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ArcheAge 2: Does It Meet The Defining Characteristics Of A Soulslike Game?

Posted: Dec 04, 2024 Views: 2136

Posted: Dec 04, 2024

Source:  IGGM

Views: 2136

ArcheAge 2 is a highly anticipated online action role-playing game from renowned developer XL GAMES and backed by publisher Kakao Games. Originally designed as a sequel to ArcheAge, the game developed into a unique online action role-playing game as it progressed.

In AA2, players will experience a gameplay similar to that of a Soulslike. However, there is an ongoing debate over whether ArcheAge 2 is a true Soulslike. Therefore, this article will inspect whether ArcheAge 2 truly meets the defining characteristics of a Soulslike.

ArcheAge 2: Does It Meet The Defining Characteristics Of A Soulslike Game?

The Defining Characteristics Of A Soulslike Game

When exploring the defining characteristics of a Soulslike game, the first step is to delve into its genre origins. Whether a game can be accurately classified as a Soulslike game largely depends on whether it meets the rules set by FromSoftware, the studio that pioneered the genre.

While any game genre may undergo changes and development over time, for now, a Soulslike game is effectively an evolution of the action role-playing game genre that now exists as a sub-genre.

There are several key features that are essential when defining a true Soulslike game. First, such games often feature a checkpoint system, which allows the player to restore the world to its natural state at a specific location and revive previously defeated enemies.

Second, these games often employ a progression system where, if the player dies in the game, you permanently lose the experience points you gained until you can retrieve the dropped experience points from the corpse left after the first death.

In addition, Soulslike games almost always contain many tough boss battles, requiring players to have good stamina management. Finally, the lore and narrative of Soulslike games often need to remain secretive to create a sense of loneliness and insignificance.

Is ArcheAge 2 A Soulslike Game?

Based on the information currently known, ArcheAge 2’s combat system seems to differ from that of Soulslike. While ArcheAge 2’s combat may rely on stamina management, it seems overly forgiving, and using ArcheAge 2 Gold almost completely reduces the difficulty of combat, which differs from traditional Soulslike games.

In addition, ArcheAge 2 does not adopt a checkpoint system that can automatically respawn enemies. The developers describe it as “the next evolution of the MMORPG genre”, so the game is more likely to follow traditional MMORPG rules rather than those of Soulslike games.

Overall, AA2 does not meet the standard definition of a Soulslike game. However, this does not mean that XLGAMES and Kakao are not trying to innovate. Instead, they seem to be exploring how to combine elements of the Soulslike action role-playing game with the traditional MMO model to create a unique hybrid gaming experience. This combination may attract players who like the deep combat system of the Soulslikes, while also catering to a wider group of MMO enthusiasts, thereby broadening its market appeal.


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