Diablo 4: How To Complete Keybinds, Controls Setup & Force Move?
Posted: May 15, 2023 Views: 1713
Lately, because I keep getting a lot of questions about my Diablo 4 keybinds, and many people are confused about how to left click to complete character movement and interactions. So I wanted to explain how I did my Diablo 4 keybinds.
Since this is during Server Slam, I assume the operation will basically stay the same forever. We may relate this to your playstyle, so you can see how to set it up.
So if you go into the options in the controls, you’ll have your keybinds, and there are multiple ways to set up your mouse. You can do it the standard way and left click to move the interaction and basic skill slots. Most do, but it means that if you accidentally click on an enemy, you’ll attack them.
So here, when I click on the enemy, I don’t start moving. Many people don’t like this. They want a button that can only move. That way, it doesn’t accidentally attack when you don’t want it to. And what you can do is Force Move.
In my experience, I have the mouse wheel up and down. So that’s usually how I move, and it’s how I’ve done it in Diablo 3 for years. And I think it works fine for me to move like this with the mouse wheel. Because when I want to relax, I can just leave a click.
Of course, you don’t have to use the mouse wheel, as you can use any other button. You can hold it down and it will keep you moving. But if you’re on level three, the mouse wheel is extremely valuable, since there are other ways to use it.
For example, if there is a lot of loot on the ground. They might like to left click, then use the mouse wheel, then click the mouse again so that they can quickly pick up a bunch of loot on the ground, Diablo 4 Gold, and whatnot. So that’s why if you like mouse wheels, now this will help.
You need to know is that you actually need to disable a certain setting here, which is scaling the mouse wheel here. Default checks this, and if checked, we can assign nothing to the mouse wheel.
So we need to delete it first, in case you don’t know where your “Zoom” went. It’s on the operating wheel here, so you can still do that. But you can’t do it with the mouse wheel.
Finally, there are settings for combo moves and basic skill slots. So if you’re an unbinder, you’re going to have actual separate settings for all three options. So you can see here that it only moves.
There are moves and interactions that some people like to do. If they left-click something they want to like, but don’t want to click an enemy, you can disable the piercing button. That way, it has nothing on your base skills. When I click on an enemy, nothing happens.
But I can still open this trunk here. So there is still a way to attack, which is Force attack. This is the default shift. You can hold Shift, and you can still left-click to attack the enemies you see here. But there are also moves built in, so you’re actually starting to get around pretty much the default way. But that’s how it works.
Also Read: Diablo 4: 5 Tips For Beating Ashava During Server Slam!
I’m guessing it’s not exactly standing still, it depends on how exactly you rig your character. But you can still move plus interact and attack, as long as you hold Shift every time you want to use left-click.
I’m usually used to hitting Shift when using basic attacks, but doing this every time for every attack can be a bit of a hassle. So this is definitely something you’ll have to figure out yourself. But you can also assign another button to your basic skill. For example, you can put it on five buttons, or you can put it on another mouse button.
I definitely recommend turning on that Advanced Tooltip Compare and Advanced Tooltip Info. This will give you more information about your skills or items when you view them.
That’s all for my Diablo 4 keybinds. Hope this method helps you. Good luck.
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Diablo 4 Season 7 Item And Affixes: How To Choose Them?
In Diablo 4, the game content of the player is simply to fight monsters, gain experience and level up, and then continue to fight monsters. Of course, the real game situation is much more complicated than this process. I believe that many players have such a consensus that when you feel that your weapon has changed and the damage to monsters is not as high as before, and you know that you should change your equipment at this time.
However, weapons and equipment are not good just because they are high in level. Players usually have to consider the type, affix and quality of items. Here is a brief introduction on how to choose your items.
In addition to the main quality, the quality in Diablo 4 also has two subqualities. You can think of the main quality as the rarity of the item.
Main Qualities
- Normal
- Magic
- Rare
- Legendary
- Unique
- Mythic Unique
Normal has no affixes, magic items have one affix, rare items have two affixes, and legendary items have three affixes and a Legendary Aspect. Unique items have four fixed affixes and unique powers and cannot be tempered or enchanted by Occultist. A Mythic Unique is similar to a unique item with the same number of affixes and unique powers, but more powerful.
Subqualities are less complex than the primary qualities, and there are only two types: Normal, and Ancestral. Ancestral items have a higher power limit than normal items. They also have at least one Greater Affix, and a maximum of 4 Greater Affixes. These affixes have a maximum roll multiplier of 1.5, making them the strongest affixes in the game.
If you don’t like the affixes on an item, you can reroll them at Occultist with Diablo 4 Gold and materials.
Diablo IV’s item system is modular, specifically divided into these four modules:
- Inherent Physical Characteristic: Physical Characteristics included according to the item type
- Item Affixes: Contains different numbers of affixes depending on the quality of the item.
- Legendary Aspect: Powerful bonus of legendary items, which could be stored in Codex of Power.
- Unique Power: Unique power of unique items.
Physical Characteristics
Physical Characteristics are attributes assigned to the item type. This attribute is permanent and cannot be changed. However, the higher the item level, the higher the value of Physical Characteristics will usually become.
