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COD MW3 Assault Rifles Leveling

COD MW3 Bot Lobby COD MW3 Redeem Codes COD MW3 CP Top Up COD MW3 Boosting `

Buy MW3 Assault Rifles boost and get any level AR with attachments. We will play as many games as needed to level up the chosen gun, or all of them. Save your time for the real game with our Modern Warfare 3 Assault Rifles leveling service.

Assault Rifles are perfect for any map or game mode as they have well-balanced magazine capacity, range, accuracy, and rate of fire. Make your gun unique and stylish with our CoD MW3 Assault Rifle carry service.

What you will get
  • The desired level for the chosen AR;
  • Chance to level up all MW3 Assault Rifles;
  • Account level experience during the service;
  • Camo challenges progress in the chosen game mode;
  • Attachments and receivers unlocked;
  • Battle Pass progression.
Additional options
  • Unlock this weapon — we will unlock the chosen weapon if you don't have it;
  • Gilded Camo — we'll get you the 1st MP mastery camo by fulfilling all the requirements;
  • Golden Enigma Camo — the booster will complete all the weapon's base challenges in MWZ;
  • Select preferred options and place an order for our MW3 Assault Rifles leveling service;
  • We form a priority list based on the execution speed and time when the order was placed;
  • We will contact you in the live chat or via email. Feel free to ask any questions you may have;
  • The booster will pilot your character through multiplayer or MWZ matches to level up your AR;
  • Enjoy the results of our MW3 AR boost! And don’t forget to rate our service on Trustpilot.
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 game purchased;
  • Chosen Assault Rifle unlocked. Otherwise, choose the appropriate option, and we will unlock the weapon for you.







Choose your weapon






SVA 545


FR 5.56

Boost method


Game mode




Additional options

Unlock this weapon


Gilded Camo

Current level
Desired level


Surplus stock:
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