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News Tag: Fallout 76 Skyline Valley?id=SOY

  • Fallout 76: What Relationship Do You Want To Have With Hugo Stolz In Skyline Valley?

    Posted: Jun 19, 2024

    Fallout 76 Skyline Valley was officially released on June 12, and it is the first new content from Fallout TV show that has brought the game back to the top.

    In just one week, Skyline Valley has been praised by players as the most comprehensive update to Fallout 76 so far, including new areas to explore, new story chapters, and new main characters. Hugo Stolz is one of the main characters in Fallout 76 Skyline Valley, and his fate will determine how the entire story unfolds. So you need to choose your relationship with him carefully.

    Hugo Stolz is one of the first NPCs you meet in Skyline Valley. He is a friendly ghoul, the founder and CEO of Stolz Enterprises, a very successful business company before the war, and Overseer of Vault 63.

    He will welcome you into Vault 63 and assign you some simple chores before you can get to know him better. I believe many players will doubt what Hugo’s true intentions are, and his plans are uncertain, but before making a final decision, it is worth affirming that he has a wonderful personality.

    Become Friends With Hugo

    In daily interactions, once you gain Hugo’s trust, he will tell you the truth about Vault 63: this Vault was not completed before the bomb fell, so everyone here was exposed to excessive radiation. Some people died, but the survivors also experienced ghoulization. Hugo’s wife Cassidy was one of the first to begin the transformation.

    In daily life, Hugo accidentally discovered that Vault 63’s weather machine can mitigate the effects of feralization. He first brought his wife there and turned it on. He was surprised to find that the energy released by the weather machine slowed Cassidy’s progression. But there are also certain side effects, which will make Vault dwellers become a special kind of feral ghouls called the Lost.

    Because the Lost lacks all sensory perception, they will be hostile to anything that stands in their way and attack indiscriminately. Some survivors wanted to lock the Lost in an unused room in Vault 63, but Cassidy’s condition deteriorated again, and Hugo had to activate the machine again. Eventually, it created a huge, permanent thunderstorm over Skyline Valley, destroying the hidden rooms, and the Lost rushed into the valley and began wandering around.

    The resulting explosion will also disable the weather machine, and in a quest called Gathering Clouds, you’ll discover that the machine won’t heal the Lost, but will give Hugo the power to command them. Hugo will tell you that he wants to repair the machine and restart it, not only for his wife but also to gain full control of his Lost army.

    However, the player will find a note in Old Crimora Mines that says Hugo must pay. This means that the power and status Hugo wants will cost the lives of many innocent survivors. You need to make a choice here!

    If you befriend Hugo and help him complete his plan, he will gain access to another weather machine during Eye of the Storm. He will continue his plan to expand his Lost army to include his detractors, Audrey, Oberlin, and Hilda.

    This can be considered an ending, although it doesn’t have much impact on the subsequent content, but it will also cause the other major characters in Skyline Valley to be half dead. In the end, you will see a tyrannical Overseer and an army that does not allow others to question you.

    Betray Hugo

    Back to the beginning of your choices. If you find out that Hugo has fled to the weather machine, two of his former collaborators will offer you a choice of betrayal - either killing him or imprisoning him. Oberlin suggests capturing him and imprisoning him, while his daughter Audrey suggests killing him.

    If you follow Oberlin’s advice and imprison Hugo, then Oberlin will take his place as Overseer of Vault 63. Hugo will have to survive in the Vault’s prison, but he will still be able to continue researching the Lost and the weather machine, but without any abilities.

    If you follow Audrey’s advice and kill him, then Audrey will also take his place as Overseer of Vault 63. Research on the Lost will be slowed down, and the survivors of Vault 63 can continue to live and work.

    Both options can be called the good endings of Skyline Valley, and it’s up to you which one you want in the end. But it should be noted that Hugo can recover health during the battle with you, so make sure you bring enough Stimpaks and ammunition to deal with a long battle.

    But as it stands, Fallout 76 doesn’t tell us what the ultimate fate of Vault 63 will be if players and Hugo turn against each other. After many players’ speculation, Vault 63 will basically remain in a state of stagnation for the foreseeable future, which is neither good nor bad.

    No matter what players choose, the rewards for completing the last mission in Skyline Valley are exactly the same. Besides a certain amount of XP, some Bottle Caps, some Fallout 76 Items that can be used for healing, and some explosives, you will also receive V63 Zweihaender. This is a plasma cutter weapon that can deal more damage to some enemies with lower HP and increase your defense while charging.