Armor and Jewelry Fixed Characteristics:
- Amulet: +X% All Resistances
- Ring: +X% Resistance to All Elements, +X% Specific Elemental Resistance
- Helm, Chest, Gloves, Pants: Flat Armor
- Boots: flat Armor and choose one of them: Max Evade Charge(s)/Evade Grants X% Movement Speed1.5 Seconds/Attacks Reduce Evade’s Cooldown by 1.0 Seconds
Weapon Fixed Characteristics
- Ax (1H/2H): +X% Damage Over Time
- Bow: +X% Critical Strike Damage
- Dagger: +X% Damage to Close Enemies
- Crossbow: +X% Vulnerable Damage
- Mace (1H/2H): +X% Overpower Damage
- Polearm +X% Vulnerable Damage
- Scythe (1H/2H): +X% Summoning Damage
- Staff: +X% Damage Over Time
- Sword (1H/2H): +X% Critical Strike Damage
- Wand: +X% Vulnerable Damage
Off-hand Fixed Characteristics
- Focus: +X% Lucky Hit Chance
- Shield: Flat Armor, +20% Block Chance, + [25-45]% Blocked Damage Reduction, +80% Main Hand Weapon Damage, +Thorns
- Totem: +X% Lucky Hit Chance
Although there are nearly 20 weapons in the game, not all classes can use them. Each class has its own weapons.
- Barbarian: 1H Axe, 2H Axe, 1H Mace, 2H Mace, Polearm, 1H Sword, 2H Sword
- Druid: 1H Axe, 2H Axe, Dagger, 1H Mace, 2H Mace, Polearm, Staff, 1H Sword, Totem
- Necromancer: 1H Axe, 2H Axe, Dagger, 1H Mace, 2H Mace, 1H Scythe, 2 H Scythe, 1H Sword, 2H Sword, Wand, Focus, Shield
- Rogue: Bow, Crossbow, Dagger, 1H Sword
- Sorcerer: Dagger, 1H Mace, Staff, 1H Sword, Wand, Focus
- Spiritborn: Glaive, Polearm, Quarterstaff
Combining Physical Characteristics of weapons and equipment, you can know how you should choose weapons based on Physical Characteristics you need. If you like to knock out enemies with Critical Strike, then maybe Sword is more suitable for you.
Affixes only appear on Magic, Rare, Legendary, and Unique items. Although there are a lot of affixes, they are not always useful for your class.
When the player level reaches 15, you will automatically receive the quest “Tempering,” and after completing the quest, you can obtain Temper Manuals. Temper Manuals allows players to add Temper affixes to legendary and rare items to customize their equipment. Each item has a maximum of 2 slots for two Temper affixes.
Adding affixes to items requires a certain amount of resources. Players can enter Diablo 4 Items Giveaways In IGGM Discord. There will be raffles in this channel, and various items will be given away, such as Obducite, Andariel Mats and malignant Heart.
Here are the number of affixes each item can gain:
- Magic Item: 1
- Rare Item: 3 + 2 Tempered Affixes
- Legendary Item: 4 + 2 Tempered Affix + 1 Legendary Aspect
- Ancestral Legendary Item: 4 (1 Greater Affix) + 2 Tempered Affixes + 1 Legendary Aspect
- Unique Item: 4 Preset Affixes + 1 Unique Power
- Ancestral Unique Item: 4 Preset Affixes (1 Greater Affix) + 1 Unique Power
- Ancestral Mythic Unique Item: 4 Preset Affixes (1 Greater Affix) + 1 Mythic Unique Power
Legendary Aspects
Legendary Aspects are special affixes that appear on Legendary items. Once you gain them, they are saved in your Codex of Power.
There are two ways to gain Legendary Aspects. One is to collect Legendary Aspects from other Legendary Items, and the other is to obtain them through dungeons. However, please note that when you collect a Legendary Aspect from a Legendary Item, Legendary Item will be destroyed.
Legendary Aspects are divided into five categories: Defensive, Offensive, Resource, Utility, and Mobility. Different equipment can only accept certain types of Legendary Aspects.
You can use gold to assign Legendary Aspects to rare or legendary items at Occultist, but this method cannot make rare items legendary. Its number of affixes remains unchanged.
Each time the player dies, the durability of the equipment will decrease by 10%, which can be repaired at the blacksmith with gold.
The above is the basic content about how to choose equipment in Diablo 4. Diablo 4’s forging system is relatively complex. If you want to create the strongest build, you must have a full understanding of this system.
Diablo 4 Season 8 New Unique Items And Aspect: Do They Have A Big Impact On Classes?
In Season 8 of Diablo 4, a ton of items will be added to the game. The good news is that boss summoning items are being removed in Season 8, making your backpack a lot cleaner.
In Season 8, each class will have a new unique item and a new Legendary Aspect. This will definitely have an impact on the performance of each build. Let’s take a look at what items are added to each class.
Ancestral Unique Gloves: Bane Of Ahjad-Den
- [8.0 - 12.5]% Cooldown Reduction
- + [4 - 6] to Mighty Throw
- + [114.0 - 150.0]% Critical Strike Damage
- + [7 - 10] Fury per Second
Every 12 seconds, your next Mighty Throw will immediately detonate a pulse, dealing Fire damage, and dealing [400.0 - 600.0]% [x] bonus damage.
