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CoD: Black Ops 6 Hard Breakup Calling Card

CoD: Black Ops 6 Bot Lobbies CoD: Black Ops 6 Redeem Codes CoD: Black Ops 6 Boosting CoD: Black Ops 6 Giveaways At IGGM DiscordGiveaway

Buy the BO6 Hard Breakup Calling Card and get a unique card highlighting your Hard Breakup achievement! The Hard Breakup Challenge is time consuming and difficult to unlock. The requirement is to perform 7 Finishing Moves in a single match. With our BO6 Hard Breakup Calling Card boosting, you can skip the struggle and enjoy the art.

What you will get
  • Hard Breakup Calling Cards Unlocked;
  • Military and Prestige ranks experience;
  • Games with high KD; 
  • Battle Pass progression.
  • We form a priority list based on the execution speed and time when the order was placed;
  • We'll reach out to you in the live chat or via email. Ask any questions;
  • The booster will pilot your character and complete BO6 Hard Breakup challenge carry;
  • We will notify you about the CoD BO6 Hard Breakup boost completion;
  • Enjoy your new profile customization! And do not forget to rate us on Trustpilot.
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 purchased or Game Pass active on the account.







Boost method




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