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News Tag: D2R Ladder Runes?id=SOY

  • D2R Ladder Season 5: Top 5 Budget Builds For The New Ladder Start

    Posted: Sep 28, 2023

    Since D2R Ladder Season 5 is coming soon, here I want to present to you my personal top 5 builds for different classes to start at the beginning of the season.

    I will show you the skill trees, the D2R Ladder Items, and the stats with empty inventory so you can directly see which charms you need to improve your resistances. I will also include as many Magic Finds as possible without losing too much stability or performance. In addition, there are also farming recommendations for each build to progress quickly. 

    Paladin Build 

    Let’s start with the Paladin.

    There are two popular builds the Hammerdin or the FOH. In the end, we can play both builds with the same gear. I prefer the FOH because it is so much more comfortable to play, especially as long as you can’t teleport yet.

    Here is the gear of the FOH Paladin build.

    • Double Spirits
    • Skin of the Vipermagi
    • Rockstopper
    • Pick Rose Branded Amulet 
    • Trang-Oul’s Claws Heavy Bracers
    • Credendum Mithril Coil
    • Aldur’s Advance Battle Boots
    • Ring of the Apprentice
    • 2 Nagelrings
    • Nai’s Puzzler Elder Staff

    The build already has maximum fire and cold resistance. With lightning and poison, you would have to add charms. In addition, we also have up to 78 Magic Find depending on how high the Nagelring has rolled. The Holy Bolts have up to 4000 damage at maximum cast rate.

    Paladin Farming Spots

    The top farming area for an FOH Paladin is the Chaos Sanctuary.

    With the staff, we also get there very quickly. It is also good that we have maximum fire resistance. You can also get resistances by Salvation Aura. But it is inconvenient to be dependent on it. It is so much better to have the Redemption Aura standard, so you heal mana and life points by consuming Corpses. 

    There are many other good spots to farm as well. The Pit also has only undeads and demons and it is a T85 area.

    The Forgotten Tower is also no problem, just like the Arcane Sanctuary. 

    Besides Diablo, you can also run Andariel. The only animals that can appear there are spiders. Mephisto basically works too, but the way through the Durance of Hate is ugly without teleport.

    In Act 5, Pindleskin is a nice farming spot. But whoever loves to farm the cow level rather plays a Hammerdin because there are the FOH is useless. 

    Necro Build

    Next, we have the Necromancer as the starting character quite unpopular, but this has the advantage that the D2R Ladder Items for him are quite cheap, especially the torch later on.

    In addition, we can play a Poison Necro very easily, which can even farm quite a few areas because he has both poison and fire damage.

    Here is the gear of the Poison Necro build.

    • Trang-Oul’s Claws Heavy Bracers
    • Trang-Oul’s Scales Chaos Armor
    • Trang-Oul’s Wing Cantor Trophy
    • Lore Grim Helmet
    • Venomous Amulet
    • Immortal King’s Detail War Belt
    • Immortal King’s Pillar War Boots
    • Blackbog’s Sharp Cinquedeas
    • Spirits
    • 2 Nagelrings 
    • Garnet Ring of Dexterity

    In the change, hand the Gull and the Rhyme shield, so we can get a boost of 125% Magic Find when changing weapons. So, the Necro can poison the monsters and then just switch weapons. It counts how much Magic Finds a character has at the time of the kill, not at the time of casting.

    By the way, a handy companion for all characters is an inside mercenary. Since Necro doesn’t have much life, you have to play very carefully and touch a lot.

    Necro Farming Spots

    The poison damage has a disadvantage that it works slowly. It’s a nice thing. With this playstyle, you can use the MF switch and so the Necro really gets a good bonus.

    For the Poison Necro, the Forgotten Tower is a good spot and also the Secret Cow Level works fine thanks to Corpse Explosion.

    Arcane Sanctuary is also okay. You can farm Eldritch & Shenk. But in principle, you can also run many more maps and preferably Terror Zones because poisoning new monsters can also be killed with the fire damage of Corpse Explosion and the lower resistances can even break immunities.

    Assassin Build 

    The Assassin has become a very popular starting character because once you have double Mosaic, there are no limits and the Runeword is not even that expensive.

