New World Season 5: How To Obtain The Newly Added Phoenix Artifact With Ease?
Posted: Apr 12, 2024 Views: 2137
Welcome to this new guide to New World. In Season 5, I recommend you focusing on farming all the new artifacts early on, and I have discovered a simple method to farm for the Phoenix artifact specifically. That’s what I want to share with you today. Let's get started!
In previous Seasons, it was often worth going for targets that have 2 mob types so you can check off multiple boxes in that regard. But now, you can often check off multiple weapon types at once or multiple stamps with a single weapon type, which I think is a lot more effective. In order to maximize that, you just need to kill quickly and have a lot of mobs around you.
Farming Location
Phoenix is on the Season Pass and requires you to get to Level 80. People have been using the usual farming spots, but I found that the ones that I was familiar with from previous seasons didn’t feel that effective for farming this season.
The place I chose is likely familiar for many of players - the Windsward. Firstly, it boasts numerous mobs that are easily visible from a distance, comprising 2 types: ancients and beasts. Moreover, there are additional beasts just outside the temple, so you can complete those 2 fairly easily.
Stamp Collection & Strategy
There are also 2 named mobs fairly close to each other in this area. Killing named enemies counts as a shield activity, so that’s the major way that we’re getting stamps in that regard. For the leaf stamps, we are going to use the Void Gauntlet. This one just requires you to get 10 mob kills with the Void Gauntlet.
You can also do this a bit quicker by just dropping an Oblivion on a mob and then using another weapon, so you can get multiple at once. If you’re extra lucky, you are asked to kill 10 enemies with a magical weapon because that one counts as a sword, but you can complete it at the same time as the Void Gauntlet one, so you get 2 stamps out of that.
The other stamps that you want to look for on the sword side are the one-handed kills, two-handed kills, and the ranged weapon kills, which include Blunderbuss, Bow, and Musket. This is also where you’re looking for ancients and beasts kill. Prepare a certain amount of New World Coins in advance can help you defeat them faster.
The flask or bottle stamp is the only one that takes a bit more preparation because one way that you can easily get this is by salvaging Tier 5 items. The mobs here don’t drop Tier 5 items, so you need to bring a lot of those with you if you want to be fully prepared.
If you want another method, but I’m sure you can also just grab the resources for Tier 5 consumables that can be crafted at your camp and craft some of those instead. I think it’s a bit more effort because you always have to go back to your camp.
Logging Axe & Skull Stamps
That still leaves us with the Logging Axe stamp and the Skull stamp. My approach was to pretend they don’t exist. You never need to complete more than 3 stamps in a row because you can just use a Wild Stamp at that point and clear out the fourth one, so mostly you just end up not doing them.
Though, there are some exceptions. If you’re really short on stamps and you get really unlucky with your rolls, then you might need to go for the 'Gather 500 resources' at some point and chop some trees nearby. I think it slows you down, but maybe there’s a situation where this is necessary.
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New World Aeternum Season 7 Artifacts Guide: How To Find All These 8 New Artifacts In Season Of The Conquerors?
New World Season 7, Season of the Conquerors is finally here! Just like the previous season updates, 8 new Artifacts have been added to Season 7, and in this guide we’re going to talk about the ways to get these new Artifacts.
Season 6 Artifacts
Before that, though, let’s start with the changes to Season 6 Artifacts. These Artifacts are no longer available from the last Season Pass, but now have new ways to get them. Let’s take a look!
Cowl Of Power - Light Headwear
First up we have Light Headwear, Cowl of Power. This Artifact now drops from PVP Rewards Track. But since the last update, the chances of getting Artifacts from PVP Rewards Track have been increased to make the grind less painful. You now have a chance to get Artifact at the third checkpoint at level 29 and level 39 on PVP track. Then, starting at level 50, the chances of getting an Artifact every three checkpoints are even higher.
Grace - Greatsword
Then we have Grace Greatsword, this Artifact now also drops from PVP reward track, but as mentioned before, since the last update, in addition to a large number of New World Coins, the chances that we can get Artifacts from PVP reward track have also been greatly increased. So, prepare a strong build to make your PVP journey smoother.
Season 7 Artifacts
Now, let’s get to the new Artifacts, starting with the two Artifacts that you can get in the free version of Season 7 Pass.
