New World Aeternum: How To Get Massive Gold Coins In The Game? - 4 Coin Farming Methods
Posted: Nov 08, 2024 Views: 3072
In the past few years, New World has been changing and updating, but the focus on new coin farming methods has remained constant. Of course, some classic farming methods are still effective, but with the changes in the economic system in Aeternum, some methods are gradually becoming irrelevant.
With these factors in mind, in this guide, we will summarize those coin farming methods that are still effective in New World Aeternum, so that you can quickly find the most suitable way to make money for you and become a millionaire in the game!
Before that, we must state the disclaimer here. Since the price of items in each server is different, before starting any method, please confirm on Trading Post whether the key items in the method you choose are indeed of good value on your server. You can calculate according to the price on the server to see if the result is worth your effort.
Trading Post Flipping
Let’s start with the first method. This is probably the most common and well-known way to make money in all MMORPGs, that is flipping items on Trading Post. You can earn a ton of New World Coins by acquiring a large amount of high-demand items at a low price on Trading Post, and then selling them at a higher price.
If you’ve played similar MMOs before, you may be familiar with this method, but if not, you can learn more about it in more detail with the tips in this guide.
Honestly, this is a very basic way to make money that most people probably know. So why do we mention it specifically? Because it’s a reliable and amazing way to earn passive coins compared to some of the more interesting and creative methods.
Ideally, you can add this to your daily routine, that is, check Trading Post every day and set orders for items that you know will make you a profit, and then come back the next day to collect your profits and set more orders.
This method can still make money by flipping Runeglass Gems, but it requires you to reach a high enough crafting level.
Of course, all flipping methods are risky, as sometimes you may lose profits because of paying Trading Post tax or making a wrong investment. So if you want to reduce the risk, observe the market and seize the opportunity!
There is also the fact that you need a large initial amount of New World Aeternum Coins to get started with this method. This method works on every server though, as there will always be something you can profit from regardless of item prices.
Grinding Monsters
Let’s get into the second method, which is a favorite of many actions RPG players, which is to get gold through monster grinding.
Farming Ancient Glob Of Ectoplasm
We’re going to start with a method that works well on almost every server, especially new servers if you’re strong enough, and that is farming Ancient Glob of Ectoplasm. This is because most players need Ancient Glob of Ectoplasm to craft Runeglass Gems, so it’s always in high demand.
Essentially, farming Ancient Glob of Ectoplasm requires you to run around a certain area in Brimstone Sands, knocking down the same monsters repeatedly, and gathering resources around them to make a large profit. You can use this method alone or in a group. Both methods are very profitable, and the main profit items you will get will be Ancient Glob of Ectoplasm or some Glyph Stones. So if these have value on your server, you can make a very solid profit.
For this method, we conducted a real-world test. In one hour, we managed to get 18 Ancient Glob of Ectoplasm and a ton of other resources, so you can get a rough idea of how much profit you can get with this method.
Solo Defeat Bosses
Another dominant method that is more suitable for AFK is to defeat bosses alone in getting specific high-value items. You can basically sit at the spawn point of certain bosses that drop high-value items, wait to kill them at any time and pick up the corresponding dropped items, and then repeat this process repeatedly. If you are lucky, you can get as many set items as you want.
But like we said before, the prices of these set items will be different for each server, so check which item is in the most demand on your server and then grind that boss.
It is recommended that most of the items you grind are trade skill gear so that you can farm several bosses in rotation. What’s more, if you have a bunch of the same items, it may take a while to sell them. Besides this, this method is highly dependent on the drop chance. Sometimes you will get five drops in an hour, and sometimes you will get none. So, may RNG gods bring you good luck!
Participate In Elite Chest Runs
Next, let’s introduce the third method, which is Elite Chest Runs.
As an old player, you may shudder at the word Chest Runs because of how many people are forced to work hard in order to improve their Watermark System. However, if you are new to the game, it is actually a very fun way to socialize, and it can also help you earn a lot of New World Coins.
In each New World server, Elite Chest Runs activities are carried out almost 24/7. Generally speaking, players will search Elite-Zone or Stronghold in groups in order to efficiently loot Elite Chest. Please note that you’d better participate in this activity after level 50, otherwise you will often receive a lot of damage from high-level monsters, which will not be worth the loss.
There will often be active Chest Runs activities on your server. If you pay attention to “Recruitment” chat, you will see that people usually gather together for Elite Chest Runs. If you want to join an existing raid group, enter: “X WT”, “X ECR”, “X TRAIN” or “X” followed by the elite zone you gathered in.
Of course, you can also do Elite Chest Runs on your own, which is pretty simple. You just come up with a route you want to follow and then invite people in Recruitment chat who want to participate.
It’s a fun and social way to get out there and test your luck for some very valuable drops. It’s pretty much a guaranteed way to make money on every server because Elite Chest has such a good and large drop table.
Gathering Cactus
Finally, coming to our fourth way to make money, which is to simply go out and gather every item you can by using Gathering Skill wisely.
So, just go out and walk around the island and gather everything you see and you can make a lot of money. Of course, there are always ways to maximize profits with better gear, tools, refining and routes. But essentially, simple gathering can give you a good profit. It’s a really fun and relaxing way to level up your trading skills and earn gold.
One of the easiest ways to make money with Gathering that we’re going to recommend here is to farm Cactus. All you have to do is go to a place in Brimstone Sands where there are a lot of Cactus and chop them all down with your Logging Axe and Sickle. Not only will you get a ton of Cactus Flesh that you can sell, but you’ll also get a good Alignment Perk on your tools, which will give you a ton of Cactus and even more profit.
In conclusion, this guide covers most of the efficient ways to make money that still work even in today’s New World Aeternum raid. Have you tried any of these methods before? What are your favorite ways to make money? Hopefully, some of these can help you out, or give you some new ideas on how you want to make gold in your work.
If you want more coins but don't have the time to farm, then perhaps you can check out the giveaway channel in IGGM Discord. There are some sweepstakes here from time to time, and if you're lucky enough, you can win a pretty good fortune!
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