Aspect Of Delayed Extinction
Allowed Item Types:
- 1H Weapon
- 2H Weapon (Power increased by 100%)
- Gloves
- Amulet (Power increased by 50%)
- Ring
Mighty Throw and Steel Grasp now gain multiplicative damage from Cooldown Reduction instead of Cooldown, and their damage is increased by an additional [125 - 250]% [x].
Mighty Throw Barbarian was great in Season 7 due to its high damage, but the best endgame build was HotA Earthquake Barbarian. With these buffs, Mighty Throw Barbarian may become the best endgame build.
Ancestral Unique Helm: Gathlen’s Birthright
- +128 Armor
- Anima of the Forest grants 15% attack speed
- + [10.5 - 15.0]% Willpower
- + [2 - 3to] Humanity
- + [224 - 296] Armor
- + [17.5 - 23.0]% Movement Speed in Human Form
While in Human Form, critically hitting an enemy with Nature Magic [400 - 200] times grants you Anima of the Forest for 10 seconds. After infusing Anima of the Forest, you will gain Perfect Storm and Earthen Might key passives.
Aspect Of Impending Deluge
Allowed Item Types:
- 1H Weapon
- 2H Weapon (Power increased by 100%)
- Gloves
- Amulet (Power increased by 50%)
- Ring
Storm Strike’s damage is increased by 50% [x], and the target takes [20 - 40]% [x] more damage from other spells for 6 seconds.
Druids are already very strong in the game, and this buff to Storm Strike makes them more efficient at farming Diablo 4 Gold and clearing dungeons in season 8.
Ancestral Unique Two-Handed Sword: Sanguivor, Blade Of Zir
- 496 Damage Per Second
- [397 - 595] Damage per Hit
- 1.00 Attacks per Second (Slow)
- +60.0% Skeleton Mage Damage
- +60.0% Golem Damage
- + [160 - 188] Intelligence
- + [1,222 - 1,316] Maximum Life
- +2 to Skeletal Warrior Mastery, Golem Mastery and Skeletal Mage Mastery
- + [32.0 - 50.0]% Chance for Army of the Dead to Deal Double Damage
Damage dealt by your summons causes enemies to be affected by Vampiric Curse. Consuming corpses also contributes a soul to Vampiric Curse, which can now stack up to 20 souls.
Army of the Dead can now release Vampiric Curse souls, increasing the damage done by Army of the Dead and souls by [5.0 - 10.0]% [x] per soul released.
Aspect Of Service and Sacrifice
Allowed Item Types:
- Amulet (Power increased by 50%)
- 1H Weapon
- 2H Weapon (Power increased by 100%)
- Gloves
- Ring
Skeleton Warriors explode upon death, dealing [150 - 300] physical damage to nearby enemies. They lose 25% of their health per second in combat. Skeleton Mages take 90% less damage and deal [50.0 - 100.0]% [x] more damage.
Summoning-dependent Necromancers are able to perform well in leveling up and farming gold, but their performance in the endgame is average, not as good as Blood Wave Necromancers, and this may not change in Season 8.
Read More: Diablo 4 New Expansion Will Be Delayed Until 2026!
Ancestral Unique Gloves: Bands Of Ichorous Rose
- 64 Armor
- +4 Maximum Poison Traps
- + [18.5 - 27.5]% Poison Trap triggers twice
- + [10.5 - 15.0]% Attack Speed
- + [3.0 - 5.0]% Maximum Poison Resistance
- + [41.5 - 55.0]% Poison Resistance
Poison Traps always deal full damage over 3 seconds, and benefit from all upgrades, increasing damage by [50.0 - 100.0]% [x].
Poison Trap also:
- Benefits from Combo Points
- Has no Cooldown during Inner Sight
- Cooldown is reduced by Preparation
Aspect Of Contamination
Allowed Item Types:
- Amulet (Power increased by 50%)
- 1H Weapon
- 2H Weapon (Power increased by 100%)
- Gloves
- Ring
When triggered, Poison Trap explodes, dealing [225 - 375] Poison damage. If this explosion is a critical hit, you deal [20 - 40]% [x] Poison damage for 5 seconds.
Poison Trap is not a mainstream skill in Rogue and has little impact on Rogue builds. Perhaps it can be slightly enhanced for Death Trap Rogue builds.
Ancestral Unique Helm: Hail Of Verglas
- 128 Armor
- +7.5% Maximum Cold Resistance
- +50.0% Cold Resistance
- + [4 - 6] to Ice Shards
- + [10.5 - 15.0]% Intelligence
- + [10.5 - 15.0]% Attack Speed
- [13.0 - 17.5]% Maximum Life
Ice Shards now spread 2 additional shards. Each time Ice Shards damage an enemy, the damage dealt is increased by [1.0 - 1.5]% [x] over 5 seconds, up to a maximum of [50.0 - 75.0]% [x].
Shivering Aspect
Allowed Item Types:
- 1H Weapon
- 2H Weapon (Power increased by 100%)
- Gloves
- Amulet (Power increased by 50%)
- Ring
Depending on how Frozen or Stunned the enemy is, they take up to [20 - 40]% [x] more damage. The Chill you apply is increased by 15%.
Ice Sorcerer underperformed in Season 7 and was abandoned by players. The best Sorcerer builds focused on Lightning and Fire builds. This buff may help Ice Sorcerer perform a little better in the endgame.