    For farming the resources, Lightning Trapsin is great. Thanks to the fire bomb, it also has some alternative damage against light immune monsters.

    Here is the gear of the Lightning Trapsin build.

    • Spirit
    • Leadless Wall 
    • Treachery
    • Lore
    • Cunning Amulet of Bone Spirit
    • Laying of Hands Bramble Mitts
    • Credendum Mithril Coil
    • Natalya’s Soul Mesh Boots
    • 2 Nagelrings

    In the change, hand either Gull and Rhyme or the Teleport staff. In principle, you can choose one of these two possibilities with each build .

    Assassin Farming Spots 

    The Assassin only has Magic Find from the two rings. The boost would not hurt, here.

    But to get Mosaic quickly, it’s best to farm D2R Ladder Runes, anyway. So, you run the Forgotten Tower, hoping for a good rune drop. The low rooms can be cubed up.

    The cow level should also work as soon as you have sufficient damage. It is also great for farming D2R Ladder Runes and your claw bases.

    Kindle Eldridge and Shenk are also easy, just like all the usual spots for lightning builds. And of course the Arcane Sanctuary. You can also find some super chests here. 

    Amazon Build 

    Keep the mentioned farming areas in mind because they are also interesting for the Amazon. The build is of course a Javazon.

    Here is the gear of Javazon.

    • Titan’s Revenge Ceremonial Javelin
    • Laying of Hands Bramble Mitts
    • Credendum Mithril Coil
    • Dark Adherent Dusk Shroud
    • Rite of Passage Demonhide Boots
    • Telling of Beads Amulet
    • Valkyrie Wing
    • Spirit
    • 2 Nagelrings

    Amazon Farming Spots

    As mentioned, the build can farm all the usual spots for lightning characters but the true potential is in the cow level. So, whoever likes to farm, their best builds are Javazon.

    Sorceress Build 

    The most popular starting classes are of course the Sorcerers. Thanks to the teleport, she offers a big advantage. She can complete boss runs very fast. 

    My recommendation is a Lightning Firewall build as long as you have no Thunder Charms and stuff to play mono build yet. The Firewall only should handle light immune monsters. For that case, it is sufficient to maximize it without synergies or mastery.

    Here is the gear of this build.

    • Tal Rasha’s Horadric Crest Death Mask
    • Tal Rasha’s Lidless Eye Swirling Crystal
    • Tal Rasha’s Fine-Spun Cloth Mesh Belt
    • Skin of the Vipermagi
    • Spirit
    • Arch-Angel’s Amulet
    • Magefist
    • Aldur’s Advance Battle Boots
    • 2 Nagelrings

    The Sorceress is, of course, a glass cannon with about 1,000 life. We have to pay attention. The resistances are weak compared to the other builds but the most important are okay, lightning and fire. In addition, we get up to 140 Magic Find.

    Sorceress Farming Spots 

    The Sorceress can also farm her usual lightning spots, but that’s not what we made her for.

    Thanks to teleport, boss runs are done very quickly. Both Andariel and Mephisto can be farmed very easy. This would probably also work great with the Fireball Sorceress as well as with a pure Lightning Sorceress when you just concentrate on the bosses.

    But with the hybrid Sorceress, we can also do much more. Even the hell rush shouldn’t be too hard. 

  • D2R Ladder Season 3: Easier Ways To Craft Godly Amulets

    Posted: Mar 01, 2023

    Since the beginning of time, as long as I can remember, anyway, the adage was you needed to be level 93. Go gamble amulets from whoever probably give and then start crafting your casting outlets. That way every single amulet could get two to a character skill and hopefully be incredibly Godly and incredibly valuable.

    Now, after the creation of Terror Zones, that is not truly the case you can actually make. These incredibly Godly are worth many high D2R Ladder Runes. Caster Amulets are at a lower level than you ever could before.

    To fully explain how you can actually craft these two skills. Caster Amulets earlier than you could. Before I need to explain exactly why you had to do it at the level you did before and why we did it the way that we did now. I’m going to go quick while also trying to explain it as fully as possible because I know math can be a little boring if your eyes glaze over.

