DC Universe Online Cash
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What is DC Universe Online?
DC Universe Online is a free MMORPG that can be run on PC, Switch, PS4 and Xbox One. The game is based on the superheroes in DC Comics. If you are a fan of DC Comics, then you will love DCUO.
You can create a new character (hero or villain) according to your wishes in DC Universe Online, interact with the heroes and villains in DC comics, isn't this what DC fans dream of?
DC Universe Online Cash
Whether you want to be a hero who can save the world or the most feared villain, DCUO has already provided you with a stage. Of course, before reaching your ultimate goal, you need to fight for it. To become No.1 in the faction, you need to take advantage of powerful external resources, such as equipment, weapons, consumables and equipment repairs and more. You all need to get them through DC Universe Online Cash. DCUO Cash can be obtained by completing quests or defeating enemies, but if you want to make your character stronger only by relying on a small amount of DC Universe Cash obtained in the game, this is unlikely. At this time, you need to use other ways to get more DCUO Cash. The most time-saving way is to go to IGGM to buy DC Universe Online Cash.
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As a professional website with several years of history, IGGM is very trustworthy. If you are looking for a reliable website that sells DCUO Cash, then IGGM definitely can meet your requirements. Also, the price of DC Universe Online Cash For Sale on IGGM is relatively low compared to other websites, which means you can buy cheap DCUO Cash on IGGM.
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DC Universe Online: Everything We Need To Know About The Star Sapphires - 2024 Guide
It's entirely possible to craft a remarkably accurate version of Star Sapphire within the game. Next, we will explore the Star Sapphires in DC Universe Online. This guide will cover many of the essential items needed for the recreation. These items are accessible during the Valentine Seasonal Event - Love Conquers All. Let's dive right in.
Female Characters
We have an official Star Sapphire set of gear in DC Universe Online. While the bad news is that it's a set for female characters only, we'll be taking a look at male characters soon. You can get the Star Sapphire style from Vending Unit 44 in the House of Legends. It will cost you 70 Source Marks for each piece of the style.
Now, let’s talk about where to get the materials. Now, we have the materials from the Valentine Seasonal Vendor. There’s the Villain vendor on this side, but if you go just across, you’ll see the Hero vendor. It ain’t a party till the main man shows up. You will see the Impassioned Chroma Pack, but there was also the Impassioned Material. And while we’re there, we’ll take a look also at the Zamaron Crescent Mask. We do have 2 Star Sapphire accessories and we also have the Carol Ferris Earth style.
Moving on to the headpiece, here we have the Carol Ferris Earth style and we have the Impassioned Material. We can apply the Material to the Hairstyles. Then, let’s equip the Zamaron Crescent. However, if you equip the Zamaron Crescent, you cannot use the Emissive Eyes.
We also have a Star Sapphire Emblem in the game. You can simply purchase it from our friend Booster Gold in the House of Legends. It comes from the very first time capsule. You also have the symbol, and there is the Crystal Accessory. I’ll take a look at that in just a minute. And there’s also a wall banner you could get for your Lair if you want to.
Then you can get a pretty big Star Sapphire Wall Seal for your Lair. By the Light of Love, you can also get a Star Sapphire Orbital Strike. We don’t have a Star Sapphire Supply Drop just yet, so I still have to use the Valentine’s Day Hearts Supply Drop that you can get from the Valentine Seasonal Vendor.
You should be able to get the Violet Lanterns as a random drop, much easier to just buy it from the Broker and it’s not that expensive. Therefore, it is also a good choice for players who do not have enough DC Universe Online Cash.
Male Characters
As mentioned, the Star Sapphire gear is now for female characters, with no corresponding style available for male characters. For a long time as a male character, the only real option you had was the Star Sapphire Designer T-Shirt, and it does allow you to create an interesting Star Sapphire if you want to.
But once they added the Star Sapphire Emblem in the game, then you could easily create a male Star Sapphire, and it gave you a lot more options than just using the T-Shirt.
