set of five races, which again get longer and more difficult. But they will leave you around level 150 riding.

    Get Lion

    The next set of five will take you to 220 riding and allow you to go on a quest to unlock the lion mount called ‘A Matter of Pride’.

    After that, they’ll keep giving you a couple more sets of five. But after the next set, you should hit level 250 and be done with the skill. You can skip the rest of the quests unless you’re a completionist.

    You’ll now have unlocked all the different kinds of mounts plus gotten the vital speed boosts from levels 50, 100, 150, and 200. Plus, you can equip mount straps and shoes now, which will give you various bonuses to your mount.

    I know the mount races can get long and tedious, but count yourselves lucky. When the mounts first came out, these were even longer, so they’ve been shortened since.

    If you’re trying to race to max speed, then definitely do a combination of both. But if all you want is a horse and you can only play a little every day, feel free to do the passive method that covers how to max out your riding skill fast and unlock the wolves and lion mounts.

  • New World: How To Get Dark Matter In Rise of the Angry Earth Expansion? - 3 Fastest Ways

    Posted: Nov 01, 2023

    Since the whole gear rework that came with the Rise of the Angry Earth expansion, we’ve seen the removal of Umbral Shards and the arrival of a new legendary material called Dark Matter that is required to upgrade your gear to max level. You need quite a lot of them to change the perks on your gear or upgrade your artifacts.

    So, in this guide, we’ll go over the three best ways you can acquire Dark Matter so you can start maxing out your gear in New World.

    Method 1

    The first method, and probably the most rewarding method of all, is doing PVE raids, expeditions, and trials

    This can be a bit daunting for some of us, so there will be other easier methods. But if you’re willing to put the time in and get a good group together, these methods can be extremely rewarding.

    For starters, probably the highest paying time investment is the Sandworm Raid. I know it can be a bit much if you aren’t really a raider, but if you are good at this or see anyone advertising in a recruitment chat, it could be worth your time to hop in and get good at it.

    Doing this raid once a week can earn you up to 420 Dark Matter: 320 for the weekly bonus, 80 for the daily bonus, and an extra 20 for killing the boss. If you also want to do this boss once a day for the whole week, you get an additional 700 Dark Matter. But even if that’s too much, just getting it done once a week for 420 Dark Matter is a pretty great return for your time investment.

    Plus, you could be getting legendary drops from doing this, which will just be bonus Dark Matter.

    We also got Expeditions mutated ones in particular. For finishing an M3 Expedition, you can get between 8 and 40 Dark Matter depending on how highly you score in the dungeon. And if you time that by the 35, you can do per week. If you’re really good at them, you can be getting up to 1,400 Dark Matter every week. 

    So, it could be worth investing some time into looking for a company. You could join to do this by putting together some M3 gear and learning the mechanics. You can also add this into your Dark Matter grinding rotation.

    Throughout the Expedition as well, you’ll be getting quite a few legendary drops that can be salvaged for Dark Matter. Plus, the Expedition material you can get from completing these Expeditions can really come in handy at the Gypsum. For example, the Sandworm Raid takes a bit of New World Coins and time investment to get going, but once you get good at it, the Dark Matter will come rolling in.

    Finally, there are trials. In particular, there’s The Hatchery. Getting one of these done can see you getting up to 10 Dark Matter. Plus, whatever other legendaries you get from the reward cachets can also be broken down further, for more matter.

    Doing this requires 10 people, so it is a bit of work to get a group together. But if you ever see a Hatchery trial being advertised in recruitment chat, it’ll for sure be worth getting done.

    Plus, it’s relatively easy to do and requires a lot less skill than the other two PVE options. Doing this seven times a week will also see you getting bonus rewards, so more legos to salvage for Dark Matter.

    Also Read: 5 Invaluable Tips That Help You To Be The Best In New World!

    Method 2 

    Next up is method number two, and it’s a more casual way to go about getting your Dark Matter. 

    It’s both solo and group friendly, and that’s simply to loot lots of legendary items and salvage them. Any orange legendary item named or not named will give you between one and two pieces of Dark Matter depending on their level. 

    Now, if you’re wondering where to get tons of these items quickly so you can get lots of Dark Matter, the possibilities are endless. But I’ll go over a few I like to do.