    How high of an item level do these amulets really need to get to the skills? Any amulet to get two to a character skill on it has to be at least item level 90. But why do we always gamble amulets at level 93 in order to craft Caster Hamlets?

    Now, if you look at the formula, the final item level of the Caster Amulet that you craft is equal to your character level divided by two. Plus, the item level the amulet divided by two. But when you’re magic finding around in the game, you’re never gonna know exactly for sure, unless you go look up every single monster in the game and stuff like that or what item level that aim is going to be.

    *But there is an easy way to really know exactly what the AMOLED is going to be pretty much within a range anyway and that is gambling it. If you gamble the amulets, they will always be within a range of or levels higher than your character’s level and five levels lower than your character’s level. So, if you are level 93 in the worst-case scenario, 93 minus 5 comes out to 88. That’s the lowest possible item level for that amulet.

    When we look at this formula, take the 93 divided by 2, which will come out to 46 and a half. You always round the decimals down. 46 plus the level 88, which the amulet at worst case could be divided by 2, which comes out to 44. Now, that will end up being item level 90. So, even in the worst-case scenario, each amulet will be level 90 or they could be even higher, all having the chance to get two to a character skill. That’s why you always gamble the amulets at level 93 before.

    *But, now, there’s even an easier way to get amulets of a guaranteed item level and you can craft at an even lower level than you could before because of this and that is hop out and look at the Terror Zones.

    First, I have a level 91 Sorceress, and the terrorized zone is level 93. The terrorized zone is always two levels higher than you up to level 96. So, we’ll know that every single amulet that drops off. Even regular white monsters will be at least level 93 and it’s very consistent.

    And my level 91 Sorceress are getting amulets that are level 93 and let's see what item level these will come out to and if they can get two to character skills.

    We’ll pull up that formula level 91. It’ll end up coming out to 45 and a half when it’s divided by two. Take that number off, so we got 45 for the first part, which is the character level of your character.

    Now, let’s see the item level. The amulet is 93. That’ll come out to 46 and a half and, of course, you need to round it down. So, 46 easy enough that’ll come out to level 91 and boom, every single one that we craft will be the same level because it doesn’t roll within a range like when you gamble, they’ll be Bam every single one level 91. They will all have the chance to get that Caster Amulet with two skills.

    As you notice for this level 91 Sorceress that I have, it ended up rounding everything down and the numbers are actually equal to as if this was a level 90 Sorceress. So, even if you’re one level lower, the terrorism will be level 92. You’ll be level 90. The calculation ends up with the same number. The crafted Caster Amulet will be level 91, all getting two to a character skill.

    There’s more if your character is level 94. The terrorism will be two levels higher than you and that will be 96 and actually the standard white monsters. Even if it’s a level 99 Terror Zone, they are capped at level 96. So, from level 94 and up, all the amulets that drop will be level 96.

    Again, use that for the calculation if you’re grabbing amulets from a Terror Zone created by a character higher than your level. Let’s start off this calculation right here. We’ve got 96. You just divide it by two. You have 48 that gives us a little more room to work with. If our character is even lower, we could craft it and when the calculation is done, you could still come out to high enough levels.

    Let’s take a level 84 character grabbing amulets from a level 96 Terror Zone. So, level 84 divided by 2 comes out to 42. 42 plus 48 comes out to level 90. So, even at level 84, if you grab the amulets from a level 96 Terror Zone, every single emulator craft could get two to a character skill and even roll with more Godly stats, like the 20 faster cast rate, all res magic find a bunch of other stuff.

  • D2R Ladder Season 3: How I Geared Up In Only One Week?

    Posted: Feb 28, 2023

    How I got my gear in D2R Ladder Season 3? In this article, I want to show you the ways I’ve gotten my gear through trading and finding gear.

    I got my first Crystal Sword by doing normal cows before I had any decent gear and then I continued doing Countess and I used the Laser quest to get my first Spirit. This is the first decent item that I’ve gotten and this is basically after Normal Difficulty. Then, off Acara after, I did one of the quests I didn’t even realize that, but I got this nice faster cast ring (Chaos Hold Ring) with cold resist and lighting resist. Then I got Nightmare Forge.

