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Elder Scrolls Online Q3 Stonethorn DLC Content: The Stone Garden And Castle Thorn

Posted: Jul 13, 2020 Views: 2442

Posted: Jul 13, 2020

Source:  IGGM

Views: 2442

Since January, ZeniMax revealed the Dark Heart of Skyrim to run through the year 2020, an unprecedented and huge adventure. In February, it started with Harrowstorm DLC as the first chapter, and continued the Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor in May on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

The Dark Heart of Skyrim is a year-long adventure in the Elder Scrolls Online, where you'll encounter an ancient evil emerges from the depths, who intents on devouring the souls of Skyrim. The entire adventure contains a total of four releases, including Harrowstorm DLC, Greymoor Chapter, Q3 and Q4 DLCs.

At present, Bethesda and ZeniMax have announced the Q3 DLC called Stonethorn, set to release on all formats soon.

Stonethorn mainly introduced two new group dungeons, The Stone Garden and Castle Thorn, the former happened in the depths of Blackreach Caverns, where you'll encounter new enemies created by Alchemist Arkasis.

And the Castle Thorn is full of vampires, a new legion of baddies to invade the new dungeon, where you are able to receive new item sets and collectibles as rewards. And your mission is to defend these newly added enemies and protect Skyrim.

Also, a free base game patch would come with Stonethorn to improve stability and load times, as well as a neat new features, through it, you can make paths for your pets and mounts around your house, including their walk speed, delays, and how they cycle through each path.

In order to play Stonethorn Chapter more comfortable, ESO Gold is needed to enhance your strength and competitiveness.

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