Elder Scrolls Online 2024: New Gold Road Chapter Is Coming! - All The Latest News You Need To Know
Posted: Jan 20, 2024 Views: 1857
Hello everyone! There was a lot of ESO news yesterday telling us what to expect in 2024. I gathered all the information available today and created this guide.
Content RoadMap
First, I want to start with Content RoadMap. Thanks to it, we know that “Scions of Ithelia” DLC will be released first. This DLC includes two dungeons, Oathsworn Pit Dungeon and Bedlam Veil Dungeon.
By the way, we already know that there will also be an official livestream dedicated to reviewing this DLC on January 26th.
Gold Road Chapter
The new chapter, Gold Road, will be released in June, with PC and Mac versions on June 3, and Play Station and Xbox console versions on June 18.
This new chapter includes Storyline, new West Weald zone, Scribing System, Public Dungeons and Delves, Lucent Citadel Trial and new group events “Mirrormoor Incursions”. There will also be new Sets, Antiquities, Mementos and more.
Also, a new chapter of Prologue Quest will be released in the spring, most likely after DLC.
West Weald
We got a lot of information about West Weald. It is located between Cyrodiil and Gold Coast. This is where the region’s capital, Skingrad, is located and Imperial’s home turf.
Go southwest and you’ll find Dawnwood. There you’ll find Jungles and Wood Elf settlements of Vashabar. Colovian Highlands are located to the north of West Weald, a mountainous area that is home to Imperial settlement and many ruins.
Liramil and Hermaeus Mora, as well as the handsome Fennorian, will once again join our adventure.
In addition, there will be new characters Beragon, Eveli Sharparrow brother, Alea Idolus, Colovian Centurion and Khajiit investigator Mizzik Thunderboots. This means we’ll have more storylines to unlock and more opportunities to earn ESO Gold.
We also know about pre-order bonuses. There’s a costume, a new crown crate, probably a treasure map, and a Raven pet. If you order chapters recently, you will get additional wolf mount and pet.
Deluxe Edition
Deluxe Edition includes a mount, a griff-scorpion mix, a winemaker emote set, outfit style, memento, and a dog pet.
Scribing System
The unique feature of the new chapter is Scribing System. This system gives the weapon skill line more capabilities. Different Grimoires will be created for this purpose.
For example, a new Grimoire called Soul Touch lets you extract soul magic from the core of your being and cast it on nearby enemies or allies.
You can customize Soul Touch by selecting Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Scripts. You can use Primary to create damage shields for allies, pull enemies towards you, and even change it to Magic, Shock, or Physical Damage.
Also, you can use Soul Infusion Secondary to enable the ability to consume Soul Gems and gain Ultimate, or you can use Recovery Secondary to regain resources for a target ally.
There will be 3 classes, each with multiple options for using that skill. So this system can be very interesting, but also a little complex.
Skill Styles
Skill styles will also appear in the game. Essentially, this system allows you to choose the color of skill animations. This applies to popular abilities across various weapons, guilds, and world skill lines.
Finally, we also get some information about recent events. There will be PVP events in February and Jester’s Festival in March.
That’s all the news we know about the game so far. We’re waiting for January 26th to see what awaits us in the new dungeons. Have a great game! See you next time!
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