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Diablo 4 Season 2: Unique Items Farming Guide For 5 Endgame Bosses

Posted: Oct 13, 2023 Views: 2061

Posted: Oct 13, 2023

Source:  IGGM

Views: 2061

As we all know, there will be 5 bosses in Diablo 4 Season of Blood, and they will have their own drop tables with specific unique items on them. We have Varshan returning from Season 1, the ultimate boss of Season 2, Lord Zir, and 3 new bosses: Galvanic Saint, Beast in the Ice, and Duriel, King of Maggots.

Summoning Materials

We will summon these bosses using specific materials. For example, Galvanic Saint will require Helltide materials. Lord Zir will require World Boss and Legion event materials. Varshan will need Tree of Whispers bounty material.

Finally, Duriel will need materials from other World Tier 4 bosses. His chance of dropping Uber Uniques also increases! It is said that Uber Uniques will be dropped when the new item strength reaches 920. Diablo 4 items required to summon these bosses will be tradable between players.

This Diablo 4 guide aims to dissect that information, providing an in-depth look at the loot drop system and what players can expect from each endgame boss.

Diablo 4 Season 2: Unique Items Farming Guide For 5 Endgame Bosses

Endgame Bosses

Reinforcements from the darkest depths of Burning Hell take over Sanctuary, ushering in a new era of death and wanton destruction. This batch of ultra-difficult endgame bosses are not for the faint of heart, but the chance to earn unique and cosmetic items awaits those who muster the courage to take on them.

Each boss has a variety of unique items that can be dropped, some of which are unique to that boss. The same goes for the special items they may drop. You can earn tons of Diablo 4 Gold by selling these unique items.

Starting in World Tier 3, you can test yourself on killing these ugly bosses in Eternal or Seasonal Realms. In World Tier 4, more intense encounters await you. Here are the requirements for encountering them and the rewards you may receive.

Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint (World Tier 3 & 4): You must collect enough Living Steel from Tortured Offering in Helltide. In addition to unique items that can only be dropped from Grigoire, you also have a chance to obtain Demonbinder Mount Armor Cosmetic.

Echo of Varshan (World Tier 3 & 4): Defeating Grotesque Debtors in Whispers of the Dead gives you a chance to get a part of Varshan’s body. Once you have enough parts, including Malignant Heart, you can summon Varshan. In addition to unique items that can only be dropped from Varshan, this boss also has a chance to drop Flesh-Weld Rod Trophy.

Beast in the Ice (World Tier 4): Collect Distilled Fear when completing Nightmare Dungeon at level 30 or higher. When you have collected enough, visit Occultist and craft Glacial Fissure Nightmare Sigil. Then activate it and you can fight Beast in the Ice. In addition to the unique items unique to it, Skull Torch and Fell Steed Mount Trophies may also drop from this boss.

Dark Master (World Tier 4): By completing World Boss or Legion event in World Tier 4, you will earn Exquisite Blood. Once you have enough, you can summon Dark Master. In addition to its unique item, Diadem of the Ancient Helm Cosmetic may also drop from this boss.

Echo of Duriel (World Tier 4): Defeat Galvanic Saint and Varshan in World Tier 4 to collect Mucus-Slick Eggs and Shards of Agony. Once you have enough resources, you can summon Lord of Pain, Duriel!

Among the bosses, Duriel is the only one with a chance of dropping Uber Unique items. They can also drop Smoldering Brimstone Mount from this boss.

Diablo 4 Season 2: New Endgame Bosses - Season of Blood

Extra Tips

Every time you want to fight a boss, you’ll need to meet its summoning conditions, so keep any extra summoning materials you might have picked up along the way.

Meanwhile, preparing for these bosses requires a layered approach. Collect materials for the first set of bosses, starting with Whispers and Helltide. Once defeated, these bosses provide materials for the next group.

For fans of Diablo 1, the process may be similar to Uber Tristram event. Players need to collect Mucus-Slick Eggs from the primary boss to access Duriel. We should note that failing against Duriel means you will lose the ingredients to summon him.

While the opportunity to target the farm’s powerful unique creatures is exciting, there are concerns about the difficulty level. Uber Lilith’s current situation sets a precedent for an almost impossible challenge. We want Duriel to be challenging. He has to be tough, but not so strong that he’s inaccessible to most players.


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