1. Otzi - Ice Gauntlet
First, we have Ice Gauntlet, Otzi, this Artifact drops at level 20 in the free version of Season 7 Pass, and the new method of obtaining this Artifact will be revealed in Season 8.
2. Heceta - Life Staff
Then, we have Life Staff, Heceta. This Artifact drops at level 80 in the free version of Season 7 Pass. Again, a new method for obtaining this Artifact will be revealed in Season 8.
3. Shrapnel - Musket
Next, we have a couple of new Artifacts that can be obtained through PVP related methods. First up is Musket Shrapnel. You will have a chance to receive this Artifact when you complete Outpost Rush matches and open reward caches.
It is worth noting that we have multiple different Artifacts to obtain in these reward caches, but remember that you can only drop this Shrapnel Artifact from caches that are level 61 or higher. So make sure you are at least level 61 before starting this grind.
4. Justice - Earring
Then we have Earring Justice. This Artifact can be obtained from Sovereign Influence - Victor’s Spoils.
If you don’t like PVP, don’t worry, you don’t have to go out of your way to spend hours here to participate in these contests, instead, you can jump into any territory that is currently in conflict, go to the location where a lot of PVP is happening, usually through Fast Travel Shrine near Control Towers, and then do a little damage before leaving after the match. This way, you will receive one of the caches, and have a chance to get an artifact, which makes things easier. Not to mention, if you throw in a weapon that can deal AOE damage from a distance it will make the whole thing a lot easier.
Anyway, all you need to do is go up and hit some people a few times, and then go back to what you were doing. If you have a hard time finding which area is in conflict, you will be able to tell where these contests are happening on the map. You will see some small towers on the map with different factions on them, indicating that they are fighting. Usually, this is where the contests are taking place, and there are several contests held at fixed times every day. So when you log in, check the red bar on the map that says upcoming matches, then see the schedule of the matches and be ready to start a match at any time.
It is worth noting that this artifact can only drop from caches that are level 25 or higher. So don’t start this quest any time before then.
5. Aconite - Bow
After that we can also get some Artifacts from open world activities and bosses.
Starting with Bow Aconite, this Artifact drops from the open world boss, Viridulon the Rootbound. If you go through the portal from the front door, you can climb up the cliff to get to him, avoiding all the powerful monsters, or you can use the shortcut behind Fast Travel Shrine and skip all the enemies to get directly to him. Honestly though, Viridulon the Rootbound is a really hard boss to take on alone. So if you want to go for this Artifact, I highly recommend getting a group.
6. Burnanator - Firestaff
After that we have Firestaff Burnanator. This Artifact drops from the open world boss of Shattered Mountain, Leviathan of the Deep. To get to him, you can first teleport to Alazar’s Recall Outpost in Shattered Mountain and then follow the path to his cave. Like the previous boss, he is also a tough boss to deal with alone, so it is recommended that you lead a team to deal with it to increase the chance of dropping Burnanator.
Similarly, don’t forget to improve your own strength while joining a good team. If you don’t have enough coins to invest in a build, then you might want to check out the giveaway channel in IGGM Discord. Just be active in the group and you may get a windfall!
7. Fracture - Void Gauntlet
Next, we have Void Gauntlet, Fracture. This artifact can be obtained by turning off Corrupted Breaches above level 65. It is worth noting that joining the portal run is a good way to farm it because it is difficult to complete alone and requires a team to cooperate.
Remember that although you can get multiple artifacts from Corrupted Breaches. However, it will not drop immediately after completing it once. You may need to repeat the run multiple times, so please be patient.
8. Dorgort’s Blade - Rapier
Finally, let’s look at another Artifact we get from Expeditions, and that’s Rapier, Dorgort’s Blade. This Artifact is dropped by the boss, Ifrit, in Empyrean Forge Expedition. However, this Artifact requires at least Mutation Level 1 or higher to drop.
Alternatively, Inferno - Fire Staff Artifact can also drop from Commander Marius in Empyrean Forge Expedition. So if you complete this Expedition every time, you can get two Artifacts at once.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, this guide covers all the new Artifacts that drop in New World: Aeternum Season of the Conquerors. Which Artifacts are you looking for? Which is your favorite new Artifact? Regardless, let’s embark on a journey to find all Artifacts in New World!
