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News Tag: Fallout?id=Fuzzy

  • Fallout 76 Is Definitely Worth Playing Right Now!

    Posted: Nov 14, 2020

    Fallout 76 was launched for the first time and did not gain a large number of fans as imagined. Instead, it received a lot of criticisms and accusations. Therefore, in the following years, Bethesda has also made improvements to Fallout 76, and trying to make it perfect, constantly adding new content to it. Their goal is to bring players of Fallout 76 to a game experience that matches its name. In December, the Steel Dawn update will be released, which also shows that Bethesda has been working hard to improve Fallout76.


    One of the core problems of the previous Fallout 76 was the lack of NPCs and attractive stories, so Bethesda released Wasterlanders, which solved the problem of no NPCs, and introduced why there were no NPCs before: because the Appalachian was too dangerous for settlement. However, the player's actions can balance the environment, so they can settle in Wasterlanders.

    New modes

    The game also adds necessary content, such as Project Paradise, which encourages players to team up to accept a difficult challenge to obtain valuable rewards, which also completes the endgame gap in Fallout 76. The new mode brings players a more dynamic gaming experience. Nuclear Winter has introduced a 52-player battle royale mode. You will be able to spend a happy time in Appalachia in a new way.

    Great scaling system

    In the previous Fallout 76, its world is unbalanced, because for new players, they face enemies that they cannot defeat and can easily be killed by enemies. But for players who have upgraded, the enemies they face are very fragile, which makes the game more boring and non-challenging. So Bethesda changed the entire PVE system. They redesigned the game's characters to allow new players to face fewer difficulties and match veterans with enemies of the corresponding level. The scaling system can even accommodate players of different levels, which means that if you and your friends are not at the same level, you can also explore together.

    A fully realized post-apocalyptic world

    The current Fallout 76 cannot be said to be a perfect game, but for fans, it is already attractive enough. It is a rich, fully realized post-apocalyptic world, waiting for you and your friends to explore more unknowns secrets together!

    So if you have been disappointed with Fallout 76, but the new Fallout 76 is worth giving it another chance, it will not let you down.

    IGGM will follow the upcoming Steel Dawn update, and I bet it will surprise us.

    If you have been a fan of Fallout 76 for a while, now is the time to prepare adequate Fallout 76 Bottle Caps for the upcoming update, because a good game experience cannot be separated from the assistance of Fallout 76 Bottle Caps. If you don't have good equipment, when you face bosses, you may need to prepare for death at any time.

  • Fallout 76: What The Steel Dawn Update Will Bring To Us?

    Posted: Nov 10, 2020

    In December, the Steel Dawn of Fallout 76 will be updated, which means the Brotherhood of Steel will return to Appalachia. New quests are waiting for you to complete, and you can meet with the Brotherhood there and know about why they came back and the way to help them.

    This update will not be as big as the Wastelanders expansion, but there will still be a lot of new contents, because many different locations and new NPCs appeared in the trailer.

    Speaking of the Brotherhood of Steel, you can expect to see the leader of the Brotherhood First Expeditionary Army in Appalachia - Paladin Leila Rahmani. Meanwhile, Knight Daniel Shin and Scribe Odessa Valdez will accompany her.

    Why are they here?

    They will check the remains of Atlas Observatory, and they may turn it into a base. If you want to know more details, you'll need to explore it yourself.

    New Weapons

    In the upcoming update, new weapons and armor will also appear. The Hellstorm Launcher that can dish out elemental damage, and a new melee weapon called the Plasma Cutter, I bet you'll like it.

    New NPCs & Enemies & Allies

    Speaking of new weapons, there are bound to be new enemies, so you may be about to encounter new enemies or NPCs. There are also two new allies, one is Solomon Hardy, he can bandage wounds or heal diseases for you. The other is Yasmin Chowdhury, who will cook for you once a day. In other words, a doctor or a chef will soon join your team, do you suddenly feel that your life is protected well?

    After watching the trailer, I guess that Fallout 76 will once again attract a group of fans, because the new content and the mysterious actions of the Brotherhood make players curious. It is only about a month before the update. We can look forward to this update.