    I find an Amn Rune and this is what I used to trade for a regular Spirit Monarch, which I use a Laser quest to socket and make my Spirit Shields. So, I got my two Spirits.

    Now, we are on to the more of the trading side. The Skin of the Vipermagi is my next upgrade, and I got this through the 100 Countess runs I did. Also, I traded a bunch of keys (such as Keys of Terror) in the previous runs because they’re valuable early on as well as the Lidless Wall Grim Shield, which I really didn’t need because I had the Spirit.

    With a combination of keys and the Lidless, I mainly use D2JSP to convert it to form gold and then I use that forum gold to purchase an Unidentified Vipermagi, which ended up being 30 resistance. So, by the end of a Nightmare early Hell, I was level 80.

    These are the gear I had. The main ones are the faster cast ring (Chaos Hold Ring), two spirits, the ViperMagi and then everything else was just for resistances or whatever I found. Then, I got a terrible lightning Sunder Charm.

    Harlequin Crest Shako is my next one so early on and I think it was a level like seven or eight. I found a unique ring called Nagelring, and it ended up being nasal, so I saved it for a few days on the ladder. And people gave me some decent value for it as well as that second Guardian Angel. I was on the way to campus with those. Plus, the Maroon was enough value to get me my Shako.

    Next on the list was the Arachnid Mesh. This is the one that I got lucky with. I think it was maybe 30 pit runs in chairman. I know it’s not worth high D2R Ladder Items. It was enough early on to get me enough to get the Stone of Jordan.

    Now, this is basically an even swap, but the two to Phoenix Strike and Greater Talons were about equal to an SOJ value. So, those kinds of evened out.

    On my way to the Countess, I had a Geez already from Arcane Sanctuary, but this one was 139.36. I needed some faster cast and good thing. I got Trang-Oul’s Claws. Then after I had the 117 break point later on in pits, I found or in the pit, I found 31 Transguards, which I’m currently using now and then finally the big-ticket item was worth about a Jah Rune. Hellfire Torch Large Charm is a combination of a lot of different items again that I could sell on DPS JSP.

    In the last few days, a four 194 Thunderstroke went for about I would say twists and then a lot of the keys are traded, as well. So, I got a few double drops on the Keys of Hate and I found an instrument. In addition, I found a bunch of Perfect Amethysts.

    I will not go over every item that I did trade, but it was a combination of bases, such as Flails, Monarchs, Perfect Gems, round runes, Mal Runes, a Spirit Pack, Hel Runes and so on. All these things kind of added up, and I was able to eventually get enough. I think it was approximately 10 or so Ist Value and then I ended.

  • D2R Ladder Season 3: How To Get Rich Fast Solo?

    Posted: Feb 22, 2023

    In this article, I’ll show you how to get rich in D2R Ladder Season 3 and this is my preferred method. And I’ll tell you how I collect High Runes and get a lot of wealth solo.

    Now, there are many ways to get rich in this game by farming Terror Zones. The first thing I do with a new season is to make a Blizzard Sorceress and then I farm Hell Mephisto. The reason I farm Hell Mephisto so much is that he’s an act boss that is very easy to get to and quick to kill.

    Mephisto helps me save a lot of time and he basically drops almost every superb unique item and set items in the game that you need, such as Shako and many other Bul-Kathos’ Wedding Band Rings, basically any unique item that you would need for your build. You cannot get those really high-end items, such as Griffins or something like that from Mephisto.

    I just farm Mephisto over and over at the very beginning to really get my gear up and get some good D2R Ladder Items. And then what I do is to farm for Keys. After that, I farm Nihlathak, collect a bunch of keys and I trade the Keys of Destruction for the Terror Keys and Keys of Hate (1 Key of Destruction= 2 Hate/Terror Keys).

    I do not farm The Countess, and I do not farm The Summoner. That’s usually because I can get two keys at least for a Destruction Key and this just makes the process a lot faster.

    Once I really get some keys going and get some good D2R Ladder Items from Mephisto, then I make a Smiter Paladin. I level him up and then once I get the keys, I start to do Über Tristram.