Ancestral Unique Amulet: Sunbird’s Gorget
- + [16.0 - 25.0]% Movement Speed
- + [2 - 3] to Acceleration
- + [2 - 3] to Furnace
- + [2 - 3] to Potent
Pick up a Storm Feather to create a Firestorm around you that lasts for 8 seconds, dealing [225 - 450] Fire damage every 0.5 seconds. For every 5 additional Storm Feathers you pick up, Firestorm grows stronger, increasing its damage by 100% [x], but does not refresh its duration. Firestorm counts as an Eagle, Jaguar, and Storm Feather Skill.
Rip And Tear Aspect
Allowed Item Types:
- 1H Weapon
- 2H Weapon (Power increased by 100%)
- Gloves
- Amulet (Power increased by 50%)
- Ring
Rushing Claw deals [10 - 30]% [x] more damage, and is enhanced based on the number of charges you have when you cast it:
- 1. Restores 15% of your maximum health.
- 2. Guaranteed suppression.
- 3. Guaranteed critical hit.
- 4. Attacks once more.
Spiritborn is a very strong class, and performs well in leveling up, farming gold and completing quests. This unique item is undoubtedly another big boost for Spiritborn.
The above are the new unique items and Aspects of Season 8. They may have an impact on the next season, but the overall impact is not significant. They just provide players with more choices.
Diablo 4 Season 8 Boss Powers: What Are Their Effects?
In 2.2.0 PTR released on March 11, I believe that players must have learned about the new powers in Season 8. The theme of Season 8 will be Boss Power! That’s right, when you defeat Bosses, in addition to gold, materials, and equipment, you will also gain their powers! This news is much more shocking than Witch Power! This time Boss Powers and Witch Powers are somewhat similar but different in detail.
Any Boss killed in Sanctuary will grant you a Boss Power. Magic Powers Powers can be obtained at any difficulty. Lair Boss Powers are unlocked by defeating them at Torment 1 or higher.
Boss Powers
There are a total of 24 Boss Powers in Season 8, which are divided into three qualities:
- Magic Powers: 10
- Rare Powers: 9
- Legendary Powers: 5
Players can only carry 1 Boss Power and 3 modifiers at a time. All 24 Boss Powers can be used as primary powers or modifiers. Primary Boss Powers work by enhancing the abilities of your class. Modifiers are used to amplify Boss Powers. These Boss Powers will be a great help when farming Diablo 4 Gold, exploring dungeons, or challenging The Pit.
Legendary Powers
Andariel’s Flaming Skull
- Source: Andariel, Maiden of Anguish.
- Main: After standing for 1 second, summon a skull for 4 seconds that spins around you and spews flames, burning enemies for 1,200% damage over 3 seconds.
- Modifier: Damage over time effects that burn enemies deal 21% more damage. For 5 seconds after activating Main Boss Power, all your other attacks will burn enemies for 1,800% damage over 3 seconds.
Belial’s Eye Beams
- Source: Belial, Lord of Lies.
- Main: After drinking a healing potion, gain 75% damage reduction for 2 seconds and summon eye beams that corrupt enemies for 1,750% damage over 3.5 seconds. Your healing potions will then become inactive for 5 seconds. You can drink healing potions at full health.
- Modifier: Activate your main Boss power to gain 2 seconds of unbreakable Stealth. While Stealth, you deal 11% [x] more Overpower Damage.
Duriel’s Burrow
- Source: Duriel, King of Maggots.
- Main: You now burrow underground when you Evade, incapacitating nearby enemies for 5 seconds and dealing 200% damage when you enter and leave. While burrowed, you deal 200% damage every 0.25 seconds. Evade’s cooldown is increased by 4 seconds, and Evade’s cooldown reduction effect is 50%.
- Modifier: Activating your main Boss power increases your chance to dodge by 21% [+] for 2 seconds. Whenever you dodge an attack, you incapacitate nearby enemies for 3 seconds.
Lilith’s Wind Of Hate
- Source: Echo of Lilith.
- Main: When casting a skill, attack enemies with a spike wave that lasts for 2 seconds, dealing 250% physical damage. Each time Wind of Hate hits an enemy, enemies take 60% [x] more damage, up to a maximum of 300% [x].
- Modifier: Hitting an elite enemy with the main Boss power creates a Blister Clone with 10% of their maximum health for 15 seconds. Killing a Blister removes 5.25% of Elite’s health. Elites can have up to 3 Blisters active at once, excluding World Bosses.
Harbinger Of Hatred’s Volley
- Source: Harbinger of Hatred.
- Main: After damaging a vulnerable enemy, fire a piercing projectile for 1.3 seconds that deals 400% Fire damage and applies Vulnerability. Deal 40% [x] bonus damage to vulnerable enemies.
- Modifier: Casting a basic skill at max resources consumes all resources, making all nearby enemies vulnerable. Activating the main Boss power increases vulnerability by 11% [x] for 5 seconds.
Rare Powers
Beast in the Ice’s Sleet
- Source: Beast in the Ice.
- Primary: After casting 3 skills that apply crowd control or stagger effects, fire a hail spike that deals 800% Cold damage and Freezes enemies for 2 seconds.