New World Aeternum: How To Get Massive Gold Coins In The Game? - 4 Coin Farming Methods
In the past few years, New World has been changing and updating, but the focus on new coin farming methods has remained constant. Of course, some classic farming methods are still effective, but with the changes in the economic system in Aeternum, some methods are gradually becoming irrelevant.
With these factors in mind, in this guide, we will summarize those coin farming methods that are still effective in New World Aeternum, so that you can quickly find the most suitable way to make money for you and become a millionaire in the game!
Before that, we must state the disclaimer here. Since the price of items in each server is different, before starting any method, please confirm on Trading Post whether the key items in the method you choose are indeed of good value on your server. You can calculate according to the price on the server to see if the result is worth your effort.
Trading Post Flipping
Let’s start with the first method. This is probably the most common and well-known way to make money in all MMORPGs, that is flipping items on Trading Post. You can earn a ton of New World Coins by acquiring a large amount of high-demand items at a low price on Trading Post, and then selling them at a higher price.
If you’ve played similar MMOs before, you may be familiar with this method, but if not, you can learn more about it in more detail with the tips in this guide.
Honestly, this is a very basic way to make money that most people probably know. So why do we mention it specifically? Because it’s a reliable and amazing way to earn passive coins compared to some of the more interesting and creative methods.
Ideally, you can add this to your daily routine, that is, check Trading Post every day and set orders for items that you know will make you a profit, and then come back the next day to collect your profits and set more orders.
This method can still make money by flipping Runeglass Gems, but it requires you to reach a high enough crafting level.
Of course, all flipping methods are risky, as sometimes you may lose profits because of paying Trading Post tax or making a wrong investment. So if you want to reduce the risk, observe the market and seize the opportunity!
There is also the fact that you need a large initial amount of New World Aeternum Coins to get started with this method. This method works on every server though, as there will always be something you can profit from regardless of item prices.
Grinding Monsters
Let’s get into the second method, which is a favorite of many actions RPG players, which is to get gold through monster grinding.
Farming Ancient Glob Of Ectoplasm
We’re going to start with a method that works well on almost every server, especially new servers if you’re strong enough, and that is farming Ancient Glob of Ectoplasm. This is because most players need Ancient Glob of Ectoplasm to craft Runeglass Gems, so it’s always in high demand.
Essentially, farming Ancient Glob of Ectoplasm requires you to run around a certain area in Brimstone Sands, knocking down the same monsters repeatedly, and gathering resources around them to make a large profit. You can use this method alone or in a group. Both methods are very profitable, and the main profit items you will get will be Ancient Glob of Ectoplasm or some Glyph Stones. So if these have value on your server, you can make a very solid profit.
For this method, we conducted a real-world test. In one hour, we managed to get 18 Ancient Glob of Ectoplasm and a ton of other resources, so you can get a rough idea of how much profit you can get with this method.
Solo Defeat Bosses
Another dominant method that is more suitable for AFK is to defeat bosses alone in getting specific high-value items. You can basically sit at the spawn point of certain bosses that drop high-value items, wait to kill them at any time and pick up the corresponding dropped items, and then repeat this process repeatedly. If you are lucky, you can get as many set items as you want.
But like we said before, the prices of these set items will be different for each server, so check which item is in the most demand on your server and then grind that boss.
It is recommended that most of the items you grind are trade skill gear so that you can farm several bosses in rotation. What’s more, if you have a bunch of the same items, it may take a while to sell them. Besides this, this method is highly dependent on the drop chance. Sometimes you will get five drops in an hour, and sometimes you will get none. So, may RNG gods bring you good luck!
Participate In Elite Chest Runs
Next, let’s introduce the third method, which is Elite Chest Runs.
As an old player, you may shudder at the word Chest Runs because of how many people are forced to work hard in order to improve their Watermark System. However, if you are new to the game, it is actually a very fun way to socialize, and it can also help you earn a lot of New World Coins.
In each New World server, Elite Chest Runs activities are carried out almost 24/7. Generally speaking, players will search Elite-Zone or Stronghold in groups in order to efficiently loot Elite Chest. Please note that you’d better participate in this activity after level 50, otherwise you will often receive a lot of damage from high-level monsters, which will not be worth the loss.