    Über Tristram is where you’re going to find most of your wealth when building your characters in the new ladder reset season. This is because the Hellfire Torches are in outrageous demand. Every single character needs a Hellfire Torch. What I do is to keep farming this repeatedly. I just do my Mephisto runs and I kill Nihlathak and I do Über Tristram.

    Now, what I do with the Hellfire Torches is to identify all of them. I do not keep any unidentified and sell them. Usually, what I do is to keep doing these runs repeatedly until I get Sorceress Torches and Paladin Torches and these are the two torches that are really going to get you some really nice high D2R Ladder Runes.

    Killing Mephisto is very easy and you just get a ton of unique items and set items and you really just get a lot of wealth quickly where if you’re doing something like Terror Zones or something like that.

    When you’re killing Mephisto, it’s random and based more on luck. It’s almost every time you kill him, you’re going to get a unique, or a set item if you have some decent Magic Find also this manipulates the laws of the random number generator in the game.

    So, when playing, obviously the itemizations and the loot that you get from the game are very random. When you’re farming Nihlathak over and over, he’s always eventually going to drop a Destruction Key, for example. It’s not like he always has a chance to drop a Jah Rune, so this basically just gives you a way to manipulate that system in Diablo 2.

    Another thing that I do is to find all the extra items along my journey of killing Mephisto and Nihlathak and basically, I trade everything for keys. I might trade for D2R Ladder Runes if I need them.

    However, the focus here is trying to get as many keys as possible, because eventually all these keys are going to lead you to getting a Sorceress Torch or a Paladin Torch, which in exchange, you’re getting high D2R Ladder Runes for all the items that I get from a Fisto.

    I can eventually use and keep and use those items to create my Smiter Paladin and you can do this very cheap. You don’t need any crazy gear. This also manipulates the trading system to some extent. You’re not spending as much time trying to negotiate with people to find someone that needs an item that you found. This is because every single build needs a Hellfire Torch.

    So, the system is is really well designed here to just make everything much smoother and straightforward when getting your wealth. Basically, I just farm helmet Fisto and then once I get the Hellfire Torches, I trade those for high D2R Ladder Runes I need.

    This is just the best way in my opinion to get rich in D2R Ladder Season 3.

  • D2R Ladder Season 3: Five Builds I Would Not Recommend You To Start With

    Posted: Feb 20, 2023

    D2R Ladder Season 3 is now officially released and everyone knows what you should start with. But I’m not here to talk about any of that. Instead, here are the five builds that you should absolutely not choose as your first character into the realms of a new season. Keep in mind that this is my opinion based on my personal experience, so it may differ from what others suggest.

    All Necros are a brilliant choice. One of the most powerful builds in the entire game is an absolute savage of a monster and player killer. Everyone should carefully deal with this build. What you should start with is a Fury Droid that is wearing full IK set.


    So, my first on my list of builds that you don’t want to start with is the Barbarian unless, of course, you can correct the game’s code and somehow guarantee yourself a long run drop early on.

    I would absolutely advise against starting season 3 as a Barb. You see all those powerful Find item builds that excel at solo farming Travincal Pindleskin or The Pit. But until you get your green, which requires you to have D2R Ladder Items to make it. You will only have a fraction of a bill’s efficiency and it can become frustrating.

    And as for Whip, it you also need Enigma to be efficient. So, when you can actually afford your Grief and Enigma, it becomes pound or pound to the best solo farming character in the entire game. But until then, you won’t enjoy playing it as much. With that said, the Barb as a starting character is a no for me.


    Next, on my list is the Physical Bowazon. Although I might just go for it myself to spice things up, that is not something that I would recommend to start with if you want to be efficient about it.

    Even though we got some new toys to play with in the form of Hustle Runeword and some bug fixes, like the Attack Rating on Strafe, it still doesn’t change the fact that you need a lot of expensive gear pieces to make rebuild work.

    So, unless you are fine with the struggles of getting all of that expensive gear and want to sort of challenge yourself, I would stay away from starting as a Physical Bowazon. Instead, you can choose a much cheaper and effective alternative and roll called with your Freezing Arrow Bowazon. With it, you can start farming where the Stony Tombs with just your play through gear on day one.