- Modifier: your main Boss power now Freezes enemies, and it damages by 2.5% [x].
Belial’s Crystal Decoy
- Source: Belial Lair Ambush.
- Main: When you cast an Agility, Defensive, or Macabre skill, a crystal is created that taunts enemies and explodes after 3 seconds for 600% Shadow damage.
- Modifier: Activating your main Boss power causes nearby enemies to be feared for 0.75 seconds and deal 50% Shadow damage to them.
Varshan’s Life Steal
- Source: Echo of Varshan.
- Main: Whenever you lose 25% of your maximum health, attach a life steal beam to attackers, restoring 10% of your maximum health and dealing 1200% Corrosive damage to them over 3 seconds.
- Modifier: Activating your main Boss power deals 200% Corrosive damage over 2 seconds to nearby enemies.
Grigoire’s Lightning Square
- Source: Grigoire, the Galvanic Saint.
- Main: After casting a core ability, lightning shoots outward for 1.2 seconds, dealing 300% Lightning damage per hit.
- Modifier: Each time you activate, damage an enemy with your main Boss power, stunning enemies hit for 0.25 seconds.
Lord Zir’s Blood Pool
- Source: Lord Zir.
- Main: After you damage an enemy, create a pool of blood that deals 400% Bleeding damage per second for 4 seconds. You can have up to 3 active blood pools.
- Modifier: Activating your main Boss power heals you for 5.5% of your maximum health over 3 seconds.
Urivar’s Lobbed Bombs
- Source: Urivar.
- Main: After casting your ultimate, drop 4 bombs that deal 800% Fire damage and reduce the cooldown of your ultimate by 5 seconds.
- Modifier: Killing an enemy with your main Boss power reduces the cooldown of your ultimate by 0.2 seconds.
Ashava’s Poison Breath
- Source: Ashava the Pestilent.
- Main: Hitting an enemy affected by Damage Over Time creates a wave of acid that deals 400% Poison damage over 4 seconds. Poison increases by 10% for every 1% of the target’s current health taken by Damage Over Time.
- Modifier: Each time activated, damaging an enemy with your main Boss power also deals 45% Poison damage over 3 seconds.
Avarice’s Explosive Ore
- Source: Avarice the Gold Cursed.
- Main: When you gain excess main resources, create a block of ore. After 2.5 seconds, the ore explodes, dealing 700% Fire damage. You can create up to 3 blocks of ore at a time.
- Modifier: Activating your main Boss power consumes all of your primary resources, increasing its damage by 1.5% [x] for each resource point consumed.
Wandering Death’s Chest Beam
- Source: Wandering Death.
- Main: While channeling a skill, create a beam that deals 300% Frostbite damage per second. Enemies hit take 50% [x] increased damage for 1 second.
- Modifier: your main Boss power instantly executes non-Boss enemies below 15% health. When you execute an enemy, you gain 25 primary resources.
In Season 8, killing a World Boss will now grant Rare Powers in addition to gold and large chests, with no difficulty limit.
Magic Boss Powers
Allek’s Talons
- Source: Allek Apparition.
- Main: Casting a basic skill deals 200% spark damage to enemies hit for 4 seconds.
- Modifier: Gain 5% increased movement speed, and for every 1% cooldown reduction, increase movement speed by 0.5%, up to a maximum of 11%.
Beastmaster’s Training
- Source: Beastmaster Apparition.
- Main: Whenever you cast a summon skill or call in a mercenary for reinforcement, one of your summons or mercenaries taunts an enemy and gains 40% reduced damage.
- Modifier: Your summons deal 5% [x] more damage, and for every 1% extra critical damage you gain from items and paragons, increase it by 0.25% [x], up to a maximum of 17% [x].
Blackmailer’s Sabotage
- Source: Blackmailer Apparition.
- Main: Casting a core skill while shielded knocks down nearby enemies for 1.1 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 5 seconds on the same enemy.
- Modifier: Whenever you gain a fortify, gain 20% more shield.
Flesh Reaper’s Disruption
- Source: Flesh Reaper Apparition.
- Main: Damaging a vulnerable enemy removes the vulnerability, then stuns them and surrounding enemies for 0.5 seconds. This stun applies 100% stagger to Bosses.
- Modifier: Gain 5% [x] vulnerability, increasing by 0.25% [x] for every 1% bonus to crowd control duration, up to 10.5% [x].
Hatred’s Embrace’s Haste
- Source: Hatred’s Embrace Apparition.
- Main: Casting a Shadow or Fire skill increases movement speed by 1.1% for 3 seconds, up to 11%.
- Modifier: Gain 5% [+] critical strike chance, increasing by 0.5% [+] for every 1% Shadow resistance, up to 22.5% [+].
Kirma’s Sparks
- Source: Kirma Apparition.
- Main: When you dodge, deal 200% Spark damage over 4 seconds to close enemies.
- Modifier: Your dodge cooldown is reduced by 5%, and for every 1% increase in Lightning Resistance, your dodge cooldown is increased by 0.2%, up to a maximum of 11%.
Outlaw Sharpshooter’s Eye
- Source: Outlaw Sharpshooter Apparition.
- Main: Deal direct damage to a ranged enemy, slowing them and nearby enemies by 40% for 5 seconds.
