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FFXIV: Follow These Essential Tips To Be Prepared For The Dawntrail Expansion

Posted: May 14, 2024 Views: 2018

Posted: May 14, 2024

Source:  IGGM

Views: 2018

With the much-anticipated FINAL FANTASY XIV: Dawntrail drawing near, just under 2 months away, are you feeling prepared? Here's an extensive list of everything you should do to ensure you're fully ready for the exciting launch!

FFXIV: Follow These Essential Tips To Be Prepared For The Dawntrail Expansion

Main Scenario Quests

Your first priority should be to catch up on the Main Scenario Quests (MSQ). You can't start Dawntrail if you haven't finished the existing MSQ content. If you're starting fresh with Endwalker, be ready because there are 108 quests to get through in those 50 days. For the Post-Endwalker MSQ, those quests number is a total of 47. Start getting to work on those now.

You'll have to do this as part of the MSQ anyway since the Post-Endwalker quests are Level 90, but make sure you get one job to the level cap as this is the level that the Dawntrail quests will start at. Even if you can complete them at a lower level, like Level 88, it may hamper you when it comes to dungeons, trials, so make sure you're as high as you can be.


Speaking of Tomestones, these are obviously going to change with Dawntrail. However, once you reach Level 100, you'll be able to turn all Comedy Tomestones into the next lower tier. So, for the release of Dawntrail, you should ideally be capped on the Allagan Tomestone of Comedy because that will give you an immediate gearing advantage.

You could also cap your Allagan Tomestone of Causality and the Allagan Tomestone of Poetics, especially if you haven't played the game in a while and you're lacking in Allagan Tomestone gear because all the item level 650 gear that you can get from vendors now. The Tome of Allagan Poetics will be available immediately after the expansion launches and you'll be able to exchange these Tomestones with Auriana in the Mor Dhona.

One very efficient and fun way of farming Allagan Tomestones before the expansion is doing the Hunt Trains. There's a Conductor who leads players from A-rank to the next, and each one that you slay in an Endwalker zone is going to give you both Allagan Tomestone of Comedy and Allagan Tomestone of Causality.

FFXIV Hunt Trains

Duty Roulette

If you do want to level via Duty Roulette in FINAL FANTASY XIV: Dawntrail, then you should make sure to unlock as much of the content in the game as possible before the release of Dawntrail. I would strongly consider leveling a Healer or Tank on the side using roulettes because you're going to get the adventurer need bonuses pretty much every time.

Materia Transmutation

Now let's talk about how you can make some easy FFXIV Gil whenever the Dawntrail comes out. First of all, right now is a good time to store and stack up on all material that is available in the FFXIV. You can actually do something called the Materia Transmutation. This lets you turn 5 pieces of unwanted material into another type of material that can even be of higher level.

Meaning all of your Level 9 and 10 material that are basically worthless right now have a chance of giving you material that might be worth 10,000 to 15,000 Gil whenever the Dawntrail comes out. This is a much better use of material than trying to sell it for 500 or 400 Gil on the Market Board.

Grand Company Seals

Something else that you can prepare without having a crafting job is the Grand Company Seals. This is the currency that you can use to get various materials at your respective Grand Company. There's a good chance that there will be new materials added to the Grand Company vendor that will be used in crafts all throughout FFXIV. And it's just a good resource to have either way.

So before the Dawntrail comes out, you should make sure to get this as high up as possible. You may be capped, and all of this is going to be very time critical. So within the first few days of the launch, you should be checking this out if you want to get as much Gil as possible out of this. Everyone will be in a rush to make all the new gear and various other consumables.


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