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Fallout 76 Wastelanders Update Private Test Server Is Soon Available Until January 17

Posted: Jan 11, 2020

Wastelanders is the upcoming expansion DLC for Fallout 76, Bethesda has told us the news a long time ago, finally it is inviting the players to go to Appalachia for the private servers test, and provide their feedback about the experienced issues.

Starting from now, everyone is allowed to sign up to test Wastelanders, and there will be a few hundred of those who opted in will be selected to join the Private Test Server of Fallout 76, and give the feedback about bugs.

Until January 17, the servers will open and give the players full access to the Wastelanders update on PTS, that is, they can play the update a few weeks ahead of others.

Before 6 PM ET on January 14, you can go to the and catch additional information about the Private Test Server, and then sign up to give your willingness to play. By the way, the private test server is only available on PC, and you are also required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement before playing. Hopefully you are lucky enough to become of the participants.

Since this is just a private test server, you may encounter many bugs and technical problems while playing. In order to let the developers find them early, you can make the bug report in advance. The private server is separate from the upcoming public test server, so it needs your effort to make some progress.There is also a good piece of news for all of you, Fallout 76 decided to release a small update on January 14, along with a series of new content, including the gameplay adjustments for the current version of Fallout 76, a few fixes for some cosmetic items. At that time, it will provide the full patch notes to let the players know that the list of changes.

In order to play Fallout 76, we took a lot of Fallout 76 Bottle Caps from IGGM to purchase advanced equipment, this is also the way that many other players dream of. Since this is a safe store, I am never worried about being deceived, and you are recommended to give a try, it will definitely save more time than farming, it is just now to change the traditional methods of micro transaction in the game.


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