- Modifier: The farther away an enemy is from you, the more damage you deal to them, up to a maximum of 10.5% [x].
Sinerat’s Flames
- Source: Sinerat Apparition.
- Main: Use mobility skills to burn close enemies, dealing 200% Burn damage over 4 seconds.
- Modifier: Increases damage from all elements by 5% [x]. For every 1% increase in elemental resistance, increase the damage of that element by 0.2% [x], up to a maximum of 15.5% [x].
Skerg’s Toxins
- Source: Skerg Apparition.
- Main: When an enemy applies Damage Over Time effect to you, inflict 1000% Poison Damage to them over 4 seconds.
- Modifier: When you take damage from Damage Over Time effect, you have a 5% chance to be healed, with a bonus of 50% increased Poison Resistance, up to a maximum of 12%.
Torusk’s Rage
- Source: Torusk Apparition.
- Main: Damaging a disabled enemy makes them and surrounding enemies Unstoppable, but increases your damage, attack speed, and movement speed by 10.5% [x] for 3 seconds.
- Modifier: Gain 5% [+] attack speed, and for every 1% damage dealt to controlled enemies, the attack speed will increase by 0.25% [+], up to a maximum of 10.5% [+].
The above are Boss powers of Season 8. There should be some changes before Season 8 is officially launched. But this should only be an adjustment to the numerical aspects, and there should not be too many changes in other aspects. Let us wait and see.
Diablo 4 Season 8 Boss, Difficulty And Drop Rates: Next Season Brings Big Changes
The delay of Diablo 4 Season 8 to April 29 is somewhat frustrating. But the good news is that the developers will bring major changes in Season 8. Previously, the developers claimed that an “old friend” would return in Season 8. Players have been speculating and guessing about this. Now the answer has been revealed. It is Belial, the boss in Diablo 3.
There has been such a saying in Diablo 4 player community. The fun of Diablo 4 is to level up and obtain equipment before clearing the game constantly. Once the endgame is reached, the character basically becomes invincible, and even the boss is difficult to challenge.
Therefore, in the endgame of Diablo 4, even if the player obtains a lot of Diablo 4 Gold, unique weapons or legendary equipment, it is difficult to have the excitement of the game’s pioneering period. In other words, the game becomes boring due to the excessive performance of the character in the late game.
To change this situation, the developers announced that they will introduce the following changes in the next season:
- Players will reach level 60 more slowly, and Torment will become more difficult
- Three new bosses will be added to the game in Season 8, including Belial from Diablo 3
- Re-adjust the drop rate of legendary equipment
The developers intend to increase the difficulty of the game in Season 8 greatly. In Season 7, half of the players reached the highest difficulty of the game, Torment 4, which was far beyond their expectations. The development team estimated that the number of players was only 10%. Therefore, in order to reach this number, the difficulty in Season 8 will be greatly increased, making Torment 4 like “real hell”.
I hope that the developers will not only make changes in the numerical value, because the simple numerical change will not satisfy the players. Because the monsters that were originally easy to kill suddenly have extremely high health and attack power in the next difficulty, which will make players feel that their upgrades are not rewarded, giving players a sense of frustration. It would be better to introduce some mechanical changes.
I’ve always felt that Diablo 4 doesn’t have enough bosses, especially compared to Path of Exile 2. Fortunately, Season 8 will add three new end-game bosses: Urivar, Harbinger of Hatred, and Belial, the Lord of Lies.
Belial, the Lord of Lies, will serve as the game’s pinnacle boss. He must have left a deep impression on players of Diablo III’s multi-stage second act battle, and in the final stage, this hideous demon’s huge body took up most of your screen. Diablo IV’s lead season designer Deric Nuñez told players: “He is climbing his way to the top of the lair boss ladder. He is the new exalted pinnacle challenge within the ladder. He is the highest challenge, the highest reward.”
The theme of Season 8 should be bosses. After defeating a boss, players will unlock the boss’s skills and use them. It is said that there will be 24 boss skills for players to collect, experiment with, and combine. Honestly, playing a boss is way more fun than playing a witch. I’m already excited about Season 8.
In addition to the new boss powers, the team also announced that the boss summoning conditions will be simplified in Season 8. Summoning bosses no longer requires a variety of summons. These messy summons really pollute the player’s inventory. Boss Ladder system will be removed and replaced by Lair Key system. Each boss requires its own Lair Key, and the main purpose of these keys is to unlock the loot after defeating the boss. Without a Lair Key, even if you defeat the boss, you can’t even get any Diablo 4 Gold in the treasure chest.
In addition, Apparition Incursions will be introduced in Season 8. In simple terms, this is a boss rush mode. You need to defeat 10 random bosses in sequence. This is definitely a difficult challenge, and wish you good luck.
Learn More: Diablo 4 New Expansion Will Be Delayed Until 2026!
Drop Rates
During Diablo 4 campfire chat, the developers were apparently a bit surprised by the record-breaking pace at which players reached max level in Season 7, so in Season 8, the team’s goal is to slow down the pace of players’ play throughs and then reduce the drop rate of legendary items to make the power increase more enjoyable for players. It’s hard to see that exciting orange glow from a pile of Diablo 4 Gold anymore.
