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Path Of Exile 3.25: New League Brings Many Changes - Boost To Pickup Range And More

Posted: Jul 16, 2024 Views: 1454

Posted: Jul 16, 2024

Source:  IGGM

Views: 1454

Path of Exile 3.25 brings an exciting change to its fans, many quality-of-life upgrades are added to Settlers of Kalguur, and the biggest change is mainly the crucial boost to pickup range.

If someone nominates best ARPG, there may be many nominations, such as someone saying that as long as Diablo 2 is there, it will never be the second place, or Diablo 4 is the most novel game in recent years, or Last Epoch, Titan Quest, and Grim Dawn.

But no matter what the answer is, Path of Exile is usually not forgotten, even if it has certain shortcomings. With the launch of new Leagues, Path of Exile has also launched the most anticipated and valued updates by many players.

Many people believe that POE was built by a group of Diablo 2 fanatics because they saw unlimited prospects of this type of game. This game was released in 2013 and has since grown to become one of the most rewarding and richest ARPG games of all time.

Path Of Exile 3.25: New League Brings Many Changes - Boost To Pickup Range And More

Of all the games in the genre like Diablo 4, POE does it best. POE offers players endless possibilities and rich build potential, providing players with amazing depth and complexity. If this sounds like a complex game, you’d be wrong.

The game is still easy to play, even if you’re a novice who has never played such a game before. If you really doubt the truth of this statement, you can verify it.

Path of Exile Settlers of Kalguur is the upcoming patch for Path of Exile. The full content will be announced on Thursday, July 18th this week. Grinding Gear Games has announced the content that will be updated in the new League.

Including the weapons and equipment available after the update and POE Currency, but the most exciting news is the increase to pickup radius, which is in line with the call of the majority of players.

Increase To Pickup Radius

Being able to grab items from farther away may not sound very attractive, but in actual game, we can change a lot more. First, it prevents items from falling out of reach, although this rarely happens. Second, we can grab items while running without having to stop.

I believe many players have encountered this situation when they have to stop to pick up items while moving fast. After the increase to pickup radius, I believe this situation will also be reduced.

Waypoints Will Be Activated When You Run Past Them

Perhaps the next popular feature for players is that waypoints will now activate when you pass by him, which does not require us to activate directly, which is very convenient. It is said that this update is borrowed from Path of Exile 2 that is currently in development.

This is also very practical. We often use new characters zooming through zones and forget to activate fast travel points. This change saves me a lot of effort.

Map Device Will Get A Sixth Slot

Path Of Exile 3.25 Settlers Map Device Slots

Another welcome change is that in POE Endgame, this map device gets a 6th slot, which opens up a new world of possibilities for us. To unlock this, we either have to go through the first encounter with Maven, or complete a tier 17 map.

Bandit Quest Rewards

Another change is the bandit quest rewards, which have long been a part of character development, and the choices are pretty stable. But they offer unique attributes depending on your choice. Oak will increase your +40 to maximum life. Alira will apply +15% to all elemental resistances, and Kraityn will award +8% movement speed.

If you choose to kill them all, you only get one passive skill point instead of three. Health or mana effects are retained after you die. This means that when you head back into the fight, these effects are already there and you don’t have to turn them on again.

Some Other Changes

Act bosses and Endgame Pinnacle bosses have static life bars, which means we can keep track of their health bars. This change is also said to be introduced from POE 2. The item bonuses of both armor and weapons is multiplicative, which means that this will make him more powerful.

The required materials to upgrade item quality have also changed and are based on the item’s level rather than its rarity. This encourages us to use it at lower levels. A new item has been found on Blight maps, which is anoint new secret notables. This item can be used to apply to amulets.

Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur will be officially released on July 26th, and we can play this game on Steam or Grinding Gear Games launcher. The developer will hold a live broadcast on July 18th to announce some additional changes, themes and all new Patch.


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