There will often be active Chest Runs activities on your server. If you pay attention to “Recruitment” chat, you will see that people usually gather together for Elite Chest Runs. If you want to join an existing raid group, enter: “X WT”, “X ECR”, “X TRAIN” or “X” followed by the elite zone you gathered in.
Of course, you can also do Elite Chest Runs on your own, which is pretty simple. You just come up with a route you want to follow and then invite people in Recruitment chat who want to participate.
It’s a fun and social way to get out there and test your luck for some very valuable drops. It’s pretty much a guaranteed way to make money on every server because Elite Chest has such a good and large drop table.
Gathering Cactus
Finally, coming to our fourth way to make money, which is to simply go out and gather every item you can by using Gathering Skill wisely.
So, just go out and walk around the island and gather everything you see and you can make a lot of money. Of course, there are always ways to maximize profits with better gear, tools, refining and routes. But essentially, simple gathering can give you a good profit. It’s a really fun and relaxing way to level up your trading skills and earn gold.
One of the easiest ways to make money with Gathering that we’re going to recommend here is to farm Cactus. All you have to do is go to a place in Brimstone Sands where there are a lot of Cactus and chop them all down with your Logging Axe and Sickle. Not only will you get a ton of Cactus Flesh that you can sell, but you’ll also get a good Alignment Perk on your tools, which will give you a ton of Cactus and even more profit.
In conclusion, this guide covers most of the efficient ways to make money that still work even in today’s New World Aeternum raid. Have you tried any of these methods before? What are your favorite ways to make money? Hopefully, some of these can help you out, or give you some new ideas on how you want to make gold in your work.
If you want more coins but don't have the time to farm, then perhaps you can check out the giveaway channel in IGGM Discord. There are some sweepstakes here from time to time, and if you're lucky enough, you can win a pretty good fortune!
New World Aeternum: How To Get The Most Out Of The Latest Nightveil Hallow Event?
Adventurers, with Halloween approaching, many games have launched related themed events to add to the festive atmosphere, and New World Aeternum is no exception! This is exactly the core of this guide, Nightveil Hallow Event. The event starts on October 22nd and will last until November 5th.
In this Nightveil Hallow Event, there is a huge boss called Baalphazu, which revolves around a tournament, and many players need to unite to defeat him, so as to have a chance to get rich rewards. Here, let’s take a deep look at what rewards you can get from it and how to complete it.
Start The Event
First, you need to go to any major settlement around town. You will see a huge green Bubbling Cauldron somewhere in the center of the town. They are easy to find. But if you have never found them, don’t worry, there are some pumpkin icon markers on the map to help you locate them faster.
Next, you will see an NPC called Salvatore. Talk to him and accept the task he gives you. You can also talk to him more if you want to learn more about the event behind the scenes, but it is not necessary.
You are given the introductory quest for Nightveil Hallow Event, Baalphazu’s Fall, which is basically the bulk of what you will be doing every day during the event, hunting down and eliminating Baalphazu. But basically, the first time you defeat Baalphazu, there is nothing to do with this quest.
Then you just return to Salvatore and place Ichor you received from Baalphazu in Cauldron. Then talk to Salvatore again to unlock some event rewards.
After completing the quest, you basically just want to keep grinding this event boss until you get everything you want from the event. But remember that there is a limit to the daily rewards during the event, so you need to take that into account.
Baalphazu’s Location
Now let’s learn a little more about this Event Boss before we get into the other things you can do during the event, and the rewards you can get.
Baalphazu is a level 66 Elite World Boss, and he has some very deadly skills and a lot of health, so get ready for a fight! Luckily, since this event doesn’t last very long and almost everyone wants the rewards, there are usually a lot of people going to take him down.
You’ll see icons with his face all over the map, and that’s where he spawns. If you’re having a hard time finding his location on the map, you can use New World map to show all of his possible spawn locations. There aren’t too many, just 6: Brightwood, Ebonscale Reach, Eden Grove, Great Cleave, Morningdale, and Weaver’s Fen.
If Baalphazu boss is already in battle, there will be a glowing circle around the event icon, so keep an eye out for that. Note that the most effective way to win the daily kill is to join a group, because if you take on the boss alone, you may not be able to do enough damage until it’s killed.