    The third build that made it on my list is the Bone Necromancer. You have a date with death. The nature of its damage being Magic and is being only a handful of magic immune. Creatures in the game make him a great playthrough character, but that’s about it.

    He’s terrible at boss farming and below average at farming Elite/Champion Packs. One thing here in excels at is PVP, that’s the Spirit but for that, you also need a lot of gear and there are many builds that will get you that gear much faster.

    Additionally, I hope at the new Metamorphosis reward won’t make you start a druid as your first character. So, it begins. I would advise again starting with any melee character if you want to be as efficient as possible.


    In fact, starting with any Druid is also a no for me. Let’s face a little of facts here. If you just want to set things on fire, there are safer and mobile options to do, such as the Fire Ball Hydra Sorceress, which also has teleport or a Wake of Fire Assassin, which now has its minus RS from gear.


    Now, let’s go off a bit with a Frost Nova Sorceress since that is my fifth build that I don’t recommend you start your D2R Ladder Season 3 journey.

    This was perhaps my mostly played character in season 2, but what I was mainly doing with it is farming The Stony Tomb with all the squishy maps on players 1. And even on players 1, it’s still difficult to be effective at farming something like cows or Chaos Sanctuary. You had to sacrifice quite some Magic Find percentages in favor of clear speed.

    Now, with a nerfed Cold Mastery that comes with Patch 2.6, while they obviously aim to reduce the amount of Blizzard Sorceress. It also basically kills the Frost Nova, anyway.

    These are five characters that I don’t recommend you to start.

  • Diablo II Resurrected Ladder: What's My Plan For Season 3?

    Posted: Feb 18, 2023

    I haven't played D2R in a few months, but I'm excited to play season three on February 16th. For the past couple of weeks, I've been thinking about what I want to achieve this season. So, below I'll expain what my plan is.

    Back in D2R Ladder Season 1, I decided to start with a Frenzy Barbarian, which I eventually respect to Berserk Find item, Horker Barb. This is the best build for triathlon thing I've ever played. I did over a thousand travels by the end of the season and some of my best items included a perfect marriage, a Jawbone Visor, a Baron and a imposter Jmod. I was also able to gamble over 1 000 circlets, one of which turned out to be ridiculously good .

    Necro Coronet, which I was able to trade it for multiple BER Runes. However, before I eventually traded, I made a Corpse Explosion ( a Necromancer skill), which is great for farming Runewords. Finally, I capped off season one.

    D2R Ladder Season 2 introduced Sunder Charms, so I decided to go back to my roots and make a Frozen Orb Sorceress again. It was very forming different areas. And the Terror Zones added a nice break from the hundreds of Mephisto runs I was doing. So many people made Blizzard Sorceress, which drove the prices of Cold Sorceress up. And I think actually for the first time in Diablo 2 history, Paladin Combat and Lightning Skillers are actually cheaper than Cold Skillers because of this change.

    However, in D2R Ladder Season 3, Cold Mastery is now applied at one-fifth of the effectiveness after immunity is broken, so the price is probably going to come back to kind of what they were. And I think Sunder Charms are actually going to be a little bit more because there was some drop glitch where everyone was.

    I don't exactly know how it was happening, but there was more in the economy than there should have been. Even so, I will be attempting to make a Lightning Sorceress in D2R Ladder Season 3. All 20 years of playing Diablo, I've actually never made a lightning source as Frozen Orb was usually in my my go-to.

    I think this is just because the lightning gear was so much more expensive and I never played enough to actually get it before the end of the season. But that's the plan this time. So, before I play on the 16th, I'm gonna clear out all my mules to start. I usually like to accumulate D2R Ladder Items, unique gems and then trade them in bulk to improve my gear. So, I'll probably delete those and then create new ones for season two or for season three.

    Once season three arrives, I'll play solo as usual and make my way to Hell, putting all points into lightning and its synergies. And I also put one point into static for the bosses and teleport of course. However, I'm not going to get Energy Shield and just make a Pure Life build instead, so resistance has become that much more important.

