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Easiest Guide to Start Legacy of the Sith in SWTOR

Posted: Sep 19, 2022 Views: 1947

Posted: Sep 19, 2022

Source:  IGGM

Views: 1947

This year marks the 11th anniversary of The Old Republic, and BioWare has released a new expansion for it: Legacy of the Sith, which is also part of the online role-playing game Star Wars. Since this is The Old Republic's eighth expansion, SWTOR is a bit out of date. However, if you want to experience the classic western MMORPG again, this game is still worth playing.

This guide will briefly explain how to really start the story of Legacy of the Sith, and what new and returning players need to be aware of in the current expansion.

If you're new to SWTOR and new to Legacy of the Sith, the first thing you need to do is level up your character to level 75. Only then can you start a overall new game from SWTOR and start the story of Legacy of the Sith.

Legacy of the Sith in SWTOR

It's worth noting that novice players can also benefit from updates and fixes to the Legacy of the Sith story. Although it has little to do with the story, players can increase the flexibility of the game by modifying already created characters and choosing another fighting style.

For those players whose game characters have reached level 75, it mainly depends on the progress of the story you played before. If you've passed the expansion story called "Onslaught" before, the Legacy of the Sith starting quest will automatically appear in your journal.

For those of you who haven't played Onslaught yet, you can prioritize Oircon missions on your own spaceship mission console. Once accepted, you can automatically skip most of the Onslaught quest series and continue quests in Legacy of the Sith faster.

That's all for a brief introduction to starting the Legacy of the Sith story. You can buy SWTOR Credits at 10-min instant delivery is committed after you pay. You can fully trust our service, as long as there is any problem, we will help you solve it quickly.


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