How To Defeat Baalphazu?
Now that we know where Baalphazu spawns and how to get to him, let’s move on to his mechanics.
If enough people are fighting him, you can spam him and eventually he’ll go down, especially if you’re in a larger group.
But technically, if you want to help the most, you need to kill all Pumpkinites crawling around the area. Baalphazu will frequently summon mobs, and these Pumpkinites, when killed, will explode and cause Pumpkin Fall in a small area. Pumpkins will stay on the ground after they fall, and players can pick them up and throw them to Baalphazu to stun him.
As Baalphazu’s Stamina Bar slowly depletes, he will stop moving and deal more damage. At this point, it’s best for everyone to jump on him and start spamming him with the highest DPS until he stands up again. Then you just need to repeat this process again until he is defeated.
This is not a hard battle, especially if you have some pleasant companions to fight with you. So if you are low level, make sure to get into a group. It will make the boss farming process much easier.
There are two other mobs running around in this battle, and that are Gourdspewer and Calabashers. But these mobs are very important because they drop a small healing AoE when killed, and you can only survive the battle if you make full use of this.
Baalphazu Rewards
Now that you know how to find and defeat Baalphazu, let’s take a look at the rewards you can get from him.
Once Baalphazu dies, it will drop a Reward Box along with a few other rewards, including New World Coins, XP, Azoth, and possibly one or two new Halloween Costumes. Now, with Baalphazu’s Ichor you’ve acquired, run back to Salvatore’s Cauldron and interact with it to complete the quest and claim your rewards. Rewards include 2 Random Nightveil Hallow Weapon Patterns, 5 Nightveil Tokens, and access to Nightveil Sentinel section in Event Shop.
These are just the rewards you’ll get for your first kill of Baalphazu. However, you can farm Baalphazu five times a day for Armor Piece and three times a day for Costume. Each additional Ichor you get from killing him can also be turned in to Salvatore repeatedly for the following rewards:
- 7-13 Nightveil Tokens
- 1 Random Nightveil Hallow Weapon Pattern
- Coin Bag (3 Times Daily)
- 1 White Gypsum
Trick Or Treat
However, challenging Baalphazu isn’t the only thing you’ll be doing during Nightveil Hallow Event. There’s another really fun part to the event, which is Trick or Treat.
Since you can get some Costumes from defeating Baalphazu or from Cauldrons in most major towns, however, they only last for the duration of this event, so use them before the event ends or they’ll disappear.
These Costumes will transform you into some of your favorite characters you’ve met throughout your journey, such as Captain Thorpe, Adiana, Anubian Reaver, and Lost Monarch, and once you’re wearing Costume, you can search for hidden Treat Baskets in each town.
These have a 10% chance of containing Baalphazu Armor Pieces, 2 Nightveil Tokens (3 times per day), and a new item, Candy. This limited-time consumable comes in 4 flavors, and some candies may be very helpful to your event, while others may have unexpected consequences.
This candy comes in four variations, and they all give you very interesting limited-time effects.
- Angry Earth Candy Fish will turn your character into a fish for 10 seconds.
- Lost Black Licorice will increase your luck for 5 minutes.
- Corrupted Jelly Beans will give your character Red Glowing Eyes for a certain period of time.
- Ancient Grizzly Gummies will increase the number of Nightveil Tokens you receive for 5 minutes.
Note that this candy is also limited to this event, so use them up before it ends or they will disappear.
How To Use Your Nightveil Tokens?
But as you go around Candying and killing Baalphazu, you slowly start to accumulate a ton of Nightveil Tokens, and you might be wondering what to do with them. That’s where Event Shop comes in. It’s also everyone’s favorite part of the event, because you can trade in your Tokens for really cool rewards.
In fact, every year, classic items return, like Jack-o-Lantern’s Smile, Pride of the Witch, and Skeleton Twirl Emote. But they add new stuff every year, so every time this event comes around, not only can you go get the stuff you missed last year, but you can also get some nifty new stuff. You’ll see what all current and previous Nightveil Hall unique rewards look like on the screen.
So you can decide what you want to prioritize, or if you already have all the unique items. You can go for repeatable rewards, for example, Chromatic Seal is always a useful item, so you can get one of those every 3 days. This will save you a lot of New World Aeternum Coins in the long run.
