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Cookie Run Kingdom Stamina Jellies: What Are Some Ways To Get More? - 7 Ways

Posted: Mar 25, 2025 Views: 31

In Cookie Run Kingdom, you advance through the main story, through the Crispia World Exploration map. Each region in this map contains a number of battle stages, which will have some unique bosses or enemies. You need to assemble a team of 5 cookies to defeat them.

But it should be noted that each battle requires you to use Stamina Jellies, and after you lose a battle, you will have to spend more jellies to try again. If you use them up, you will not be able to advance to the next stage. Stamina Jellies are also required for other battles in the game and energy-draining tasks such as Train Station fights, Balloon Expeditions, and MyCookie Adventure.

Cookie Run Kingdom Stamina Jellies: What Are Some Ways To Get More? - 7 Ways

Therefore, knowing more about how to get more Stamina Jellies in CRK will make your exploration in the game smoother. But before you go looking for this important item, make sure you have enough Choco Chalks or Crystals from Cookie Run Kingdom Top Up to ensure that you only have the rarer, higher-level Cookies.

Interacting With Fountain Of Abundance

The most consistent and convenient way to get more Stamina Jellies in Cookie Run: Kingdom is to interact with Fountain of Abundance, which will provide you with this important in-game resource.

Cookie Run Kingdom Fountain Of Abundance

This is one of the first landmarks you find throughout the kingdom, and as you explore it and the level of Fountain of Abundance increases, it will produce more rewards, including the much-needed jellies. So, getting the most out of this gift system, you should upgrade it to a higher level as soon as possible.

Completing Achievement Tasks

Another way to consistently get Stamina Jellies in Cookie Run Kingdom is to complete some of the achievement tasks included in Events tab of the game, such as Build-a-Kingdom, Tough Cookie, and Spark of Hope.

Not only that, participating in 20 Guild Battles will also unlock an achievement, which will reward you with 20 jellies; obtaining Tick-Tock Clock Tower from Decor Shop and placing it in your hideout will also earn you 30 onetime Jellies.

Cookie Run Kingdom Tick-Tock Clock Tower

Participate In Some Limited-time Events

In addition to the above two stable sources, the game will occasionally hold some limited-time events that reward Stamina Jellies, such as Cookie Upgrade events that require you to draw and promote new cookies, and Strawberry Crepe Cookie’s Cake Shop events that require you to collect tokens and redeem jellies in the store.

Cookie Run Kingdom Strawberry Crepe Cookie’s Cake Shop events

During the active period of each limited-time event, a dedicated event store will appear, which is located in the in-game Shop. Here you will be allowed to spend 300 Crystals to get 100 Jellies for more rounds of battle, but please note that there are only 8 opportunities at most.

Completing Crispia Episodes

While clearing the game world’s exploration maps costs Stamina Jellies, you’ll also be rewarded with some jelly when you complete some episodes. Normally, the red currency you’ll be rewarded with for each completed episode is enough to unlock and get through the next stage.

Cookie Run Kingdom Crispia Episodes

Shipping Back From Tropical Soda Island

Tropical Soda Island has a very lucrative freight mechanic that requires you to expand your kingdom’s territory around the docks and complete Soda Harbor Quest to unlock it. A ship carrying a large bounty will arrive at your kingdom every eight hours, and among them will be Stamina Jellies you need.

Cookie Run Kingdom Tropical Soda Island

Participate In Dark Story Mode

What’s more, Dark Story Mode is also an effective way to farm Stamina Jellies in CRK, but it is not available in your early exploration. You need to complete Episode 3 Pilgrim’s Path and get three stars in all story mode stages in Episode 1 to unlock it.

Cookie Run Kingdom Dark Story Mode

In this way, after you finish some battles in this mode, you can claim a certain number of Stamina Jellies in Cookies of Darkness in Events tab in the game.

Waiting For Replenishment

The fact that Stamina Jellies replenish themselves over time even if you do nothing is what makes them different from other in-game currencies. Even if you run out of them, you’ll still see your energy bar refill after a while.

But here’s a reminder that each Stamina Jellie takes five minutes to spawn, so if you’re patient enough, you’ll have plenty of this red currency. However, please note that the battles in Dark Story Mode are more challenging, and you may need to upgrade your Cookies as much as possible. 

If you want to skip these trials but still want to get the ultimate reward, you can try the pre-made Cookie Run: Kingdom Accounts, which have a lot of mature Cookies for you to use, so you can have a more enjoyable exploration experience.

The above are the specific methods and some strategies for getting more Stamina Jellies in Cookie Run Kingdom. Hopefully, with the help of this guide, you can complete the task of farming this important red currency faster and proceed with all the explorations in the game smoothly. Have fun playing!


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