Ankama Is Fixing The Launcher Problems Of DOFUS Retro
Posted: Dec 04, 2019 Views: 1309
More than a month ago, DOFUS launched the Retro servers based on the 1.29 to commemorate the 15th anniversary, and Ankama also provides two methods to retrieve the old versions of the game. The first one is to download every version of the game directly through servers Eratz, Henual or Nabur, and the other is to download Ankama Launcher, which is the new launcher proposed by Ankama recently, bringing together all the company's games. That is, after downloading, you can play all games without downloading any separate game, which indeed brings much convenience for players.
But after a beta of several months, players may not be very satisfied with the testing when encountering difficulties with the Ankama Launcher.
In order to be able to test the Launcher in a larger population, Ankama gradually increased the number of Ankama Launchers and released a lot of fix notes to make adjustments, but there are still many problems that have not been resolved.
As for it, Ankama has given an explanation and promised to make changes and fix them in a short time, especially the technical problems in the transmitter.
"We were, however, expecting that just like with all roll-outs of new interfaces, problems would arise. We believed this would only involve very few occurrences. We know that further incidents would be reported once the platform was accessible to everyone. We couldn't anticipate these scenarios completely, since they are dependent on multiple factors specific to each player's equipment: from the internet connection quality to the power of the processor installed, as well as the operating system version, right down to how old the graphics card drivers are; not to mention resistance to change, which is inherent when adopting a new system that disrupts a years-old habit."
In short, Ankama is working hard to maximize user satisfaction.
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