For the aura, I love the Titianian Aura, which a great option for a Star Sapphire character. For the accessory, you can choose between the Star Sapphire Zamaron Crystal or the Floating Star Sapphire Symbol. And for the aura, I kind of like the Cosmic Purple one.
Base Items
For the base items, you can get a pretty big Star Sapphire Wall Seal for your Lair if you want to, although you will need a big wall for that seal. There’s a whole bunch of crystals you can get for your lair if you want to. There is also the Zamaron Love Crystal. You can use the crystal once per day, so it does give you a reward when you click on it. When you have too many characters and too many Lairs, it can be challenging sometimes. There’s also a huge Green Lantern Corps Memorial Statue that you can get easily enough from the Broker.
Final Thought
The Valentine Seasonal Supply Drop works well enough with the theme of the character. And we do not have an official Star Sapphire power in DC Universe Online. To recreate a Star Sapphire, I would use the Mental powers or the Sorcery powers to sort of mimic having the Star Sapphire powers. If you need some items or some styles for your Star Sapphire character, get them now from the Valentine Seasonal Vendor before it’s too late.

DC Universe Online: A Complete Guide To Bounty Bizarro Boss Fight!
In order to have a Superman of his own, Lex Luthor called on his top scientists to scan and copy the hero’s genetic structure. Because of the complexity of the replica-making process, the result was the creation of a terrifying threat, Bizarro.
A mirror image of Superman, Bizarro, is an imperfect copy of him, as his poor genetic makeup causes him to be the exact opposite of the hero Man of Steel.
In DC Universe Online, Bizarro is a bounty mission for hero players. Players can start the mission via a wanted poster in Little Bohemia MPD Safe House. This mission requires players to find and defeat the failed Superman clone, Bizarro. In this guide, I will share some of my experiences and tips for beating Bizarro.
First, before starting a mission, clarify your mission goals. Find and defeat Bizarro in Metropolis and report to the field officers at Metropolis Little Bohemia Police Station.
Players can either defeat Bizarro once and automatically get the mission again, or they can go to the wanted poster to start the mission immediately.
Attack Mechanism
Bizarro’s attack power is like a truck, and his attack power is disproportionate for such a low-level mob. Therefore, I recommend that you spend some DC Universe Online Cash to upgrade your hero’s overall stats before starting.
In this encounter, I recommend you choose the tank. Because Bizarro has Heat Vision and Freezing Breath, both of which are unavailable to players.
Heat Vision is the most dangerous attack, hitting at least 401 and knocking the player down, being unavoidable and having a long range. Freezing Breath is performed after he has obviously inhaled air, and hits quickly for 40 seconds, but is easy to dodge. There’s no real stun to deal with these, just tremendous damage that you either have to heal or try to burn off before he kills you all.
Bizarro tends to lock onto a target for a period during combat. Therefore, it's beneficial to stay within melee range, otherwise he will spam Freezing Breath repeatedly, dealing very high damage that even healers can’t fully mitigate. He is also quite persistent, and players should expect to be Freezing Breathed at least twice in a row when trying to escape.
Because of the early warning effect, his Heat Vision is not as deadly, does relatively low damage, has a slower attack speed, and has almost two less Freezing Breaths per Heat Vision.
Combat Tips
Patients and security guards will automatically attack him when they see him, but will not cause actual damage and will be killed in a few attacks. The security guard can still attack you when you fight Bizarro.
Unlike most of his opponents, he doesn’t seem to see Clown Box as an obstacle. This means that even if he is chasing the player, when the player is hiding inside Clown Box, he will chase someone else, rendering him ineffective. But don’t worry, defeating Bizarro is not difficult as long as you keep attacking him while dodging damage.
Finally, after you defeat Bizarro, you will receive a nice reward, including STAR Labs Renown +40, 66 DCUO Cash, and Twisted Harness. However, it should be noted that Twisted Harness only applies to the first bounty reward after defeating Bizarro.
Additionally, players will receive 1234 XP for defeating Bizarro and completing the mission. Therefore, this is also a great way to help you level up quickly and improve your character.