Diablo 4: How To Save Time & Gold At The Start Of Season 1? - Some Useful Tips
Posted: Jul 18, 2023 Views: 1396
In this guide, I have some tips about how you can save much gold and time and Diablo 4. In particular, Diablo 4 Season 1 is just a few days away. Every player will start the season with empty pockets and few resources. Therefore, knowing these tips in advance will be of great help to start the new season.
You may have noticed that when enchanting Diablo 4 Items, certain affixes are available more often than others. This is because of the mechanics. Among all the possible affixes that exist for the different item types, there are so-called priority affixes.
If you know enchant your item at the Occultist, you always get too much to choose from and one of them is always a priority affix. The other one is not a priority affix. It is unlike any other from the remaining affix pool.
Since the amount of different priority affixes is quite small, we have a better chance of getting them on a roll. Some of the priority affixes are even really good. So, it’s always more practical if the missing stat you want to roll on your item is the priority affix, which is easy to roll.
With the ring, for example, Critical Strike Chance is a priority affix. You can always get it rolled fast. So, if you want to have a ring with Critical Strike Chance and 3 certain damage affixes, it’s better with the Critical Strike Chance missing. You can get it with only a little effort.
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The priority affixes of the different item types can be found on the website D4craft.com and also lots of more information I have listed the priority affixes for all item types for you.
Control Impaired Duration Reduction
Cooldown Reduction (4.4 - 10.0%)
Crowd Control Duration
Total Armor (3.1 - 7.3%)
Class Related:
Ressource Cost Reduction (9.5 - 16.5%)
Ranks For Passive Skills (Various) (1 - 2)
Critical Strike Chance (1.8 - 5.0%)
Basic Skill Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction (4.4 - 10.0%)
Crowd Control Duration
Total Armor (3.1 - 7.3%)
Attack Speed (4.4 - 10.0%)
Critical Strike Chance (3.0 - 8.0%)
Dodge Chance
Dodge Chance Against Distant Enemies
Ressource Cost Reduction (4.2 - 7.0%)
Control Impaired Duration Reduction
Total Armor (3.1 - 7.3%)
Dodge Chance
Dodge Chance Against Distant Enemies
Potion Capacity
Potion Drop Rate
Total Armor (3.1 - 7.3%)
Weapon: (Class Related)
Strength,Dexterity,Intelligence,Willpower (49 - 63 IH, 98 - 126 2H)
Ressource Cost Reduction (4.2 - 7.0%)
Control Impaired Duration Reduction
Cooldown Reduction (4.4 - 10.0%)
Critical Strike Chance (3.0 - 8.0%)
Basic Skill Attack Speed
One of this priority affixes always is in the choice when enchanting an item (but only one). So, these affixes are more easy to get!
The green ones are as useful ones you might want to have. With the amulet, there is the highest amount of different priority affixes, especially because there are so many different passive skills that can roll. Here, it’s very hard to get exactly what you want even if it is a priority affix.
On this amulet here, my Barbarian would like to have cooldown reduction, which is a priority affix. But I had no luck yet and rolling became very expensive. Keep this mechanics in mind when farming and building your best in slot items.
Below are some further short tips.
*If you need some Diablo 4 Gold for upgrading, look for the mines in the red marked area. The mines will give you lots of gold in a short time.
*As soon as you are in World Tier 3, run the Helltide Events. You get nice loot there and also some materials you will urgently need. The Forgotten Souls can be found nowhere else. You also should watch out for the mines there, so you get some gold on the fly and there are even some special Helltide Veins, which also drop the Forgotten Souls.
Otherwise, you get them by opening Helltide Chests, the ones for 175 points payout most. On the website, helltides.com, you can look for the spots.
*When running dungeons, always explore the map downwards first until you have completed all area targets. The passage to the next area or to the boss always goes up left or upright. In general, the map always develops from the bottom to the top.
You can see some layout examples for every dungeon on Maxroll. For your favorite dungeons, you should also remember how the map target spots look like and keep your eyes open for them.
*Finally, always check the vendors. They change their items every four hours. And sometimes, they have some real treasures.
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