Or, you can get some Elite and Legendary Weapon Patterns for your adventures. I will warn you though that this isn’t worth it as it’s not the max gear score, but it may be worth it to you as a stepping stone gear or to level up your crafting skills.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, this guide covers everything related to New World Nightveil Hallow Event. Hopefully, this guide will help some of you better prepare for this event and complete the quests more efficiently. So keep fighting Baalphazu and saving Aeternum!
New World Aeternum: How To Use Artifact Equipment To Play Game? - 6 Artifacts Worth Having
In MMO game New World, players need to go to various Adventures and Fights. In this process, the strength of Equipment used by the game Character controlled by the player undoubtedly Affects the success rate of Battle. This is also the case in the upcoming New World Aeternum.
Among the various different Equipment, Artifact is a relatively important category. They usually exist as Armor, Weapons and Shields or Jewelry. Players can improve their Combat power by owning and Upgrading them.
Artifact Equipment has a guaranteed Gear Score of 700 and a Unique Perk only available on a specific Item. Upgrading them is done in Gypsum Kiln, and the process usually requires players to use some New World Coins.
In fact, as an Equipment category, there are many specific Artifacts in the game. Therefore, it will be a more troublesome process for players to choose the one that suits them.
In New World Aeternum, since players need to explore various Areas, having a good Artifact can definitely get twice the result with half the effort.
Therefore, we will introduce you to 6 Artifacts worth getting in New World Aeternum.
1. Paladin’s Morningstar
In the game, neither Flail nor Void Gauntlet, which are Weapons, can be used as the main Healing Weapon. At present, Life Staff is still the most suitable Weapon choice for Healers.
Although Healing Effect of other Weapons is reduced to avoid making Healer too powerful, to give full play to the effectiveness of Life Staff. But perhaps players can use Paladin’s Morningstar to make Flail and even Void Gauntlet can obtain some Healing Effects.
As a Flail Weapon, Paladin’s Morningstar can bring a lot of gains through Flail, so that Flail can also play a continuous Healing Effect in actual applications. In addition, its Heavy Attacks may also provide Burst Healing options when you need it.
2. Twisted Benediction
This is a Weapon belonging to Void Gauntlet. Its Soulfeast allows players to Heal nearby friendly players while Disintegrate Damage over time Effect deals Damage.
Each Stack of Disintegrate Heals 10% of Weapon Damage. Healing only extends from Focus. In addition, all other Void Gauntlet Healing is increased by 50%, and all Healing from other Weapons is reduced by 50%.
These features of Twisted Benediction turn Void Gauntlet’s signature feature, Disintegrate DOT, into a source of Healing. Combined with the increased Healing from the player’s Active Skills, there is the opportunity to form a dynamic offensive Healing method.
3. Swordsaint’s Katana
The main Skill of this Artifact Equipment is Kensei’s Technique. It allows players to Cooldowns of Reverse Stab and Whirling Blade refresh 100% faster and they deal 15% additional Damage when they don’t have a Shield Equipped.
Players have long wanted the option to play Swords without a Shield in the game. Technically, it is currently possible to do so directly, but there is no benefit because it will weaken your Defense for no reason.
However, an Artifact like Swordsaint’s Katana makes shieldless Swords a viable playstyle without having to overhaul Weapon.
4. Pugnacious
Pugnacious is a Blunderbuss Weapon that has an Obdurate that allows the player to hold down the right mouse button to activate Block, which successfully Blocks an Enemy Attack and reloads one round of Ammunition.
As a Weapon with a short range and low strength, Blunderbuss currently looks like a Weapon that wants to be part of a Melee Fighter’s load out. Its Ability to Block Enemy Attacks will provide a useful aid in Combat.
5. Hama Yumi
This is a Bow Weapon. Its Blessed Arrows Effect converts 99% of Damage it deals to Arcane Damage. If the player has a higher Focus, replace your basic Weapon scaling with Focus. This Weapon will deal 20% less Damage.
Shrine Maiden’s Fortune Effect means that when you Hit an Enemy with a Light Attack, a beneficial Soul will gather around you for 10 seconds, which can be Stacked up to 5 times.
