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ESO: A Player Turned Their House Into A 2D Platformer

Posted: Apr 29, 2021 Views: 1027

Posted: Apr 29, 2021

Source:  IGGM

Views: 1027

In ESO, players can enjoy a very in-depth housing system, you can customize your residence according to your preferences, which also means that you can give full play to your creativity. Recently, a player who used to create mazes and puzzles at their home has played his new creation and transformed their house into a 2D platformer inspired by Prince of Persia.

His approach was even praised by Bethesda, emphasizing that this creation is incredible. Created by Triinu, the building process took about 3 days, using existing assets and furniture to create various platforms and jumping obstacles in a unique way.

Because Triinu has created many houses with puzzles, mazes, mud ball arenas, and other content before, and the guild Guarmageddon can enjoy it. After that, the idea of a 2D platformer suddenly appeared in his mind. He was also influenced by some old-school Prince of Persia vibes, which was also his main inspiration.

In order to keep the house functioning properly, visitors are told to "change the camera settings so that you can use interactable without a mouse."

Triinu said that he is crafting another 2D house, although this house will rotate the camera 90 degrees when everyone passes through a door. At the same time, they are also creating a huge adventure for their guild, which will span 4 houses and highlight the "abstract realms", that is, use portals and unlockables to reach the final position, which sounds attractive.

Elder Scrolls Online is still one of the most popular MMO games on the market, with more than 18 million users recently. And in June, Blackwood Chapter will also appear, and fans will be exposed to new quests, gear and regions.

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