    Once I reach Hell, I will farm campus to try and get my Spirit Runewords for the plus skills in Fcr, which is kind of difficult on the Frozen Orb Sorceress because I believe she's cold immune. This should be more fun.

    And then, I'll trade any extra D2R Ladder Runes for a Spirit Packs and Key of Terror in hopes of trading up for maybe a Skin of the Vipermagi. If I don't find one or eventually Shako and things like that, I could also do Arcane Summoner runs, which would be really fun. I will kill all the Specters on my way, which actually have a higher potential D2R Ladder Runes drop chance. This was viable with my Cold Sorceress but the way lightning is cast in a straight line, it fits perfectly with the Arcane Sanctuary map layout and then depending on my lock.

    I'll continue trading any runes and high value items. I don't need to eventually get hot endgame gear, such as Torch, Anni and a Griffon's Eye. As I mentioned, I never had enough high end gear like a Griffon's Eye before, so this should be a good challenge for me for this season and that's basically how I want to plan out my my D2R Ladder season 3 to start.

  • D2R Ladder Season 3: My Top 7 Ladder Start Builds

    Posted: Feb 10, 2023

    Now, D2R Ladder Season 3 start is right around the corner. You might asy you haven't decided what character to use yet. Do not be afraid. Bbecause today I'm bringing you my list of my favorite ladder starting builds.

    Before we jump into this, I want to let everybody know what this list is not. This is not necessarily the most Godly End Game build in all of Diablo 2 Resurrected. This is also not a full list of all the ladder start characters that work really good. These skills aren't necessarily going to be the ones that you use through normal or even in Nightmare.

    1. Nova Sorceress

    First up we're jumping into the one that I'm actually starting season 3 ladder with and that is going to be the Nova Sorceress. The reason this one is so good is because Nova does not have that many synergies. All you have is Static Field and then you pump points into Lightning Mastery and that's a total of 60 points. And you can completely max out the damage on Nova with the extra points on that a lot of times including myself.

    I would recommend this go into Energy Shield. it makes your build almost impossible to die. If you have the right gear, this build also varying from a lot of other builds in the game. You don't go Max Vitality going down the path of the actual lore of a Sorceress. You actually pump all your points into energy. So, with those points into the Nova and its synergies, you got your Energy Shield. And obviously your one point wonders your Warmth, your Teleport, Telekinesis and things like that. This character is ready to go.

    This works great even with budget gear. But once you even get some of the basics, once you get your Magefists or once you get your Vipermagi (maybe a Shako), this character really rocks and actually on the glove side, the actual best in slot is an item you can find in normal Frostburns, because they actually have 40 percent to your Mana.

    2. Lightning Fury Javazon

    Next up, for one of my favorite ladder starters and I'm going with the Javazon. This isn't a jack of all trades. This is actually good at one specific thing and it's so crazy at it. I had to put her on here. The Lightning Fury Javazon is Bar None, the absolute best cow farmer.

    You can take this build out in cows absolutely naked at like level 60 and just lay waste to all that beef. And what can you actually get out in college with this build? Cows are specifically known for getting a ton of Runeword Base, which are incredibly high demand at the beginning of ladder.

    On top of that, cows are a great place to find high D2R Ladder Runes due to the massive density out there and actually each individual cow has a higher Rune drop rate than a regular monster.

    Now, this build absolutely shines early on but once you get a bunch of the Godly End Game Gear, this character is not to be messed with. It really does end up being one of the most powerful builds in the entire game.

    3. Blizzard Sorcerer

    Now, the next ladder starter here I'm going with is actually one that just got a huge nerf. Actually in the new patch 2.6, the Blizzard Sorcerer's got a nerf, the way it's Cold Mastery works while having a Thunder Charm. But that doesn't do anything for affecting how good of a ladder starter it really is. This is really one of the most versatile characters and that's why it's used so often at the beginning of ladder.

    It's great for taking out Mephisto. You can take out Cows, Easy Peasy, moat trick and Mephisto. You could go after Pindle. It is really great at a ton of areas or you can go out and even hit some of the Level 85 areas, such as Ancient Tunnels and Stony Tombs.

