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Elder Scrolls Online: Meadowbreeze Memories Skin Guide

Posted: Mar 29, 2023 Views: 2112

Posted: Mar 29, 2023

Source:  IGGM

Views: 2112

Today, we talk about the new upcoming Event Collectible, the Meadowbreeze Memories skin for the Elder Scrolls Online. 

Event Collectibles 2019 & 2020

In the past years, we could acquire in ESO various unique collectibles via ingame activities during events. In 2019 and 2020, we could collect up to nine variations of the Indrik Mount

Indrik Vendor 2022

Since June 2022, the Indrik Vendor opened her doors and offers the past Indrik Mount and pets.  

Event Collectibles 2021

In 2021, we could collect the Deadlands Scorcher Skin, the Deadlands Firewalker Personality, a Dagonic Quasigriff Mount and the Doomchar Plateau House

Event Collectibles 2022

In 2022, the Event Collectibles we could collect are the Scales of Akatosh Skin, Aurelic Quasigriff Mount, Daggerfall Paladin Costume and the Sacred Hourglass of Alkosh furnishing.  

ESO Indrik Mounts In 2022

Event Collectibles 2023

In the first quarter of 2023, we could earn the Passion’s Muse Personality, and now, in the Second Quarter of 2023, we will be able to get the Meadowbreeze Memories skin.  

Passion Dancer Blossom Pet

To begin, we need first to obtain the new base collectible of the year, the Passion Dancer Blossom pet. 

ESO Meadowbreeze Memories Skin

How Can I obtain The Passion’s Muse Personality?

After you got the Passion Dancer Blossom Pet, you have to collect the Meadowbreeze Memories skin fragments: the Bottled Skin Dyes fragment, the Ground Jade Lily Powder fragment and the Pressed Silver Leaves fragment. All Meadowbreeze Memories fragment are available at the Impresario event merchant for 10 event tickets each. You cannot use ESO Gold directly to purchase Event Tickets, but you need to complete specific event quests to earn Event Tickets.

Then, combine the 3 skin fragments with the Passion Dancer Blossom Pet to unlock the Meadowbreeze Memories skin. In total, you need 45 Event Tickets to obtain the Meadowbreeze Memories skin.  

Add The Passion’s Muse Personality To Your Collection

To unlock the Meadowbreeze Memories skin, you should go to your Collections -> Fragments -> Meadowbreeze Memories -> right click on any of the fragments -> click combine and then the skin is added to your collection.  

In that process, you will loose the Passion Dancer Blossom pet and you have to recollect it. 

Fragments Explained & Passion’s Muse Personality Showcase

ESO does not offer all upgrade fragments immediately. You can find each event of the specific quarter new fragments at the Impresarios stock. 

Keep in mind that each unique collectible is only available for a specific time window. Each quarter, the items will change. So, if are interested in collecting the Meadowbreeze Memories skin, you have to obtain the 3 fragments in the Second Quarter of 2023.  

Usually, ESO brings back the upgrade fragments of all unique event collectibles of the year in December during the New Life Festival. But I don’t know if that will be the case this year, too.  

Events In Second Quarter 2023

Now, we talk about the upcoming events for the Second Quarter 2023. 

Anniversary Jubilee Event

The first event is the Anniversary Jubilee Event. This event is usually active at the beginning of April.  

During this event, you can obtain the first upgrade fragment for the Meadowbreeze Memories skin. 

ESO Anniversary Jubilee Event 2023

Other Events?

We don’t have yet any information about which other events will be active in the Second Quarter of 2023. 

Maybe ESO will show in the next weeks the upcoming events on the public test server. As soon as we have any news about the events, I will reveal it in a future article.


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