Elden Ring: Where To Find Paintings And Their Rewards?
Posted: Jun 14, 2024 Views: 1647
Paintings are easy items to overlook in Elden Ring, but as you explore Lands Between, you may come across some strange and mysterious paintings inside a building called Artist’s Shack. Players are also looking forward to whether Paintings will change in the upcoming Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, which is released on June 21.
These Paintings may drop rewards after you find them, whether you are a casual player or a player with a determined goal.
What Are Paintings?
There are 7 Paintings to find throughout Elden Ring. Finding Paintings in Artist’s Shack is only the first of two steps to getting rewards. When you find a Painting, use Triangle button to approach it and interact with it. Pick up the painting, whose image and description are in Notes tab in your Inventory.
Remember to go to the place where the painting was taken (the crafting location), but not to the place described in the painting. Therefore, you need to match your location in the open world to the perspective of this painting.
When you reach the right location, you will see a Ghost that looks like an Artist. Approach it and they will disappear and leave an item as a reward. You can keep these items for yourself or take them to the trading place for Elden Ring Runes.
Below is a list of all Paintings locations and rewards to help you find them better.
Homing Instinct Painting
Artist’s Shack Location
From Summonwater Village Outskirts, use Torrent to go south and then jump on the rocks in front of you. After walking along the small cliff, Artist’s Shack is in front of you. You need to interact with Homing Instinct Painting inside.
Reward Location
Continue to use Torrent to fast travel to Seaside Ruins. Once you arrive, drive north and you will pass some bats. There is a small graveyard in front of you. The small mound on the right is Artist. Walk up to Ghost and it will disappear, leaving you an Incantation Scarab.
Prophecy Painting
Artist’s Shack Location
This Artist’s Shack is located in the main open area of Stormveil Castle, and there are many guards standing in a row behind the fortifications. Behind them is another enemy equipped with a greatsword and a dog next to him.
This enemy is a bit tougher to fight, so you need to be careful. After defeating them, you will find Prophecy Painting inside a building to their left.
Reward Location
After getting Prophecy Painting, fast travel to Church of Pilgrimage in the north of Weeping Peninsula. Be careful not to enter the church, just outside, and go to the edge of the cliff, where there will be a small ruin sticking out of the ground.
Two birds will rest on the edge to the right of it. To the left of the ruins you will see Ghost, which will also disappear and leave you with Warhawk Ashes.
Resurrection Painting
Artist’s Shack Location
Artist’s Shack, where this painting is located, is located on the east side of Liurnia of Lakes and is perched on rocks. If you have explored Carian Study Hall before, you will find the location faster because it is located to the west of Carian Study Hall. Just enter and interact with Resurrection Painting.
Reward Location
Once you have Resurrection Painting, head to the back of Caria Manor as soon as possible. If you are unsure how to get there, head toward Three Sisters you can see and then go around the manor to get there.
Once you are there, continue east until you find a graveyard. Ghost will then appear on the right side of the area, on the other side of the rock jutting upwards. Approach it and it will drop you a Juvenile Scholar Cap, Juvenile Scholar Robe, and a Larval Tear, which are very generous rewards.
Redmane Painting
Artist’s Shack Location
First you need to be in Town of Sorcery Sellia in Caelid, then go to Site of Grace called Sellia Under-Stair. Go up the stairs and turn right. Redmane Painting is in the ruins to your left.
Reward Location
You need to stay in Caelid at this point and don’t go anywhere else. Continue to Dragonbarrow Fork, then east to Minor Erdtree. If you see a bunch of large broken jars to your right, you’re on the right! Find the right side of Minor Erdtree and go through the wind tunnel, which will help you to the upper ledge until you find the single large jar on the left.
Use the branches below and slowly find the ground beneath the broken archway. Some small drops can be done by yourself, but some large drops should rely on Torrent. Once you are on the ground, walk to the middle and Ghost will appear. However, you can’t touch it, and it will leave you with Ash of War: Rain of Arrows.
Champion’s Song Painting
Artist’s Shack Location
You need to head to Shaded Castle, more specifically Shaded Castle Ramparts. Turn left at the stairs behind you and follow the castle wall until you find an area on the left where you can descend.
To the right of this area is a wooden shack, Artist’s Shack, with Champion’s Song Painting waiting for you on the first floor.
Reward Location
From Site of Grace called Rampartside Path on Altus Plateau, continue southeast until you come across a small camp. There is a path to your right that will allow you to go back the way you came.
Once you reach the top, you need to move to the cliff overlooking Sainted Hero’s Grave slowly. Here, you will easily find Ghost, who will reward you with a Harp Bow.
Flightless Bird Painting
Artist’s Shack Location
This shack is located in Fortified Manor in Royal Capital Leyndell. It is a building that looks like a round table fortress, so remember to observe it more. Flightless Bird Painting is on the first floor of the hut and is also very easy to find.
Reward Location
This reward requires crossing the map. You need to go to Windmill Village in Altus Plateau. Head straight to the southeast corner of this area, where Ghost will be waiting for you and will eventually reward you with Fire’s Deadly Sin spell.
Sorcerer Painting
Artist’s Shack Location
The last painting is located in Castle Sol on Mountaintops of Giants. As soon as you exit the main entrance, turn left and go through some barbed barricades. Head up the stairs and enter the room on the left. Go up the ladder inside and walk straight along the castle wall to the end. You will find another ladder going down, and Sorcerer Painting is waiting for you at the bottom of the castle.
Reward Location
Do not leave Mountaintops of Giants and continue to Snow Valley Ruins Overlook. Go all the way west and cross a valley full of skeletons that are drilling out of the ground. Eventually there will be a bridge on your left, and Ghost will be sitting in the middle of the bridge to rest. Approach it and you will be rewarded with a Greathood armor piece.
These are all Paintings locations and reward locations in Elden Ring. I hope it will be helpful for your exploration, and we look forward to the release of Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC on June 21!
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