When you Hit an Enemy with a Charged Heavy Attack, all Souls are released. They will seek out nearby injured Allies and Heal them, while dealing 80% Weapon Damage to Enemy. In addition, Healing Effect is only applied with Focus.
These Weapon Effects allow focused players to deal some considerable Damage while still helping Heal when they or their Allies are not at risk of immediate death. Because of this strong self-sustaining potential, it can be said that it is an excellent single-player Weapon.
6. Nergal’s Rotloop
This is a Ring whose Circle Of Decay Effect increases Damage caused by the player’s continuous Damage Skills by 75%, while reducing all other Damage caused by 50%.
This Effect makes Nergal’s Rotloop a great Artifact that players deserve to have. Obtaining and using it will definitely help you Defeat Enemies better and faster in Battle.
The above are 6 Artifact Equipments that are relatively worth getting in New World Aeternum. In fact, when you Explore the game on your own, you may find better Artifact Equipments, which will further enrich your gaming experience.
New World: Can Aeternum Console Closed Beta Still Bring It Back To Life? - My Personal Opinion
After the developers announced New World Aeternum, they subsequently announced Console Beta. This is a re-release of the original game with some changes, new content, and a release on consoles. The original console closed beta was originally scheduled to open on July 11 and last until July 17, giving invitees their first taste of New World on consoles.
However, two weeks ago, the team announced a delay to July 25 to July 31 to ensure the best console closed beta experience for players.
Console Closed Beta Delay May Just Be A Premonition Of Doom
When announcing this delay, it seemed that the team just needed more time to shape the beta and be ready to make a first impression, even if it was only in the beta.
But such an explanation did not convince the players, and inevitably, the players began to predict doom again. After all, it's ridiculous that a company this big can't keep up with deadlines, keeps releasing versions full of new and old bugs, and the cycle continues. I even aspire to reach this level of self-confidence.
And I don’t think they ever realized that the problems with the game were caused by their own development work. They seem to follow the principle that success and failure are just random, and all they have to do is keep releasing games until they can have a success like the game’s first release in 2021 again.
I think any console user who is considering pre-ordering New World Aeternum should know that the experience of PC version is just like this, delays, false publicity, lack of actual functional content, and obvious bugs that have not been fixed for years. So far, for me, it’s an excellent, fun and irreplaceable game, but it has some problems, and I don’t think this development team has the ability or energy to make it better.
Aeternum Closed Beta Overview
Anyway, this New World Aeternum Closed Beta will last until July 31st, giving players the opportunity to customize their characters, try unique weapons and explore vast supernatural zones.
Please note that Console Closed Beta will be divided into two phases:
New Player Experience (Phase 1): July 25, 9 AM PT
During this period, players can experience what New World Aeternum Console will bring at launch. Please note that the quality of the game will be slightly adjusted considering the short testing period, and Amazon will disable the standard 72-hour chat cooldown when creating a new character. Phase 1 focuses on new player onboarding and the first-time user experience.
Endgame Experience (Phase 2): July 28, 7 AM PT
During this optional period, players will be able to create a new character and choose one of the level 65 presets in Aeternum. In addition, Closed Beta period will provide players with a variety of endgame gear, powerful weapons, maximum level attribute points, and complete weapon mastery.
At the same time, players can also use the level 65 preset to create a new character during this period, or continue to invest New World Coins to obtain new gear and upgrade the original character during Phase 1. Once you’re ready, you can take on the endgame content to try out builds, skills, and get a better idea of what playstyle you might choose.
In addition, the developers have scheduled three endgame content tests for July 28-30, including Influence Races, Outpost Rush, and testing Lawless PvPvE zone. To participate in these tests, you must join North American server and test at the scheduled time.
Game Modes Are Boring
While New World Aeternum does a commendable job of bringing PC experience to console players, it won’t make any non-MMO fans into hardcore fans. It still retains the typical qualities of MMOs and may not attract new audiences.
Let’s take combat as an example, which is the core pillar of the game. In New World, attacking enemies is the primary task of the player, but the combat in the game is boring for players holding controllers.
Players’ attacks are powerless, enemies are either as soft as sponges or fall down in two hits, and players’ health is very high, so there are no consequences for making mistakes and players rarely need to improvise. Most of the game we played boiled down to locking on to a target, hacking and slashing, and then moving on to the next one.
