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DC Universe Online: Secrets Of Kahndaq Time Capsule

Posted: Oct 24, 2022 Views: 1824

Posted: Oct 24, 2022

Source:  IGGM

Views: 1824

Secrets of Kahndaq Time Capsule

While Episode 44: The Sins of Black Adam won't be officially released until next week, the Secrets of Kahndaq Time Capsule, which released on October 20, is also well worth playing.

You can obtain the Secrets of Kahndaq Time Capsule in the following two ways. The first is to buy directly from the Marketplace. The second way is through Stabilizers to unlock this new Time Capsule. If you don't have Stabilizers yet, you can get them by completing daily quests or you can buy them directly in the Marketplace.

Gear Styles

Inspired by The Sins of Black Adam, you will also need to collect your own Champion of Kahndaq and Enhanced Champion of Kahndaq styles in this new Time Capsule.

When you open your Time Capsule loot, be careful to select a random Standard or Enhanced item in the selection window. This way, your gear style correctly matches your current character.

Collection Rewards

If playing as an archaeologist, you will need to collect the following three collectibles:

1. The Battle Damaged Slimline Cache (includes chest and leg styles)

2. The Mister Mind Accessory

3. The Hieroglyphics Skin Set (includes three skin styles)

Notably, these collectibles will appear as a choice in each Time Capsule's loot selection window.

If you're still waiting for news about the other latest DC Universe Online events, you can start by following We'll be updating everything about the game in real time. If you wish to buy DCUO Cash, you've come to the right place. We can guarantee that our products are genuine. Once you pay, no matter what problem you encounter, our customer service will help you solve it in time until you are satisfied!


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