    Although Hugo is very evil, the choice is always in the hands of the player. Some players may feel that he is justified in pursuing his rights and choose to help him complete his “great achievements”. There will also be players who hate evil and feel that Hugo deserves to die, and want to protect the survivors in Vault 63. No matter which one you choose, it’s completely fine.

  • Fallout 76: 4 Things You Should Expect In Season 17 Skyline Valley

    Posted: Jun 13, 2024

    Fallout 76 has come a long way since its initial release in 2018. Whether you’re a longtime Fallout fan or a newcomer to the hit series on Prime Video, Skyline Valley, the first major update to the game’s universe, is well worth the wait.

    In the latest free update, players will travel across Savage Divide to a new picturesque region in southern Appalachia: Skyline Valley. New locations to explore are introduced here, allowing players to experience the game even better this time around.

    At the recent Fallout 76 preview event in London, Creative Director Jonathan Rush shared that in order to expand the game's reach and make players more comfortable playing, the team has been discussing how to make the game more attractive to both new and old players.

    He touched on specific aspects, such as changes to the initial vault exit experience. From now on, players can choose to exit at level 20 and choose from five different loadouts, or even go the more hardcore route. Besides this, the team is placing more points of interest around the vault as a means of introducing players to combat and different factions.

    Not only does this mean that there are a lot of gaps that need to be filled in the game, but the team needs to spend more time researching the mythology just to find new things to help the game, including the new electrified ghouls that will take over the newly built Vault 63.

    Rush also said that the team’s primary goal is to make Skyline Valley a part of Appalachia and have its own unique characteristics, rather than being an isolated small part.

    For example, the story of Vault 63 just mentioned, the team needs to spend a lot of time researching that space and their backstory, so it will reflect why Vault 63 has become what it is. Speaking of the inhabitants of Vault 63, Rush revealed that they have become “The Lost” because of their nature.

    Rush was obsessed with Vault 63 and wanted to say: "When players find their leader Hugo Stolz and talk to him, do you want to make friends with him or..." Until the development team pulled Rush away, he still wanted to share more about Vault 63. Then wait for the players to explore it themselves!

    There are many places worth experiencing in Skyline Valley, but here are four key highlights to help you get started quickly.

    1. Secrets Behind Vault 63

    The first thing to bear the brunt is secrets behind Vault 63 that Rush just mentioned, which consists of 12 missions at 20 points of interest. Players will find the specific location of Vault 63 in the center of the mysterious red lightning storm and uncover its secrets - learn the truth about the refugees living in Vault 63 and the surrounding “The Lost” electrified Ghouls.

    Vault 63 has an overseer named Hugo Stoltz who is particularly lively and forms a huge contrast with the refugees. “The Lost” will live in their own twisted reality, unable to communicate with people and protect themselves from all outsiders.

    2. Endgame Event: Neurological Warfare

    This new endgame event Neurological Warfare is triggered by nuke and takes place in the arena of Hawksbill Weather Station in the north of Skyline Valley. After being hit by a nuclear bomb, the weather in the entire Skyline Valley area changes.

    The beginning of the endgame event will be signaled by the appearance of three oversized robot brains, which are created by the great minds of Vault 63. After defeating these three Storm Goliaths, players can get legendary loot and Fallout 76 Items from each robot.

    3. Public Event: Dangerous Pastimes

    Dangerous Pastimes is a new public event that takes place at Thunder Mountain Substation TM-03 in the northeast of Skyline Valley. It should be noted that before participating, please make sure that your player level is at level 50 and above, otherwise you cannot participate in this event.

    During this event, players can team up to help some settlers conduct dangerous lightning collector experiments around the substation. The entire event is actually very simple. Players need to run around the substation and collect a bunch of lightning collector parts to power the collector in the middle of the substation. During your collection process, you will fight against waves of electrified Ghouls, and finally, you will challenge a huge Thunder Crab as the ultimate boss.

    4. Milepost Zero Skyline Valley Update

    Blue Ridge Caravan Company in the game has been operating routes along Skyline Drive, and players are needed in this update. The caravans are mainly led by some two-headed mutated cattle Brahmin, and you can pat them to make them run faster!

    In addition, it was announced in Skyline Valley launch trailer that players can play as ghouls for the first time in any Fallout game in an update in early 2025. This is very worth looking forward to and experiencing.

    At this stage, Fallout 76 Skyline Valley update has been officially launched on major platforms on June 12. Jonathan Rush said that he is looking forward to players expressing their love for this update on social media and wishing players a happy exploration.

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