    Although we do not know the specific date, once the Steel Dawn is released, IGGM will update the news in time to let you know, provided that you have bookmarked the news page on IGGM.

    You can also buy cheap Fallout 76 Bottle Caps on IGGM, whether you are a PC user, PS4 user, or Xbox One user, Fallout 76 Bottle Caps For Sale on IGGM can perfectly meet your needs.

  • Fallout 76 Guide: The Abandoned Waste Dump Is A Place Worth Exploring More Than It Looks

    Posted: Oct 19, 2020

    Fallout 76 is a game with a huge amount of content because of the variety of the game that brings countless possibilities to the player. On the one hand, this brings a mysterious freshness to the player, on the other hand, the player cannot experience all of the content and will likely miss some locations.

    One such location is the Abandoned Waste Dump, which may seem like just a mini-dungeon to the player, but it actually has much more to offer.


    It's located in the Mire and is one of the most dangerous areas in fallout 76. But it's rich in resources there. The swamp has always been synonymous with danger, and it has become even more dangerous and terrifying after radiation. So if you want to enter this area, you should be prepared to get into danger.

    Outside look

    From the outside, it seems to be just an ordinary abandoned waste dump. There is only a yard with a trailer inside and radioactive barrels scattered on the ground. Indeed, such an appearance cannot arouse players' interest.

    Inside Look

    But for some curious players, once you enter here, you can gain more than you expected. If you are willing to continue, then you will find a cave, but this is very dangerous, so you need to be fully prepared. The cave is full of "Deathclaws", which are more scary things in fallout.

    Way to Whitespring bunker

    When you enter the cave, you will find a concrete structure, look for some clues here, and you will reach an elevator.

    Take the elevator down and you will see a secret bunker. This is where former Senator Sam Blackwell and his daughter Judy hide.

    Fully exploring the Abandoned Waste Dump will allow you to start and advance the quest of the Bunker Buster. If this quest is completed, you will be able to head to the Whitespring bunker, which is the headquarters of the Enclave. Then you can even join a secret organization, all this must be worth your time to explore!

    If you haven't paid attention to this place before, then through this article, it may arouse your interest in exploring there, but the premise is that you have to be fully prepared and have good equipment. If you don't have enough Fallout 76 Bottle Caps, you can go to IGGM to buy cheap Fallout 76 Bottle Caps, which will make you strong enough to deal with the difficulties you will encounter later.

    For more Fallout 76 news, you can go to our news page on IGGM!

  • It's Worth A Shot! Next Fallout 76 Update Will Prep For 'Steel Down'

    Posted: Oct 12, 2020

    The next update of Fallout 76 will be released on October 13th. It will focus on bugs, some Halloween cosmetics, and some background frameworks for the exciting Steel Dawn update in late 2020.

    The Steel Dawn Update is the next major content update for Fallout 76, and this is the sixth update since the game was released. As the name implies, the Steel Dawn update will respond to the Brotherhood of Steel hugely. Just like Fallout's franchise and history, Fallout 76's Vault Dweller will have the opportunity to join the Brotherhood of stand against them at their peril.

    Bethesda announced that due to the ambitious plan for Steel Dawn, this update will be smaller than previous updates, however, this does not mean that there is no content worth looking forward to. For example, Bethesda made some improvements and changes in the Hunt for the Treasure Hunter event in Fallout 76.

    Hunt for the Treasure Hunter will be officially launched on October 15th, and four keywords have been modified. First of all, Treasure Hunter Mole Miners will now be spawn across Appalachia and will scale dynamically. The better for players to earn level appropriate legendary loot. Second, some unique loot will be added and divided into its pool so that players will receive appropriate rewards.

    Third, Ornate Mole Miner Pails now have an increased drop rate from Miners and better gear can be dropped from lower quality Pails. In the end, crafted Mole Miner barrel components will cost fewer caps from vendors. This is a comprehensive and more rewarding event.

    Although there will be no bigger changes in the next update, Bethesda has some important plans for the future. Hunger and Thirst mechanics are still developing, as is CAMP Shelters. Players need to wait patiently.