    On top of the absolutely amazing damage from Blizzard, you also have the Teleport skill. So, it's real easy to get anywhere you want to go. Obviously, being a great ladder start character even with budget gear, it does absolutely amazing and getting the Godly End Game Gear will step up your kill speed a ton.

    4. Hammerdin

    We're coming in with another absolute classic here and that is the Hammerdin. This one's been used at the start of ladder since the beginning of time and you'll know why if you ever used one once again like a lot of the builds on here.

    Obviously, with just even budget gear, the Hammers do a crazy amount of damage unlike a lot of the other ones though. You don't even necessarily need a Thunder Charm to break immunities in order to really be able to clear everything in the game. These Hammers are actually magic damage and there are almost no magic immunities in the entire game with the exception of just a few.

    This build is specifically known for doing great in the Chaos Sanctuary but it works great almost anywhere after you end up stepping up to that Godly End Game Gear. A lot of people would agree this is the most powerful, most versatile and most overpower build in the entire game, as well.

    5. FoH Paladin

    We're coming at you with another Paladin next and it's kind of a new kid on the block here for Diablo 2 Resurrected anyways. And that's the Fist of the Heavens (FoH) Paladin. It got the bump up at the same time that they decided to redo the Nova skill, making that one now very good. Vista Heavens came right up with it. It actually has some advantages over Hammers because you can cast the Fist to Heavens on monsters all the way across the screen just sniping them right out from in the middle of a pack and just like everyone on the list here.

    It's very good even with budget gear. The good thing with Fist of Heavens is actually takes less points into the synergies, leaving you with a little bit extra left over. So, you can actually go ahead and dual or even like try speck it. Maybe you want to go Fist the Heavens and do a little bit extra damage. Maybe you want to get out ubered with it, as well.

    Putting points into Smite and things that help that out. There's even different specs of it where you can have vista heavens and then put some points into Hammers and put some points into Zeal. There's a lot of different ways you can go with it because you have a lot of extra points left over these other skills' dual spec.

    And it really does add to the versatility of this build because the Holy Bolt and the Fist of Heavens by itself only does that damage to Undead and Demons widening.

    6. Barbarian

    Next one is an absolute classic type of character and we're going with the Barbarian. Unlike the other ones, I'm not actually going to specify a build here. There's a lot of personal preference based upon what you really want to do. I've seen people starting off with all different types ranging from the Singer Barbarian, Berserk Barbarian and Frenzy /Whirlwind Barbarian. They all seem to be their own type of good it just depends on what you really feel like doing.

    Travincal, which is known for jewelry and is really a great spot to find high D2R Ladder Runes. Now, I gotta put my bias aside. Generally, I haven't found a lot of high D2R Ladder Runes in the past. But I know that this is actually a good place to farm them.

    The reason this Barbarian is such a good ladder starter is because of the find item skill, even if you're on players, one difficulty that doesn't affect the drops, you get from the actual find item. What you'll get from the find item is based solely upon your find item, your fine potion, the synergy and how much magic find you have.

    There is another option for this build, too. You could even not go out and kill any monsters. How you gonna find anything you can actually just kind of follow people around and use the find item skill on all the monsters that they've killed, so you're getting free opportunities with no effort of your own in order to find good items.

    7. Summon Necromancer

    Now, I hope you all stuck around here for the final one because this is one of my absolute favorite and one that I've never used until more recently here. And that is the Summon Necromancer. This build early on perhaps, isn't quite as fast as things like the Sorcerers because you can't teleport around like that. But it is so basic and easy. That's why I love it so much.

    Once you get up all those summons, you get a half decent mercenary, one body drops. You use Corpse Explosion and you can melt an entire room and this is even with budget gear. You don't even necessarily need the crazy end game stuff, you can march right into a Chaos Sanctuary completely naked Necromancer and take the whole joint out yourself.

    But it is also great about this once you get the most Godly End Game Gear. Some people might not believe it or might not even realize it. You can literally clear mobs as fast as any character in the game with a sick amazing Summon Necromancer.

    One little thing I will note right at the end here: though the Summon Necro, it benefits a ton from being able to have Teleport, so getting a Teleport Staff on this character just to reposition your summons and your Mercenary is very key.

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