    For starters, grinding world bosses with the low spawn times that drop lots of legendaries and have a good unique drop that people will often farm for is your best bet. I’ve been using the Siren’s Brute as of late for this. Because the legendary mount charm that a lot of people are going after drops here. 

    There’s usually a pretty good group of people camping the spawn and the boss spawns in less than one minute after it’s killed, so I can get lots of kills in every hour.

    Simply join the group that’s there grinding. Make sure you tag the boss every time he spawns and rack up the loot. You can salvage all of your legendary items as you get them so you can stay here indefinitely until you have enough Dark Matter for what you need.

    If you get sick of grinding the same boss over and over, you can even switch it up and do a couple elite chest runs or portal runs. There’ll usually be one or the other going on in recruitment chat at all times, so just join up and follow the crowd from chest to chest or portal to portal. 

    Not only will you get lots of legendaries that you can salvage for Dark Matter from the chests or the portal reward cachets, but if it’s an elite chest, they also have a chance of giving you two Dark Matter when you open them so that’s a massive bonus.

    And the portals are nice to do a couple times a day as well for the coin sacks, so you can get 500 New World Coins for free every day while getting some Dark Matter in at the same time. So, throw on some luckier, go on some tours, and be bringing in tons of Dark Matter.

    When it comes to Expeditions, even if you’re not good enough for M3 Expeditions, normal difficulty ones or M1s can still be great to do to gather tons of legendary items to salvage (whenever you get tired of world tours or monster farming and get the itch to run some group content).

    Method 3  

    The final method is to make sure you are always doing your daily events.

    This one is hard to go in depth with because the events always change up when I’m talking about the events like Turkey Terror, Rabbit’s Revenge, Medleyfaire, Nightveil Hallow, all of these monthly events that are thrown at us will most likely give you daily chances at getting Dark Matter.

    If you take down the boss three times a day, you get bonus rewards, including Dark Matter. And it’s always easy to do since everyone’s trying to get their dailies done. So, it’s usually only a few minutes out of your day to get these events done and will really pay off in the long run.

    If you’re not sure which event is currently running or which is coming up, just check the New World website or ask in the global chat to find out.

  • New World: How To Farm Spinfiber In Rise Of The Angry Earth? - Locations, Routes & Tips

    Posted: Oct 20, 2023

    With the New World’s expansion - Rise of the Angry Earth came, there are many new materials that could be gathered. You can earn tons of New World Coins by collecting these materials.

    In this guide, I will focus on the best farming spots for Spinfiber. I will also give you tips and general requirements that you might need to pay attention to. 

    Requirements & Tips 

    You can start gathering Spinfiber when you reach Harvesting skill 205. You can recognize it by its Blue Leaves

    Spinfiber, like other new materials, is rare and is sparse around the Aeternum, so it will be very inefficient to focus on farming Spinfiber solely. That is why I recommend gathering other materials as well.

    With this note, I have found a few routes that have a decent amount of other fibers included in the run.

    Brimstone Sands Route

    The first location is our lovely sandy land, Brimstone Sands.

    Brimstone Sands has quite a solid run around its rivers and oasis. You start your run at the settlement and head north.

    While you are going along the river, you can collect everything from woods to fibers. After you reach the end of this river, you cross the desert and head to the oasis.

    Grab the fibers and trees and continue your run South to the start of another river where you harvest all the fibers before you return back to town to finish your round.

    If the run took you longer than about 15 minutes, most of the materials have already respawned, and you can start your run again.

    Northern Mourningdale Adventure

    The second location is the northern part of Mourningdale.

    You start your run at the most top located Shrine and you go East to the first Wyrdwood Trees.

    After that, close by are your Spinfibers. When you finish harvesting them, you continue the route Northeast to the next row of materials. Keep gathering them until you reach the start of the level 50 elite zone called Scorpius.

    If you think this challenge is too hard, you can skip it. But if not, you can go and take out all the enemies there and gather all of the blue leafy rewards.

    When that is done, you can finish your run at the Shrine south of the elite area.

    Restless Shores Harvesting Run

    The third location is Restless Shores.

    To start this gathering route, you teleport to the Shrine near The Depths Expedition.

    Then, you go past it in the Northwest direction until you reach a small lost pirate village where you can gather your Spinfibers.

    After that, you go in the same direction to a place where there are a lot of rivers and grab them as well.

    Next, you head up to the cliff. 