    Finally, Fallout 76 did it. It makes veterans look forward to it. I believe it will attract more new players in the future. With the improvement of the fun of the game, there will be more and more challenges in the game. At this time, the advantages of Fallout 76 Bottle Caps can be more fully utilized. But it is impossible to get good equipment with a small amount of money farmed in the game. So if you don't have enough Fallout 76 Bottle Caps, you can go to IGGM to buy at any time. As a professional website, IGGM will quickly provide you with anything you need at a low price!

  • Fallout 76 Steel Dawn Update Will Bring Players A Big Surprise!

    Posted: Sep 29, 2020

    According to Bethesda's announcement, Fallout 76 will soon allow players to build underground bases. This is the first change in the upcoming Steel Dawn update.

    Despite the poor reception when it first launched, Fallout 76 has made considerable progress in the past two years. First of all, through updates like Wasterlanders expansion, the game enriches its single-player experience and creates a deeper story. It also adds a range of multiplayer modes, providing people with new ways to cooperate and compete. In addition to these updates, the game also provides more freedom for each player, allowing them to build their home base (know in-universe as a CAMP) how they see fit.

    Wait... Could this be Bethesda's "conspiracy"? because the initial feedback is not good, so players don't have high expectations for it. As long as it improves slightly, players will be satisfied.

    The Steel Dawn update will allow players to build an underground CAMP expansion, that is, CAMP Shelter. These Shelters will first be available on the newly-revived Public Test Servers in Fallout 76. Player feedback may affect the actual Shelter designs that Bethesda incorporates into the Steel Dawn update. Obviously, there will be three types of shelters, and players can put one of each in their CAMP. Each Shelter has a building budget independent of the main CAMP or other Shelters, letting players get creative easily.

    Fallout 76 fans will undoubtedly be excited about the features of the new building. Creative players have crafted incredible CAMPs full of puzzles and other gimmicks, and adding more space will lead to more possibilities. Building underground spaces is also consistent with the game's story, creating new-playing possibilities. It would only make sense for players' characters to create underground spaces, given they have lived in an underground vault for most of their lives.

    That's the first surprise in the upcoming Steel Dawn update. If you want to know more info about Fallout 76, don't forget to bookmark the news page on IGGM so you don't miss out on any Fallout 76 news and guides. For players who don't have time to farm Fallout 76 Bottle Caps, it's a good idea to buy Fallout 76 Bottle Caps on IGGM. It's the fastest way to equip your character.

  • Fallout 76: Some Activities Are Still on- There's Always Something You Like

    Posted: Aug 22, 2020

    There are less than two weeks before the end of August, but this does not prevent Fallout 76 from having a lot of activities.

    For example, Meat Week has already started, and there are rewards for completing Fortifying Atlas.

    Meat Week

    It started on August 20 and is expected to last until August 26. During this period, players can take on Prime Beasts throughout Appalachian through Primal Cut events. Completing these events will provide players with the Prime Meat, which players can take to Grahm's Meat-Cook in exchange for some legendary Scrips.

    Ongoing PTS Updates

    Last week, Fallout 76 reopened its public test server to test four upcoming features. One of them is One Wasteland, where the creature level will be adjusted to meet the levels of all players. In daily operations, the player's skills will be tested through different random and repeatable encounters. The third test feature is Armor Ace, and the fourth is Legendary Perks.

    Fortifying Atlas Event

    In the past week, players were asked to get together to help build Brotherhood's Appalachian HQ, so the Double Daily Challenge weekend began, along with a week of reward challenges.

    The Double S.C.O.R.E. Dailies started on August 20th and ends on August 24th. During this period, all Daily Challenges award twice the usual amount of S.C.O.R.E.

    You can learn more information on IGGM, we will trace the newest info about Fallout 76. If you are searching to buy Fallout 76 Bottle Caps, don't miss IGGM-the best place to buy Fallout 76 Bottle Caps. The product price of IGGM is lower than the market price, which undoubtedly saves a lot of money for players.

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