Elder Scrolls Online: How To Get The Rare Ebonsteel Knight Motif For Free During Mayhem Event?
Posted: May 04, 2023 Views: 2184
In recent months, I’ve noticed that many players in Elder Scrolls Online community are sharing Ebonsteel Knight Motif. During last year’s Pelinal’s Mayhem PVP event, Ebonsteel Knight Motif dropped in various ways.
They will appear as random rewards in Veteran’s Bag of Glory in future Pelinal’s Mayhem events. Players can also redeem it with event tickets.
Why This Motif Is So Rare?
It’s arguably one of the best designed patterns in the game, as it’s tied to PVP events, and initially only came as a semi-rare drop that players could only get by defeating bosses at Imperial City and Sewers, from day one It’s relatively rare.
Then, to make matters worse, in subsequent Mayhem events, they removed the tradable theme from the drop table, which meant that the supply of the tradable page was drying up and not continuing to update, while its price was absolutely skyrocketing .
It’s a similar story for several other themes associated with Mayhem. In my latest Fashion-without-a-budget short, I deliberately excluded Ebonsteel Knight Motif. Because Investors and rare Collectors influence the pricing of these tradable editions, if not more than their actual value as outfit motifs.
These tradable pages are increasingly becoming a speculative investment rather than actual useful items that players might acquire and used to unlock pages for their collection.
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How To Get Ebonsteel Knight Motif For Free During Whitestrake's Mayhem?
Therefore, I highly recommend saving ESO Gold. You can collect every Motif during Whitestrake’s Mayhem for free! Whitestrake’s Mayhem is a PVP event that usually happens twice a year. In 2023, it will hold the events back-to-back. The first was held in mid-May and the second in late June.
Binds when picked up Ebonsteel Knight pages are part of Bags of Veteran’s Glory loot. Only 2 event tickets are each at Impresario. Normally, you can get 2 tickets per day by completing Cyrodiil Dailies or Battleground Dailies, and a third ticket by completing Imperial City Dailies.
Some players like to save these quests before the event so they don’t have to deal with as much PVP during the event, which also means it’s a good time to complete Cyrodiil and Imperial City quests to get tickets.
How To Get Other Motifs For Free During Mayhem Event?
If you haven’t collected the other items in Bags of Veteran’s Glory, you won’t be guaranteed to get Ebonsteel Knight pages, but there are plenty of other goodies to collect here.
Black Drake Clanwrap Style is another very popular motif for outfits currently worth millions of gold on PC-NA. Even though the page’s supply of tradable pages has been replenished this year, they are still expensive due to their difficulty in obtaining them.
2023 is also especially good for getting tickets to Bags of Veteran’s Glory, as Q2 morphing collectible is definitely worth it. I can’t imagine a less attractive reward for morphing, and I suspect I’m not alone in making that assessment.
So use these event tickets wisely and start unlocking some of the coolest graphics in the game, including Ebonsteel Knight, Black Drake Clanwrap, Legion Zero, House DuFort and more, with only 2 tickets per page instead of blowing up most coins In some unworthy places. That way, you’ll have more coins to get furniture for your next home design!
That’s how I got the rare Ebonsteel Knight Motif for free during Mayhem Event, along with other motifs, hope it will be useful to you. Hurry up and try it out.
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