    After that, you can go north in the direction of the Mourningdale settlement. You will be walking on one of the biggest hemp and Silkweed (silk fiber) routes in this game.

    Let me show you how much hemp you can see. As you can see, it is a lot of them. This place has so much hemp you can fill your bags in no time. 

    However, this route is very popular so you might have a hard time getting any fibers as you won’t be alone there. 


    There are quite a few locations where you can farm Spinfiber. But if you want your farm run to be as efficient as you can, you will want to get as much gathering yield and luck as possible.

  • New World: How To Farm Mithril In Rise Of The Angry Earth? - Locations, Routes & Essential Tips

    Posted: Oct 13, 2023

    The new expansion, Rise of the Angry Earth, brings new materials together, and Mithril is one of them. If you want to get more New World Coins, then farming Mithril is your good choice.

    So, here, I will show you the best farming spots for Mithril in this short guide. Also, I will give you some general tips on making your run more successful.

    Requirements & Tips

    You can start mining Mithril. When you reach mining skill 205, you can recognize it by its purple glow.

    If we look at the New World’s map, Mithril is everywhere around Etherium and nowhere at the same time so that you won’t go farming and chase only the rarest metals. Try and optimize your run for all of the valuable materials.

    I have made a few forming root ideas that will have not only Mithril but also aura, calcum or any other valuable material.

    Brimstone Sands Route

    Let us begin with the 1st and most dense location.

    Brimstone Sands has the most Mithril accessible to a solo player. Your run starts at the shrine near the sulfur pools. You can open an elite chest before you start your run.

    But if you are not interested, you can first mine all Orichalcum Veins and Corrupted Camp. Then, I would go to the next one and start my Mithril run afterward. Or just skip this part and head straight to the good part.

    First, I would collect all of the veins below around the pyramid and then go up top. To the point of interest, after all of the nodes are cleared, you can hop on your trusty mount and ride east. Mithril will be on the Rocky Hill.

    After that, you can go to the scorpion boss cave. The Cave is empty at a game in Daylight Time so you can get them without a need of dealing with this boss. You can skip this part as well and go down the rocks and then clear the desert as well.

    After you finish, you can go to the settlement to finish your round. If I were you, I would find Sandstones as well as they are precious and will make your run. They are quite profitable and can help you earn a lot of New World Coins.

    Reekwater Adventure

    The second location is a classic, Reekwater.

    Mostly, this run is similar to the popular Orichalcum farm location. You start your run at the top shrine and go to the location down South. While on the way, you can just stop by and grab all the trees and fibers.

    When you arrive there, you start on rocks and follow them while mining every Orichalcum Vein you can see. There will be a few Mithril Veins as well.

    After all are collected, just go around the rocks to grab the purple shining rocks on the other side. If you take it slow or get something else around you, you can catch them at respawn time, which is about 10 to 15 minutes.

    Elysian Wilds Expedition

    The third location is a new zone, the Elysian Wilds.

    Mithril Veins are only at elite zones, such as the Isle of Servin and Dredge Landing. While there are many OR Veins there, you also get other materials.

    However, these two elite zones are very popular points of interest as well, as Mithril is very valuable and you can have a hard time finding them there.

    Edengrove Journey

    The fourth location is Edengrove.

    It has quite a good run with a combination of Orichalcum and Mithril. Or you start your run at the Eastbourne settlement and follow a path North until you reach your first Orichalcum Vein.

    Just follow the rocky edge of the Cliff until you reach the end of the Orichalcum Ore, then just jump down to a small Mithril group.

    Afterward, go East to get the rest of your veins and finish your run at the shrine nearby.

    Cutlass Keys Exploration

    The 5th and final location that I will cover is Cutlass Keys.

    This one is the same as the Runewood route. However, you can mine Mithril Ore as well.

    So, you start at the shrine near the Barnacles and Black Powder expedition and go to the small island where you grab all of the materials.

    After you get them, go north to almost the middle of the area to grab Wyrdwood and Runewood trees. Then, your path should lead you around the island along its beaches collecting all of the valuable trees, Fibers, and Mithril Ore.

    After you make the whole circle, you can finish at the top shrine and head home or repeat the run again.


    The Mithril Veins are very sparse and are hard to come by, so trying to gather other materials as well might give you a feeling of a more satisfying run.

    Try to optimize your gathering efficiency with two methods.

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