According to design director Colin Finer, the purpose of these changes is to make players “more rewarding and satisfying as you go through these levels.“
It seems that the developers are working hard to make Diablo 4 more playable, whether it is introducing new bosses or increasing the difficulty, and it is for this purpose. But for players, the changes in Season 8 are not all pleasing. Some players are dissatisfied with the adjustment of loot drop rate.
Players reported that the drop rate of Ancestral legendary items in this game is already very low, and this probability will be reduced in Season 8, which makes Ancestral legendary items even rarer. And the affixes of Ancestral legendary items are always unsatisfactory. Players seem to never get the corresponding level of equipment as they grow up. They are tired of this change that makes things worse.
The above are the changes that Diablo 4 will bring in Season 8. Which changes do you think are good and which changes will ruin the game? Are you looking forward to Season 8?
Diablo 4 Season 8 Release Delay: Is This Update A Chance To Bring A Complete Game Rework?
How have you been doing in Season of Witchcraft recently? Have you entered the endgame and conquered Echo of Lilith? To be honest, in Season 7 we saw Witch Powers inspired by Diablo 3, which did bring a brand new gaming experience, but like Vampiric Powers in Season of Blood, their existence only has a shallow synergy with the character build, and there is nothing more worth exploring in terms of the storyline or the source of these powers. So rather than saying that the developers have launched a new season mechanism, it is better to say that they are just using the classic elements in D3 and Season of Blood as a gimmick to attract players.
So, for the past few months of Season of Witchcraft, it can only be said that the player's response is mediocre. Because the developers have neither broken away from the inherent concept of Diablo series of games, nor provided more in-depth content worthy of players’ challenges. Therefore, compared to repeating these boring contents in Season 7, more players have turned their attention to the upcoming Season 8.
Season 8 Launch Delayed By Two Weeks
In fact, if you have been following the developments of Diablo 4, you will know that the developers have announced that the next season will be released on April 15, 2025, but a recent post by Rod Fergusson overturned this view. They said that in order to bring more exciting content to Season 8, the team had to postpone the release of the next season by two weeks, April 29.
This delay is more like solving new development problems. Maybe they have hired some capable testers and changed the way to fix “bugs”, but maybe they just want to give themselves a two-week vacation and get rid of their busy work.
But let’s be optimistic. The last delay was in S4, which was an event of completely remaking the game. I hope it will be the same this time.
Speculations About The Return Of Old Friends In Season 8 - Cube Or Zoltun Kulle?
It is worth noting that Rod Fergusson also revealed news that they plan to bring back an “old friend” in the new season. Diablo fans are currently speculating what Fergusson means by this old friend, as he seems to be referring to a familiar character from Diablo series that will return in Season 8. However, some have speculated that this character may not be one of the classic classes we are familiar with in the past, perhaps a memorable villain, or perhaps the boss ladder is really going to be expanded!
If we had to guess, they are likely to bring back Cube and Zoltun Kulle, who are the most obvious friends players have had in the past Diablo season journeys.
Cube is a device based on Kanai’s Cube from Diablo III. It is a multi-functional tool that can be used to craft and modify items, gain special powers, and convert crafting materials.
Currently, there is no direct counterpart to this Cube in Diablo 4, which means that there are no items in the game that can be transformed or modified as a Cube with a specific recipe. In previous updates, most Cube-like functions were handled by in-game vendors or by players directly remaking item modifiers by consuming a certain amount of Diablo 4 gold and materials, rather than dedicated Cube items. Therefore, the return of this mechanic would be an excellent quality of life change.
Zoltun Kulle was a sorcerer in Diablo 3 who was originally dedicated to fighting Prime Evils and preventing them from returning to Sanctuary. However, after discovering the secret of immortality, Zoltun Kulle became a tyrant and ultimately betrayed his organization.
Some say Kulle is the most popular character in D3 because of his manipulative and cunning voice, but others consider him a villain who acts for his own benefit. However, overall, Zoltun Kulle plays a more critical role in the character’s growth, survival, and ultimate victory than any other NPC. Therefore, its reappearance has been one of the most requested things by players during each season update since the release of Diablo 4.
However, it always takes extra time to do that kind of additional content in the game, not to mention that they have experience with reworking systems like Gem Sockets and Reputation Board, so if it is the return of these features, I think we will definitely see it in Season 8 PTR soon. But don’t expect too much, after all, what developers are best at is whetting players’ appetites. It might be something as mundane as a legend or a quest, but it’s unlikely to be a belated surprise.
It’s Time To Get Rid Of Seasonal Content!
Amidst the many discussions speculating on what new content will be introduced in the new season, there is another voice that hopes that the developers should postpone Season 8 forever and get rid of the cyclical seasonal content.
The current situation is that a new bug will appear three days after the start of the new season, and then the season can be abandoned and it’s time to focus on the next season update! The developers can only keep copying all the content in the past Diablo series, including goblins, so Diablo 4’s diversity in this regard is embarrassing. D4 has undoubtedly the most boring legend and fable in the entire Diablo series.
For these reasons, we think that Diablo 4 developers should focus more on quality content and regularly add new interesting equipment and legend plots, instead of always working on the terrible season reset. If we can choose to start a new character and have fun with our precious equipment, then this is the time for these seasonal content to play a role.
