Elder Scrolls Online: A Comprehensive Guide To Event Collectibles & Master Of Schemes Personality
Posted: Mar 21, 2024 Views: 1483
Here, we're delving into the upcoming event collectible for Elder Scrolls Online: the Master of Schemes personality. Work hard to accumulate ESO Gold to buy the collectibles you want!
Event Collectibles 2019 & 2020
In recent years, Elder Scrolls Online has offered a range of unique collectibles through in-game activities during events.
During 2019 and 2020, players had the opportunity to obtain up to nine variations of the Indrik mount.
Indrik Vendor
Since June 2022, the Indrik Vendor has opened its doors, providing access to past Indrik mounts and pets.
Event Collectibles 2021
In 2021, players had the opportunity to obtain the Deadlands Scorcher Skin, the Deadlands Firewalker Personality, a Dagonic Quasigriff Mount, and the Doomchar Plateau House.
Philius Dormier
Commencing June 2023, Philius Dormier, the Impresario's Assistant, will begin offering a selection of event collectibles from the year 2021 every quarter.
Event Collectibles 2022
During 2022, we had the opportunity to acquire the Scales of Akatosh Skin, Aurelic Quasigriff Mount, Daggerfall Paladin Costume, and the Sacred Hourglass of Alkosh furnishing.
Event Collectibles 2023
During 2023, players had the opportunity to acquire the Passion's Muse Personality, Meadowbreeze Memories skin, Passion Dancer Garment Costume, and Hoardhunter Ursauk Mount.
Event Collectibles 2024
The Planemeld's Master Markings were accessible during Quarter 1 of 2024. Presently, in Quarter 2 of 2024, we have the opportunity to acquire the Master of Schemes personality.
Molag Bal Illusion Imp Pet
If you haven't obtained it yet, we'll need to acquire the new base collectible of the year: the Molag Bal Illusion Imp pet.
In What Ways Might I Acquire The Personality Of The Master Of Schemes?
After obtaining the Molag Bal Illusion Imp pet, you must gather three fragments for the Master of Schemes personality: the Cold Iron Gauntlet fragment, the Grim Iron Mask fragment, and the Tyrant's Soul Gem fragment.
All these fragments can be purchased from the Impresario event merchant for 10 event tickets each. Combine these three fragments with the Molag Bal Illusion Imp pet to unlock the Master of Schemes personality. In total, you'll require 45 event tickets to acquire the Master of Schemes personality.
Include The Master Of Schemes Characteristic In Your Inventory
To access the Master of Schemes personality, open your Collections menu.
Locate the "Fragments" section and click on "Master of Schemes." Right-click on any fragment and select "Combine." After merging the fragments, the Master of Schemes personality will be unlocked and added to your collection.
Explaining Fragments & Showcasing The Master Of Schemes Personality
Combining the fragments will use up your Molag Bal Illusion Imp pet, which you'll have to obtain separately if you want it back.
Furthermore, new upgrade fragments are introduced gradually throughout events, with the latest ones available for purchase from the Impresario's inventory during each event quarter.
It's important to note that exclusive collectibles are only accessible for a limited period. Every quarter, the Impresario's inventory refreshes with new items. Therefore, to obtain the Master of Schemes personality, you must collect the three fragments during the second quarter of 2024.
ESO typically offers upgrade fragments for all unique event collectibles of the year during the New Life Festival in December, but this may not occur every year.
ESO Events 2nd Quarter 2024
Let's explore the upcoming events scheduled for the second quarter of 2024:
Anniversary Jubilee Event
The Anniversary Jubilee Event typically begins in early April. However, in celebration of ESO's 10th anniversary, this year's Anniversary Jubilee will extend over a longer period. During this event, you'll have the opportunity to obtain the first two upgrade fragments for the Master of Schemes personality.
Unknown Event
Details regarding the second event of Quarter 2 are currently undisclosed. It's possible that ESO will introduce a completely new event, or perhaps the popular Zeal of Zenithar event will return. Regardless of the event type, you'll have the chance to acquire all three Master of Schemes fragments during this period.
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