In ACNH, when meteors appear, you have the opportunity to collect star fragments, which can be used to craft star and space-related furniture and decorations. And, if you like magic wands, tools that allow you to easily change pre-selected outfits, then you need to collect star fragments. So collecting every star fragment is very important for crafting every DIY recipe.
For crafting with star fragments, you need to speak to Celeste. The owl NPC will appear on your island on the night of the meteor shower. When Celeste appears, every time you talk to her, you will get a new recipe, until you have finished all the recipes. In ACNH, the meteor event has no special restrictions, and it does not necessarily appear in a certain season, so all you need to do is to pay attention to Anabelle's announcement, and then pay attention to the night sky.
When star fragments appear on the beach on your island, they will come in different types: there are regular star fragments and large star fragments.
In addition to these, there will be zodiac fragments, which are very rare, appearing in different colors in each constellation, and they will only appear at specific times of the year: when you can see the constellations in the sky, they will appear. Because of this, ACNH players need to wish for a whole year to craft special zodiac decorations.
We have listed the DIY recipes:
Star Fragment Lunar Recipe
Crescent-Moon Chair: 7 Star Fragments, 1 Large Star Fragment
Moon: 15 Star Fragments, 1 Large Fragment
Nova Light: 5 Star Fragments
Star Clock: 3 Star Fragments, 1 Iron Nugget
Star Head: 5 Star Fragments
Star Pochette: 6 Star Fragments
Starry Garland: 10 Star Fragments
Starry Wall: 5 Star Fragments, 1 Large Star Fragments
Starry-Sky Wall: 5 Star Fragments, 1 Large Star Fragment
Star Fragment Space Recipe
Asteroid: 5 Star Fragments, 100 Stones
Astronaut Suit: 5 Star Fragments, 5 Iron Nuggets
Crewed Spaceship: 10 Star Fragments, 20 Iron Nuggets
Flying Saucer: 15 Star Fragments, 10 Iron Nuggets
Galaxy Flooring: 5 Star Fragments, 1 Large Star Fragment
Lunar Lander: 10 Star Fragments, 15 Iron Nuggets
Lunar Rover: 10 Star Fragments, 10 Iron Nuggets, 4 Old Tiers
Lunar Surface: 5 Star Fragments, 1 Large Star Fragment
Rocket: 10 Star Fragments, 20 Iron Nuggets
Satellite: 10 Star Fragments, 15 Iron Nuggets
Sci-Fi Flooring: 5 Star Fragments, 1 Large Star Fragments
Sci-Fi Wall: 5 Star Fragments, 1 Large Star Fragment
Space Shuttle: 5 Star Fragments, 10 Iron Nuggets
Star Fragment Wand Recipe
Cosmos Wand: 1 White Cosmos, 3 Star Fragments
Golden Wand: 2 Golden Nugget, 3 Star Fragments
Hyacinth Wand: 1 Pink Hyacinth, 3 Star Fragments
Iron Wand: 3 Iron Nuggets, 3 Star Fragments
Lily Wand: 1 White Lilies, 3 Star Fragments
Mums Wand: 1 Yellow Mums, 3 Star Fragments
Pansy Wand: 1 Yellow Pansies, 3 Star Fragments
Rose Wand: 1 Red Roses, 3 Star Fragments
Star Wand: 1 Large Star Fragment, 3 Star Fragments
Tree-Branch Wand: 5 Tree Branches, 3 Star Fragments
Tulip Wand: 1 Red Tulip, 3 Star Fragments
Wand: 2 Star Fragments
Windflower Wand: 1 Orange Windflower, 3 Star Fragments
Zodiac Fragment Recipe
Aquarius Urn: 3 Star Fragments, 2 Aquarius Fragments, 2 Gold Nuggets, 5 Stones
Aries Rocking Chair: 3 Star Fragments, 2 Aries Fragments, 1 Gold Nugget, 5 Stones
Cancer Table: 3 Star Fragments, 2 Cancer Fragments, 2 Gold Nuggets, 3 Stones
Capricorn Ornament: 3 Star Fragments, 2 Capricorn Fragments, 2 Gold Nuggets, 12 Stones
Gemini Closet: 3 Star Fragments, 2 Gemini Fragments, 2 Gold Nuggets, 5 Stones
Leo Sculpture: 3 Star Fragments, 2 Leo Fragments, 2 Gold Nuggets, 3 Stones
Libra Scale: 3 Star Fragments, 2 Libra Fragment, 2 Gold Nuggets
Pisces Lamp: 3 Star Fragments, 2 Pisces Fragments, 2 Gold Nuggets, 4 Stones
Sagittarius Arrow: 3 Star Fragments, 2 Sagittarius Fragments, 2 Gold Nuggets
Scorpio Lamp: 3 Star Fragments, 2 Scorpius Fragments, 2 Gold Nuggets, 5 Stones
Virgo Harp: 3 Star Fragments, 2 Virgo Fragments, 2 Gold Nuggets, 4 Stones
When you collect all the available DIY recipes for star fragments and zodiac fragments, you can get many cute furniture and decorations. After that, you can use them to decorate your bedroom or garden.
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