However, to be honest, this is just our speculation at the moment, and the arrival of Season 8 seems unstoppable, so we can only hope that this delay for new content is worth the wait.
If you still have expectations for the next season of Diablo 4 and look forward to a better gaming experience, then preparing in advance is the eternal topic of every journey, whether it is a new character build or a large amount of in-game resources. Of course, if you are currently out of inventory, don’t worry, you can follow D4 giveaway channel in IGGM Discord, where frequent draws give you the opportunity to get some rare items for free. So, why not participate in it in time, anyway, you have nothing to lose!
Diablo 4 Season 7 Endgame: What Can Players Farm?
It’s still a long, long time before Diablo 4 Season 8 arrives. There may be some official events during this period, and you can get a lot of unique items, but the drop rate of special items in this game is a bit too high to be exciting.
Season 7 has been running for a long time, and most players may have reached the highest World Tier. However, Diablo 4’s mid-end game content is not as rich as Path of Exile 2. What can players do?
When you create a character, the monsters in the game become an important part of the player’s entertainment. When the player defeats a monster for the first time, you will get gold, XP, and even equipment. When you reach World Tier 4, you need to defeat fierce monsters and get more gold, XP, and better equipment.
It sounds like nothing has changed, but it is true. The level of the monster will rise as the player’s level rises. There is not much difference between the monsters that players hunt from low to high levels.
The changes brought by World Tier 4 are as follows:
- Monsters will be between level 75 and 100.
- Some Ancestral items and Unique items will only drop at this difficulty.
- Legendaries, Uniques, and Mythic Uniques have a higher chance of dropping.
- Experience gained from defeating monsters increased by 250%.
- Monsters drop 20% more Diablo 4 Gold.
- Character resistance to all elements reduced by 50%.
When you successfully reach Tier 4 difficulty, farming monsters is still your best option for leveling up.
Echo Of Lilith
When you reach level 90 and the world reaches Tier 4, you will unlock a quest: Capstone Dungeon: Echo of Hatred. This quest will lead you to the chapel in Nevesk. Here you can summon the most difficult boss in the entire game, Echo of Lilith.
It is recommended that you challenge Echo of Lilith after reaching level 100 and completing most of the bosses challenges. Many of her attacks are deadly. If you are not prepared, a single hit from her may kill your character.
Boss Ladder
The best way to get gear for your character is by fighting bosses. Many core gear for your build is found in boss drops. In Diablo 4, bosses in Boss Ladder require you to collect special items to summon them. These bosses have unique loot lists, and some can only be summoned in World Tier 3 or even World Tier 4.
- Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint: Can only be summoned in World Tier 3 and above, requires Living Steel.
- Echo of Varshan: Can only be summoned in World Tier 3 and above, requires Malignant Heart.
- The Beast in the Ice: Can only be summoned in World Tier 4, requires Distilled Fear.
- Lord Zir: Can only be summoned in World Tier 4, requires Exquisite Blood.
- Echo of Duriel: Can only be summoned in World Tier 4, requires Mucus-Slick Egg and Shard of Agony.
- Andariel: Can only be summoned at World Tier 4, requires Pincushioned Doll and Sandscorched Shackles.
Tormented Echoes
Want to challenge yourself further? Then there are more powerful versions of these summonable bosses. They can appear as Tormented Echoes at level 200. Summoning these bosses requires the above summoning items and Stygian Stone. You can find Stygian Stone in The Pit.
Since these bosses cost more to summon, they will also drop more rewards. All items you get from Tormented Echoes Boss will be item level 925. The first time you defeat Tormented Echoes Boss, it will drop a Resplendent Spark.
When you reach Tier 4, Helltides will become more challenging. You will need to face a constant stream of enemies from Hell. Here is some information about Helltides:
- The more monsters you kill, the more dangerous the Helltides will be. You will eventually be besieged by a swarm of demons and a Hellborn.
- Killing Hellborn will drop Baneful Hearts. You can use them to summon Blood Maiden.
- Profane Mindcage Elixir can increase the level of monsters in Helltides. It can be increased to a maximum of 130.
Gauntlet is a non-linear dungeon, where the distribution of monsters and the dungeon layout will not change during the week. You have eight minutes to complete the dungeon, and the system will give you a score based on your performance.
The highest scorer will receive a Cache of Trials or Cache of Worthy at the end of the week. Players with lower scores can also receive a Cache of the Gauntlet as a reward.
The Pit
The Pit is one of the ultimate challenges in the endgame. You can think of The Pit as a randomized dungeon, which means that the monsters and dungeon layout are different on each floor. It consists of 150 levels, and the difficulty and rewards will vary.
To unlock new levels, players must defeat the boss within 15 minutes. The longer the remaining time after killing the boss, the more levels will be unlocked. If you die in The Pit, the timer will increase by 30 seconds.
Infernal Hordes
This is a special survival challenge. You need to deal with waves of monsters. Finally, the boss is defeated. Each wave has a one-minute battle time. You can collect Burning Aether during the battle. Burning Aether can be used to unlock Spoils of Hell chests, which contain equipment, summoning materials, and gold.
The above is about what you can do in Diablo 4 endgame. There is a lot of content to play actually. But compared with the endgame content of Path of Exile 2, the endgame content of Diablo 4 seems too loose, and I hope this will change in Season 8.