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ESO: Character Pathing Tool Coming In Update 27

Posted: Aug 21, 2020

Posted: Aug 21, 2020

Source:  IGGM

The Elder Scrolls Online is getting a character pathing tool when Update 27 releases on PC and Google stadia, come August 24.

The purpose of introducing character pathing in ESO is to make the player's house more residential. This is by letting the player assign routes through the house, almost all the assistants, mounts and pets you collect can follow.

ESO's character pathing allows players to use up to 30 nodes to mark the locations they want a single character to visit. You can also set waiting times at each node-ranging from 3 seconds to 3 minutes, as well as choose how fast the characters will approach these spots.

You can place nodes wherever you want, and this even includes floating in the air or going straight through solid objects if you so choose. System Designer Cullen Lee said that they hope that players will try it out for themselves, and share their thoughts and creations. And there is no right or wrong way to use it. This can be fun to play with, but it also means that if you've built a stage, you could have a character exit behind some curtains to stage left, pass under the ground or behind the wall, and then reappear from stage right.

This new feature definitely makes many players look forward to, after all, everyone wants to decorate their house according to their own wishes. If you can't do this in life, you can do it in the game as a realization of your wish. If you still lack the items to decorate the house, then you need to buy them with ESO Gold. This should be a considerable expense. If you want to save as much money as possible, it is best to go to IGGM to buy cheap ESO Gold. ESO Gold can not only buy some items but also has other functions. When you are in trouble, it can also help you out of trouble, so it is worthwhile to buy ESO Gold.


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