And the extremely monotonous mission structure only makes the situation worse. Almost every mission follows the following pattern: talk to an NPC, go to the quest marker, attack some enemies or collect some resources, and then return to NPC. At the beginning of the game, there are so many missions that if you don’t play with a few friends and don’t take it too seriously, it will definitely be boring.
Of course, as you go deeper into the game, you will definitely get more and more excited. After all, this is only the opening part of the game. But the actual operation process is probably not worth our long-term obsession.
Final Thoughts
In the end, New World Aeternum may just be an interesting concept. Bringing the once popular PC MMO to consoles is a bold decision that may bear fruit if done well, but the current testing situation and our lack of trust in the development team have made us have to think that this game will run its course.
Aeternum may prove to be a fun way to kill time with friends, as all the basic content has been nailed for the console audience. But overall, I don’t think it has a chance to recreate the glory of New World. What do you think of New World Aeternum Console Closed Beta? Do you think it’s still worth trying? See you next time!
New World: These 4 Locations Are Highly Recommend For Gold Farming In Season 5
Greeting, fellow players! Today, I'm excited to share you 4 raw resources you can farm in specific locations to accumulate significant wealth in New World Season 5. Despite the drop in overall pricing in crafting, there are still straightforward methods to amass gold. Let me introduce them to you.
Valuable Resources
For gold making in the New World Season 5, the raw resources are the most important to focus on. After carefully analyzing the market, I identified the most valuable resources for gold-making. On my server, the top 4 resources are Ironwood, Lodestone, Dark Hide, and Orichalcum Ore.
Ironwood stands out as the most lucrative, followed by Loadstone, which commands a price of 64 each. While Dark Hide is less expensive, its abundance makes it a worthwhile addition to the list, offering quick returns. Lastly, the Orichalcum Ore, though less profitable, remains notable for its availability.
In the subsequent section of this guide, I will outline the 4 optimal locations for harvesting these 4 resources and then vendor for large number of wealth. By doing so, you can ensure that you are making the most efficient use of your time while gathering these valuable materials.
1. Edengrove - Ironwood
Let's start by discussing prime locations for farming the Ironwood trees. One of the most favorable spots is found in Edengrove. Begin your journey at the Spirit Shrine, then proceed a short distance northward, circling through the area.
In this location, you'll encounter a generous abundance of the Ironwood trees ripe for harvesting. Don't forget to leverage your consumables or, in some cases, utilize some of your New World Coins to optimize your overall output during this endeavor.
2. Weaver's Fen - Loadstone
Let's talk about the Loadstone, a well-known resource in the New World. Head to the Weaver's Fen, just north of Glacial Tarn Shrine. If you open your map, you'll see a prime area for Loadstone farming. Start in a small circle, head north, and follow the direction.
As you traverse, you'll encounter an abundance of Loadstone nodes. This area stands out as arguably the optimal spot for Loadstone farming, promising swift and bountiful returns. If you're seeking rapid profits, investing your time and effort into harvesting Loadstone is undoubtedly worthwhile.
3. Elysian Wilds - Dark Hide
Continuing forward, let's explore one of the preferred regions for harvesting Dark Hide: the Elysan Wilds area, particularly in the upper right quadrant. While the entire map offers abundant Dark Hide, should you desire a more concentrated endeavor, directing your efforts to this specific locale proves fruitful.
For those desiring a more targeted approach, directing your efforts towards the Alligators inhabiting this area yields significant advantages. I strongly advocate for the use of a spear when engaging these creatures, as it notably enhances efficiency and facilitates the collection process.
4. Reekwater - Orichalcum Ore
Last but not least, for farming the Orichalcum Ore, we need to head to the lower right corner of Reekwater and there will be an abundance of resource. Head straight down, encountering a significant concentration of Orichalcum Ore Veins. While there are multiple locations to mine this resource, this area is to be the most condensed and efficient.
I recommend mining before the Operas event and maximizing the yield. After mining the entire line of Orichalcum Ore Veins, join the Opera event, and upon completion, return to mine them again. This cycle repeats seamlessly. For those seeking optimal efficiency in farming Orichalcum, this spot in the lower right corner of Reekwater is undoubtedly the best choice.