Fallout 76: How To Place And Remove Camp Items Underwater? - 6 Tips
Posted: May 25, 2024 Views: 2279
Welocme all gamers! Today, I'm here to delve into the topic specifically for those who enjoy building Camps near water and place items underwater in Fallout 76.
Whether you've encountered the frustration of Camp items becoming lodged in water, seek to float items above the water's surface, or unsure how to place items into water, this guide can meet your needs and provide solutions. Let's dive in!
Check The Water
The first thing you need to do is check your water. This should be a no-brainer, but there are 2 types of water: flowing water and still water. Flowing water tends to be water that is flowing, and it will allow you to remove it. As for the still water, which is usually the stagnant water, usually does not suitable for placing items.
Now, there are exceptions to both of these, so before you even start, you need to take a Fallout 76 Item like the pressure plate and test the water. So, if you place it in and then you can't grab it out, you know that it's the still water. So, you should just move the location of your Camp and start over again.
Move Items To Dry Land
You have the ability to move items from water to dry land, particularly those designated for water use only. To accomplish this, simply position your item, whether it's a pressure plate or a stump, and place a large water purifier on top of it. Once placed, pick up the water purifier. Then, the item is effortlessly lifted out from underwater.
Moreover, you can get creative with this technique, such as levitating your Camp device in the air or even burying it underground, providing you with newfound versatility in your placements.
Float Items Above The Water
You can also float items above the water. For instance, you can take a foundation, grab a corner, and move it up until it snaps back, which effectively elevates the item. This allows you to place it above the water, creating the illusion of it floating. This method works for both ground items and wall decoration.
To do this, grab the foundation corner, let it snap back, and repeat the process a few times to elevate it higher. Once you're satisfied with the height, you can place the item into the water, making it appear to float. It's a straightforward process that results in, for example, a picture seemingly suspended above the water.
Utilize The Nuka-Cola Sign
For smaller items, if you prefer not to use a foundation, you can utilize the Nuka-Cola Sign. This method allows you to place smaller items underwater or, more commonly, float them above the water. To do this, attach the Nuka-Cola Sign to your Camp device. Then, adjust its position to float it upward.
A useful tip is to place the sign in different areas on your Camp device to make it rise faster, avoiding the need for excessive clicking. Once elevated, you can attach a wall item to the sign, making it float above the water. This trick is perfect for those who want to create the illusion of wall items floating above the water.
Use A Pressure Plate
For the next trick in Fallout 76, we're going to merge an item down into the water with a pressure plate. One common issue is that you can't add underpinnings to foundations underwater using catwalks. To solve this, we merge a wall down into the submerged stump. Position the wall towards the edge, then use a foundation merge.
This results in a neatly added underpinning on the side of your foundation, effectively covering up the unattractive parts of foundations when building. This trick is a handy way to enhance the aesthetics of your underwater builds.
Place Items Into Still Water
Now onto the main challenge. Despite knowing that the stagnant water is problematic and we've even tested it by moving the Camp device, I'm determined to build. So, let me guide you through the process of placing and removing items from still water - it's going to require some effort, but the result will be worth it.
First things first, let's head underground. I've constructed a platform using roofs, descending as far down as possible beneath the water's surface. This particular body of water allows us to go beneath it. From this point, I recommend utilizing the ultracite shard.
By floating this device upwards, I can now position items inside the still water and subsequently remove them. While the ultrasite shard could protrude through the surface, allowing for easy removal, this method is particularly useful for other items that may need to be placed and retrieved from the water.
This method also proves beneficial in instances where you encounter placement restrictions because of perceived water presence, even when there's no visible water. By employing the same underground technique, you can overcome these obstacles. Simply select any 2 items, float them above or through the water table, and you've circumvented the placement issue.
Utilizing this technique, you can created a visually appealing bridge by floating multiple tables above the water table.
That wraps up this water tutorial for Fallout 76. I hope you found it helpful and informative.
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